The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 402

When the two walked out of the underground palace, it suddenly darkened in front of them. The dome hung high and the Milky Way was rapid, which was really a big difference from the underground palace.

The two glanced and found that Xiaobai was no longer there. I guess they left first. As for how to call it, the two were a little difficult. Although they could share the same feelings with Xiaobai, they only vaguely felt each other's thoughts, and they had to put their hands on its eyebrows. At this moment, they definitely can't contact it.

"Too careless! I didn't make an appointment with Xiaobai to wait for us here. Xiao Yuening said with regret that she couldn't get the treasure, and the tamed pet was gone. Her mood was really terrible.

Mo Fan looked at the rapid water galaxy and said, "There is something worse than this now. We can't go back to the high wall at all. There is no driftwood here."

Xiao Yuening was stunned and said, "This is a little bad."

Mo Fan looked at it and said, "There should be other ways to leave here."

Xiao Yuening said, "You mean, we are going to find an organ along the river now?"

"This is the only way." Mo Fan said helplessly.

"Then I might as well wait here for Xiaobai to come and cross us out." Xiao Yuening was obviously unwilling to leave.

Mo Fan looked at Xiao Yuening's reluctant appearance, smiled bitterly and said, "Then listen to you. I'll sit quietly for a while. I just couldn't stand the consumption of internal force."

Xiao Yuening nodded. Just now, Mo Fan not only used that kind of sword move twice, but also used a trick that consumes a lot of internal power in stepping on the cloud step - to change shapes and avoid the lizard man's blow from the ceiling.

Although there is no attention to internal power, there is no doubt about its importance. All moves need to use internal force to exert their real power. If you are afraid of peerless moves without the support of internal force, the power of the moves will also be greatly reduced. A unique move without internal support is sometimes not as good as a first-class move without internal support.

And the internal force consumed by each move is different. The greater the power of the move, the more internal force it consumes. Some moves also have great requirements for the precision and purity of the internal force, that is, not only quantity, but also quality. For example, the cloud step created by Mo Fan and Xiao Yuening requires extremely pure internal force. After they realized the cloud step, they could not use it freely at the beginning. It was not until they cultivated Jiuyin Zhenqi to a pure evaluation that they exerted the real power of this set of light skills, and the tricks in the cloud step were consumed by the internal force. It is even more huge, no less than the consumption of that sword move.

Mo Fan walked aside to meditate, and Xiao Yuening sat by the Milky Way and looked at the river. She had deep internal strength and was not afraid of the poisonous gas, but it was not good to stay more. It was very likely that she was very rare and more poisoned.

So, she looked at it for a while, then walked back and left the gas area. She sat bored until Mo Fan finished meditation.

"How are you?" Xiao Yuening said.

Mo Fan sat down next to her, looked at the Milky Way together, and said, "Since I returned to the beginning, I feel that I have nothing to do."

Xiao Yuening nodded. In the past, she focused on practicing internal skills and understanding the moves. She was busy every day and couldn't wait to use it for two hours. Now their internal skills and moves have encountered bottlenecks and can no longer use the method of practice to make progress. Instead, there is more time, and the guild affairs are also put down, so they seem to have nothing to do. .

"Do you think there is really a higher level after returning to nature?" Xiao Yuening said.

Mo Fan said, "I believe that there should be a higher level, otherwise we have been like an idiot in the past six months. Besides, in the past six months, I obviously feel that my internal strength has improved a little."

Xiao Yuening nodded and said, "Why don't we go down and solve the lizard man? We can't sit here and watch this poisonous river stupidly."

Mo Fan got up and said, "Then let's go down again."

Xiao Yuening also got up, "Hmm!" With a sound.

So, the two returned to the underground palace and went down to the passage. Everything here remained unchanged, like the first time they came here, but they could no longer see the two wounds.

Mo Fan couldn't help muttering: "This resilience is really amazing!"

"Let's go together!" Xiao Yuening pulled out the white glass, and the white light flashed, and a sword had been stabbed out, stabbing the corner of the passage like a horse.

A flash of Mars suddenly flashed, and a outline slowly appeared in the air, and then the color continued to deepen. The lizard man just now suddenly appeared in the air. The tip of the white glass sword brushed his left shoulder, and the hardness of the scale armor was really strong.

The lizard man's scarlet eyes burst into red. Obviously, he was suddenly attacked and was furious. At this moment, Xiao Yuening just came out and passed by by. The lizard man was also a long-term killing field. This flaw can be instinctively detected and grabbed her waist with one paw.

Suddenly, the black light flashed in, and Mo Fan's sword suddenly attacked, hitting his claws to Xiao Yue. Another spark crossed, but the lizard man's claws were unsustainable, and it looked at Mo Fan. The fear in his heart, who could cause harm and even death to it, suddenly surged up again and quickly jumped to the ceiling to open the distance.

Xiao Yuening took a look at Mo Fan. Mo Fan was impressed and stabbed out with a sword first. Xiao Yuening followed closely. The two were famous for their jade girl's plain heart swordsmanship. Needless to say, the tacit understanding between them was seamless. The lizard man narrowed his scarlet eyes, clucked strangely, and his figure slowly faded until it disappeared. People before and after all failed.


The pupils of the two contracted slightly, and the lizard man was very talented. He was not only good at it, but also had the magical talent of stealth. Even if the two of them took action together, they also felt very tricky.

The two are back to back. Now the enemy is in the dark. In addition, this dark passage is naturally extremely unfavorable to them. They did not expect that the lizard man could be free to invisibility, not only when they are still early, but also in motion. In an instant, the situation is reversed.

The corners of Mo Fan's eyes moved, and the black brake suddenly cut off, but the direction was his chest. Suddenly, a spark rubbed up. After a strange cry familiar to the lizard man, there was no sound.

The atmosphere returned to silence, but it was unusually solemn.

The sneak attack did not work. Driven by the fear in his heart, the lizard man also seemed to be a little hesitant. Just now, Mo Fan obviously increased the fear in his heart and made him more unable to move forward.

A lizard is so deadlocked that no one dares to do it first, which means revealing flaws. The perception ability of the two and the instinctive smell of the lizard are deadly weapons. Although one can be seen and the other is invisible, both sides are extremely dangerous to each other, and one will be solved by the other if you are not careful. This is a protracted battle, compared with patience.

Both are hunters and prey!