Star Trek

Chapter 402 Rainy Day 9

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that from now on, the enemy's air attack finally began. Moreover, once it starts, it will be out of control. However, in this case, Liu Zheng saw that the air defense system in his base was increasingly perfect, so the general enemy's air attack could hardly threaten his base. Although in many times and in many cases, there will always be continuous air-to-surface missiles, it has not caused too much damage to Liu Zheng's base.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng does not think that his base is really safe now. Therefore, in this case, when the air defense system in his base has been basically strengthened, Liu Zheng intends to go further and see some higher-end air defense firepower to deal with the enemy's possible more fierce air strikes.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided that it could be used as a breakthrough in terms of long-range air defense firepower. Yes, you should know that that kind of long-range ground-to-air anti-aircraft missile has a long attack distance and is also more lethal. Once it is hit, no matter what target it is, it will be destroyed at once. At the same time, this long-range surface-to-air missile has a relatively long detection range, and the target has been detected by him when it is still 700 kilometers away from his base. Then, launch in time and destroy the target outside your base in time. In this way, the enemy's air attack target is unlikely to cause any danger to their base.

It should be said that at this time, in this case, Liu Zheng made such a decision, which is still very correct. However, the problem is that so far, Liu Zhengjin has made such a decision in time, but the enemy's air strike and the enemy's air danger have been further strengthened. Yes, that's true.

At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly heard a sharp situation. After a closer look, through the satellite monitoring system, Liu Zheng saw that in the enemy's base, two bases were using long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles at the same time to launch a long-range attack on his base! Wow, damn it, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it! The enemy actually produced a long-range intercontinental ground attack missile, and it has been put into use. It seems that this time, it is really another test for me. Yes, that's true.

Because so far, Liu Zheng knows the air defense system in his base. Although it has been improved to a certain extent, it is only used to deal with ordinary air strike forces. For example, enemy airborne troops, large military transport aircraft, F16 fighters, etc. However, once the enemy's missile attacks, can he resist it? To be honest, now, in Liu Zheng's heart, it is only used to deal with the general air strike force. For example, enemy airborne troops, large military transport aircraft, F16 fighters, etc. However, once the enemy's missiles attack, can he resist it? To be honest, now, Liu Zheng has no bottom in his heart.

Now, at this time, in this situation, two enemy bases are actually firing long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles at themselves at the same time, which is really a very difficult test for me. However, Liu Zheng knew that at this time, he had no better way but to go all out. Yes, that's true. Therefore, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that in an enemy base, the fire series of intercontinental attack missiles were starting to launch towards his base. They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction. Then, in the mid-air, it skipped over its own base, flew over the jungle, and flew over a large area of the sea, and then suddenly changed direction in the direction of its base, and then, in the mid-air Among them, he skimmed his base, flew through the jungle, and over the large sea, and then continued to roar in the direction of his base...

So, not long after, Liu Zheng saw several intercontinental attack missiles falling from the sky over his base, which looked very scary. However, at this time, I saw that on my base, the group of anti-aircraft guns were almost all opened, from different, and through. Therefore, in mid-air, one after another, his explosive firelight almost dyed the sky red. At the same time, on the ground, due to the explosion. It is relatively close to the ground, so the whole earth shook. At the same time, some military facilities and some combat units have also been affected to a certain extent.

At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking, what would happen if, in this situation, a missile hit his base inadvertently? After thinking about this, to be honest, Liu Zheng no longer dares to continue to sell. Yes, that's terrible, that's an unimaginable consequence!

It seems that in any case, you must further strengthen your air defense system. Otherwise, with its current air defense force, it is impossible to completely defend against the air-to-ground attack of the enemy's army. Especially this kind of enemy missile attack. That's so bad, that's so awesome! Therefore, after thinking about this, Liu Zheng decided to strengthen the air defense system of his base from two aspects. On the one hand, that is, to further strengthen the construction of his land-based light anti-aircraft missiles. Under the circumstances at that time, Liu Zheng knew that the anti-aircraft guns were still relatively the main force of air defense in his base.

In addition, the second way is to give up the construction of that kind of long-range anti-aircraft missile for the time being, because, anyway, that long-range anti-aircraft missile is too expensive, too expensive and takes a long time to build, so at this time, in this situation On the other is that if I still build that kind of long-range anti-aircraft missile, it is very likely that my long-range anti-aircraft missile has not yet formed a system. The cost is too expensive, the cost is too high, and the construction time is long. Therefore, at this time, in this case, if I still build that kind of long-range missile, For anti-aircraft missiles, it is very likely that their long-range anti-aircraft missiles have been destroyed by the enemy's fire missile system.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to stop building long-range air defense missiles for the time being. Instead, the main goal is to produce that kind of short-range anti-aircraft missile launcher. Yes, this kind of short-range missile launcher can be said to be relatively cheap, can be produced quickly, and is very easy to form a cluster attack advantage. In this way, it can solve the current problem that the enemy's air strike force is too much, especially the enemy's long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles, which have now officially attacked their base chariots. Therefore, at this time, in this case, if you do not take effective measures to deal with it, then it is certain that the consequences will be unimaginable. Yes, that's true.

So, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's fire series of long-range ground-to-ground attack missiles were still continuously attacking his base. In mid-air, one after another of the fire series of intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles were roaring and flying in the direction of his new base. . At the same time, over his base, just as those missiles fell from the sky, anti-aircraft shells shot out one by one on the ground, intercepting most of the enemy's fire series missiles in mid-air.

