Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 040 Old Bird and Rookie Next

The people wandering outside the sword tomb are all sword ghosts in the spinning period. The monsters in the children's life area are mainly spinning, lighting and fusion, and the cultivation suppression are quite powerful. Therefore, the leaping challenge in the outer realm belongs to the rhythm of seeking death; and only in the outer realm of the Zhongzhou mission area will not appear such powerful monsters.

The three sword ghosts in the spiral period formed a simple "three talent array", killing the cup of tea in 18* years, while Situhao on the other side destroyed one team after another without pressure; the cup of tea did not understand the details of the tea and thought that although Situhao was only in the early stage of the opening, his hidden strength was very strong. In fact, This is completely the "sword seed" at work.

The sword species has an obvious suppression effect on sword magic. At the same time, it also increases the damage of the owner's sword spells by 20%. Therefore, the cultivation suppression, the containment and damage bonus of the sword species make the "three talent array" composed of sword ghosts in the spiral period fragile and vulnerable in front of Situ Hao.

And Situ Hao did not abuse the sword ghost to find a sense of superiority, but when he saved the cup of tea in 18*, he killed a few sword ghosts, and felt the "sword seed" hidden in the divine shepherd king's code and made a happy cry. With this cry, the dead sword ghost turned into wisps of smoke into Situ Hao's nostrils and then merged into the divine shepherd king. Inside the "sword species" of the classic.

The reborn guest mentioned the sword seed, saying that it is a necessary thing for the sword seed to become a sword fairy, but Ya only mentioned it casually and did not say it in detail, so that Situ Hao did not know whether the "sword seed" is the same as in Ya's explanation, but only the premise for understanding swordsmanship.

There is no system prompt, which makes Situ Hao not know what the light smoke turned into "sword ghost" has for the "sword species". He believes that it may be the reason why the number is not enough. Therefore, he feels that there is a secret to go to the sword tomb. Anyway, it is all above the level of sword ghosts. It is really these monsters to "sword species" It has a tonic effect. The higher the grade, the more obvious the effect will be.

"Tea cup, do you want to go to the Sword Tomb?" After making the decision, Situ Hao did not plan to venture alone. When doing the top ten tasks, he felt some of his shortcomings. In terms of understanding of the game, he should be the best among the players at present, but in terms of game experience, he is still a rookie, so he must hang out with those old birds for a longer time. , to get rid of the green rookie temperament.

"Sword Tomb? What is the nature of the map? Where is it? Is it dangerous?"

"Nimei, where did you get so many questions?"


was scolded by Situ Hao. The cup of tea in 18* was very depressed. Looking at the sword ghost around him, he felt a little powerless. The cup of tea sighed secretly and decided to hang out with Situ Hao. It's better to hit a little boss to get the portal, and then return to Zhongzhou by himself. It's really dangerous!

Entering the hall of the sword tomb, Situhao respectfully worshipped in front of the sword monument, and he did not pay attention to the cup of tea. In the secret world of the ten trials of Kaiguang, the 18* "cup" said that he wanted to play "Fu Xiu". Therefore, it doesn't matter if he doesn't worship the palace of sword cultivation.

The sword tomb has seven floors, and each layer has a hidden sword king, which is called the big sword king. The slightly more powerful one is the little sword king. Whether you can meet it or not depends entirely on luck. Sometimes after cleaning up the whole layer of sword soldiers, the little sword king may not appear, so character is very important.

Monsters are not fierce. In fact, there are small skills, that is, the "Reiki Index". This function comes with its own reminder and query. The Reiki index is 1-10, and it is rare to meet places above level 8; basically, in areas below the Reiki index level 3, monsters are relatively Because it is weak, and there is nothing good, the poor mountains and rivers only come out of the unruly people, and there is no strong monster.

The distribution of Reiki is not uniform. Take the first layer of the Sword Tomb as an example, its overall index is 1. All the wandering are three groups of sword ghosts, and the repairs are all in the early stage. If you walk, the Reiki index suddenly soared to 2 or 3, which means that there are powerful monsters nearby. Maybe there may be BOSS. .

The first floor of the Sword Tomb is a village. It appears at the entrance of the village from the Hall of the Sword Tomb. If you want to go to the next floor, you must pass through the only street in the village, which is crowded with countless sword ghosts.

Situ Hao does not mean to break through. In the early stage, the players have too little spiritual power to support long-term battles. Therefore, in the early stage, the battle mode is rarely face-to-face hard fighting, but with the help of props.

Seeing so many sword ghosts, the scalp of the cup of tea was a little numb. He hurriedly took out a charm from the storage ring and threw it to the ground. The four words "the sun of the bow" flashed away. After seeing the words, the cup of tea knew that the array was successful. After taking a sigh, he asked Situ Hao to attract strange things, but Situ Hao ignored it, which made the cup of tea He asked in distress, "Brother, what on earth do you want to do?"

Situ Hao just wants to verify the "little skill" mentioned by the reborn guest, that is, the lower the Reiki index, the weaker the monster's strength, and the place where the average index is suddenly higher, whether there is really a boss. Besides, he has no strange awareness. In his opinion, he has a powerful divine pastoral king and rebirth. Guest voice message, how can such an identifiable person do strange work? Isn't it a loser?

