The myth of online games

Chapter 109 Fire Pearl

Xia Feng put away his sword and took out a blue staff to deal with this large number of monsters with poor defense. The large-scale powerful skills of mages are undoubtedly the best weapon.

"Electric shock!"

"Thunder and lightning!"

"Thunder Shine!"

Looking at the dense ants and mosquitoes in the sky, Xia Feng held a staff and turned his body. Countless thunder and lightning shot away with Xia Feng's body as the center.


The dense ant mosquito was hit by lightning.

"Wangling" fell to the ground like rain. Because of the electric scorching, the body of the ant mosquito also made a "sizzling" sound.

"Ding! The player's residual moon level rises to 21 level, and the attribute values increase.

"This ant mosquito has a good experience!" Xia Feng sighed in surprise.

Under the heavy prize, there must be a brave man.

In the face of this rich experience, Xia Feng is getting more and more energetic. Lightning magic is like a silver snake, wandering in the cave. In less than half an hour, Xia Feng rose to level 22 again. This speed is horrible.

This is the strength of the mage.

With the assistance of the "mage" profession, the upgrade is extremely fast.

Xia Feng laughed and said, "Haha, through these half an hour of killing monsters, I have become familiar with the attack routine of ants and mosquitoes. Let's attack according to my command location. Let's earn some experience first!"

Han Feiyu agreed: "Yes! Our brothers have to level up first. As for those elite players, let them wait slowly outside the cave!"

Sparrow smiled and said, "I have sent a short message to the group of machines outside. I said that we have found a tunnel that can successfully cross the cave and let them wait for a while, so that they will not suddenly break in and disturb us!"

Start the training!


Thunder magic belongs to the art of rage, and it has a certain advantage in dealing with this floating monster.

Xia Feng was responsible for pointing out the location. The brothers of the sparrow were also very clever and could immediately accurately determine the location and attack. As an ant mosquito turned into white light, the experience of Xia Feng and his party was like a rocket, and the search was rising.

Xia Feng and his party in the cave were frantically brushing monsters. Looking at the experience bar rising at rocket speed, everyone did not feel the passage of time at all.

On the contrary, the elite players outside the cave have narrowed their eyes and become drowsy because of the long wait.

"President, it's been more than an hour. Do we have to continue to wait?"

The ID is called "Xiao Knight", that is, the knight player who was easy to talk to fireworks before, couldn't help saying, "Those backup players are just a group of cannon fodder. With their garbage strength, how can they successfully pass through the dangerous cave?"

"Knight, your heart is too dry!"

Rouge Xue, the representative of Chiba Shuang, said lightly: "The sparrow of the support team sent another short message five minutes ago, saying that they inadvertently entered a secret path and are now checking that the secret path can lead to the grassland outside the mountain."

"Since Rouge said so, I'll wait!" The knight snorted coldly. But if they don't bring out any useful information when they come out, I will seriously give them an unforgettable lesson!"

The cold teeth of fireworks gently bit their rosy lips. The thin back became more and more familiar in her mind as time went by, and she couldn't help asking Bingli standing aside.

"Chamo, do you think it's him?"

"I don't know."

"What do you think of Luoyu?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm so familiar with it..."

"Bingli, is it him?"

Bingli nodded: "It's him!"


"Ding! The player's residual moon level rises to 23 levels, and each attribute value increases.

It's not just the summer wind upgrade. During this killing time, almost all the players of the sparrow team have two levels.

"Hey! This experience has soared really enjoyable. In less than two hours, I have been born two levels in a row!" The sparrow said. Boss, next, let's go in that direction?"

Xia Feng looked around at the cave. After nearly two hours of brushing monsters, the number of ants and mosquitoes has obviously become very rare.

The number of ants and mosquitoes is scarce, and the experience gained is naturally not as rich as before, so Xia Feng does not intend to practice here any more.

The cave is really dark. Even with the guidance of the summer wind, it is still very inconvenient to move forward.

After some discussion, the result was that Xia Feng, Han Feiyu, Ye Xing and Sparrow continued to move forward, and the rest stayed in place and were on standby for the time being.

After walking in the narrow cave for 20 minutes and taking countless wrong roads, Xia Feng and the four finally came to a narrow square space.

The sparrow patted his painful head and said, "Wow...thank God! Finally, I can see something and keep walking, which makes me dizzy now!"

When Han Feiyu, Ye Xing and Sparrow adjusted their bodies, Xia Feng's eyes were fixed on the stone statue in the narrow space.

The stone statue looks like a human, with a crown on his head and four words on the top of the crown: "Bluestone King"

The king of bluestone sits on a finely carved stone chair, and there are two square bluestones on both sides of the stone chair.

A fiery red sword stands on the bluestone on the left and a fiery red short axe stands on the bluestone on the right.

These two weapons are very unique in shape, and they are both four-star equipment.

But even so, Xia Feng's eyes have been fixed on the fiery red bead in the center of the crown...

If you want to rebuild the long gun, you need a total of three strange items, namely, ice heart snow lotus, Tianshan black iron, and fire beads.

Looking at the fiery red bead for a long time, Xia Feng dares to be sure that this fiery red bead is the one of the three necessities of the long gun - the fire bead.

The role of the ice heart lotus is to make the long gun have a trace of water softness, so that the long gun can be flexible, follow the owner's wishes, and bend at will.

That strange and non-straight shooting angle can definitely make the enemy anxious.

A wooden stick is not terrible, and a poisonous snake that can stretch at will can definitely frighten people.

The role of fire beads is to adjust the fire in the forging furnace to the most accurate level, so as to create a long gun full of masculinity and no impurities, with a trace of fire power.

As the saying goes: "Water and fire are incompatible."

The two attributes are compatible with each other, which belongs to the most extreme element, and the role of Tianshan Xuantie is to use itself as a container to cast a gun body, and fuse and imprison the two forces of each other, so as to create a truly earth-shaking and crying ghosts and gods.

"For a while, the sparrow grabs the long sword, and the star grabs the short axe. Feiyu, you go with me to grab that fire bead!"

According to the routine, once they leave, there must be monsters around them to stop them, so he used the word "grab".