Star Trek

Chapter 319 Battle for the Sea 10

Now, for Liu Qingshan, the biggest problem is still the production and construction funds. Yes, rather, because the enemy has strengthened their attacks on their own bases over this period of time, which leads to the production of some military facilities in their own bases, and more importantly, some necessary combat forces should be produced in large quantities. And some military facilities must be produced in large quantities, and more importantly, some necessary combat forces should be produced in large quantities.

In this case, naturally, Liu Qing's base will naturally consume quite a lot of production and construction funds. However, in the current situation, it should be said that the Tiberon crystal deposit in his base has been emptied. Although Liu Qingshan also knows that the Tiberon crystalline ore refinery in his base will not appear again, it will take a long time to jump to those Teberon crystal ore refineries after appearing again.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Qingshan decided to send his mining truck to the Teberon Crystal Mine**, which is quite far from his base, to collect ore, which has become a must.

However, the reality is not that simple. Yes, that's true. Still for Liu Qingshan, he sent several of his most effective chariots to protect his mining vehicles to the Tiberon crystal mine, which was far away from his base, to collect ore. Suddenly, Liu Qingshan saw the one on the right side of his base. Suddenly, something happened at the entrance.

A group of infantry fighting forces in red of the enemy rushed towards their own base at this time. Moreover, the enemy's infantry fighting force in red seemed to move very fast, and Liu Qingshan saw that Fei Ming grasped a spray* of their output. Liu Qingshan knows that this kind of spray* has a good attack ability. Moreover, the attack distance of this spray is also quite far. Even his most powerful chariot II, his own Maomaoth tank, will not have much advantage in the face of this kind of infantry fighting power of the enemy.

At this time, Liu Qingshan saw that the enemy's more than 20 pairs of infantry had rushed to the edge of his base. Fortunately, at this time, a Maw tank deployed there finally happened, so one after another, shell after another, fiercely attacked the enemy's more than a dozen infantry * infantry. Fortunately, at this time, a Maw tank deployed there finally happened, so one after another, shell after another, fiercely attacked the enemy's more than a dozen infantry * infantry.

However, as Liu Qingshan expected, the shells fired by his long Maw tank did not have an absolute lethal advantage for some of the enemy's infantry. It seems that some of the enemy's spray soldiers have a natural antibacterial ability for Liu Qingshan's long-hair elephant tank. Therefore, in this situation, they don't care about the shells fired by the Maomao tank at all. For Liu Qingshan's Maw elephant tank, it has a natural antibacterial ability. Therefore, in this situation, they don't care about the shells fired by the Maomao tank at all.

So, soon after, Liu Qingshan saw that his Maoxiang tank, at this time, faced with the attack of more than a dozen enemy soldiers, had no ability to attack. Because their attack on the ground is not very lethal for the enemy's infantry. Under this situation, it naturally boosts the morale of the enemy's infantry combat forces. Bo said

Therefore, Liu Qingshan clearly saw that his two long Maw tanks had no choice but to be attacked by the enemy's infantry. After that, he turned around in place, as if he were sending a signal for help to Liu Qingshan. After seeing this, Liu Qingshan knew that if he didn't pull him again, his Maw tank would definitely be buried here.

After thinking of this, with Liu Qingshan's order, his own maomaoth tank, which had been sprayed by some of the enemy's infantry, had lost more than 70% of its health, and retreated to its base. Yes, Liu Qingshan knows that as long as his Maomaoth tank has to return to the chariot factory in his base, then, naturally, it will be subject to the pursuit of shrewd maintenance over his combat vehicle factory. Moreover, Liu Qingshan also knows that the maintenance speed and quality of that kind of maintenance operation are mostly very good for efficiency.

Sure enough, soon after, with Liu Qingshan's order, his long maomaoth tank, with the health value of 20 to 30 percent, finally

has arrived at its own base. Then, Liu Qingshan saw that when he had just touched the dyed factory in his base, he saw three repair elves immediately gathered around him. Then, at this time, I saw that the two or three repair elves had just come into contact with the damaged chariot, and the firelight immediately began to shine, and the dark red repair firelight even reflected the ground red. Especially when the tentacles of the maintenance elf come into contact with the target, each contact is even more electric and full of fire, which looks very dazzling. And the health value of the damaged chariot also recovered and recovered at a very fast speed with the continuous dance of the maintenance elf...