If this idea is known by that cup of tea, you will definitely sigh that this Nima is really a standard rookie thinking! Every rookie, especially those who start very well, always thinks that they are different and always don't want to do this or that, but games, like football and other sports, can only get the highest benefits by team operation. After all, a person's strength is limited.

The sword ghost will not rush from the street and beat him because of the cup of tea in the ** posture in the rune array. The sword ghost will only attack the enemies who step into the street, and the one that marks stepping into the street is the archway at the entrance of the village. As soon as Situ Hao stepped on the archway, he heard a sad scream in his ear, and the sword ghost in a group of three is in order. Surround him in the center.

A group of sword ghosts fell under the attack of Situ Hao, and the "sword species" in the divine shepherd king's classics constantly sent out happy signals, which gave Situ Hao a feeling of "just a little" close to success. This feeling was very strange, just like who was "hypnotizing" Situ Hao in the dark.

Situ Hao himself did not feel anything strange, but the cup of tea that had been staying in the charm array at the entrance of the village saw the strangeness, because the strangeness was too obvious.

"His face was extremely red, and there was a long sword suspended on the top of the sky. The ordinary long sword was nothing, but the sword still seemed to have a pair of eyes and looked at me from time to time. Damn it, what's going on?"

"In theory, if it is in a negative state, the system should have a prompt. If there is no hint, it means that some hidden plot has been touched." Answer 18* That cup of tea is Yi Xingye. One thousand-mile transmission note is 100 secret points. One conversation is 10 yuan, and the number of words can only be limited to 40. Of course, if you want to increase the number of words, you can buy a more expensive thousand-mile transmission note.

"I checked the information of the Sword Tomb and said that in the disaster of heaven and earth, the human sword cultivation was tragic and magnificently admired by the aliens, so I repaired the Sword Tomb. According to reason, there should be no hidden plot in such a place!" After recording the cup of tea, he threw the thousand-mile note into the air, and the note disappeared in an instant.

While waiting for Yi Xingye to reply, the cup of tea found that Situ Hao's condition was getting worse and worse, or better and better; because Situ Hao's speed of killing the enemy was getting faster and faster, and there seemed to be a powerful force attached. It took a few minutes to kill the three sword ghost array before, but now it is almost a minute to destroy a group. Three swords and ghosts.

The killing of the enemy is excellent, but Situ Hao's face is covered with red silk, and there are more "flame" figures in his eyes. The sword suspended above his head, and the eyes on the blade are even more strange.

The cup of tea knows that you must make a decision, whether to let Situhao kill himself or rush in to save himself; let Situhao die by himself, there is no psychological burden for that cup of tea, and everyone is not very familiar with it anyway, and the reason why the cup of tea refuses to make this decision is that Situhao showed at this time. The state is too strange, and the cup of tea really wants to know what the reason is that caused Situ Hao's strange state at this time.

Therefore, there was no choice in that cup of tea. He had no choice but to save Situhao, and this rescue may take his life. "To understand the mystery, I will fight." Gritting his teeth, the cup of tea shouted in his heart, then put away the rune array and took several state-in-stated charms on his body. When the charms all came into effect, his figure drifted and flashed to Situhao's side.

"The local tycoon, the local tycoon, can you hear me?"

The cup of tea in 18* was not nonsense. He had stood outside the entrance of the village before, and Situ Hao's position was also under the monument at the entrance of the village, and the two were only about ten meters apart. However, after the "fireworks" appeared in Situ Hao's eyes and a pair of long sword with a pair of eyes on the blade hanging on his head, the cup of tea shouted There was no response from Situ Hao.

In Situ Hao's world, he did not hear the shout of the cup of tea, but he saw the cup of tea appear beside him, so Situ Hao grinned and said, "Tea cup, you finally came out of the charm array!"

What the cup of tea heard was not this sentence, but bursts of unpleasant laughter. At this time, the cup of tea finally remembered a piece of game information, which was naturally provided by the official and talked about some characteristics of the player's "magic".

Brother Ju dares not save Situ Hao again. If he saves Situ Hao before he finds the "magic soil", he is likely to be demonized, and once he is demonized, he will fall into a hypnotic-like game state. If the player has been immersed in hypnosis, the deeper the degree of demonization will be. If the player is If you react in time, the hypnosis will end and the demonization will end, but if you want to get rid of the poison, you need to find the antidote by yourself.

Now, Situ Hao doesn't seem to realize that he has been demonized, and "magic soil" is the source of demonization. Although it is called "earth", it does not actually exist in the form of soil. Its shape is ever-changing, sometimes attached to animals or minerals, sometimes attached to plants, etc. , which makes people defenseless, so the demon clan is the most difficult race among the four alien races.

He rolled and crawled away from Situhao and returned to the entrance of the village. After playing the rune again, the cup of tea burst and cursed: "MB, didn't you say that the demon clan is a zombie? But how can the demonization in this form be a zombie? After scolding, he quickly sent a thousand-mile note to Yi Xingye and wanted to know what was going on.