The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 450

In the final salary ranking, the highest is Xiao Yuening's monthly salary of 300,000 yuan. Mo Fan was a little surprised. In his eyes, Xiao Yuening was in Xin Yuxuan, basically volunteering, but he didn't expect Xin Yuxuan to give her salary.

Xiao Yuening has no response to this. Now Xin Yuxuan is on the right track. Although it is an emerging guild, it is also taking the professional route. A group of elite congregations in the meeting have established the identity of professional players, and this salary has long been set.

After the salary ranking was established, everyone thought of the game. Anyway, they all wanted to go to the carnival together. Everyone made an appointment to go together on October 3rd. The groom Yuan Qing here was also going, so everyone would stay here for one night.

Without gossip, everyone thought of the game and wanted to play the game. Mo Fan and Xiao Yuening both smiled bitterly. Only then did everyone know that the jade girl Su Xinjian had not appeared in the world after the plot, and even the Dragon King in white disappeared. It turned out that they were in the punishment period of the plot.

Everyone is still apologizing for this. After all, it is not to blame anyone's fault for the failure of everyone. On the contrary, these three people are the main force, but they have suffered the punishment of everyone's plot. If there is no apology, this group of people are really too unkind.

"Which of you has seen the Dragon King?" The cold wind suddenly said.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. Mo Jun really didn't sit at the table anymore. Mo Fan said, "Aren't you in the same room with him?"

Son of a sudden, everyone's eyes began to look strange.

The cold wind seemed unconscious and said, "He went out first. I don't know what he was going to do."

"I guess it's going on a date. I don't think Emei Master and Zuo Hufa are here." Good partner Wuji glanced at it and found some clues.

Everyone suddenly became clear.

So, everyone discussed it and went to the VIP room. This group of people are basically at home. In addition to games and games, the only entertainment is KTV and bars.

Finally, the songs that roared all afternoon made the women cover their ears and shake their heads. Most of the people here were actually incomplete, but the insects and the gods had a good voice. Mo Fan was not very good at singing, so he did not lose face. Several girls were lingering, which made everyone intoxicated.

At dinner, Mo Jun finally appeared in the sight of everyone, with Zhou Liandie and Xiao Feiyu. The atmosphere between the two women was still not good, but Mo Jun's face seemed to be less embarrassed.

After another period of trouble, he made fun of Mo Jun and Mo Fan, and then everyone left one by one.

On the second day, everyone was ready to go, but received a phone call from the game party. The carnival was held in the game. Everyone was embarrassed, and the game party also apologized repeatedly. They were so excited that almost there were face-to-faced characters in the world. They all invited them, and they promised to show their faces on the same day. This is the world. There was no feat at the festival party. This excitement made me forget the business.

Everyone was also excited to visit Longteng Company. No, they were told that it was held in the game, but the game party apologized so sincerely, and everyone didn't blame much. If they blame more, I'm afraid some people will be transferred.

In the end, everyone went back to the game.

In this carnival, they use their own roles, and according to the long series of digital contracts, everyone needs to be exposed, that is, they can't bring anything to cover their appearance.

As for the three characters in the punishment period, the game has specially contacted the world, and the world has also expressed its willingness to unblock the three characters, but only in the carnival for a few days. After reaching an agreement, Mo Fan, Xiao Yuening and Mo Jun's accounts can be used during the carnival.

With a flash of white light, Mo Fan looked around and found that this was not a sword tomb with a historical plot, but a small village with lights everywhere. The big plaque at the village gate said "Carnival No. 3 Village".

He frowned. Is it a carnival?

"Mo Fan." At this time, a crisp voice came into the eardrum, which was a familiar sound.

"You're here, too, where's my brother?" Mo Fan turned his head, and Xiao Yuening was curiously looking at the colorful carnival No. 3 village.

"I didn't see it." Xiao Yuening glanced at it.

Indeed, there is no one here. Except for the two of them, it is an empty house.

"Carnival activities?" Xiao Yuening said, with questions in her tone, obviously asking Mo Fan.

Mo Fan nodded and said, "That should be it."

The two opened their attribute panel and found that their attributes were exactly the same as before the historical plot. Xiao Yuening stretched out and said, "Why does the air in this game feel a little fresh?"

"Everything is new to me now." Mo Fan smiled.

Xiao Yuening suddenly looked solemn and said, "Didn't you tell Qingyuan about what happened yesterday?"

"Of course not." After saying this, can Qingyuan give up?

"That's good, so that I always think about it when I eat, for fear that Qingyuan will know. I dare not talk to her, so as not to make more mistakes.

Khan, it turns out that the atmosphere was like this yesterday!

Mo Fan suddenly said in his heart, "I'm not an idiot."

The two looked at the empty village again. Mo Fan said, "Otherway, let's walk around. I think the beginning of this activity is likely to be the "missing villagers"."

Xiao Yuening felt the same way. The two were skillful and bold, so they acted separately. The village was not big. Soon the two of them turned around and had a few things in their hands.

Looking at each other's things, the two smiled. Mo Fan said, "This is obvious that we are going out of the village."

Xiao Yue stared at the outside of the fence of the village and said, "It shouldn't be too dangerous."

"Carnival, it's unlikely to be dangerous, but it's hard to deal with." Mo Fan sighed, and Xiao Yuening nodded. What Mo Fan said really made sense. This is a carnival event that allows players to relax and entertain. How can it be frightening? It is estimated that it is just a puzzle so that players can enjoy the fun.

After discussing, the two went out of the village and walked out of the fence. They felt a change in the scenery in front of them. They saw a slender path with green trees on both sides, which was very quiet and comfortable.

The two looked at it for a while and walked along the path.

"The rut, about five people, two fast horses." Mo Fan looked at the marks on the ground and said.

"Good vision, here comes the question. If there are six people, are they villagers or some other NPC?"

"Go down and have a look. There are too few clues."

The two stopped for a short time and continued to walk.