Immediately after, Liu Qingshan decided to attack some infantry units of the enemy army that had rushed to his base with his own mecha magic soldier. I am, mother, I didn't expect that these enemy's flame-jet ice were so powerful that it was difficult for their own Maw elephant tanks to attack them.

Huh, huh, huh? I saw that my own mecha magic soldier fiercely fired artillery fire, and one shell after another roared out, breaking through the air and hitting the head of the enemy's infantry team fiercely. Hong Bang, boom, boom, Liu Qingshan saw that the shell fired by his mecha magic soldier was able to use a burst of explosive firelight to quickly surround the enemy's infantry attack force, and then, in the sound of the explosion, Liu Qingshan It was clearly seen that the enemy's attacking infantry team was blown away, and the broken coins were blown into the sky one after another, and then fell down one after another, looking bloody.

----------yi yi

Finally, after three minutes, Liu Qingshan finally saw that the 12 long Maw tank, which had just been attacked by the enemy's infantry, had lost 50 to 60 percent of its health, and finally restored its health. It looks energetic and aggressive. After seeing this, with Liu Qingshan's order, Liu Qingshan saw that his newly repaired maomaoth tank set out from his base, followed by the base, and then crossed the jungle, rushed down the slope, and then towards the distance. The Tiberon crystal deposit, which is far away from its own base, rushed away. Liu Qingshan saw that his newly repaired Maw tank set out from his base, then passed through the base, then crossed the jungle, rushed down the slope, and then rushed to the Tiberon crystal deposit farther away from his base.

Yes, obviously, Liu Qingshan's move is to strengthen the defense force of the mineral deposit. Now, it is true that the Tiberon crystal deposit is really not very important to Liu Qingshan. To be honest, Liu Qingshan only knows such a truth, that is, war is money.

It is basically impossible to win a war without the production and construction funds you have read. Yes, the economic foundation will always determine the superstructure. Liu Qingshan believes this truth very much.

Or basically, no Liu Qingshan knows that if he can build his own other construction factory next to the Tebron crystal deposit, then he will basically take the initiative of the battlefield. Yes, basically you can say that. The reason is very simple, that is, once you can really build your own other factory next to the Teberon crystal deposit, then it means that you can build your own ore power plant there. And once the mine is built next to the Tebron crystal deposit far away from its own base camp and builds its own ore refinement factory, then its own mining truck will no longer have to transport the ore so far away to the ore refinement factory in its own base camp. In that case, it will be time-consuming and laborious. Very inefficient. As a result, it seriously affected the economic construction of its own base.

Now, Liu Qingshan has been producing his own base car. At the same time, its mining truck is still carrying out ore collection at the Tiberon crystal deposit next to its base. Yes, so at this time, Liu Qingshan knew that the more dangerous it was. Once the enemy destroys their mining truck at this time, then, No is really unfortunate for him. Yes, that's true. You know, so far, at least four to five of their mining trucks have been destroyed by the enemy.

The problem is that under the current situation, once your mining truck is destroyed again, you will no longer have enough production and construction funds to re-produce. Now, it can be said that I earn a penny and spend a penny, so if I leave the mining truck for more ore collection, then Liu Qingshan's base is basically unable to operate. Liu Qingshan is also very clear about this.

was come and fought a big battle next to the crystallized mine of Tiberon. Liu Qingshan once deployed his own Maw elephant tank. However, I don't know when the enemy began to attack the defense forces deployed there first. It seems that not long ago, he came to fight Zhao next to the crystallized deposit of Teberon. Liu Qingshan once deployed his own Maw elephant tank. However, I don't know when the enemy began to attack the defense forces deployed there first. It seems that not long ago, when the infantry attacked the team that served the enemy, the enemy took advantage of its indiary and destroyed its Maw tank again.

So now, in this situation, Liu Qingshan has no choice but to send another Maw elephant tank to defend near the Tiberon crystal deposit. At the same time, of course, Liu Qingshan did not forget to send several of his own infantry attack team to assist his own Maomaoth tank.

However, Liu Zheng has found that an enemy fortress has been built at the edge of the Tiberon crystal deposit and at the edge of the Tiberon crystal deposit. After seeing this, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but be stunned. Wow, damn it, why has an enemy fortress been built here? It seems that the enemy has also changed its combat strategy. Instead of sending that kind of mobile combat force, but using that kind of fixed combat force to attack Liu Qingshan's truck.

