Online game No. 5

Chapter 7 First Visit to the Main City

In the next time, I fought monsters in the pasture for no other reason, because the highest level 9 horses in the newcomer's village, but the madman's red clothes always attract a herd of cattle. Now the cattle have no level for me, so the improvement of experience is particularly slow (this is just a leap for my major. For monsters, monsters of the same level are the best choice to upgrade, and will not be as difficult as high levels, nor as experienced as low levels.)

But slow, the percentage of experience is still rising. Finally, after N hours X minutes and Y seconds, the system prompts: "Ding, congratulations on your upgrade. Ding, congratulations on your promotion to level 10, and the door of Tianshen City is open for you. Ding, congratulations on learning new skills.

There are new skills!

However, there are few people who understand new skills this time, only gentlemen and ghosts. I'm depressed that there seems to be a gentleman every time I understand the skills. Sure enough, magicians are famous for their skills.

What annoys me most is the new skill of ghosts, so I looked at his skill bar first.

Flying knife level 320/100

The success rate of flying dragons stealing things or money from monsters or players is related to agility. Grade 0/100

Haha! Finally, there is a skill like a hidden profession!

I laughed and stole money and things.

However, I have always been very kind. If others don't offend me, I won't steal other people's things casually, but what makes me most comfortable is that this skill can not only steal people, but also monsters, so it's not impossible for me to make a profit while fighting monsters in the future.

The skill of flying knife has risen so fast that it has risen to level three. Sure enough, it is good to fly faster. What puzzles me is... How can he get so many flying knives to fly? Although I know this is a computer effect.

After seeing the ghost's skills, I lazily opened the gentleman's skill bar.

Magic bullet level 32/100

Magic Bullet Level 282/100

Magic Shield Level 10/100

Magic bullets release multiple magic bullets to attack different enemies, level 10/100

The new skill is the magic bullet, which is the so-called second group, and my magic bullet has unexpectedly risen to level three. Although it is not as fast as the flying knife, it can actually rise to the third level with its cohesion much slower than the flying knife. It should be because three magic bullets were thrown out of a series of magic bullets.

I hurriedly added attribute points and packed up the fallen things. I controlled the five characters to rush to the city of heaven without stopping. Along the way, I killed a lot of cows who saw the madman in red clothes and red eyes. After going back, I must change a good piece of equipment. ( After that, I knew that I could take a carriage directly from the Newcomer's Village to Tians City. After using the carriage for free for the first time, I was angry on the spot, because the free service was automatically given up after 15.)

There are also a lot of equipment in the bag, all of which are tedious white unidentified equipment, but at least it is better than the new equipment. Unfortunately, I can't identify it yet.

When I saw the side wall of Tianshen City, the system prompted: "Ding, dear player mysterious character, you have been online for 36 hours. Please take a break."

36 hours, that is, the real 12 hours. Although the system will force you to quit until the maximum limit of 54 hours, healthy games have always been my principle. Although I like games, the protection of the body is still needed. This kind of gain is not worth the loss. I won't do it.

So, although I really want to enter the City of God, reason still has the upper hand and reluctantly goes offline.

While I woke up, Qian Shiduo had also left the game. Seeing me wake up, he said happily, "Qiu Cheng, what profession do you play?"

I was stunned. What profession do I play?

How should I answer?

My heart hesitated a little, because the madman was the number one of my soul, so I took him to deal with it, and said, "I'm playing a warrior, a madman called pulling wind. What are you playing?"

Qian Shiduo said, "I play with mechanics, which is called transforming life. It's level 13 now. What level are you?

Shit... I was surpassed, face, face!

"Hey, Qiu Cheng, what's wrong with you?" Qian Shiduo shook his hand doubtfully in front of my eyes and asked.

I came to my senses and said, "Nothing."

"What level did I ask you?"

"Ah, it's level 10."

"Ah... why are you only level 10? Aren't you known as a game genius? You're faster than me anyway.

