Star Trek

Chapter 247 Battle of Missiles 8

Therefore, in order to achieve this purpose, Liu Zheng specially built a quite strong air defense force. Including several dry machine guns and anti-aircraft guns on the road, no less than seven. In addition, Liu Zheng has produced a sufficient number of mobile Gate cannons. Moreover, Liu Zheng moved more than 10 hasty anti-aircraft guns that have been produced outside his base. In this case, once the enemy's stealth bombers really come to bomb their own base, then the more than a dozen mobile Gate aircraft artillery vehicles guaranteed will have the dense anti-aircraft firepower and rudely shoot down the enemy's long-range bombers in mid-air.

So, from now on the whole, Liu Zheng has done quite well in the defense of his base. The next step is to produce a sufficient number of Apocalypse tanks, cooperate with the long-range attack of your own magnetic and electric chariot, and make a decision to attack the enemy's base after 10 minutes.


At this time, Liu Zheng saw that because he had controlled the ally's base, especially his two super Yuri replicators, he controlled a combat laboratory and a chariot factory in the ally's base. Since then, naturally, it will also be able to produce the combat power production units in the allies' bases. In particular, that kind of apocalypse tank is really very attractive to Liu Zheng.

Yes, that's true. Because that kind of Apocalypse tank is relatively powerful with 10 points of health, and its defense ability is not equivalent to other combat units at all. In addition, it is his super attack ability. In short, it should be said that it is most appropriate to use this apocalypse tank as a melee attack force.

In addition, Liu Zheng has been ready for a long time, that is, to use his own magnetic electric chariot as a long-range attack force. However, although his magnetic electric chariot is very good as a long-range attack force, there is a premise here, that is, he must have a certain number of melee forces as a barrier to protect his magnetic electric chariot. That is to say, you must find ways to ensure the safety of your long-range attack force - those magnetic and electric chariots. Otherwise, no matter how strong the attack ability of the magnetoelectric chariot is, the attack distance is the furthest, but once the enemy's combat units attack, some of their magnetoelectric chariots will be destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, in terms of performance, it is naturally most appropriate to use this Apocalypse tank as a barrier for its own long-range attack.

Liu Zheng is naturally very clear about the current situation. That is, after my own efforts, the safety of my base has been guaranteed. At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that he had produced more than a dozen laser UFOs in his base and over a chariot factory in his base. Liu Zheng knows that in fact, the more than ten laser UFOs that have been produced have explained a truth, or a problem. That is, I am no longer what I used to be. Yes, that's true.

What does more than ten laser UFOs mean? After owning these more than ten laser UFOs, whether it is the enemy's air attack or the enemy's ground attack, it can hardly hurt a single hair of its base. At the same time, more importantly, because I have built a replication center, I can spend a penny, but I can train two Yuri clones. In this way, the number of Yuri replicators in their own base will naturally be very considerable. You should know that his kind of Yuri replicator can be used as a combat force to control the enemy's ground attack power, and then he will throw the combat power of the controlled enemy, especially the enemy's chariot combat power, into the recycling factory in his base. , turn it into a large amount of production and construction funds for your own use.

In addition, this kind of Yuri clone is also a symbol of his wealth. Yes, you should know that you can send that kind of Yuri replicator to a troop recycling plant on the edge of your base at any time and convert it into production and construction funds. Therefore, now, Liu Zheng is very happy to see that his base is full of dense Yuri replicators. Yes, those Yuri clones are almost a symbol of their own strength.

In particular, he controlled two important military facilities in his ally's base through the two super Yuri clones: one is his ally's chariot factory and the other is his ally's combat laboratory. However, Liu Zheng also knew that although he controlled the two important military facilities in his ally's base, the construction factory in his ally's base was not controlled by himself, so in fact, the base of his ally still has the ability to build. In this case, naturally, although they have taken control of his two important military facilities, the allies can still build those two more military facilities.

In particular, Liu Zheng has produced three Apocalypse tanks. In this way, coupled with the Samsung elite-level phantom tank he already owns, in fact, Liu Zheng also knows that under such circumstances, his close combat power has been greatly improved. In this way, if you have several long-range attack forces - magnetic and electric chariots, then your attack on the enemy base can actually begin.

Yes, that's actually the case. Now, I have set up a production plan for five magnetoelectric vehicles. You know, once the five magnetic and electric chariots are produced, it means that they already have the ability to attack remotely. At the same time, from now, the two alliance bases located on the left and right wings of their own base should be said to be very good. They have repelled enemy attacks many times, thus ensuring the safety of their bases. Otherwise, in the face of the attack of more than six enemy bases, it is almost impossible for you to carry out base construction and combat production so steadily. Liu Zheng's heart is naturally very clear about this.

In this way, Liu Zheng looked at the five magnetic and electric chariots she had just set up and were in production. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that there was a combat unit in his ally's base, which made him very curious. Yes, what kind of chariot is that? It looks like a missile launch. Because it is full of all kinds of missiles.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking to himself: Wow, damn it, what are you wasting about? You should know what kind of combat ability this chariot has. Just give it a try and you will know soon? After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, a replicator of his Yuri set out from his base and staggered towards his ally's base. Yes, obviously, this is exactly what Liu Zheng thought. That is, use his Yuri clone to control the strange-looking chariot unit of his allies, and then drive it back to his base.

