The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 557

After eliminating their respective introductions, the group of people walked into it. Except for General Yang and Major General Deng Xing, the elites who had just been there were all. After all, General Yang and Deng Xing are face-to-faced figures. Since Long Yuan was monitored by foreigners, the two big men played the plot together. It was unclear to tell them and open the connection. Has the key been found?

Therefore, this time, after General Yang and Major General Deng Xing made some simple handovers, they handed over the command of these people to Mo Fan.

And Mo Fan's new hand also convinced everyone present. Just being able to compete with General Yang is enough to prove that this young new leader is not as simple as his age.

Moreover, whether the second Miss Xiao family is favored or not, just letting the second Miss Xiao family be by her side is enough to prove that this person is definitely not a thing in the pool. This second lady of the Xiao family is extremely beautiful and intelligent. This is a well-known existence in the Ministry of State Secrets. How many handsome men want to get this second lady. In the end, the favor is full of dust.

Therefore, these 100 elite soldiers followed them honestly.

And as Mo Fan speculated, there was no mechanism. They kept walking along the corridor and didn't know how long they had walked. They only knew that the new leader would bend down and touch the ground every other time. After confirming that it was correct, he signaled to go down.

That's how they came all the way to this cave without any danger.

"Ah, it's over, it's a formation again, and no matter how you look at it, it's a hard formation." Xiao Yuening looked at the fluorescent array with faint light in front of her.

Mo Fan also frowned and couldn't help sighing: "Is this legend really created by mortals? Such a long-standing array can be reflected."

The huge array is located in the middle of the whole cave, even on the wall. Between the stalactites above the head, the wonderful lines emit a faint light.

This formation, the last hundred elite special soldiers must not be recognized, and it is certainly not recognized by finding a practitioner who has not practiced for 3,000 years.

Mo Fan and Xiao Yuening can't name this array. They have only seen it in the column of the unnamed array in the book. It can be said that it is an antique.

The older the thing is, the more powerful it is. How horrible it is to be a formation that even Mo Fan and Xiao Yuening can't recognize!

If it is put in reality, it will definitely have the power to destroy the world.

The two looked at each other in congruous faces. They have seen this formation. If the legend is really perfectly restored, then there is no shortcut to this formation, but to break through.

"I remember that this array is a kind of array that summons evil spirits. It absorbs the huge evil spirit between heaven and earth and transforms it into a beast. The stronger the array, the faster the formation transformation speed. This is a natural array." Mo Fan frowned, but it looked more dignified than facing the formation of the sword tomb.

"Anyway, you still have to break through, but you can't rush up, you can only go one by one. Although this array can be continuously absorbed and transformed, after all, it is something created by manpower, and there will always be a time limit. That is to say, the stronger your own strength, the shorter it lasts, but the corresponding If a group of people go in, it is very likely to create a beast that kills everyone at once, and even if it lasts for a second, it can completely destroy us. Xiao Yuening said, "Although there is another way, which is to directly overabsorb the absorption mechanism of this array with the number of strong people, resulting in the exhaustion of array energy, the people behind us are not enough to produce this effect at all, so we can only break through."

"That's appropriate. I'll go in alone." Mo Fan said.

"Or, let's go in. First, we can take care of it, and second, we can consume the energy of this array as soon as possible." Xiao Yuening said.

Mo Fan thought it was also reasonable. Just as he nodded and was about to say something, the latter major said, "In this case, I think we should go first and consume some energy."

The two were slightly stunned, turned their heads and saw the major nodded and said, "Although our strength is not as good as the two of us, we think it can consume a little. If you fail, we can't succeed. If we consume some first, is the probability higher?"

Mo Fan and Xiao Yue stared at each other. In fact, this array is an addition and subtraction method, which is to convert the total energy of the array into a value with their own strength, or convert the total energy of the array into a value, or convert the time of support, and subtracting them to zero is the way to crack it.

The two thought for a while. Suddenly, Mo Fan stretched out his hand, patted the major on the shoulder and said, "You're in pain."

Xiao Yuening sighed and said, "This guy is an opportunist. He will never let go of the opportunity to improve the probability. You are treating yourself as cannon fodder."

The major smiled and said, "How can there be soldiers in China who are afraid of death? Besides, this is just a game. If you die, you can be resurrected. What are we afraid of?"

Mo Fan nodded and said, "Well, it's up to you, but you'd better go one by one. As far as I know, the stage of transformation consumes the most energy."

The major nodded, then stepped into the cave and walked into the formation.

"Who dares to disturb my sleep!"

A majestic voice came. Unexpectedly, the major couldn't help taking a step back, and then he took a deep breath and said, "I was scared. No matter what you are, come here!"

"This kind of thing is still a little nervous." Mo Fan said for no reason.

Xiao Yuening said, "After all, this is also the face of the unknown, and it is a terrible unknown."

After such a sentence, there was no response from the major, but an unusual atmosphere was condensing in the center of the formation.

Even outside the formation, everyone feels a cold from the bottom of their hearts.

"Dead..." Mo Fan frowned and stared at the center of the formation.

"Roar!" A loud roar resounded throughout the cave. Except for Mo Fan and Xiao Yuening, the others took a step back together.

At the same time, in front of the major, there stood a huge snake creature two meters high and about ten meters long, with two huge wings stretching from behind its raised snake body.

The major was focused and clenched the long knife in the handshake.

Then, with a "wow", before the major could say anything or do anything, he was swallowed by the rapid movement of the flying snake.

Then, the flying snake roared at the crowd and slowly disappeared.

"This is a little bad." Mo Fan's eyebrows were tighter.

"The strength of the peerless master only lasts for one second? Is this the minimum beast? In this case, everyone will go and won't consume much energy. Xiao Yuening also said.

"It doesn't matter, even a second is time." Another major decisively walked into the formation.

The huge flying snake appeared again. This time, the major was ready to support it for two seconds and was swallowed.

"I'll do it." As soon as Mo Fan was about to say something, a special elite had stepped in without hesitation. Not long after the flying snake disappeared, it slowly appeared again. The elite dodged, and the flying snake disappeared after the last two seconds.

Mo Fan closed his eyes, exhaled and said:



Without hesitation, one person came forward.

Xiao Yuening turned her head slightly, but she couldn't bear to look at it again.

This is really opening the way for the country with life!