Star Trek

Chapter 405 Heavy Rainy Day 12

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine fired a submarine-launched intercontinental attack nuclear missile at an enemy base. The submarine-launched intercontinental attack nuclear missile did not fly very fast. However, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of submarine-launched intercontinental nuclear missile has quite powerful attack capability. First of all, his attack distance is very far. At this time, in this case, he can attack any target. Yes, that's true. No matter which target, where, your own intercontinental attack nuclear missile can finally be hit accurately.

In addition, more importantly, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear missile can break through the enemy's air defense system. It is no longer intercepted by the enemy's air defense firepower. It should be said that this, to some extent, seems to be more important. Yes, that's true. Because, in this way, every attack can break through the enemy's air defense system. It is no longer intercepted by the enemy's air defense firepower. It should be said that this, to some extent, seems to be more important. Yes, that's true. Because in this way, every attack will gain something. Since then, for this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, it is almost empty.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw his submarine-launched intercontinental nuclear attack nuclear missile roaring in mid-air, flying over the sea that day towards the enemy's base. Finally, after flying for half a minute, it finally hit an airport in the enemy base. So, with a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, the enemy's airport was bombed into countless wreckage and fragments, and shot into the air. He flew over the sea that day and flew towards the enemy's base. Finally, after flying for half a minute, it finally hit an airport in the enemy base. So, with a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, the enemy's airport was bombed into countless wreckage and fragments, and shot into the air.

At this time, it is certain that Liu Zheng is naturally very happy. Yes, that's true. After all, using this intercontinental attack nuclear missile (the intercontinental attack nuclear missile launched by your own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine) can destroy some important military targets in the enemy base, of course, a wave of this kind of light, to destroy this kind of airport. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his attack method was simply a surgical blow. Although, the speed and efficiency of this attack are not very fast, but now it is only the beginning. Because Liu Zheng knows that he will have a second intercontinental attack nuclear submarine in the near future.

In this way, once its second intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is produced, then naturally, it will use these two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines to launch an attack on the target base. In this way, the efficiency of the attack will naturally be doubled. Yes, that's true. In the current situation, it should be said that Liu Zheng is fully prepared. Naliu launched an attack on the target base. In this way, the efficiency of the attack will naturally be doubled. Yes, that's true. In the current situation, it should be said that Liu Zheng is fully prepared.

However, at this time, a sudden scene made Liu Zheng feel a little helpless. There is even some frustration. Yes, that's true. Because in the next time, when he planned to continue to use this newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine and launched submarine intercontinental attack missiles to carry out a surgical attack on the enemy's base, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw three vehicles in the enemy's base. The long-range ground-to-ground attack missile is the enemy's own newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine.

Moreover, it seems that its own shipyard was attacked at the same time. In addition, Liu Zheng has now seen that his own aircraft carrier has been produced near his own shipyard. Liu Zheng knows that this is of course very important for him. Yes, that's true. However, in the current situation, it seems that the long-range ground-to-ground attack missiles in the enemy base seem to have locked the target.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that in the current situation, some of his surface combat forces, including the newly produced aircraft carrier and the also newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, because they do not have the air defense capability. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng is not clear whether he can escape this disaster in the face of the attack of the enemy's long-range main ground attack missile launchers.

However, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that his only way was to rely on the land-based anti-aircraft guns on the edge of his base and those land-based long-range anti-aircraft missiles. Yes, now, in this situation, I can only pin my hopes on them. The only way is to rely on the land-based anti-aircraft guns on the edge of your base and the land-based long-range anti-aircraft missiles. Yes, now, in this situation, I can only pin my hopes on them.

At this time, under Liu Zheng's attention, three mainframe ground-to-ground attack missiles were launched in the enemy's base. At this time, the final attack was ready for launch. They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it skimmed over his base, flew over the jungle, and flew over a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar in the direction of the shipyard at the edge of his base...< /P>

In the dense forest, the branches and leaves are lush, and there are almost no stars and moon. Some unknown nightbirds were frightened and flew away in the forest. From time to time, several frightened bird calls came, which sounded thrilling. In this way, leading the three marines, Liu was groping forward in the forest. Because it was night, he could not see the road on the ground at all and could only grope forward.

Finally, five minutes later, Liu Zheng and the others finally heard the voice of the two imperial guards! Through the dense unknown trees, Liu Zheng could even see the light of the twinkling red fireworks held in the mouth of the two imperial guards!

Li Zheng motioned the other three marines to follow him carefully and could not make any sound! Then, after the cat leaned and continued to walk forward for a distance, Liu Zheng found that by this time, they had really circled behind the two marines! Liu Zheng knew that this should be the best time for him to attack the two enemy imperial guards! Don't miss the opportunity, it won't come again! After the cat leaned and continued to walk forward for a distance, Liu Zheng found that at this time, they had really circled behind the two marines! Liu Zheng knew that this should be the best time for him to attack the two enemy imperial guards! Don't miss the opportunity, it won't come again!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng waved his hand, so the three marines jumped up from the dense forest next to the road one after another, and Liu Zheng followed closely. Then, almost as they jumped out of the forest, the C-14 electromagnetic gun in their hands began to fire!

