The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 429

It was past 8 p.m. when the two returned to the dormitory, and Mo Fan had a beautiful roommate. Under the promotion of Tang Li, the whole floor knew it.

The ordinary areas of the imperial capital are not all ordinary people, and there are many rich families, especially in this kind of single dormitory, few people in the family can't afford to live in. Moreover, there are many girlfriends or female companions living together in the dormitory, which is not a rare thing. The key is that Tang Li said that there is nothing in the sky and earth, which made many people curious. Originally, Mo Fan's appearance and temperament were very attractive. Based on his appearance alone, he won a lot of favors. At this moment, there are thousands of people. The charming beauty moved in, and Mo Fan's side is a little lively.

As soon as the two entered the door, they heard a knock on the door. Mo Fan went to open the door. Originally, he thought it was Tang Li or Xi Li who came to visit the door. When he opened the door, he saw a man and a woman, and they didn't know each other.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Mo Fan asked.

The girl said, "It's really beautiful!"

The boy looked at her and said, "This is Mo Fan, not a girl."

A cold sweat suddenly appeared on Mo Fan's head. It turned out that the girl actually regarded him as a girl. The boy stretched out his hand apologetically: "My name is Yu Liu. This is my girlfriend Qi Hua, who lives on the same floor and comes to say hello."

Mo Fan shook his hand and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Who is it?" Qingyuan asked when he saw Mo Fan open the door and spoke there.

Yu Liu and Qi Hua were stunned and said to their hearts: Beautiful voice.

"Nothing." Mo Fan turned around and said, and then turned back and said to the two, "Would you like to come in and sit down?"

The two nodded and said, "I'm disturbing you."

So, Mo Fan invited the two to go in. After seeing Qingyuan, he naturally marveled. What was a little funny was that Qi Hua actually covered the remaining eyes from him from seeing.

Looking at their love, Mo Fan and Qingyuan smiled.

The four talked happily. When the words came to the rise, someone knocked on the door. Mo Fan had to plead guilty and open the door. Unexpectedly, there was another couple who didn't know each other, but the remaining two knew each other. After that, they naturally introduced and chatted with each other. Before saying a few words, someone knocked on the door. They were two boys they didn't know. After introducing himself, Mo Fan also invited them in. These two are talkative and belong to the range of familiarity. After a few words, they began to complain about Mo Fan's luck.

Later, almost the whole floor was here. They were all freshmen, and these people were quite measured in their words and things. Everyone squeezed into Mo Fan's poor dormitory. Because the two had just returned and did not prepare any tea and snacks, they were thirsty in the end, so they decided to go out for supper.

It was already midnight when a group of boys came back crookedly. Everyone said goodbye and went back to their rooms. Mo Fan closed the door and took a long breath.

"Your roommates are really interesting and nice." Qingyuan said.

Both of them drank. Needless to say, Qingyuan's drinking capacity was also very good, and because she didn't drink much because she was a girl, she didn't feel it at all at this moment.

"It's strange today. The whole floor came, and the three of them were not there. It's a little strange." Mo Fan said.

"Who?" Qingyuan sat down to his ** and asked.

"Tang Li, the boy you met today was the boy you first came here. Another is Sun Xiaoyun and the other is Xi Li. Mo Fan said.

"Tang Li, I know, that's stupid, right?" Qingyuan obviously remembered the Tang Li who looked at him fixedly. I don't know how Tang Li felt when he knew that his expression was stupid at that time.

"Well, the first roommate I knew." Mo Fan said.

"It's getting late. There will be classes tomorrow. Let's not talk about it." Qingyuan said.

"Take a rest first." Mo Fan also nodded.

The beds of the two are east and west, and Mo Fan also specially installed a door curtain in the middle.

Mo Fan lay down on **, closed his eyes, suddenly frowned and said, "Your bed is over there."

"Honey, can't I sleep well with you?" Qingyuan's voice sounded beside him, and I didn't know when she would come to him.

"Okay, stop it. I'm a little tired." Mo Fan said.

But I didn't expect that Qing Yuanli didn't pay attention to it. He covered himself with a quilt, turned over and stopped talking. Soon, he seemed to fall asleep.

Mo Fan was helpless. As soon as she wanted to go somewhere else, she was pulled by Qingyuan. Unexpectedly, she turned over and almost all over Mo Fan.

helplessly, Mo Fan had to say, "Okay, okay, I won't move."

Qingyuan smiled and let go of Mo Fan: "Honey, good night."

"Good night." Mo Fan's words were somewhat weak. This night, he was destined to sleep well. Qingyuan was born with charming bones. Ordinary people will be attracted by her when they look at her. Although he is the leader, he is connected to Qingyuan's ten generations and has no feeling in his heart. It is self-deception, and he is so close that Mo Fan can't guarantee that he will not have anything. What a delusion.

The next day, early morning.

Mo Fan opened his eyes and there was no one beside him. He exhaled. Yesterday, he was almost settled. He got up and washed. There were already some breakfast and a small note on the table.

Honey, I'm going to school. I'm in a hurry and I can't make breakfast for you. I have to buy some. You can eat it.

Mo Fan smiled. Although Qingyuan looked unscrupulous, he was definitely a good girl, which he had always felt since he met her.

Looking at the time, he hurriedly finished breakfast and left the door.

Obviously, Mo Fan is going to be late.

Stepping on the point, Mo Fan entered the classroom. The lecturer looked at him, then looked at his watch, nodded slightly, and pointed his finger at the direction he pointed to yesterday's class.

The lecturer really takes care of himself and arranges his seat every time.

Mo Fan smiled bitterly and then sat down in the seat he sat yesterday.

The lecturer did not squint, opened the teaching plan, and began to rumm endlessly.

Mo Fan breathed quietly. At this time, he stepped too accurately and entered the classroom at the last second, even he felt surprised.

"Cough." At this time, there was a slight cough from the side.

Only then did Mo Fan realize that the girl sitting in this seat would not be the girl last time. That would be embarrassing.

Mo Fan turned his head and found that it was not the girl yesterday and exhaled secretly.

This time, the girl is obviously more domineering than the previous one. She frowned and said, "Are you the pervert who peeked at my Liu Xin's underwear?"

Hearing this, Mo Fan was almost choked by his saliva.

Pie? A pervert?

Where is this?