Star Trek

Chapter 388 Jedi Counterattack 3

However, soon after, Liu Zheng finally found a solution to the problem. Yes, that's true. After a period of sailing, Liu Zheng found that his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was actually close to his naval combat force deployed in the vast sea. Yes, that naval combat force, including an aircraft carrier, and also prosecuted its own attack submarine. In this way, the problem has not been solved very well?

Yes, that's true. Because in this case, he can send those attack submarines to block the way forward of several enemy warships. Then, launch an attack on them, and at the same time, their own aircraft carriers can also participate in it. In this way, it should not be a big problem to destroy the seven enemy warships with the attack ability of this naval combat force. Yes, that's true.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that the attack submarines immediately attacked the enemy's various warships that rushed over. I saw that the swish, swish, swish, continuously submerged * bullets, wrapped in a stream of many times the money, close to the surface of the water, roared, and attacked the target. The enemy warships were sailing indicted, but they were obviously not fully prepared for the sudden attack of several submarines. Boom, boom, so, several submersible * bullets hit the target.

So, Liu Zheng saw that two enemy missile frigates were hit by the successive submarine-launched * bullets on the spot, and then exploded with a loud noise. At the same time, at this time, the enemy's missile frigates that expected to finally find the problem. So, he finally stopped chasing and began to attack the targets and on the regular attack submarines of Liu Zheng who launched an attack for them.

So, for a while, a life-and-death development on the sea between the two sides finally kicked off. However, after seeing this, a stone finally fell in Liu Zheng's heart. Liu Zheng knew that once the enemy's various warships gave their own attack submarines to the cargo owners, and the two sides fought between them, then this situation was still very beneficial to him. Yes, on the one hand, the host that was chased just now attacked the nuclear submarine, and now, he can finally turn around and launch submarine-launched intercontinental attack missiles at the enemy's various warships.

In addition, Liu Zheng also knew that his aircraft carrier should certainly participate in the battle at this time. Yes, that's true. Although Liu Zheng should know that although the submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile launched by his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine does not have much attack ability for the enemy's aircraft carrier, it is certain that some other types of warships that use it to attack the enemy can still reach To one's own purpose. Yes, that's true. Although it does not have such a strong attack ability for the enemy's aircraft carrier, it is certain that other types of warships that use it to attack the enemy can still achieve their own goals. Yes, that's true.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, I only saw my intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, and now I am ready to attack again. Yes, the target of this attack is really the enemy warships that dragged their warships together. Including several missile frigates and several enemy attack submarines. In addition, several are enemy missile destroyers. Now, the two sides are fighting happily. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng knew that with his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine and the launch of an intercontinental attack missile, then a one-time attack would destroy at least three enemy warships. In view of this, the whole form of war will become more and more beneficial to itself. Yes, that's true. With his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine and launch an intercontinental attack missile, then a one-time attack will destroy at least three enemy warships. In view of this, the whole form of war will become more and more beneficial to itself. Yes, that's true.

In this way, after thinking about this, with Liu Zheng's order, his intercontinental nuclear submarine finally began to carry out another attack. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine missile flew over the wide sea, and while constantly flying at high speed, it was constantly changing the direction of flight. Liu Zheng knew that this was of course realized under the role of his own guidance system. After crossing a trajectory, he finally hit the target - the various warships of the enemy.

So, immediately, Liu Zheng clearly saw that with the explosion of the submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile, at least three enemy warships had been blown up. A school spray rose to the sky. At the same time, with a deafening explosion, the three enemy warships were sunk to the bottom of the sea in the deafening explosion.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that when he was attacking his intercontinental nuclear submarine and carrying out his full attack, suddenly, the situation changed again. Yes, just after his aircraft carrier joined the attack, not far away, Liu Zheng saw the enemy's aircraft carrier The ship finally left his base and sailed towards the battlefield. Yes, now, Liu Zheng has finally found that there are more and more combat units. Speaking of this large-scale naval battle. Yes, that's true.

However, Liu Zheng was not prepared for the addition of the enemy's aircraft carrier. Yes, that's true. In this case, the submarine-launched missile mislaunched by its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine could not pose much threat to the enemy's aircraft carrier. Therefore, in this case of dumping, Liu Zheng can only make a new way to deal with the joining of the enemy's aircraft carrier. So, what countermeasures should I take? At this time, Liu Zheng considered that because the enemy's conventional warships had been almost destroyed by his own attack submarine and with the assistance of his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to send an attack submarine at the same time, plus his own aircraft carrier, and his troops will be greeted in the direction of the enemy's aircraft carrier. Soon after, the warships of both sides encountered in the vast sea again. Then, swish, swish, swish, and several submersible * bullets fired out one after another, close to the surface of the water and attacked the enemy's aircraft carrier. The * bullets, wrapped in a stream of water, cling to it, rushed in.

looks like a whale, wandering away very quickly. After hitting the target, just under the water, a dark red explosive fog rose, and the sound of a "boom" explosion kept coming. At the same time, the water splashed, and in this seemingly hidden attack, the target's health value was slowly falling... This At that time, Liu Zheng found that his attack submarine was so effective against the enemy's aircraft carrier. Yes, that's much stronger than the lethality caused by the conditional attack missile I mentioned. Yes, that's true.