In this way, as long as you force him to fire at a target, then you will know what kind of combat unit this is and what kind of attack ability this combat unit has. So, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his Yuri replicator set out from his base, and soon after, he finally came to his ally's base. At this time, the chariot unit that had been booked by its allies for a long time was still parked in its original position. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy, so he gave an order to his

The replicator Yuri began to control the chariot of his ally. I saw that his hands were stretched forward, and the action looked like an ape. Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another, so the unnamed chariot of his ally was suddenly controlled! It looks like an ape. Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another, so the unnamed chariot of his ally was suddenly controlled!

Now, Liu Zheng saw that four magnetic and electric chariots had finally been produced next to his chariot factory. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally 10 minutes happy. Yes, after the production of four magnetic and electric chariots, it means that I now have the ability to strike remotely. At the same time, in terms of melee capabilities, I have produced three or four Apocalypse tanks, and the one controlled from the enemy has been upgraded to a Samsung elite-level phantom tank. Therefore, so far, it can be said that I have also had quite good melee capabilities. Strength.

However, just as Liu Zheng wanted to organize his own attack force and start a strategic counterattack under an order, suddenly, Liu Zheng heard one after another alarm from his ally's base. It seems that the enemy is launching a fierce attack on their allies' bases. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng naturally switched his perspective to his ally's base. There, at this time, several rhino mechas of the enemy had attacked inside their ally's base. At this time, they were attacking the chariot factory in their ally's base. With the sound of gunfire, shells hit the chariot factory in the ally's base like raindrops. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his ally base seemed to have lost the most basic defense ability. In the face of the attack of the enemy's rhino mecha, he could not organize an effective counterattack at all.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very anxious. Therefore, at this time, Liu Zheng had to temporarily release the plan to launch a counterattack, and instead sent some of his combat forces to the ally's base for support.

Liu Zheng's laser UFO force was the first to be sent to his ally's base for support. Liu Zheng sent five laser UFOs and flew away to his ally's base in that sound. I saw my five laser floats flying in the air, looking like a straw hat. Soon after, the five laser UFOs sent by Liu Zheng finally flew over his ally's base. There, at this time, the enemy's rhino mecha still attacked the chariot factory of their allies.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that the enemy had sent several more amphibious anti-aircraft vehicles. Liu Zheng naturally knows that this kind of enemy's amphibious anti-aircraft vehicle has quite good attack firepower. Therefore, in the face of this kind of amphibious anti-aircraft vehicle of the enemy, I have no idea whether my five laser UFOs can be rich or not. However, now, the arrow has to be fired on the string. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng has made up his mind, that is, he must do his best, even if his laser UFOs are all shot down by the enemy's amphibious anti-aircraft vehicles, and he also recognizes it.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered his own laser UFOs to continue to attack and move forward. At this time, the enemy's amphibious anti-aircraft tanks finally began to attack their own laser UFO. Susu, an anti-aircraft missile one by one, dragged the gray-white tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, attacking Liu Zheng's laser UFOs in mid-air. Bombarding, the anti-aircraft missile hit the target one after another and made an explosion sound. One by one, anti-aircraft missiles dragged the gray-white tail flame and constantly changed the direction of flight, attacking Liu Zheng's laser UFOs in mid-air. Bombarding, the anti-aircraft missile hit the target one after another and made an explosion sound. Liu Zheng saw that his laser UFO that was attacked was quickly knocked out by more than 70% of his health.

However, at the same time, under Liu Zheng's command, his five laser UFOs began to attack the enemy's amphibious anti-aircraft vehicles. Yes, originally, Liu Zheng's five laser UFOs were the first targets to attack were the enemy's rhino mecha. However, in the current situation, because the enemy's amphibious anti-aircraft vehicles seriously threatened the safety of his laser UFO, Liu Zheng naturally changed the target of the attack.

"Start the attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his five laser UFOs, including all the laser UFOs with only about 30% of their health, began to attack the amphibious anti-aircraft fighters on the ground that were attacking their own laser missiles. In the process of high-speed rotation, a series of white laser beams shot out one after another, making a strange sound of "yo-yo-yo". The white-green laser beams broke through the air, roared, pierced the air, hit the target fiercely, and made a roaring explosion.

In this way, under the condition that Liu Zheng commanded his five laser UFOs and tried his best to attack the enemy's amphibious anti-aircraft tanks on the ground, finally, under the premise of losing two laser UFOs, finally, the enemy's Those amphibious anti-aircraft vehicles were all destroyed.

Next, after defeating the enemy's amphibious anti-aircraft vehicles, Liu Zheng could naturally concentrate on commanding the remaining three laser UFOs to attack the enemy's rhino mecha. Several dazzling beams came out one after another, breaking through the air and hitting the enemy's rhino mecha on the ground. An explosion came one after another. At this time, the enemy's rhino mecha, after suffering this kind of sudden attack from top to bottom, broke through the air and hit the enemy's rhino mecha hard on the ground. An explosion came one after another. At this time, the enemy's rhino mecha, after suffering this kind of sudden attack from top to bottom, was stunned and quickly messed up. Immediately after,

Several successive beams of light beams shot over, bombarded and bombarded. For a moment, several explosions suddenly sounded, and the dark red explosion fog rose to the sky. Therefore, the enemy's rhino mecha, in the face of this empty laser attack, had no power to respond at all. Soon, The enemy's rhino mecha was knocked out in this way. Above the ground, one crater after another is distributed there.

In this way, soon, Liu Zheng finally killed the enemy's rhino mecha. Then, Liu Zheng saw that several magnetic electric vehicles had been produced in his base. Haha, haha, now, I finally have the long-range attack power! Well, well, now, for myself, that's really everything!