However, despite this, as Liu Zheng thought, no matter what, regardless of the land-based light anti-aircraft guns in Liu Zheng's base, the air defense density is the most dense, and the sand will be fought again, but in the end, there will be a fish that leaks from the net. Soon after, suddenly, Liu Zheng suddenly found that one of the enemy's fire series missiles finally broke through the interception of his air defense system, and then hit the core position of his base fiercely. Regardless of the land-based light anti-aircraft guns in Liu Zheng's base, the air defense density is the most dense, and it will be fought on the sand, but in the end, there will be fish leaking from the net. Soon after, suddenly, Liu Zheng suddenly found that one of the enemy's fire series missiles finally broke through the interception of his air defense system, and then hit the core position of his base fiercely.

Boom, roasting, so, in this situation, Liu Zheng finally saw that the huge dark red explosive firelight suddenly shone in his base, and then converged into a huge mushroom cloud, rising to the sky, followed by the chariot factory in his base. , and with the mushroom cloud rising to the sky, suddenly, it was blown into countless debris and fragments, and rushed to the sky one after another. At this time, the most core military facility in his base, the construction of the general factory, was also destroyed by more than 70% of its health. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Wow, damn it, I really didn't expect it. I really didn't expect that this is too shocking!

Yes, it's no wonder that Liu Zheng is shocked. After all, that kind of long-range intercontinental attack missile of the enemy's fire system does have a quite good attack ability! In this case, naturally, the best way for yourself is to defend it outside the base. And once you hit your own base, that kind of powerful lethality is not a joke.

And this time, it was precisely in the attack of the enemy that the chariot factory in his base was destroyed in one fell swoop. Liu Zheng knows that it can be said that the most important military facility in his base is basically his own chariot factory. Without it, then the production of its own combat power will not be carried out normally. Therefore, at this time, under this situation, naturally, Liu Zheng regards his own chariot factory as particularly heavy.

"Wow, damn it, since I destroyed the chariot factory, then I have to continue to build it! Anyway, I don't have that chariot factory, that won't work!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Fortunately, Liu Zheng is not very short of production and construction funds now. This is also a comfort for yourself! In addition, the cost of that kind of chariot factory is not very high. Therefore, in this situation, it should be said that it is not difficult to rebuild a chariot factory. Yes, that's true.

Finally, after a period of preparation, Liu Zheng finally produced seven short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers. It should be said that after owning these seven short-range anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles, Liu Zheng's comprehensive air defense level has naturally improved significantly. Now, whether it is the enemy's air fighters, large transport aircraft, or long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles, they are really powerless in the face of such short-range anti-aircraft missiles. In this way, it means that the air defense performance of Liu Zheng's base has been improved to a new level.

Of course, this is something that makes Liu Zheng very happy. In this way, it means that under the circumstances at that time, its air defense system has been further improved, and it is difficult for the general enemy's air strike force to pose any threat to Liu Zheng's base. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that although this is the case, it does not mean that there is really nothing wrong with the air defense system of his base. Yes, that's true.

At the very least, Liu Zheng knows that his air defense system can only intercept the air attack of the enemy at close range. However, if the distance is farther and the range is larger, the protective firepower will naturally be powerless. Therefore, in this case, the next step is to build some long-range anti-aircraft missiles according to Liu Zheng's plan. Control the enemy's air strike force outside the necessary range, so that you can 100% ensure that your base will not be attacked by the enemy's air strike force. Undoubtedly, this plan is the most important and the most suitable for me.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that his base had changed to a new enemy. Wow, the number, the enemy's air attack has just been smashed by itself, and the ground attack has started again! Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that dozens of enemy phantom tanks were gathering there about 30 kilometers away from his base.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of enemy's phantom tank, as a melee force, is very lethal. Whether it is an infantry combat unit or a combat vehicle combat unit, it has a quite strong attack ability. Therefore, it can be said that once this enemy's welcome tank approaches its position, its long-range strike force will no longer be able to play its role.

So, in this case, the best solution is not to let the enemy's phantom tanks approach their own base. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the long-range heavy grenade sports cars produced long ago began to make final preparations before the attack on their own base.

The turrets of their own long-range heavy grenade sports cars slowly rotated for final positioning. In fact, Liu Zheng knew that at this time, even some enemy welcome tanks were in the process of marching, but it was difficult to escape the attack of his long-range heavy grenade sports cars. Relatively speaking, this kind of drag-type attack is very fast, so the hit rate is very high. In fact, this kind of shell-like attack does not have a guidance system.

"Fire!" So, with Liu Zheng's order, their own long-range heavy grenade sports cars, in high school, suffered, dark red explosive fire, shining on the ground. Then, shells shot out, crossed arcs, and accurately hit the enemy's group of Huang Yin tanks. At this time, the enemy's phantom tanks were gathering 40 to 50 kilometers away from Liu Zheng's base. Moreover, more than ten vehicles have been gathered. However, just as they were preparing to launch a final charge towards Liu Zheng's base, suddenly, with the sound of a gunfire, suddenly, shells fell from the sky and roared, making a burst of sound of breaking the air. With the continuous sound of screaming, a shell, accurate It hit the target and made a deafening explosion.

Boomed and coaxed, so, in the rain, in the deafening explosion, the enemy's phantom tanks were continuously blown up one after another. The dark red explosions soared to the sky, so that several enemy welcome tanks were almost suddenly blown into countless wreckage and fragments, and shot into the air.