The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 418

I saw people coming and going from the Imperial College. A beautiful crowd with outstanding appearance provoked pedestrians to frequently look sideways. Some even summoned up the courage to talk to them, but before they could say a few words, they were rejected by the girl.

People who are often rejected look desperate, as if abandoned by the world.

At this time, the brake sound of the bicycle came, and Mo Fan was surprised: "Qingyuan!" It also came into her eardrum through the noisy voice.

"Honey!" Qingyuan was also happy to hear Mo Fan's voice and waved to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan almost fell off his bicycle. Qingyuan always called him new, or always was the first to call him why or something. First, he was the prince, but now he has become "darling".

As soon as he wanted to say something, Qingyuan ran over, looked at his bicycle and said, "This is antique!" You are not afraid of being damaged by you. This is hundreds of thousands of things.

"How is this possible?" When he met Qingyuan, and didn't mention the sentence "darling" that fell off his bicycle first, Mo Fan was still very surprised. Qingyuan said that he would come to him soon, but he didn't expect to meet him here by chance.

"Bear by the way, what are you doing in the imperial capital?" Mo Fan asked.

"A friend of mine was admitted here, and I came to see her off today." Qingyuan said, with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth, and his whole body was full of amorous feelings. Although he was wearing the most ordinary clothes, he could not hide the beauty of the woman.

"It's really comfortable to be born in the imperial capital. In other places, the imperial capital is either dead or disabled, and as long as the people in the imperial capital have better grades, local schools have advantages."

"What are you angry about? I didn't pass the exam." Qingyuan covered his mouth and smiled, and his whole body seemed to light up, and there was a tendency to "stand onlookers" around.

"Where's your friend?"

"I've already entered. The imperial capital is too big. I'm afraid I won't go in because I get lost." Qingyuan said.

"Then I'll take you in." Mo Fan said.

Qingyuan looked at Mo Fan's classic Phoenix bicycle and said, "The slave is too heavy. Will it damage my dear car?"

Mo Fan smiled bitterly and said, "In reality, you also like to tease me."

"Wrong." Qingyuan sat in Mo Fan's back seat and said, "It's teasing. I like to tease everything on my dear body very much."

Mo Fan blushed, stared at the bicycle and said, "I said, this is not a game. Others will think you are frivolous."

"It doesn't matter. What I said is true." Qingyuan sat at the rear of the car, and a wisp of Mo Fan's white hair floated on her cheek. She gently grabbed the palm of her hand and said, "Honey, what's wrong with your hair? I care about it a long time ago. Why did you dye it white?"

"Well, it was dyed unconsciously." Mo Fan said vaguely.

"It turns out that my dear also likes to be unique." Qingyuan put down the strand of hair and said, "But I think it would be better if it's white hair, honey, you might as well cut your hair shorter."

"How short." Mo Fan said.

"Well, cut it into middle hair, just like covering the ears and leaving some bangs in the front." Qingyuan thought for a moment and said.

"Okay." Mo Fan turned around and turned into a corner.

When Mo Fan turned out of the corner, he had become a middle hair that reached his ears, and two bangs floated in front of his forehead, which was more beautiful and incredible.

"Wow! Honey, how can you find such a powerful master? It only took three minutes to complete such a shape. Qingyuan said in surprise in the back seat.

"My brother told me last time." Mo Fan said.

"Your brother?" Qingyuan asked.

Mo Fan nodded and said, "It's the Dragon King in White. Have you forgotten?"

Qing Yuan was stunned. Mo Fan and Mo Jun were indeed a pair of brothers, but the atmosphere of guarding each other made her quickly forget that Mo Jun was his brother.

"I remember, the one who is extremely in harmony with you?" Qingyuan said.

"He also goes to this school." Mo Fan said.

"You brothers are both smart." Qingyuan sighed, "However, where are we now? I remember that the registration point is not here."

Mo Fan looked left and right and found that the two of them didn't know when they rode to an unknown place. They only saw a white path and a large piece of lawn connected together, with green eyes.

A fresh smell of grass came to my face.

"Where is this?" Mo Fan said subconsciously.

Qingyuan said, "Forget that my dear is a road idiot."

She held her forehead and sighed. Mo Fan stopped the bicycle. She also jumped down, opened her hand, took a deep breath, and then spit out for a long time and said, "The environment here is really good."

"This seems to be an aristocratic district." Mo Fan looked around and frowned.

"Real?" Qingyuan doesn't care.

"Well, ordinary areas are generally school buildings and teaching buildings, which are a world of reinforced concrete. Although there are also vegetation, this kind of British-style lawn is only available in the aristocratic area." Mo Fan said.

"The Imperial College still has such a class concept." Qingyuan looked around curiously, but there was no one. After all, the aristocratic district accounts for two-thirds of the whole imperial capital, but the number of students is only one-tenth of the whole school.

"Well, as far as I know, students in the noble district have always been arrogant and annoying." Mo Fan said that he heard this sentence from Xiao Yuening.

"Well, let's go." Qingyuan got on his bicycle and said.

"Where are you going?" Mo Fan asked.

Qingyuan covered his mouth and smiled and said, "Dear, it's so cute. Obviously, we are going back."

Mo Fan said "Oh" and turned the front of the car, and the two rode back on the way.

However, the sky is always not what people want. The two chatted while riding and found that the scene in front of them changed, and they came to a strange place again.

"Where is this?" Mo Fan looked left and right and found that he didn't know this place at all.

And the small bridge in front of him was flowing, and the bicycle could not be ridden, so the two got out of the car. Mo Fan parked the bicycle. Qingyuan said with a surprised face, "Honey, come and see, it's Tilianye!"

Mo Fan came over and had a look. Sure enough, a lotus twin bloomed with his youth. Mo Fan said, "There are also Bingtilian in this season, and in the north, this imperial capital college is really a bloody book."

Qingyuan looked at him and said, "Honey, let's go in and walk."

Mo Fan looked up and saw the water pavilion platform, which was exquisite and small in his hometown, and a little warm in his heart. He said, "Well, let's go in and walk."

So, the two walked through the Jiuqu Bridge and bypassed the alley, with black tiles and white walls, green trees. Qingyuan is an authentic Kyoto person. They have only seen Jiangnan Water Village on TV, and now they are immersive, touching left and right, and everything feels novel.

Mo Fan acted as an interpreter and talked about history and style. Fortunately, the memory of the hundred generations is inexhaustible. What questions Qingyuan asked, he can always say inside and outside, back and forth.

The two talked like this and walked in.