At the same time, with Liu Zheng's order, his aircraft carrier also began to be too strong to attack the enemy's aircraft carrier from another direction. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog. Air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that his two amphibious transport ships were still named there in his base. Wow, damn it, I haven't noticed that some amphibious transport ships that have loaded some of their combat forces have been carried. Therefore, under the order of Er Liuzheng, the three amphibious transport ships set out from their own base and crossed the wide sea. After three minutes of sailing, they finally came to the continent between the enemy and our bases. Starting from his own base and crossing the wide sea, after three minutes of sailing, he finally came to the continent between the bases of the enemy and us.

Then, with Liu Zheng's order, all the combat units were released from the three amphibious transport ships above the ground. At this time, Liu Zheng was very happy to see that his combat unit released from his three amphibious transport ships was so powerful. These include two long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile launch vehicles, three shore ship missile launches, and the long-range heavy howitzer vehicles that they call the most. Yes, at least five of this long-range heavy howitzer were transported by themselves at once. Among them, 3 have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Yes, it should be said that such a powerful combat force deployed here is really a great threat to the enemy's base. Yes, that's true.


However, at this time, Liu Zheng had just put some of his ground combat units on the ground from the amphibious transport ship. At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that from a distance, one after another, at least seven to eight enemy armed mining vehicles had crossed the wooden bridge. , rushing towards these ground combat units that have just been released. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused. Wow, mother, what the hell is going on? What the hell is going on? He has crossed the wooden bridge and is rushing towards his newly released ground combat units. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused. Wow, mother, what the hell is going on? What the hell is going on?

You should know that the enemy's armed mining vehicles, although their main function is to collect ore, not fight. However, you should know that the enemy's armed mining truck has been improved in the current situation. In itself, that kind of armed mining vehicle has a very good defense ability and a high health value. Yes, that's true. In this case, it is very difficult to destroy an enemy's armed mining shot. However, now, after the enemy's armed mining vehicle is given, his combat weapon is no longer a machine gun, but an attack weapon that can emit magnetic arc light. In this way, his combat ability has been greatly strengthened. Yes, that's true.

However, despite this, after all, it is the most elite ground combat unit in its own hands. Yes, that's true. In this case, what else is Liu Zheng afraid of? So, after jumping here, with Liu Zheng's order, all his ground combat weapons began to launch fierce attacks on the armed mining vehicles that were rushing over. Wu

However, soon after, Liu Zheng was still very rational and only took his two long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles to a corner. They are not allowed to participate in the attack. The reason is very simple, but it is that the missiles launched by their own long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles are too lethal when attacking, so in this case, the huge lethality caused by the explosion will be huge for their own combat units. Threat. Yes, because in the current situation, the enemy's armed mining vehicles are not far away from their own combat units.

Therefore, in this case, it is very likely that the missile launched by the intercontinental long-range ground attack missile is too lethal, so it is very possible to cause supreme. In this case, he can completely rely on those long-range heavy howitzers to attack the target. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that as long as he can't be approached by the enemy's armed mining trucks, then it should be said that he can take the initiative.

Because, to put it bluntly, my long-range heavy howitzer vehicles have a long attack distance, and at the same time, they are very lethal. Therefore, some of the enemy's armed mining vehicles are likely to be destroyed halfway in the process of attacking the target. Yes, that's true. However, once they are approached, the matter will be troublesome. On the one hand, the attack distance is far away, and at the same time, it is very lethal. Therefore, some of the enemy's armed mining vehicles are likely to be destroyed halfway in the process of attacking the target. Yes, that's true. However, once they get close, things will be troublesome

. Yes, that's true. Because, obviously, the enemy's armed mining vehicles really belong to the face-to-face melee combat force. Once they get close, their advantages will be brought into full play. However, its long-range heavy howitzer vehicle and its own shore ship missile launcher are all long-range combat forces. In the face of the short-range attack of the enemy's armed mining vehicles with very strong defensive capabilities, it must be very uncomfortable. Therefore, in any case, Liu Zheng decided to destroy the enemy's armed mining vehicles before they rushed up.