The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 5 Lin Yuchen's Day

After school in the afternoon, Lin Yuchen played a ball with his classmates on the playground.

There is a saying that teenagers don't know how to worry. Although they are already in their second year of high school, in addition to some ambitious goals, ordinary people should still play and do what they should do. Anyway, it's still more than a year, so there is no need to worry about the future, so everyone is also quite engaged and happy.

Lin Yuchen's skills are average, but his victory is not in the category of taking him to other people's goals as soon as he gets the ball. On the court, he belongs to the type that is quite suitable, conscientious and popular no matter who he is with.

The purpose of his playing football is, firstly, to exercise, secondly, to build a good relationship with his classmates, and secondly, whether he plays well or not. Although the small universe occasionally explodes and performs several people or exquisite passes through the opponent's entire defense line or even kills the opponent like a god's possession, most of the time, he is just an ordinary member of the court. He doesn't know how to stand in the stuck position and run around with the ball. Obviously, he is a defender, but he often runs to the front court to grab it. Pseudo-football enthusiasts who attack the ball.

After playing football, after sitting on the railing next to the playground with the classmates who played football together and blowing cowhide for a while, they went to the canteen for a simple dinner, and then returned to the classroom for evening self-study.

There is not much homework on this day. At the end of the first evening self-study, Lin Yuchen finished his homework.

As soon as the bell rang, Lin Yuchen packed up his things, put all his books and homework in the desk drawer, and left the classroom empty-handed.

He returned to the playground where he had just played football.

At this time, it was close to 8 p.m., and there were not many lonely people like him on the empty playground except for some happy people.

Lin Yuchen didn't care about those who were in full swing. He first pressed his legs on the fitness equipment next to the playground, did a set of flexibility training, and then went straight to the center of the playground. During the day, it is very crowded and lively, but at this time it is the cleanest place. It is too empty, helpless on all sides, and there are not enough shelters. Naturally, those night mandarin ducks do not want to come here to make out.

Standing in the middle of the playground, Lin Yuchen took a few deep breaths, slowly relaxing his body and slowing down the rhythm of breathing.

When his spirit was relaxed to a certain extent and his breathing became very gentle, he suddenly clenched his fists around his waist and brightened his fisting.

Then, I saw that Lin Yuchen sometimes punched, sometimes kicked his legs, ups and downs, and his footwork was as steady as a rock, and his boxing was like running water, and he actually started a boxing routine.

This set of punches lasted for five minutes before stopping. At this time, it was late autumn, and the playground was already quite cold, but Lin Yuchen was sweating all over and his whole body was hot.

After punching, he did not rest. He took apart the various boxing and leg techniques in the routine just now and practiced them alone until each kind of boxing and leg method was repeatedly practiced hundreds of times before he stopped.

This practice lasted for more than an hour. It was not until the bell rang at the end of the evening self-study that Lin Yuchen stopped training.

After taking a few deep breaths and relaxing his muscles and bones, he slowly walked out of the playground and left the school with the crowd after class.

In key middle schools like Minghao, a certain learning atmosphere has been formed among students. In this environment, many students will consciously work hard and do not need the supervision of teachers and parents at all. In this way, teachers save effort and parents worry. Therefore, the situation of self-study in the evening is not very strict. Although there are teachers sitting in the classroom, they generally rarely interfere with the students' attendance unless they take extra classes or exams.

Of course, there are also many people fishing in troubled waters, such as Lin Yuchen, who use the time of evening self-study to practice boxing.

Lin Yuchen returned to his single apartment, took a shower, simply cooked a bowl of noodles and ate it, then turned on the computer, opened several websites, browsed some information, and sent some information. After that, he turned off the computer, sat **, picked up a book and read.

He went home empty-handed and put all the textbooks in the school. At this time, he was naturally not a school textbook. At this time, what he held in his hand was a Tao Te Ching.

He read it very carefully and didn't miss a word. In some places, he even had to chew it over and over again. It took nearly an hour to read the 81-chapter Tao Te Ching.

After reading the scriptures, after sitting cross-legged for a while, he lay in ** and fell asleep.

At five o'clock the next morning, he woke up from sleep on time without a reminder.

After lying down for a while and slowly waking up from sleep, he got up, stretched out and began the day's life.

After boiling water, washing, changing clothes, and drinking a glass of light salt water, he walked out of the house in sports clothes.

Lin Yuchen lived on the fourth floor. He slowly walked down the stairs and began to jog along the road in the community. Not long after, he came to the gate of the community, greeted the security guard, and ran out of the community through the side door.

The security guard has been surprised by this scene. The young man is very punctual and will appear on time unless it is windy and rainy.

Lin Yuchen's destination is a park near the community.

At this time, it was only 5:30, and the park was still very quiet. Lin Yuchen did not stop after entering the park. His footsteps gradually became faster and ran around the roundabout of the park.

The whole process from the community to the park takes about half an hour, and the running distance is about five kilometers.

After running the whole journey, Lin Yuchen turned into a walk and slowly relaxed. After breathing stabilized, he almost happened to walk to a secluded place in the park.

After a period of flexibility training, he stood in the middle of the open space and practiced boxing and legs as he did last night.

"The real use of the routine is to train a person's sense of coordination and rhythm. If you want to practice, you need to train every boxing and leg in the routine repeatedly until you can receive and receive it freely." Lin Yuchen's father said so.

Lin Yuchen's father ran away angrily and went far away to fight. Although he did not make much money, he met several 'high-talent people'. This boxing was taught to him by a 'talent' when he struggled in his hometown.