"Damn, you're just three levels more than me. What?" I am dissatisfied.

Qian Shiduo said with a "I have a lot of experience" and said, "Don't you know? Starting from level 10, each level upgrade requires a lot of experience.

"No way, why did you rise so fast?" I was shocked that the starting point of the five characters is only a few hours slower than Qian Shiduo, which will not be so different. Although each monster has only 80% experience for me, my speed of killing monsters is definitely N+2 times faster than Qian Shiduo.

Qian Shiduo smiled evilly and said, "Because I did a single task, I had a lot of experience and directly let me fly from level 11 to level 13. However, it took me a lot of time to die. However, with my 'game genius' apprentice (under my staring eyes, I added an apprentice. Dare to grab my title?) The technology has finally passed.

"Oh? What's the task?" I was surprised.

"It's the NPC master, the mechanic master. You should be a warrior master." Qian Shiduo told me without reservation, and finally he reminded me that if you want to go, you'd better bring everything, especially red medicine and blue medicine. I know you should bring red medicine. The healing of benevolence is not instantaneous. As for blue medicine, I don't think it's necessary, because blue consumes really little skill, but since money Shi Duo has said so, it's better to bring some.

"However, I think it's better not to go, because the mechanic has a long-range attack and is agile, and then you can win. You are a soldier. I don't know if it will be the same task, but the chance of completing it is really small. I almost became an immortal." Qian Shiduo was worried.

I really have no hope for this task. Because it is a single task, I can't carry out the five characters. I don't know if I can come alone. However, according to Qian Shiduo, I can only upgrade to level 2 at the same time in a whole day, which is life-threatening. It's better to kill monsters honestly. It's true.

So I nodded along the water, but I was still curious about the task report. Let's go and have a look. It's okay if you don't accept it, right?

It's almost early morning now. Qian Shiduo hurriedly took his helmet and said goodbye to me and went home.

After sending Qian Shiduo away, I opened the official website of Fantasy. It has become my habit to observe the official website before going to bed. This is what a game genius needs (narcissistic...)

There has been an announcement of new information on the official website.

Among them: First, the summoning beast system has been turned on, and the summoning beast is divided into 20 levels. Each level requires players to carry it at level 10. For example, level 1 requires players to carry level 10, level 2 requires players to carry level 20, level 3 requires players to carry level 30, and so on. The higher the grade, the stronger the summoning beast, but the exception is that the summoning beast at level 20 is not the strongest, but the summoning beast at level 0 is the strongest. Level 0 summoning beasts can not only be carried by players at level 0, but also have a strong growth rate. But there is only one way to get it. When I saw the way to get it, my eyes lit up and widened for fear of missing a word, but the subtitles that appeared in my pupil were: exploration will be more fun. It's really hard to let myself explore!

2, the reputation system has been opened, and reputation is used to open stores, build families, establish gangs, establish countries, etc. In addition to completing the task, the other way to gain prestige is... The following subtitles are still exploration, which will be more fun. I have an impulse to smash the computer.

3, the store opening system has been opened, and the store is divided into... The following letters are that the game will tell you everything.

The last item has only 6 words: the blue suit has been opened. ( The equipment is now only divided into white, green, and newly opened blue)

In endless speechless.

The first summoning beast system was so long and dazzled, and the back was short. In the end, it simply didn't prompt anything. It was really lazy to death.

But this is still beneficial to me to some extent. Who am I? Game genius!

Game genius is to be able to enter the game faster and more completely and understand the game, so that I have a better condition than others. Other games tell you the answer directly on the official website, so that my ability to understand the game is useless, but now is the time to give full play to my "talent"!

According to the official website, a month later, the game will start to charge time, and also start the exchange between RMB and game currency. The exchange ratio is 10 gold coins (1 gold coin equals 10 silver coins) to 1 yuan.

For many people, time-based charging is very disgusting, but for me, this is the point, otherwise I don't know how to earn RMB.

I am first-class for making money in games. Who am I? I am a game genius! Narcissistic...