Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 075 Descendants of Gods and Demons

"Wo..." The old man read a word in his mouth.

Situ Hao heard a huge explosion in his ear. He held his head and howled and rolled on the ground. At the same time, the original treasure "God Shepherd King's Book" in the sea scattered several spiritual forces to block the invading spiritual power. When Mudian's spiritual power defeated the whole line of "Dou Lingli", Situ Hao's head also stopped the pain.

It is not the first time that Situhao has seen the "battle of divine knowledge". The battle of divine knowledge is like the main attack goal of devouring the other party's knowledge of the sea. At this time, the strength of the original treasure determines the strength of the sea of knowledge; of course, this is the way of fighting for the divine consciousness before reaching the distraction period, after reaching the divine period. , a small man will appear in the sea of knowledge, who can use his own treasure as a weapon to fight.

It only took less than a minute to return to the topic and resist the old man's "sound attack". Situ Hao stopped rolling all over the ground. His rolling was actually given by the system. When his body rolled in the game, Situ Hao's sense of reality entered the sea of knowledge and fought shoulder with the divine shepherd Wangdian to resist the "dug" spirit. Force invasion.

The old man turned into a sword and flew to the old man. The old man's face changed greatly, "Sword..." The ceremony has not been completed. If he releases Cai Daoji's head at this time, the ceremony will fail. After waiting so long to finally wait for the person he wants to wait for, the old man will not allow his failure this time.

"Oh...", another loud shout, aimed at the old man's dragonfly in the form of a sword, and the word "dai" was wrapped in a strong aura.

"buzzing", the sound of which made his sword ripple, and layers of ripples dissolved the attacks hit by the word "h" one by one.


Situhao stepped on the "five-character hidden flower step" and threw the charm in his hand at the old man. He knew that the old man was deliberately delaying the time, and the old man was delayed by the word "dai". If he wanted the old man's ceremony to fail, he must have new interference; many strange birds instantly became bigger and entered the battle form, and it suddenly left and right, sometimes approached, sometimes Side attack, cooperate with Situ Hao's "five-character hidden flower step" to interfere with the old man.

"Wet local tycoon, don't go too much." The old man's expression roared ferociously.

Situ Hao was shocked. Nima, how did the old man know his ID, and then think of the whirlpool that he had to get in before. Obviously, it was repulsive, but it was not so strong. Obviously, the whirlpool was created by the old man to lead Cai Daoji, but he didn't expect that Situ Hao was also there, and the old man knew Situ Hao. There seems to be some connection with each other, so there is no strong intention to refuse Situ Hao.

"You are a descendant of Emperor Yan. What kind of Pangu blood do you want to grab?" The old man shouted angrily.

"Wh, demons and witches are descendants of Pangu. Nuwa created people and found that people are too fragile, so they attract witches to form witches. Although witches are of different races from witches, they also have Pangu genes. Why can't I grab them? The two clans of ghosts and demons are the people of heaven, and how can they have Pangu blood? Old man, do you bully me with ignorance?

Knowing that the old man was procrastinating, Situ Hao still slowed down his attack and asked. In fact, he also vaguely felt that things were really like what the old man said. It was useless for him, a descendant of Emperor Yan, to get Pangu blood.

The so-called hate family refers to the race that is not accepted by this world.

In the era of immortals, heaven, hell, thirty-three heavens, earth, hell circle ghosts, heavy heaven sealed demons, and the world was mixed with people and demons.

The ghosts lived in the hell, and the demons were sealed in the cold land and slept in the coffin. The immortals disappeared, the demons danced wildly, and the ghosts roared in the world. The human race was responsible for defeating demons and exorcising demons, and exorcising ghosts. Therefore, the four races of demons and demons joined hands to destroy the murderers. The human race lost the help of immortals. Although the number of people was large, they continued to be defeated, and finally only guarded "Zhongzhou" Land.

"The so-called Tianyoku is said by the heavenly court, can the world really only be the residence of the human race?"

"I don't want to talk to you about this big truth. Your sword is above your head. If you don't give me a suitable explanation, I will split it directly."

The old man delayed the time by talking, and Situ Hao was not idle. He asked the strange birds to help him get rid of the siege. While the old man explained the hate of the clan, he was secretly lying on the back of the strange birds. When the old man was distracted, the sword went directly to Cai Daoji.

Yes, the sword points to Cai Daoji.

As long as she kills her, she will not get Pangu blood, and everything the old man does will be wiped out.

Cai Daoji was still kneeling there, but she knew everything that happened around her. She came in from the whirlpool and immediately appeared in front of the old man. Situ Hao did not know the old man, but Cai Daoji knew him. The old man was Yin Changsheng.

Who is Yin Changsheng? It may be difficult to explain if you mention this person alone. If you add another - Wang Fangping, you can explain that Yin Changsheng and Wang Fang Plain are immortals. Later, they were ordered by the heavenly court to form a hell. Because there is a surname of Yin and a surname of Wang, there is a saying of "King of Yin" and "King of the Underworld", and the hell also has the alias of "Yan".

Therefore, the ghost clan listed Yin Changsheng and Wang Fangping as the "ancestors of the ghost clan".