After seeing this, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but be stunned. Yes, you know, this kind of fixed combat power of the enemy is quite powerful. Because this fixed combat unit, whether it is a bunker or that kind of chariot fortification, is built with a special material. Generally speaking, this material is not available on its own planet. In this case, it must be a unique material brought from other planets.

That kind of unique material, although not many, has a quite obvious effect in the construction of military facilities, especially in the re-construction of such defensive military facilities. As long as 1% of such materials are added to the construction of such military facilities, the military facilities will have quite strong defensive capabilities. In fact, it is a super weapon, and it is difficult to destroy him at once.

Therefore, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw that the enemy had built such a military bunker next to the Tiberon crystal deposit. He knows that the situation is more complicated now. Yes, that's true. And he came, in this case, it must cost him a considerable price to destroy the enemy's military bunker.

Fortunately, Liu Qingshan also knows that although the enemy's military bunker has a very strong defense ability, then again, this kind of enemy's military bunker does not have anti-aircraft combat capability. But it is also its only weakness. In this case, naturally, Liu Qingshan can start from this aspect and seize his shortcomings, such as air strike force, to destroy this unique bedroom bunker of the enemy. Of

Yes, anyway, if you don't destroy this unique military bunker of the enemy, it is basically impossible for you to collect ore on this surface of Teberon crystal mine**. You know, although this unique bedroom bunker of the enemy does not have the ability to fight against air defense, the attack is quite strong. In this case, if your mining vehicle is still collecting ore on this ore deposit, then what will happen next is self-evident. Yes, that's true.

You should know that, not to mention your own mining truck, it is a hill, and the enemy's military bunker can also destroy the target with one blow. Yes, the enemy's military bunker is very defensive, and the previous attack weapons used have stronger lethality than nuclear bombs. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Qingshan knew that he would destroy the enemy's military bunker in the first place anyway. Otherwise, your whole plan will have a significant impact.

After thinking about this, Liu Qingshan decided not to hesitate any more. Time is particularly precious to him. Therefore, under the order of Liu Qingshan, four of their own fire eagle fighters roared at the airport in their base and slowly took off from the runway, and then flew to the sky at the end of the runway, and then flew to the sky to the enemy's military bunker next to the Tiberon crystal deposit. The fort roared and took off.

Now, for Liu Qingshan, the biggest problem is still the production and construction funds. Yes, rather, because the enemy has strengthened their attacks on their own bases over this period of time, which leads to the production of some military facilities in their own bases, and more importantly, some necessary combat forces should be produced in large quantities. And some military facilities must be produced in large quantities, and more importantly, some necessary combat forces should be produced in large quantities.

In this case, naturally, Liu Qing's base will naturally consume quite a lot of production and construction funds. However, in the current situation, it should be said that the Tiberon crystal deposit in his base has been emptied. Although Liu Qingshan also knows that the Tiberon crystalline ore refinery in his base will not appear again, it will take a long time to jump to those Teberon crystal ore refineries after appearing again.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Qingshan decided to send his mining truck to the Teberon Crystal Mine**, which is quite far from his base, to collect ore, which has become a must.

However, the reality is not that simple. Yes, that's true. Still for Liu Qingshan, he sent several of his most effective chariots to protect his mining vehicles to the Tiberon crystal mine, which was far away from his base, to collect ore. Suddenly, Liu Qingshan saw the one on the right side of his base. Suddenly, something happened at the entrance.

A group of infantry fighting forces in red of the enemy rushed towards their own base. Moreover, the enemy's infantry fighting force in red seemed to move very fast, and Liu Qingshan saw that Fei Ming grasped a spray* of their output. Liu Qingshan knows that this kind of spray* has a good attack ability. Moreover, the attack distance of this spray is also quite far. Even his most powerful chariot II, his own Maomaoth tank, will not have much advantage in the face of this kind of infantry fighting power of the enemy.

At this time, Liu Qingshan saw that the enemy's more than 20 pairs of infantry had rushed to the edge of his base. Fortunately, at this time, a Maw tank deployed there finally happened, so one after another, shell after another, fiercely attacked the enemy's more than a dozen infantry * infantry. Fortunately, at this time, a Maw tank deployed there finally happened, so one after another, shell after another, fiercely attacked the enemy's more than a dozen infantry * infantry.

