The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 461

The sky gradually brightened, and the intoxicated people couldn't help looking up at the sky. At this moment, a round of bright sun was shining, but it was completely different from the bright moon hanging in the sky just now.

The concert is over, and the setting of the concert will be withdrawn, and the ring that was originally used as the concert stage has also been restored to its original appearance, but the high building has disappeared, and there is no word of martial arts competition.

Before players reacted, a dialog box popped up in front of them, with the words "Whether to participate in the Golden Autumn Carnival Competition" and then two options, "Yes" and "No".

There is no doubt that everyone clicked yes. After everyone was selected, the central ring suddenly began to move. With the sound of the machine, the ring separated from it and continued to split into eight rings.

"It seems that it will take a while." The bug hugged the willow smoke and smiled.

Eight arenas, and the number of people here is not affordable for eight arenas. The original planner also planned to eliminate the system. It was precisely because of the number of people that it was changed to the challenge system, but Mo Fan's early morning scene led to the abortion of the challenge system plan.

However, the martial arts competition did not start immediately. The master of ceremonies slowly walked to the central ring and raised his voice: "The competition is divided into three stages. In the first stage, the qualifiers, all registered players can participate. The competition method is the competition of internal force, moves and light skills. There is no confrontation. It passed the qualifier and the qualifier quota. Only 64, that is to say, after passing the qualifiers, you can get weapons at the level of sharp weapons. In the second stage, there is no need to explain more about the knockout competition. The winner will be the winner and the loser will know who can be proud of the heroes. In the third stage, in the final stage, the master who enters the top four of the knockout stage will have a four-person melee. The rule is still the winner, the loser, and the champion will get a rare level of prop.

Frare level!

Everyone was almost attracted by this word that had never appeared before. At first, there were some doubts about the qualifiers, and even some people had some dissatisfaction, but the four words of rare level completely erased this dissatisfaction.

"Next, the martial arts competition begins!"

It seems that the planning of Jianghu Fengyun is all efficient parties. Before saying a few words, he introduced the rules of the game, and then began like this.

For good, all the contestants are attracted by the rare level and don't care about it. For them, the sooner they start, the better.

Then, everyone found themselves in front of their eyes. At the moment of the start of the game, an interface appeared, with only four lines of words on it, plus something called "ranking" in the lower right corner. If you look carefully, the four lines of words are "internal power value", "exquisite", "light power value" and "comprehensive strength".

"What is this?" Soon, someone blurted out that this thing was really puzzling.

At this time, the voice of the master of ceremonies came again: "Participants, the interface in front of you is handed down that according to everyone's martial arts, after precise calculation, everyone's combat strength value, the first stage of the knockout competition will be simply compared. Please rest assured that the error of this calculation is 1% Below zero zero zero one is the same as your data.

Everyone looked at each other, is this unfair? Everyone is thinking about it, because after all, there are many variables in the duel.

All the combat power values of everyone are only visible to themselves, and others can't see them, so they don't know where others' level is.

The master of ceremonies looked around. Almost all the players showed a hesitant look, but there was no scolding. Obviously, the reputation among the players is still quite high, and the reputation is also good. Otherwise, in this case, I'm afraid it will be a lot of scolding.

After all, the duel is not only about size, but also about machine change and transportation, as well as the player's own error rate, which is an important determining factor.

It is obviously too simple to turn such a complex competition into size.

"Please rest assured that this comparison is not based on the simple combat strength value, but a simulation battle that will be combined with everyone's usual fighting experience. Please rest assured."

The voice of the master of ceremonies came, and the players subconsciously looked at their combat strength, then looked at the eight venues in the venue, and then looked at the dense crowd in the audience.

Finally, the players also understood the difficulties of the game and collectively acquiesced to the way of the game.

Seeing this scene, almost all the planners breathed a sigh of relief. There is no way to play this qualifiers. After all, there are too many people. October is a holiday. Many people choose to travel, but more people still decide to participate in the golden autumn carnival.

Don't you see those film and television superstars?

Don't you see so many celebrities?

Don't you see the two strange people in the world?

How can you miss it?

This publicity is really in place. I believe that after this golden autumn, his influence can almost dominate the entire Chinese game industry.

But there are also happy troubles, that is, there are too many people, and it is naturally a burden. However, after more people, there are still many inconveniences. For example, one of the biggest troubles is that there are many people and fewer in the ring.

Fortunately, the players understand very well and do not make any extreme behaviors and remarks, which also shows the high quality of the player group.

At this time, the master of ceremonies said: "The game officially begins!"

The ranking in front of everyone began to jump, and then another row of combat power values appeared on the right side of the screen. The huge "match simulation" in the middle made everyone nervous. Everyone suddenly found that it was more exciting than participating in the war. There is also a faint sense of accomplishment in the chest.

"So that's it. No wonder the planner dares to carry out such a martial arts mode so boldly. It turns out that it captures a certain psychology of the player." The bug muttered.

Liu Yan next to

turned his head and said, "What's wrong?"

"No, I just lament that the planning of Jianghu Fengyun is too powerful. In this situation, it seems to be testing the efforts and luck of players in their daily life. Seeing that this ranking is not, this is something that is not usually available. The so-called sky list is also ranked by players. After all, some places are not true. This is It's really hard to shake. There is no doubt that this ranking is more convincing. The bug said, and then his own ranking was set at forty-seven.

Liu Yan is also 10,000 away.

"There are only forty-seven. There are so many masters these days. The bug sighed.

"I actually have more than 5700 people!" One man exclaimed and said that there are more than 5,000 out of millions of people, which can be said to be a master of the upper class in the world.

Subsequently, all kinds of rankings came one after another. Most of the players were surprised, but there were also some annoyed. After all, there were high and low rankings. Some people were happy and some people were worried. After some people were worried, they would naturally feel unfair, and then there were shouting about this unfair voices.

It is common for people to have an imbalance in their hearts. It is also a kind of mood to blame others for mistakes, and it can also be said to be one of the ways of self-consciousness.

But the participation prize of the next qualifiers fell into the hands of the players, and the master of ceremonies said, "The prizes will be given to participants other than the top 64."

Suddenly, all the voices of dissatisfaction were gone.

There are many kinds of weapons, armor, drugs, and materials, but without exception, they are all practical and scarce. If you hold them in your hand, you can improve your strength, sell them, and make a fortune. Suddenly, everyone calms down.

This is also a kind of psychology.

And it is completely used by the planners.