"Da Da Da ~ ~ ~" saw fire tongues spewing out from the muzzle of the four electromagnetic guns, which looked particularly dazzling in the dark night. At this time, the two imperial guards did not expect that someone would attack them from behind them! A moment's carelessness caught them off guard and was about to raise a gun to fight back. In front, the other three marines led by the God of War also came immediately!

"Ah~~" So, after Liu Zheng and the Thunderbolt God of War, the two imperial guards, after screaming, lay down helplessly and never stood up again. In this way, Liu Zheng's first encounter after entering the battle ended decisively. In this way, the two imperial guards, after screaming, lay down helplessly and never stood up again. In this way, Liu Zheng's first encounter after entering the battle ended decisively.


"Brother, good job!" At this time, the God of War patted Liu Zheng on the shoulder and praised him.

Liu Zheng smiled and then replied, "Wow, don't give me this set! If you don't have two things for me, won't you have to pay a penny to form this team? If I don't behave better, how can I stand up to you, the captain?"

"Well, that's true! It seems that my God of War is really right! At the beginning, I didn't just like you, but also your personality. You are cheerful and straightforward, and you won't beat around the bush, like a man! Let's move on! Don't think that if we destroy two imperial guards, we will win a complete victory. Hey hey, I think the real test is still ahead!" The God of War smiled mysteriously at Liu Zheng, and then, with an order, eight members of the whole team rushed forward along the road again.

At this time, it rained heavily, and there was a strong wind. Even the thick branches of some trees were blown down, and the sound of breaking branches came from time to time, which sounded very harsh.

The taste of moving forward in the rain will naturally not be very good. His clothes were quickly soaked, and the cold night wind made Liu Zheng feel cold and boneless. Fortunately, this is on the highway, and the ground is not very difficult to walk.

continued to move forward for a while in the wind and rain. In front of him, Liu Zheng suddenly saw a faint golden light. In the rain and fog, it looked like a ghostly shadow.

"If there is a situation, please pay attention to concealment!" With the reminder of the God of War, all the people immediately separated the two sides of the road, and then continued along the edge of the road. At this time, as the goal shining with golden light keeps approaching, a loud sound came from the rain and fog: Dear people, don't be instigated by those unreasonable people. In fact, they just want to achieve their own unspeakable purpose, so let you act for him. Tools to get ahead. In the end, they will sit back and enjoy their success, but you, my dearest people, will always say goodbye to your relatives! It's not that I'm fooling everyone, or that everyone has been used by others! People, don't be used by those people with ulterior motives. Wake up, the empire will not abandon you..."

At this time, the sweet female voice of the system came again: "Dear Iron-blooded Star Team, now, what you hear is actually Monsk's stupid propaganda, the ruler of the planet Ma Sara. This sound came from the golden light in front of it. There is a propaganda platform of Monsk, on which is a virtual light and shadow statue of Monsk. Now, what you have heard is actually the ignorant propaganda of Monsk, the ruler of the planet Ma Sara. This sound came from the golden light in front of it. There is a propaganda platform of Monsk, on which is a virtual light and shadow statue of Monsk. You rush over and destroy the light and shadow statue of Monsk first! There is no armed force there, don't worry!

"Wow, damn it, it turned out to be a light and shadow propaganda platform! This Monsk is really good at pretending to be a ghost! Brothers, go, rush up and kill the light and shadow propaganda platform!" The God of War "cut" and then took the lead and rushed straight ahead! Later, Liu Zheng naturally followed closely with the other marines. Soon after, all the team members came to the dazzling golden glowing image propaganda platform.

At this time, all the team members have rushed to the front of the light and shadow propaganda platform in the storm. There, I saw the image of "Monsk" still speaking the words of those fools. However, Liu Zheng clearly saw a huge plaque not far from the declaration platform, which formed the words "Big Liar Monsk" with neon lights.

"God of War, look, the people's eyes are still bright! The handwriting on the huge plaque has shown that the majority of people have already awakened!" Liu Zheng pointed to the large plaque and said to the God of War.

"Yes, the awakening of the people is very beneficial for our team! Because this also means that we can get the support of the people! And as long as we have the support of the people, I believe that our action this time will be much smoother!" Thunderbolt God of War nodded and said.

Then, with the order of the God of War, the light and shadow of the hypocritical ruler Monsk, who was still there to speak generously, naturally became the target of all the team members!

"Dadada ~ ~ ~" Eight electromagnetic guns fired at the same time, one by one, shooting at the Monsk's declaration platform from different directions! For a moment, the light and shadow statue of Monsk on the propaganda platform of the empire quickly fell into disgone in the burst of "crackling" lightning, and then collapsed with a bang and became a pile of messy ruins!


The team of the team turned a corner along the road. Liu Zheng saw that all kinds of dilapidated houses and some destroyed vehicles immediately appeared on both sides of the road. However, no one was found. Mother, where have people gone? Liu Zheng couldn't help talking to himself.

The wind and rain at this time seem to be bigger. Moreover, in the storm, the leaves swept up by the strong wind and some other flying objects are flying desperately from the middle of the sky with the path of the slanted rain. The team turned a corner along the road. Liu Zheng saw that all kinds of dilapidated houses and some destroyed vehicles immediately appeared on both sides of the road. However, no one was found. Mother, where have people gone? Liu Zheng couldn't help talking to himself.

The wind and rain at this time seem to be bigger. Moreover, in the storm, the leaves swept up by the strong wind and some other flying objects are flying desperately from the middle of the sky with the path of the slanted rain.