However, as Liu Qingshan expected, the shells fired by his long Maw tank did not have an absolute lethal advantage for some of the enemy's infantry. It seems that some of the enemy's spray soldiers have a natural antibacterial ability for Liu Qingshan's long-hair elephant tank. Therefore, in this situation, they don't care about the shells fired by the Maomao tank at all. For Liu Qingshan's Maw elephant tank, it has a natural antibacterial ability. Therefore, in this situation, they don't care about the shells fired by the Maomao tank at all.

So, soon after, Liu Qingshan saw that his Maw tank, at this time, in the face of the attack of more than a dozen actual soldiers of the enemy, he had no ability to attack. Because their attack on the ground is not very lethal for the enemy's infantry. Under this situation, it naturally boosts the morale of the enemy's infantry combat forces. Bo said

Therefore, Liu Qingshan clearly saw that his two long Maw tanks had no choice but to be attacked by the enemy's infantry. After that, he turned around in place, as if he were sending a signal for help to Liu Qingshan. After seeing this, Liu Qingshan knew that if he didn't pull him again, his Maw tank would definitely be buried here.

After thinking of this, with Liu Qingshan's order, his own maomaoth tank, which had been sprayed by some of the enemy's infantry, had lost more than 70% of its health, and retreated to its base. Yes, Liu Qingshan knows that as long as his Maomaoth tank has to return to the chariot factory in his base, then, naturally, it will be subject to the pursuit of shrewd maintenance over his combat vehicle factory. Moreover, Liu Qingshan also knows that the maintenance speed and quality of that kind of maintenance operation are mostly very good for efficiency.

Sure enough, soon after, with Liu Qingshan's order, his own Maw elephant tank, with 20% to 30% of his health, finally

has arrived at its own base. Then, Liu Qingshan saw that when he had just touched the dyed factory in his base, he saw three repair elves immediately gathered around him. Then, at this time, I saw that the two or three repair elves had just come into contact with the damaged chariot, and the firelight immediately began to shine, and the dark red repair firelight even reflected the ground red. Especially when the tentacles of the maintenance elf come into contact with the target, each contact is even more electric and full of fire, which looks very dazzling. And the health value of the damaged chariot also recovered and recovered at a very fast speed with the continuous dance of the maintenance elf...

Immediately after, Liu Qingshan decided to attack some infantry units of the enemy army that had rushed to his base with his own mecha magic soldier. I am, mother, I didn't expect that these enemy's flame-jet ice were so powerful that it was difficult for their own Maw elephant tanks to attack them.

Huh, huh, huh? I saw that my own mecha magic soldier fiercely fired artillery fire, and one shell after another roared out, breaking through the air and hitting the head of the enemy's infantry team fiercely. Hong Bang, boom, boom, Liu Qingshan saw that the shell fired by his mecha magic soldier was able to use a burst of explosive firelight to quickly surround the enemy's infantry attack force, and then, in the sound of the explosion, Liu Qingshan It was clearly seen that the enemy's attacking infantry team was blown away, and the broken coins were blown into the sky one after another, and then fell down one after another, looking bloody.


Finally, after three minutes, Liu Qingshan finally saw that the 12 long Maw tank, which had just been attacked by the enemy's infantry, had lost 50 to 60 percent of its health, and finally restored its health. It looks energetic and aggressive. After seeing this, with Liu Qingshan's order, Liu Qingshan saw that his newly repaired maomaoth tank set out from his base, followed by the base, and then crossed the jungle, rushed down the slope, and then towards the distance. The Tiberon crystal deposit, which is far away from its own base, rushed away. Liu Qingshan saw that his newly repaired Maw tank set out from his base, then passed through the base, then crossed the jungle, rushed down the slope, and then rushed to the Tiberon crystal deposit farther away from his base.

Yes, obviously, Liu Qingshan's move is to strengthen the defense force of the mineral deposit. Now, it is true that the Tiberon crystal deposit is really not very important to Liu Qingshan. To be honest, Liu Qingshan only knows such a truth, that is, war is money.

It is basically impossible to win a war without the production and construction funds you have read. Yes, the economic foundation will always determine the superstructure. Liu Qingshan believes this truth very much.

Or basically, no Liu Qingshan knows that if he can build his own other construction factory next to the Tebron crystal deposit, then he will basically take the initiative of the battlefield. Yes, basically you can say that. The reason is very simple, that is, once you can really build your own other factory next to the Teberon crystal deposit, then it means that you can build your own ore power plant there. And once the mine is built next to the Tebron crystal deposit far away from its own base camp and builds its own ore refinement factory, then its own mining truck will no longer have to transport the ore so far away to the ore refinement factory in its own base camp. In that case, it will be time-consuming and laborious. Very inefficient. As a result, it seriously affected the economic construction of its own base.

