Online game No. 5

Chapter 30 vs. Bloody Zombie Army

I was shocked, and the village head's healing technique also worked on the little tiger, barely ensuring the little tiger's qi and blood. However, with the little tiger's physique, he was hit by the blood zombie a few more times. Even if Hua Tuo was alive, it was difficult to guarantee the little tiger's life. What's not to mention that the little tiger was tossed so much, even if there was no problem with qi and blood, the body The pain will also make me feel sad.

No, I have to save the little tiger! My heart was crossed, and the savage collision opened a way out directly. He rushed to the blood zombie.

I broke away from the skeleton ghost group, and my strongest spiral gun directly picked out the blood zombie, but because the blood zombie's arm had been wrapped around the little tiger, I bombarded it while taking it away, and the little tiger was also been thrown out.

"Pu~!" The dust soared, and the little tiger fell to the ground fiercely with the bloody zombie.

I immediately chased after it. The dragon tooth gun on the soul sword had been released, directly cut off the long rope-like arm of the blood zombie, pulled up the little tiger, and quickly rushed out of the skeleton ghost formation. Fortunately, the speed of these skeletons was not so sensitive. By the time they arrived, the little tiger and I had rushed out of the enemy group safely, but the good times were not long. As soon as we escaped, we didn't expect that the arm that the blood zombie had just been cut off by me automatically healed, stretched out again, and caught me at a fast speed. Come on.

I was shocked and didn't react at all. I could only push the little tiger away reflexively. And his body has been wrapped in the hands of the blood zombie.

My qi and blood suddenly dropped a lot, and at the same time, my body was pulled in the direction of the blood zombies in the direction of the ghosts. If I fall into the group of skeleton ghosts like this, give me each skeleton ghost, and I guess I can see the Buddha.

Although I am not panicked, the skills that the gentleman has not used for a long time have come in handy now. A black aperture suddenly rose around my body. There was a powerful magic power hidden in the aperture, which directly shook all the nearby life. The group of ghosts who were about to encircle and suppress me were in a mess. This skill is called "Resistance to Black Fire", which is harmless and almost acts on savage collision. However, this is a four-round model, but the success rate is much lower than the brutal collision, and it is not instantaneous. I hardly care about this skill, but it came in handy at this moment.

Even the BOSS blood zombies were no exception. The tentacles wrapped around me seemed to reach into the hot furnace and quickly shrank back. Looking at a large number of ghosts leaning back and forth because of me, I felt a little proud. There is a small POSS.

Xiaohu exclaimed, "Master, the POSS in the air is quite handsome."

That's of course, I'm proud. But the next moment, I found that something was wrong, in the air? Yes, I seem to be still in mid-air. I was pulled away by the blood zombie and suddenly shook his tentacles away. I couldn't reach it in mid-air. But when I realized this too late, my whole body lost gravity and hit the ground with a perfect dog eating shit, rattling a few times, and then my front teeth fell off.

I got up in pain and moved my chin. Fortunately, it was not broken. If I killed a mission and destroyed my face that won the girl killer certificate for me, it would not be worth it.

"Master, be careful ahead!" Before I could rest for a while, Xiaohu immediately shouted.

I answered and found that the tentacles of the blood zomb were stretched very fast and grabbed me again.

I snorted coldly, and the same move was enough for me once. It's still addictive, isn't it? The tentacles of this blood zombie are very soft, long and short, which seems to be very practical, but insiders can actually see the trend of coming here at a glance. When this tentacle rushed over, the sensitivity was still not very high and could not be changed according to the wishes of the blood zombie. Just like that kind of snake-type mini-game, if you want him to attack the enemy you want to attack, the blood zomb himself has to give the tentacle several turns to ensure that it will not be knotted.

With my walking technology and the ghost's movement speed, I easily flashed through this attack. At the same time, a ghost wrapped in my backhand and bombarded the blood zombie. It will take some time to recover if the tentacles of the blood zombies can't catch people, and those bone ghosts have not arrived at me for the time being, so they can't interrupt me to condense magic.

"The canopy~!" With a muffled sound, the amount of blood and blood of the blood zombies was slightly deducted by me. It seems that it is impossible to solve this blood zombie as soon as possible. It is impossible for me to kill the blood of the blood zombies little by little under the eyes of so many skeletons. The only choice is to get rid of some bone ghosts, reduce the number of bone ghosts to an acceptable level, and then kill blood zombies.

But to put it simply, this blood zombie's attack method is so special that it not only made a strong attack on me, but also forced me to be pulled away by him and unable to move freely. In this way, killing monsters has become a very difficult thing.

But... my eyes suddenly lit up. There is a profession that can make things very difficult very easy. There is a profession that can easily change the trend of the war situation, that is... Taoist priest, fantasy!

I was not clumsy at all. I used the ghost Lingbo to dodge the attack of the blood zombies in a row. While he still needed some time to deal with it, I stepped back a few steps, pulled a small distance from this group of ghosts, and a petrified array was released.

"Wang!" Many bone ghosts around the blood zombies were sealed, but only the blood zombies themselves were not sealed by me.

I couldn't help sweating. A lot of bones and ghosts have entered the entrance and are fighting with the village head and those archers. Fortunately, I also did a lot of medicinal subsidies just now, so now these archers have injured medicine to use, and there is also the village head, a father. So there is no problem for the time being.

I resisted the attack of this group of skeleton ghosts. The shock of a ride was released, and many skeleton ghosts temporarily fell into a coma. At the same time, the tentacles of the blood zombie had surged towards me. I don't dodge, because at this moment, I have been surrounded by ghosts and can't escape even if I want to escape. A sleeping skill condensed directly. When the tentacles of the blood zombie have wrapped around my body, I just finished sleeping and threw it directly to the blood zombie.


The "ZZ" prompt successfully appeared on the head of the blood zombie, and the tentacles surrounding my body suddenly lost their strength and were gently freed by me.

It takes a certain amount of time to unblock the blood zombies by me. The effect of sleeping seal is much longer than that of petrochemical arrays.

We lost the main attack power of the blood zombie, the boss, and we also decompressed a lot. I made a savage collision, opened a road for myself, and then rushed to the village head. There are more and more ghosts here. If I don't come to save them in time, I'm afraid the whole army will be destroyed.

These bone ghosts can't catch up with my speed at all, so they can only chase me silently behind. I split a skeleton ghost who was attacking the archer with a dragon tooth gun, turned around and patted the door with a ten thousand ghosts. The hatred of the other archers, the village head and Morric was attracted by me, gave up the object of my attack, and chased me one after one after another.

The pressure was suddenly reduced, and the village chiefs and others were relieved. In a blink of an eye, the number of archers not only did not decrease, but also increased by one or two. It seemed that archers were still training in the barracks.

The attack power of these ghosts is not low, but there are village leaders, and I kill them very safely.

My body is narrower than the ghost. If they want to surround me, only six or seven monsters are enough. Those who want to attack me can only queue outside. When some ghosts saw that they could not attack me, they changed their direction and chased after the village head and others, and I roared and pulled them over to my side again.

With my defense, I can still withstand the attack power of these ghosts. Before the blood zombies wake up, I will abuse them several times!