The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 571

"Where is this?" Mo Fan turned around and found that he had walked out of Yang Ruoyi's villa area, but came to a strange place. He saw the green trees around him, and the corners of several looming buildings were seen in the branches.

"It seems to be lost."

Mo Fan smiled bitterly, but then found that a pigeon had stopped on his shoulder and was looking at him with a dissatisfied face.

Mo Fan sighed. At a glance, I knew that the appearance of this pigeon was Xiao Yuening, white and flawless, and a little red on its nose. It was also the most prominent in the pile of pigeons.

Mo Fan just wanted the letter, but he was severely pecked by it. This personality is also similar to Xiao Yuening, with the feeling that his master has his own pigeon...

Mo Fan went to write the letter and looked at the date a month ago. He didn't notice a cold sweat in the back of his head. It's not bad. There was no news for a month. I'm afraid this aunt was already thinking about how to kill herself.

The content of the letter is nothing more than where you are.

"She won't come to me again for a month." Mo Fan's cold sweat behind her head became bigger, and the situation was even worse. If she couldn't find herself, she must be furious.

Mo Fan quickly replied with a message, and then looked at the forest-like scene again.

Yang Ruoyi's villa should be built by the sea, that is to say, now he is in a forest by the sea. He bent down, grabbed some soil, and chased him away. He said to himself: It seems that this place is already some distance from the sea.

Mo Fan just escaped from Yang Ruoyi's villa, but soon couldn't find the way. There is such a forest behind Yang Ruoyi's villa. He can't go back and ask Yang Ruoyi how to go. The situation there is much more horrible than getting lost.

So as soon as he walked around, it became like this.

In a word, go there first to see if there is anyone. At least you can ask for directions.

Mo Fan planned to do so and walked towards the building.

Although it is easier for people to get lost in the forest than on flat ground, Fortunately, Mo Fan walked to a temple smoothly with those corners.

It surprised him that there were temples in such a place.

"The benefactor." The little Shami sweeping the floor in front of the temple saw Mo Fan and greeted him.

Mo Fan held his fist and said, "Master, where is the post station here?"

For a road idiot, there is no doubt that the carriage is the best and most convenient means of transportation. After all, you can go anywhere.

You don't have to know the way.

"Lord, just go out of the forest. Please follow this road." Little Sami pointed to a direction.

Mo Fan saw that there was indeed a sheep intestine path on the left side of the main gate of the temple. Obviously, it was formed by Xiao Shami who often walked out, and it should be unimpeded along this road.

Mo Fan nodded, thanked him, and wanted to step. Suddenly, the corners of his eyes seemed to see something, and he couldn't help but stop.

turned his head and said, "Master, it seems that you are not a Bodhisattva Buddha here?"

Little Shami was slightly stunned and then said, "The benefactor has a good vision. We are indeed not the bodhisattvas and Buddhas of tribute."

"Oh? I don't know if I can go in and have a look. Mo Fan said.

Little Shami nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

Mo Fan stepped forward, not as good as in the temple.

However, next, it made him widen his eyes. The wiping bright statue made his mouth grow, but there was no words to describe his current mood.

This, how can this be here!

This is a game, how can this be here!


He stepped back a few steps and almost tripped over the threshold. He suddenly turned around and shouted, "What's going on? Why is this statue..."

But he soon found that the little Sami had disappeared and disappeared completely.

He put away his shocked look and looked at him carefully.

There is nothing wrong!

Absolutely yes!

Impossible! Why did it appear here!

This is just a game!

He looked solemn, took a step back, took a step back, and looked carefully again.

There is nothing wrong with this statue, exactly the same!

is exactly the same as in memory, and there is no difference.

The most terrible existence!

Even in the Mo family, it is a terrible existence, no! Absolutely not terrible, but horror. This existence is so horrible that the god of guardian may not be able to suppress it.

He took a deep breath and said to himself, "Don't be too**. It may have been sorted out in some book fantasy. After all, this is just a game."

Exhale, and Mo Fan calmed down. At this moment, I don't know when Mo Fan was already sweating profusely.

This statue actually frightened him.

He withdrew from the temple and left here according to the path pointed out by Xiao Shami, but the haze lingering in his heart was lingering.

All the way, Mo Fan walked to a beach in a trance. The sound of the waves surging, and his mind suddenly cleared up.

I can't help laughing at myself: "I'm really worried about something in a game."

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He looked up and saw that the little Shami did not lie to him, and a big word "yi" came into his eyes.

Post station.

Mo Fan exhaled. He recovered from his old wounds and recovered from new wounds, and his physical strength was inevitably a little unbearable. After all, this road, coupled with uncertainty, was very exhausting physical strength.

As for martial arts, Mo Fan can't use any move now. It will take at least three or four months to use martial arts.

This is already the fastest speed. I'm afraid that ordinary people can't use force for three years.

The post station brought its own teahouse. Mo Fan sat there. The beach seemed to be very popular. The teahouse was full of guests, but Mo Fan could only find a place, sit cross-legged, and asked for a cup of tea and steamed buns.

"Hey, brother, come to this table. We can still sit alone if we squeeze."

Mo Fan turned his head and looked, and a bald man was wadding to him with a smile on his face. His deskmate had begun to move the stool.

Seeing this scene, Mo Fan could not refuse, so he had to stand up and go to their table.

However, it was still a little embarrassing. There were eight people in this industry, three men and five women. Originally, he was just squeezed with another man, but somehow, he made it between two girls.

Then, he clearly saw the smile of the girl next to him.

has been calculated!

Mo Fan's reaction as a wise man is still so fast and accurate.

The bald man smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's my old men's dream to be popular with girls, but it's a pity that only this group of sisters are willing to talk to me."

The man beside him laughed decisively.

"sister? Are you brothers and sisters?" Mo Fan asked.

"That's right. We are a family. Of course, we are not all-in-law, but mostly cousins." The girl next to him said.

Mo Fan nodded.

The bald man was also talkative, and soon several people became familiar with each other.