The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 396

As they spoke, unconsciously, the two of them were designing what kind of encounter they were passing through, so that they could meet their favorite supercomputer to complete the biggest thing in their lives.

Suddenly, Mo Fan paused and said, "I seem to think of something!"

"What?" Xiao Yuening asked subconsciously, and then suddenly smiled, which made Mo Fan a little puzzled and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"I laughed that we had just pulled so far away." Xiao Yuening said.

Mo Fan recalled that they actually spent so much time talking about something that was out of the question and ran to the edge of the sky, and he didn't feel embarrassed: "Yes."

"What do you think of?" Xiao Yuening asked.

Mo Fan said, "Look at the last two sentences."

Mo Fan turned his eyes to the boulder, and Xiao Yuening also looked at it and said, "What did you find?"

"These two sentences are "live and die, but according to your wishes", we definitely don't want to die, so we choose to survive here, right?" Mo Fan said.

Xiao Yuening nodded and said, "This is natural."

"Then let's look at the second sentence, "The living is born, the dead die", that is to say, the door of life is life, and the door of death is death, but you look at the first sentence, "dust is not dust, earth is not earth". People die in dust. This dust is synonymous with death, which means that the door is not death, the door of life is life, and the door of death is not death. You think What?"

Xiao Yuening's eyes lit up and said, "This word puzzle is simply nonsense. It's lying!" If they are really all born, there is no need to set this level."

Mo Fan nodded and said, "The main purpose of the world is to brush the next group of people here. It is impossible to set up two living doors, so they will definitely not brush people. My idea is that the living door is dead, and the dead door is also dead." He paused and continued, "This dust is not dust, earth is not earth, another meaning is that there is no rebird, that is to say, this sentence can be understood that the door of death is life, or that it can not be rebirden, that is to say, the door of life is death! But if the door of death is for a living, then this barrier is meaningless. Only the conclusion that the door of life is death.

"So, these two doors are dead doors." Xiao Yuening said, "So where is the way out?"

Mo Fan stepped forward and stroked the boulder and said, "That stone may be here. There can't be no unsolved puzzle."

Suddenly, his eyes condensed, looked at the last word "wish" in the crossword puzzle, smiled, reached out and pressed it. Sure enough, the word wish slowly sank.

Then there was a loud sound, and the two iron doors slowly rose until they disappeared into the clouds above their heads.

This level has been successfully passed.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and did not waste time. They stepped on the clouds and went straight away.

The clouds passed quickly. In this gray cloud, the two galloped all the way. Finally, another iron door blocked their way, but it was not a multiple choice question. In that way, it should be the door to the next level. The two pushed away without hesitation.

The two walked out of the iron gate, but what they saw was a high wall. Mo Fan stepped forward and knocked and said, "solid bronze, there is no possibility of mechanism."

Xiao Yue stared at this high wall, which was 20 or 30 meters high, and there was a huge dome everywhere. Although the two could only see a corner of the dome and the connection with the iron gate behind them, it was not difficult to imagine the hugeness of the dome, and the high wall and dome could only be seen There is a long distance.

The two looked at each other in condolence, and Xiao Yuening said, "This should be the tomb."

Mo Fan nodded and said, "This sword tomb is indeed a historical plot. Looking at the distance between the dome and the high wall, we can calculate that this sword tomb is at least the size of a main city, which is only big and not small than Luoyang City above."

"Well, it can also be seen that the remnant sword forest is not a phantom. Such a huge sword mound, such a remnant sword forest may also exist." Xiao Yuening said.

The two looked at the high wall and sighed again.

Xiao Yuening suddenly said, "How can we get in? It is obviously surrounded by the outside of the tomb. There will definitely be no door in the tomb, and you just said that there is no mechanism here, and there is no mechanism to open the door."

Mo Fan touched his chin, thought about it carefully, and said, "Do you think there is pressure at these heights?"

Xiao Yuening looked at it. On this high wall, there was a neat place to settle down and said, "Although there is no place to settle down, it is not an insurmountable gap for stepping on the clouds."

Mo Fan nodded and said, "But this height is 20 or 30 meters, and the highest step is seven or eight feet. It's not fun to fall down."

"Don't worry, your brother is a Wudang faction. You should have heard of Wudang ladder Yunzong." Xiao Yuening said.

Mo Fan was stunned and said, "At that time, when you can't go up, why don't you use the longitudinal method of ladder cloud vertical?"

"That's right." Xiao Yuening said confidently.

"But I won't." Mo Fan said.

"It's okay. You go first. If you fall, I'll follow you." Xiao Yuening said.


Mo Fan was speechless and dared to treat Xiao Yuening as a white mouse, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't see the edges of both sides of the high wall. I'm afraid that the huge tomb will take a lot of effort. At that time, there may not be good discoveries. It's better to use light kung fu, and it's faster.

In the end, Mo Fan was still a white mouse.

He raised his breath and stepped on the top of the cloud. He saw other people's shadow flash, already in mid-air. He was a little empty and his strength broke through the air. He actually rose another ten feet. With the strength of the leap just now, he rose five feet away with such a little vertical.

I saw him, turn around and patted it with a "bang", and hit the high wall. With the help of the smooth wall, his toes rushed up a distance. At this moment, because of the angle of stepping out of that foot, others left the high wall again, but the direction was towards the end of the dome on the iron gate opposite the high wall. At the end, he turned around and patted the high wall with another "boom". His figure swayed to the end of the dome and flew to the high wall again. After repeating it twice, he climbed to the top of the high wall.

The high wall is very thick. Mo Fan can stand on it, front and back, and even one person, three people can stand side by side.

Seeing Mo Fan go up, Xiao Yuening did the same and quickly came to the high wall.

The two looked inside and suddenly lost their minds. They quickly held their breath. After a week of luck, they erased the feeling of dizziness. Following their eyes, they saw a huge river surrounding a huge underground palace. The silver-white water was surging, which was definitely not stagnated water.

"This is mercury!" Mo Fan's eyes jumped. Just now, they were dizzy because of the mercury, which was galloping under the bottom all year round. The high wall was already covered with mercury poison. After the two of them came up and inhaled some, which would lead to dizziness. It was also because of their deep internal skills that they could not be affected by the mercury poison.

Xiao Yue stared at the underground palace. Although it was not magnificent and magnificent, it was a layer of platform, and the Danzhen was engraved with great ingenuity.

"This is the real entrance!"