The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 440

Monday is the beginning of the week, but it is not a good start for students, because from today on, there will be that damn class again.

Even in college, it is relatively easy to study, but I am still very unhappy in the face of this early rise.

So, many people came sleepy in this first class. In the imperial capital, everything is good, that is, the first and second class is a compulsory course, and you can go to bed after finishing these two classes, but you can't miss these two classes, otherwise credits will be deducted.

Qingyuan went to class early. She was a diligent and good girl, but on the other hand, Mo Fan, although his face was expressionless, he was obviously unhappy in his eyes. Obviously, he was also very unhappy to go to class so early. After breakfast, he went to class with Tang Li, who happened to come out of the opposite door.

The two departments are different, and the places of the class are also different. Mo Fan is relatively close, so he quickly entered the classroom and heard Tang Li that he still has ten minutes to walk from his classroom.

The lecturer still looked at Mo Fan with a surprised face. In his image, Mo Fan was definitely not a safe student, but this time he actually arrived in the classroom 15 minutes earlier.

Aware of the lecturer's eyes, Mo Fan was too lazy to show a bitter smile this time. He turned his head and became tired. After the contact with Xiao Yuening was broken, narcolepsy seemed to come again, just like when he had just overdrawn his life, and it was very easy to be sleepy.

In the end, he didn't hold on for long and fell asleep in his usual seat, and the lecturer didn't even speak yet.

Mo Fan just fell asleep in a teaching building not far away, but it caused a sensation. The culprit is now smiling and looking at the students under the stage.

"This is everyone's classmate, Xiao Yueningxiao, who has been absent due to illness." The female teacher glanced at the girl next to her.

I saw that she was beautiful and free from vulgarity, and her white clothes were like snow, against her soft skin. What's more rare is that she has just recovered from a serious illness. The haggardness seems to be still around her, giving people a delicate and pitiful feeling.

Not only did the boys below drool, but even the girls looked at her in a daze.

The female teacher clapped her hands and said, "Okay, here comes a beautiful woman. I know everyone is very happy, but don't be distracted in class!" Yue Ning, sit there today."

Xiao Yuening nodded and sat down next to a female classmate, which was an inconspicuous seat. But there are still many eyes floating from time to time.

At school, some things always spread relatively fast. Xiao Yuening just sat down, and before ten minutes of class, many short messages began to disperse like the Internet.

Mo Fan, who was sleeping here, opened his eyes slightly and looked left and right blankly. He found that everyone was listening attentively to the endless narcocts of the lecturer. His major is literature, basically as long as he listens. This lecturer is endless, but his words are interesting and rich in connotations, which will not make life Tired.

He looked next to him and found that Liu Xin was sitting quietly and seriously taking notes. At the corner of his eyes, he saw Mo Fan turn his head, nodded slightly and said, "You're awake."

Mo Fan nodded and whispered, "How many classes are there now? Did the lecturer find me sleeping?"

"It's already the second section. As for whether the lecturer has found out, I don't know, but if you look at him like that, will you know?" Liu Xin smiled.

Mo Fan looked up and found that the lecturer was ardent and smiled at the book. It was strange to see himself sleeping.

He secretly stretched out and slept very well, and then took out his phone. He was just awakened by a text message.

Open it, it was sent by Tang Li.

"Mo Fan, Mo Fan, there is another super beauty in our school. Will you go and have a look after class in the A4 teaching building?" It is followed by a huge drooling icon.

Mo Fan pressed it a few times and sent a text message.

"I'm not interested. I'm going to pick up Lin Yuan today."

It's quite boring over there, and a text message came back immediately.

"It's a pity if you don't look at it."

Mo Fan replied "I won't go" and concisely concluded this text message.

But the text message still arrived as scheduled. Mo Fan opened it, but it was not sent by Tang Li.

"Come and help me move things after class today."

"Oh, where are you?"

"Now on the A4 floor, come here and I'll wait for you downstairs."

Mo Fan closed his mobile phone and said to himself: I'm coming to class.

Mo Fan woke up, and there were few classes left. After sending the text message, the bell rang. He got up, said goodbye to Liu Xin, and then walked out of the classroom. Now everyone is more or less used to Mo Fan's existence and is not as surprised as before. Although there are many girls who admire him in private, they almost give up with an attitude of how can he take a fancy to him.

So, Mo Fan is much quieter now and won't be teased by girls.

Walking out of the teaching building, he took a look. His is A12. As long as he keeps walking forward, Mo Fan is quietly relieved. For road idiots, finding the way is obviously a first-class trouble. Now that the road is straight, how can he not let him breathe a sigh of relief?

Ten minutes later, the A4 floor will arrive.

"Mo Fan, this way!" Xiao Yuening's voice came, and Mo Fan turned his head to look. It was okay not to look at it. He was shocked.

It turned out that he could not see Xiao Yuening at all and was completely surrounded by a large number of students. Hearing Xiao Yuening's name Mo Fan, everyone turned their eyes away.

Mo Fan wiped his sweat. What's wrong with this angry look?

"I'm sorry to let it go. My friend is here. Thank you." Xiao Yuening's voice came again.

Everyone reluctantly gave up a way, and their eyes looking at Mo Fan became a little unfriendly.

Xiao Yuening ran out of the crowd, stopped in front of Mo Fan, and said, "You see, it's okay for us to be so close."

Mo Fan nodded and was also very happy. His connection with Xiao Yuening was completely broken.

Suddenly, Xiao Yuening hugged him and said, "It's okay!"

"Pa-pa-pa-pa!" Mo Fan was surprised and seemed to hear the heartbreaking voices in the depths of the group of depressed eyes.

"Ah! Sorry, I'm so excited." Xiao Yuening let go of her hand and apologized.

Mo Fan shook his head, smiled and said, "I just wanted to hug you happily."

"No change." Xiao Yuening said andly, but she was really happy that the thing that bound her finally disappeared, and she finally got a real feeling.

This is the most important thing for her.

"Let's go! Help me move things!" With that, Xiao Yuening took Mo Fan's hand and ran all the way.

Mo Fan smiled helplessly, but he was indeed very happy. If Xiao Yuening didn't do this, he would probably pull her away later.