Online game No. 5

Chapter 54 Go to the training area

For safety reasons, I first aimed at a group of ghosts in a relatively small number of trees and tested their combat effectiveness.

The archers who attacked the long-range attack took the lead in shooting an arrow, successfully attracting the hatred of this group of ghosts. Their eyes turned red one by one and floated towards us.

The ghost of the bush is almost dressed in a white, blue, red and green cloth robe, plus red eyes, other limbs, mouth and nose.

It feels like a gust of wind can blow them away.

The level of the bush ghost is 42, which is only three levels higher than me. Because the attack technology of the soldiers in the territory is not high, the archer can only cause more than 300 damage in one attack. The power is small and the number is small, resulting in a low damage output of archers.

However, with my strength, it is enough to kill these bush ghosts.

A ten thousand ghosts patted the door and released the past, and this group of ghosts with only 6 trees were hit one after another, and hatred transferred directly to me.

With the improvement of my level and equipment, my power has also increased. Each monster has suffered more than 600 damage. In total, it also has a damage value of nearly 3600.

"Ao!" A blue-robed ghost first came to me, gently waved his sleeves and scratched me lightly, causing more than 400 damage to me.

It's really unexpected that this seemingly touching attack has such a high damage. Of course, this can not disgrace his level of 42.

This injury is nothing to me. Just as I was preparing to fight back, the message of the magic injury had been sent.

"It's done. I'll wait for you in Tianshen City Square."

I immediately responded, and now these bush ghosts have come to me.

I have no reservations and directly released a world ghost. This skill, which has changed from a team to an individual, is not ordinary, but also ranged.

Thousands of red ghost dragons stretched out all around, and the approaching ghosts were attacked one after another. For a while, they screamed repeatedly, causing about 2,500 damage. The qi and blood volume of these tree ghosts was only about 3,000. After being attacked by thousands of ghosts patting the door and the ghosts of heaven and earth, they directly turned into a piece. The white cloth disappeared in mid-air.

This time, nothing broke out except money. I didn't bother to pick up these 200 copper coins and directly crushed them back to the city.

Open the list of friends and see that Chen Yi, who was originally gray, suddenly turned green. Good boy, just caught up with him. I immediately sent a message: "Tenjin City Square, I'll give you 1 minute to be there."

Then, I sent a message to Xiao Zhao Yun.

In front of me, I have come to Tianshen Square.

Even if the flow of people is endless, I can still recognize the magic wound at a glance. A man holding a black staff and wearing a mage's robe is riding a dead soul war horse in a corner of the square, waiting indifferently. His whole body is equipped with endless black apertures in dark gold. Obviously, it is full of gold weapons and dark attribute equipment.

I walked over and showed my nickname.

Pedestrians around can't help but look at us a few times. They can't help thinking about what the highest legal injury in the sky, a recently famous mysterious figure, and two celebrities will talk about when they stand together.

I pulled the magic injury into the team and took me as the captain. The magic injury asked, "Let me be the captain. I know which training point is suitable for you."

I smiled and said, "No, I'll just choose the map."

The legal injury did not refute. At this time, there were three more people in my team, Xiao Zhao Yun, the scarecrow and the grain cart.

Fa frowned and said, "I only promise to take you to practice alone."

I also expect that there will be such a reaction. High-level people don't like to take people to practice. If they have the first time, there will be a second time. I said, "Anyway, you are going to take me to practice for a day. One less person is one day, and one more person is also one day. It won't matter. Anyway, the team is not full, and you can also bring your people by the way. I don't mind."

Fa injured: "In this way, there will be less experience."

"I don't care." I smiled indifferently.

The magic injury can't help smiling and looking at me strangely. Obviously, it's not surprising that there is a master. Ordinary people like to let themselves gain the greatest amount of experience, but I have to call more people. How can this not make the magic injury strange?

"Okay, that's what you said." The wound promised, "I will call a 45-level magic knight, nicknamed Qi Lixiang."

After a while, Chen Yi finally came.

Chen Yi quickly said, "I'm coming, I'm coming. In fact, it doesn't matter if I don't come. You guys can also practice. Hey, is this... the first legal injury on the list? Huh, I told you, how can I be less than this kind of thing as practice?"

I said angrily and funnyly, "Don't talk nonsense. Didn't I ask you to go online early yesterday? Why are you late again? It made us wait so long. I remember that you were late for work this time."

Chen Yi quickly explained and said, "Don't. Boss, there is a reason why I'm late. Besides, I seem to be a bookstore salesman, not a professional player. How can this be mixed together?

"Oh?" I raised my eyes and asked, "What's the reason?"

Chen Yi said righteously, "On my way home, I found a very cute kitten. He was seriously injured, so I took it to the veterinary hospital. Carry forward our Chinese * good traditional virtues!"

I was about to speak when I coughed slightly and said to me, "Qilixiang is coming."

While talking, a player has applied to join my team.

After agreeing to the application, a player named Qi Lixiang entered my team. Because the magic injury told me that Qi Lixiang was a hidden professional magic knight, I specially observed Qi Lixiang. The clothes on his body, which I didn't know whether it was a cloak or armor, fluttered in the wind, holding a double-edged sword in his hand and on both blades. Black ghosts wrapped around back and forth.

Qilixiang looked at me at the same time and turned her head to hurt the law and said, "Master, you finally promised to take me. I have been waiting for this day for a long time. It's really difficult to practice by yourself. But why are there so many people? Will this slow down our training speed?

The five of us turned our heads and looked at Qi Lixiang. It was really annoying to say this sentence. However, we didn't say a few words, and the magic injury didn't care about Qilixiang and said to me, "Okay, we can go. I'd like to see where you go. With so many people, even if I take you, you can't get a few levels.

I smiled and said, "You can rest assured about this. Invite me to join the gang first. Gang experience can't be wasted."

Fa injury nodded and invited me to join the gang. Looking at my title suddenly become "desirous and gentle help the masses". Although Xiao Zhao Yun and others were already mentally prepared, they were still shocked. A pair of eyes looked straight at me, and they did not dare to come out. They could invite the magic injury. In their low-level players It seems that it is already incredible.

"I'm ready. I'm leaving." I said hello to everyone and crushed the transmission scroll of the undead abandoned area. In front of my eyes, a cold wind blew, and we had already appeared in the undead abandoned area.

Where we are located is a small area, with a gate in front of it, and the candlelight on both sides of the gate flutters slightly in the wind. The wound looked around strangely and said, "I didn't expect you to be so lucky to get such a prop."

With such rich game experience, I naturally know how I came to this place.

But it was the first time I came here. I looked around and said puzzledly, "It's strange that there is no monster in it?"

The magic injury said, "This is just the entrance, and the front is the real training area. Let's prepare yourself and raise the state to the highest level." After saying that, he summoned his pet, the mythical beast Xiao Xuanwu.

A green light flashed, and Xiaowu in heavy armor appeared and said respectfully to the magic injury: "Master."

Fa Wound nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Xiaowu, you don't have to deliberately protect me for a while. This time, the enemy is not powerful. Just protect them."