Now, Liu Qingshan has been producing his own base car. At the same time, its mining truck is still carrying out ore collection at the Tiberon crystal deposit next to its base. Yes, so at this time, Liu Qingshan knew that the more dangerous it was. Once the enemy destroys their mining truck at this time, then, No is really unfortunate for him. Yes, that's true. You know, so far, at least four to five of their mining trucks have been destroyed by the enemy.

The problem is that under the current situation, once your mining truck is destroyed again, you will no longer have enough production and construction funds to re-produce. Now, it can be said that I earn a penny and spend a penny, so if I leave the mining truck for more ore collection, then Liu Qingshan's base is basically unable to operate. Liu Qingshan is also very clear about this.

He came and fought a big battle next to the Teberon crystal mineral deposit. Liu Qingshan once deployed his own Maw tank. However, I don't know when the enemy began to attack the defense forces deployed there first. It seems that not long ago, he came to fight Zhao next to the crystallized deposit of Teberon. Liu Qingshan once deployed his own Maw elephant tank. However, I don't know when the enemy began to attack the defense forces deployed there first. It seems that not long ago, when the infantry attacked the team that served the enemy, the enemy took advantage of its indiary and destroyed its Maw tank again.

So now, in this situation, Liu Qingshan has no choice but to send another Maw elephant tank to defend near the Tiberon crystal deposit. At the same time, of course, Liu Qingshan did not forget to send several of his own infantry attack team to assist his own Maomaoth tank.

However, now, Liu Zheng has found that an enemy fortress has been built at the edge of the Tebron crystal deposit. After seeing this, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but be stunned. Wow, damn it, why has an enemy fortress been built here? It seems that the enemy has also changed its combat strategy. Instead of sending that kind of mobile combat force, but using that kind of fixed combat force to attack Liu Qingshan's truck.

After seeing this, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but be stunned. Yes, you know, this kind of fixed combat power of the enemy is quite powerful. Because this fixed combat unit, whether it is a bunker or that kind of chariot fortification, is built with a special material. Generally speaking, this material is not available on its own planet. In this case, it must be a unique material brought from other planets.

That kind of unique material, although not many, has a quite obvious effect in the construction of military facilities, especially in the re-construction of such defensive military facilities. As long as 1% of such materials are added to the construction of such military facilities, the military facilities will have quite strong defensive capabilities. In fact, it is a super weapon, and it is difficult to destroy him at once.

Therefore, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw that the enemy had built such a military bunker next to the Tiberon crystal deposit. He knows that the situation is more complicated now. Yes, that's true. And he came, in this case, it must cost him a considerable price to destroy the enemy's military bunker.

Fortunately, Liu Qingshan also knows that although the enemy's military bunker has a very strong defense ability, then again, this kind of enemy's military bunker does not have anti-aircraft combat capability. But it is also its only weakness. In this case, naturally, Liu Qingshan can start from this aspect and seize his shortcomings, such as air strike force, to destroy this unique bedroom bunker of the enemy. Of

Yes, anyway, if you don't destroy this unique military bunker of the enemy, it is basically impossible for you to collect ore on this Surfacen Crystal Mine**. You know, although this unique bedroom bunker of the enemy does not have the ability to fight against air defense, the attack is quite strong. In this case, if your mining vehicle is still collecting ore on this ore deposit, then what will happen next is self-evident. Yes, that's true.

You should know that, not to mention your own mining truck, it is a hill, and the enemy's military bunker can also destroy the target with one blow. Yes, the enemy's military bunker is very defensive, and the previous attack weapons used have stronger lethality than nuclear bombs. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Qingshan knew that he would destroy the enemy's military bunker in the first place anyway. Otherwise, your whole plan will have a significant impact.

After thinking of this, Liu Qingshan decided not to hesitate any more. Time is particularly precious to him. Therefore, under the order of Liu Qingshan, four of their own fire eagle fighters roared at the airport in their base and slowly took off from the runway, and then flew to the sky at the end of the runway, and then flew to the sky to the enemy's military bunker next to the Tiberon crystal deposit. The fort roared and took off.