In order to rise, the human race has to recast the "heavenly court", and the ghosts also have to recast the "heavenly court" if they want to rise, but the hell is under the world. Naturally, the ghosts are not satisfied with this. They want to move the ghostly world, that is, replace the "heavenly court" with "underworld".

Just as Emperor Yan occasionally appears to help Situ Hao, it is inevitable that the bigwigs of hell come out to help their descendants, and here brings a question. Is the bosses in the secret world sealed in the secret world, or do they still live in heaven, but because of the existence of the secret place, the heaven and the Lord There is no communication between the world.

Because there is no promotion of the main plot in later generations, the reborn guests believe that the characters in the secret territory are all fake, because they cannot affect the main world. However, with the advancement of the main plot, it can be found that although the bigwigs in the secret territory cannot affect the main world, they can affect the secret world, which makes players A question arises, "Are all the immortals really missing?"

And the emergence of this question also happens to explain why the first volume of the main plot is called "No Immortals", which is to let players solve the question of "Are all the immortals really missing?"

When Situhao obtained the "Use and Repair of the Book of the Shepherd King" jade slips given by Emperor Yan, he actually knew that immortals still exist, but for unknown reasons, these immortals could not appear in the main world and could only communicate with players in the secret world.

And when he learned that the old man in front of him was one of the founders of hell, Situ Hao confirmed that the immortals still exist, but from the perspective of the bosses, even if the immortals are here, the little bastards are estimated to die. Otherwise, they will not always be bosses. Come out and show off.

At this time, Yin Changsheng who appeared here is just a split, just like Situ Hao's split of Emperor Yan in the flood and famine. In addition, there is a black bear forest here, and the highest cultivation can only be the peak of the opening period. Therefore, although Yin Changsheng is first "dark" and then "tun" two voices, its real strength is not very good. If you are hit by a sword, not only Cai Daoji will hang up, but Yin Changsheng will also hang up.

Killing Yin Changsheng, Situ Hao did not have any psychological obstacles, but killing Cai Daoji made him hesitate. Anyway, she was also a goddess who made him very moved! Wouldn't it be too cruel to split a sword in half like this?

Fortunately, this entanglement no longer exists. Yin Changsheng gave an explanation that satisfied Situ Hao, that is, to give a drop of "Pangu blood" to Situ Hao. As soon as he bought the bottle containing "Pangu blood", Situ Hao was transmitted out.

"This matter is strange inside and outside! Later Cai Daoji also got Pangu blood, but at that time, the main plot did not advance. So, why did Yin Changsheng come out so early? Or is it not Yin Changsheng who sent Pangu blood to future generations? MB, things are a little complicated!" Situ Hao, who was retransmitted to the left back bear palm area, scratched his head and thought.

The message time of the reborn guest is only 3 hours. In such a short time, there are actually not many things that can be introduced. The reborn guest is more about planning the game life for Situ Hao, such as taking the divine shepherd Wangdian first, and then doing tasks, etc.; while to get equipment, treasures and so on, the reborn guest adopts "borrowing chickens to lay eggs" "Method.

The so-called borrowing chickens to lay eggs is to tell Situ Hao who will be in future generations, where and what to get, such as Cai Daoji, Black Bear Forest, Pangu Blood, which are three key words; if Situ Hao meets Cai Daoji in Black Bear Forest, he can secretly follow and get Pangu blood, which is to borrow chickens to lay eggs.

Therefore, although Situ Hao does not know the specific location of many equipment, treasures, etc., and does not know how to get them, as long as he meets someone and goes to a specific place, Situ Hao can "borrow chickens to lay eggs"!

"Ding" interrupted Situ Hao's thinking, but when he fixed his eyes, it was the sword. He recovered from the body of the sword, with a cool and arrogant look on his face, which made Situ Hao not hit anyone. He pointed to him and scolded, "Do you think you have lived for tens of thousands of years to live on a dog? You are now my herdsman. I want to make you die and live. What are you doing in front of me?

"If you are not free, don't die."

"Damn it, are you still dragging me? You know, there is a crippled ancestor in our secret fairy palace. I heard that he is very resourceful to erase the spiritual consciousness of the spiritual clan.

"The ancestor with a broken foot? Is he still alive?" His face changed greatly and he shouted.

Situhao was quite surprised. He knew that the ancestor of the disabled foot was a big man, but he didn't expect that he even know him. However, on second thought, the ancestor of the disabled foot had lived for tens of thousands of years. Although the ancestor of the disabled foot was a Mahayana period, he only lived for nearly ten thousand years, and there was no good intentions to know the ancestor of the disabled foot.

"Of course I'm alive. I'm a true disciple of the disabled-footed ancestors."

"Well, no wonder you want Pangu blood. It turns out to be a true disciple ordered by the disabled-footed ancestors, but you are quite filial."

"Oh, the amount of information in this story is a little big."

Situhao shouted in his heart that he didn't understand it, but as long as he thought about it carefully, he would know that Pangu blood was indeed useless to him. Therefore, he would say, "You want Pangu blood to die", and then "Pangu blood" would be used for the disabled ancestors. Otherwise, Yu would not say, "You are quite filial."

"Hey, when I go back, I will find the ancestor, and now I will go to find the immortal monument. This secret journey is really refreshing."