The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 444

The next days of September are undoubtedly busy for Mo Fan. Molly's wedding is approaching, and this younger brother can't be idle, and he should also prepare for it. Inexplicably and Mo Mei also came to Beijing from Jiangnan, and four brothers and sisters began to buy dowry.

Unfortunately, neither Mo Jun and Mo Fan had any eyesight. The dowry fell on the two young, and finally became the young, and the two brothers paid for it.

Every day, they walked in with big bags and small bags in their arms. The four of them were very busy. Qingyuan Xiaodi and Zhou Liandie did not come to help. They knew that this was a matter of several brothers and sisters, so they did not disturb them.

Soon, October 1 will arrive, and the game party called to confirm that the sister's wedding was approaching, and the two brothers refused, but this golden autumn carnival lasted for seven days, and both of them promised to take time to participate after the 3rd.

This makes the game very excited. The two strange people, the Dragon King in White and the Jade Girl Su Xinjian, participate in the activity together. How many people will be attracted? How many tickets will there be?

So, the two sides agreed on the appearance fee and signed a contract. For this point, the contract method can make the game more at ease. It doesn't matter to the two brothers. They can play and get money, and the appearance fee is almost sky-high, almost the appearance fee of the superstar.

The two happily accepted the invitation, and then told Molly that she was busy. Now Molly is much busier than them, rehearsing the wedding and inviting relatives and friends. Yuan Qing can no longer find anyone else.

Mollie was naturally very happy. She didn't expect that her two brothers would make money and not worry about her future life. Coupled with the joy of marriage, her whole body was much brighter.

Time flies. October 1, a very special day since 1949, has become an indispensable festival and one of the few major festivals.

Naturally, there are many people who hold weddings in this festival. There are rows of wedding cars lined up in neat lines, blocked in the third ring.

Mo Jun and Mo Fan looked at each other. They were not driving a wedding car, but they were blocked in the middle of the wedding car. When they attended their sister's wedding, they were actually blocked.

Mo Fan looked at Mo Jun, who was driving, and said, "What should I do?"

The inexplicable and Mo Mei sitting in the back row also said anxiously, "There are still 20 minutes to start. Is it too late?"

Mo Jun's forehead was covered with sweat. He didn't learn to drive for a long time. As soon as he entered the battle, there was such a big traffic jam. He was not sure. Now he is in a hurry. It's really a pit.

Mo Fan took a look at him. In fact, he is not much better. Today is his sister's big day. If they are late, it will be a lifelong regret. Naturally, his sister will not be blamed, but if they miss this wedding, they will definitely regret it for a lifetime.

"Let's fly over." Mo Fan said.

"No, my identity has been exposed, and my sister will not be safe in the future." Obviously, Mo Jun also knows the stakes, which is definitely not a risk they can afford.

"What should I do!" Mo Fan was rarely excited.

The car suddenly fell silent. Mo Jun patted the steering wheel and said, "I would have bought a plane."

"Airplane?" Mo Fan frowned and reacted quickly. He took out the phone: "Hey, Yue Ning? Do you still have a helicopter at home now?

"Yes, what's wrong? By the way, why haven't you arrived yet? The wedding is about to begin. Xiao Yuening's voice came from the phone.

Mo Jun looked at Mo Fan with a "no way" face.

"We are blocked. There is a traffic jam here. I need a plane." Mo Fan said.

"OK! Ten million a plane." Xiao Yuening said.

The three people in the car suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, which was completely blackmail. Now the cost of a helicopter is only six digits, and he offered eight digits, which is obviously blackmail!

"Okay, fly here quickly."

It's so refreshing! Rich?

Mo Fan hung up the phone and looked back and forth. He found that the three brothers and sisters were looking at him in a blank way. He said inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

"Rich man." The three said at the same time.

Mo Fan was stunned and speechless.

Needless to say, the efficiency of the Xiao family was. Almost five minutes after Mo Fan hung up the phone, the helicopter arrived over them, and then he saw the people in the wedding car in front of him opening the door and looking at the sudden helicopter. At this time, the four brothers were climbing on the helicopter.

Everyone looked at their car, Pusan, and then looked at the helicopter.

Let me go, the local tycoon can't look good!

Naturally, the four people would not pay attention to these. The helicopter quickly rose to the air, crossed the dense vehicle like an ant, and flew by gracefully.

When she got off the plane, Xiao Yuening was already waiting for them at the place. Looking at Xiao Yuening's Ferrari, Mo Jun touched his nose. What does it mean? This lady is Ferrari, Poussin or a second-hand car? She is still left on the road and will definitely not get it back.

Mo Fan ignored his bitter smile and got straight into the car and said, "My nickname, Xiaomei got into the car."

"Oh." The two youngest followed the car. Mo Jun wanted to get on the car, but was stopped by Xiao Yuening. The latter pointed to the side. Mo Jun turned around and saw a silver-white GT2000 just under the top. It was the latest magnetic levitation sports car. The speed can be increased to an amazing 600 yards in an instant. Almost all car lovers' dreams can't be bought by money. There are only three cars in the world.

Mo Jun mechanically turned his head and said, "Love butterfly?"

Xiao Yuening shook her head and said, "Your family didn't buy this thing."

At this time, the door slowly opened, and the black evening dress, like the black orchid, quietly bloomed in front of Mo Jun.

She took off her sunglasses, smiled and said, "Hello, Dragon King."

"Flying rain?" Mo Jun's surprise is needless to say.

Mo Fan poked his head out of the Ferrari and muttered softly, "I've also got one in reality. I feel that something will happen to you with this equipment."

"Your sister!" Mo Jun's earpower naturally could hear Mo Fan's words. He was really shocked and didn't care about etiquette.

"Then take the gentleman's words." Obviously, Xiao Feiyu also heard Mo Fan's words.

This is a red fruit!

Xiao Yue shrugged her shoulders and galloped away in a Ferrari.

Xiao Feiyu tilted his head slightly and said, "Let's go too."

Mo Jun looked at the silver streamlined suspended car and had to get on the car.

What's the matter? Why is the flying rain here?

Mo Jun sat in the co-pilot's seat, the hovering car slowly floated, and then flew out with a "xiao" sound. It really lives up to its reputation, 600 yards in an instant!

Today, something must happen!