Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 039 Array

In the fairy world, array is one of the extremely important means. It is often used as the card of the Jedi counterattack or the last means to save their lives. The array is tens of millions of changes. How to reflect this in the game is the array map. The array is a sand table. People who control the array can change their array according to their needs to achieve the results they want.

The layout is simple and meets the requirements of the game, but what about breaking the array?

First of all, you need to know the composition of the array. It is composed of four parts: array, array, array eye and array gate. The array is the control center, which can be controlled by the players themselves, and you can also set how it operates. The higher the level of the array, the more intelligent it is, the more you know how to cooperate with the player.

Array refers to the material. The better the material, the higher the attack, defense and other attributes, and the more powerful it is when the array is launched; the array eye, the key to breaking the array, the position where the array is located, once it is attacked by the enemy, it means that the formation is broken, so the formation is to find the array.

How to find the eye?

This is related to the fourth part - "the array". No matter what level of the array is, its array has five types: rest, life, scene, death, injury (escape).

Hungen: The air-raid shelter, hiding in this door, the arrayers and the breakers can't attack each other.

Shengmen: Leave the formation.

Jingmen: the door of breaking the array, the gate of the transformation array; refers to the changes contained in this array itself. If the breaker breaks all the changes in the array, it will go straight to the eye of the array, destroy the array or kill the array, and the formation will be broken.

Dead Gate: If you break into this door, the breaker will attach another 200% of the damage, that is, only 10 points of blood will be deducted, but the result will become 200.

Injured door: Those who break into this door decide the price of escaping according to the grade of the array. If it is a green-level formation, the breaker feels hopeless to break through the array, and can agree to deduct blood volume, secret points, equipment, etc. as the price of leaving the array.

No matter how awesome the array is, its cracking method is "array five doors". If you have ever broken a certain array and encounter the same array in the future, you can break it directly.

But there are only five types of doors: rest, life, scene, death, injury (escape), but the problem is that it does not mean that they can only be 5 arrays. The higher the grade, they may have 10, 50 or 100, or more rest, life, scene, death, injury (escape).

Sometimes, there is only one "jingmen" in some cheating arrays, and the rest are "dead gates", and this kind of arrays are the legendary "killing arrays".


The grade of the Yan female sword array is also high and low. Only three people are composed of green-level sword array. Players rely on the number of people to break through the array separately. Soon someone will find the "Jingmen", and then rush in and break it with brute force and get three Yanji rings. From here, it can be seen that if the rank of the array is not high, it is better not to put too much. The enemy is trapped in, otherwise, it is doomed to be broken.

In the case of the three-person sword array, the change of the sword array belongs to the "phantom sword", that is, there are many virtual swords, but there are only three real swords. If players can't find the three real swords when they break through the array, they may be killed; but if 10 players come to break the array, once a real sword appears, they will be hit. Although the players will be injured, they will also give the rest of the players a chance.

Once you break the first group of Yannu three-person sword array, and then meet the Yannu three-person sword array, there is no need to look for any "jingmen", unless this is another different change of Yannv three-person sword array.

Therefore, the collection of swallow rings is actually extremely fast. Players separated two people to protect Jiang Ziya, and the remaining eight people separated into three-person sword arrays. It took only 15 minutes to collect 100 swallow rings. Then, as expected, they met BOSS.

BOSS's appearance was very beautiful. The white orchid slowly fell, and a Chinese-covered car ruffled. At the middle of the car sat a woman, dressed in green and white veil, beautiful and solemn. The car also passed by, which was also the place where the swallow girl's body was buried. That was the traces left by several players broke the array, and the body had not been refreshed.

Therefore, when flowers, chariots, beautiful women in green and white gauze, corpses constitute a strange picture, and other fierce momentum swept in, the crowd came to their senses.

Nine long swords fainted into the ground. When they appeared again, they had formed a sword array and trapped Jiang Ziya and ten players in it. The sound of the swords came from all directions, and the dizzyingness attacked the players.

"Duo..." In 18*, the cup of tea was tied to each other and condensed into fingerprints. With a soft shout in his mouth, two golden light characters "calm down" came out of their hands and became a little golden light sprinkled on the rest of the players after bursting in the air. The players who were a little dizzy immediately felt energetic for a while and recovered from the sound of the sword.

Situhao's rhythm should be slow. When he heard the sound of the sword, he had used the "clean food and clearing technique", but this technique was single and could only be aimed at one person. Therefore, he applied this technique to himself. When he wanted to help others, the cup of tea was all done.

"Is this a seal or a Buddha seal?" Situ Hao asked curiously.

The cup of tea was greatly surprised to hear the words. He also just knew that the handprints were divided into "text" and "Buddha". The words of the text seals were the "Confucian" spells of hundreds of families, and the Buddha seals were the spells of "Shijia". The teacup learned the "literary seal", and after learning this, he knew that there was a difference.

"Boom..." A huge sword emerged from the void and chopped down directly, which shocked the talking Situ Hao and the cup of tea, and did not have time to talk about it again. One left and one right took Jiang Ziya and jumped to hide on the side. The two of them were responsible for protecting Jiang Ziya.

Yi Xingye patted his forehead, and the heavy mountain elixir flew out, and three red pills rolled in the air. The huge sword was like a pervert meeting a beautiful woman, abandoning the players and went straight to the three pills. In front of the giant sword, the three pills were the size of rice, but the giant sword was ready to attack together. Three pills.


After Yi Xingye suddenly bit his finger, he sprayed the blood in his mouth and saliva into the air. Danwan was about ten meters away from him. The blood flew like an arrow to dissolve with the three Dan pills. In the sound of Yi Xingye's shouting "explosion", the three Dan pills suddenly glowed, and the light wrapped the huge sword that cut down. .

There was a loud "boom" sound, and Dan lost his sword.

"Whistle..." The giant sword was destroyed, and a sharp long hiss sounded outside the array. It was probably the Yanji who felt pain and lost her sword.

"Thank you!" The son-in-law covered his numb left body and thanked Situ Hao and the dragon under the moon.

The infinite player "the truth fell" was in a hurry to block six swordsmanship, three of which were eliminated, and three directly cut his body, causing blood to gushe his body. When the truth fell and swallowed the elixir to stop bleeding, he heard the son-in-law and others talking, and immediately cursed angrily: "Nima, is it time to chat now? "

"Add status, add status."

The worm, who was kicked and scolded, quickly jumped to the side of the truth and fell. A red light appeared on the truth fall. After the truth fell and felt some of the attributes of this shield, he rushed to the sword spirit again and muttered, "Your shield is too small."

The father-in-law looks depressed. In fact, he is only 18 years old, and his voice is indeed still in the voice change period. There is nothing he can do. Who told him to develop late! Originally, the top ten did not have his share. Situ Hao slaughtered a vote in the "secret place of killing", making some of them unable to squeeze into the top ten, which made it cheaper for the worms and others.

"What are you stunned? Hurry up and add the state, Nimei, didn't you say that you have learned several styles?" The truth fell in the distance and was hit by a few swords. He found that the son-worm was still stupid, and immediately cursed again.