The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 512

The three looked at each other. Obviously, the wolves were a little strange, neither attacking nor defending. Some wolves even maintained the appearance of being knocked down, but twisted their necks and looked at somewhere.

The whole wolf pack looked in that direction, and the situation was a little strange.

Mo Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This situation should be settled over there."

"It's done?" Yaxuan was puzzled.

"Well, this Mo Fan must not be an ordinary person. The moment he rushed out, I couldn't feel his air at all. I'm afraid this man is a terrible master." Mo Yi said with a solemn face.

"Is it more powerful than Yaxuan?" Luo Han was surprised. Usually, when he looked at Mo Fan, he had no other feeling except that he was too beautiful, and he could not feel the master's breath of Mo Fan. He thought he was an ordinary master of the world.

"When he dares to go out alone to look for treasure, I feel that he is extraordinary. His appearance is too easy to confuse people, and it is easy to attract all attention. Instead, he forgets his own strength. This kind of person is really dangerous. This appearance is God-given, which is also gifted." Mo Yi said.

"I don't think Mo Yi has it." Yaxuan suddenly said.

Mo Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, yes, my eldest daughter."

"What about the current situation?" Luo Han looked around. Although the wolves are strangely still now, they are still there and will rush over coldly.

"Don't worry." Mo Yi pulled off the long gun, put it down one after the other, stood up straight and said, "I was a little uncertain, but now I can't understand this situation. The head wolf was killed."

The two were stunned.

As if verifying Mo Yi's words, the silent wolves suddenly howled and dispersed and reluctantly left.

Luo Han took a long breath and said, "Fortunately."

Yaxuan picked up a few arrows on the ground and muttered, "It's such a waste. Alas, if you touch it again, you will be bare hands."

Mo Yi wiped his sweat and said, "I really want to sleep. I'm exhausted."

Just facing the wolves, both physically and mentally, it is a great test, especially when the wolves are surrounded and advancing. Although the three of them are calm, they still feel fear in their hearts. This is a biological instinct, but no matter how calm they are, they can't get rid of it.

At this time, the crisis was resolved, and all three of them felt a burst of fatigue.

Mo Yi stretched out and said, "I'll go to sleep first. When Mo Fan comes back, let him change shifts. He is probably more tired than us."

Luo Han took a look at the sky. At this moment, the dark clouds had dispersed, and a full moon hung high above his head. Unconsciously, the moon had risen so high.

"Well, Yaxuan and I will deal with the wolf corpse here. If we peel it, we can sell it at a good price. The price of snow wolf skin has not come down." Luo Han said.

Mo Yi nodded, and then plunged into the tent. After a while, he snored softly and fell asleep directly.

Yaxuan shook her head helplessly, spat, and picked up the wolf corpse with Luo Han.

Half an hour later, there was a pile of wolf skins in front of them. Although the world is realistic, this bloody thing of peeling is not allowed to be fully simulated after all. It still adopts the progress bar mode, as long as the player peels off some key parts on the way, and the skinned body is standing. The horse disappeared, and the muscles could not be seen, and the speed was also very fast.

Looking at this pile of wolf skins, there are no more than a hundred pieces. Luo Han is happy, and this mouth can't be closed.

"Look at your stupid face!" Yaxuan glanced at him and spat.

"Hey hey," Luo Han didn't care at all: "If you are stupid, just be stupid. How much can you sell so many wolf skins?"

Looking at Luo Han's financial fan, Yaxuan shook her head and looked at the bonfire in front of her.

"Hey, Luo Han." Suddenly, Yaxuan called out.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Obviously, Luo Han is still immersed in this huge wolfskin wealth.

"Mo Fan, is it really as powerful as Mo Yi said?" Yaxuan looked at the bonfire and muttered.

Luo Han restrained his smile and said, "I killed the wolf king alone, and among the wolves, I can't compare with this strength."

"I can't compare with it." Yaxuan said, "Wait! What time is it now?"

Luo Han took a look at the moon above his head and said, "About half an hour later."

"It's been so long!" Yaxuan suddenly stood up and pulled Mo Yi directly into the tent without saying a word.

Mo Yi only slept for a while and was pulled out by Yaxuan with a blank face.

"What's the matter? Is it dawn? While rubbing his eyes, Mo Yi said lazily.

"It's been half an hour, and Mo Fan hasn't come back yet. Nothing will happen." Yaxuan kicked him and said urgently.

"He is good at it, don't have to bear it..." In the middle of the words, Mo Yi changed his lazy look and said, "How long has it been since he came back?"

"Half an hour." Luo Han also became serious.

"This is a little bad." Mo Yi frowned and said, "He should have come back now. It should be the wolf king's death, and he should come back when the wolves dispersed."

"Will he go first?" Luo Han asked.

Mo Yi shook his head and said, "If he goes first, there is no need to tell us about the treasure hunt. There must be a reason why he can't come back. Luo Han, is there any legend or something in this place?"

Luo Han frowned, shook his head and said, "There is no trace of alienated beasts created here."

"Oh! It's so annoying. Let's go and see him. Let's go find him. Yaxuan raised her long bow and was about to leave.

Mo Yi quickly stopped her and said, "The three of us can't go at the same time. Leave two people down and take care of each other. Yaxuan, you stay with me. Luo Han, you go to find Mo Fan. You are familiar here and have more experience in spending the wild than us. It's the best time for you to find it. In case you encounter something, we will only drag you down.

"Good." Luo Han nodded, stepped on his feet, and galloped away.

Yaxuan stamped her feet and muttered dissatisfiedly, " Coward."

But after all, he sat down and obviously agreed to Mo Yi's arrangement.

Mo Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Leave it to Luo Han. Let's wait for them here."

Yaxuan snorted and said, "I ignore you, coward."

Mo Yi fiddled with the bonfire, added a few mouthfuls of firewood, yawned, but said nothing.

"If anything happens to Luo Han, I'll come to you!" Seeing that Mo Yi did not answer, Yaxuan turned her face and said viciously.

"Yes, yes, Miss, I know." Mo Yi said lazily.

"Hmm!" Yaxuan snorted and turned her head: "I want to lose money!"

"I'm going to lose money with my trousers." Mo Yi played with a few more firewood.

What an eventful time, alas, troublesome.