In fact, there are not many strange things about this set of boxing. It is said that it is the 72-style long boxing for Shaolin. Its function is nothing more than to lay the foundation for beginners, strengthen the body, and hone their muscles. Shaolin can fight any disciple.

But the 'higher' told Lin Yuchen's father that this set of boxing was handed down by Dharma in those years. Later, all kinds of Shaolin's skills actually originated from this set of boxing. The so-called Shaolin's 72 stunts were derived from this set of boxing techniques. It can be said that this set of boxing is the mother of all Shaolin's stunts.

Lin Yuchen's father didn't know why. In short, he believed it. After learning like this, he also taught Lin Yuchen in this way.

Since the age of five, Lin Yuchen has begun to practice this set of boxing. For more than ten years, no matter how wind or rain, it has never been interrupted.

Lin Yuchen also doesn't know why. Anyway, after practicing for more than ten years, he is also used to it. One day, if he doesn't practice, he will feel uncomfortable all over, as if he has missing something.

In his heart, he actually quite rejects this kind of regular and a little boring training every day. Get up on time every day and train according to quantity. It's easy to say, but it's really not easy to do. People are lazy, love to enjoy, and don't like to live a hard life. Such training is boring and boring. It's uncomfortable for anyone, but under his father's pressure, he dares not be lazy at all, because As long as you slack off a little, you will get a fat beating.

Originally, he thought that after leaving his father's supervision, his hard days would come to an end. Finally, he could do whatever he wanted, sleep until what time he wanted, and no longer had to deal with these boring training every day.

But soon he found that he had mistaken. After two days, he couldn't stand it. He only felt extremely uncomfortable, as if there was something missing inside.

His body is used to such training. If he doesn't practice for a day, he loses his motivation as if there is no car without refueling and charging.

Therefore, even without his father's supervision, he still insists on training every day without interruption.

At about seven o'clock, Lin Yuchen finished his training. He relaxed and walked home slowly.

Go home and simply scrubbed my sweaty body. After changing my sportswear, I rushed to school.

Lin Yuchen's single apartment is in a good location, not far from the school and the park. At the beginning of the morning reading at 7:30, Lin Yuchen also sat in his seat.

The time of morning reading is also different, and there are people who talk, chat, read and do homework.

"The video of Sen Shao and others being completely destroyed was released last night. Have you seen it?" My deskmate's 'tofu' opened the topic.

"No! How about it! It's not wonderful!" Lin Yuchen replied while reading the book absent-mindedly.

"It's so wonderful, damn, that scene is more enjoyable than any movie. It's a pity that you don't see it." Tofu is called 'tofu' because his surname is Fu. Sometimes people call him 'Tofu Xishi', but the beans on this man's face are really far away from Xi Shi. If this nickname is shouted, it has a visual impact. However, under normal circumstances, tofu is more convenient and faster.

"I don't have time, I have a lot of things to do at home. Be sure to have a look when you go back in the evening.

"Who did this ticket? I guess it must be a professional player, M! Only professional play can do this kind of thing. Shit! Playing this kind of game is cool and immersive. In the past, those things that looked at the screen and clicked the mouse were really inferior. I have to try this game. ...Damn operators are not open until now*, and they have been scolded on the Internet. Fortunately, I heard that another batch of passes will be released recently. God bless me to win the lottery. If I win, I thank you for the 18th generation of ancestors. Hey! Have you applied yet?" This 'tofu' is nagging like a 38.

"No, I can't afford to apply!"

"Fuck! At least apply for it. Anyway, there is also a 72-hour free experience period. If you can't afford it, you can sell it after the experience. Now a pass can sell for thousands of yuan. I saw on the Internet yesterday that most people are willing to pay 10,000 yuan to buy one. It is said that it is still priceless, and the price can be higher if it is really sold. If I can apply for it, I will sell it to him after the experience period. Anyway, this game will always be open in the future, otherwise how can operators make more money!"

"You are so economically minded that it will be a waste if you don't invest in business in the future."

"If I go to business, I will definitely be richer than his father in the future." Tofu said confidently.

"......! Big brother! Brother Tofu! Don't forget to be rich and noble!" Lin Yuchen pretended to be worshipful and said to the tofu.


" boss, my future is entrusted to you."

"If I send it in the future, as long as I am a classmate, needless to say, I will definitely respond to my request and give whatever I want. If you want money, give money. If you want business, give business. Do you want money or business.

"...I want a beautiful woman!"

"Look at your promisingness and thinking about beautiful women all day long. Let me tell you, men don't want anything if they have money. Look, they have begun to play in the harem."

According to the legend of good people, there are more than 50 famous concubines and surnames of Sen Shao, and there are more than a dozen of Guangminghao. If even the outside is included, it is really 'the harem is as deep as the sea'.

Lin Yuchen is also young and full of spring. If you don't envy it, it's definitely a lie. He swallowed a mouthful of water: "I'm not demanding, but it's only half the scale!"

"It's just yours. If it were me, I would build an Afang Palace. Put all the beautiful women in the world and raise them.

"Hmm! Fierce man, you know how Qin Shihuang died. According to the research of historians, he died alive and tiredly. So... you have to take care of yourself!"


The more they talked, the more they became.

After making trouble for a while, Tofu continued: "But now Sen Shao has no time to take care of it. Recently, he has been busy rebuilding the Minghao Legion for revenge!"

"Has Sen Shao been resurrected!"

"It must have been resurrected. According to the setting of the game, gene reconstruction generally takes three days, but if you have money, you can speed up, but no matter how fast it is, it takes at least one day. Sen Shao is so rich that he naturally comes back to life as soon as possible.

Lin Yuchen nodded in agreement and said, "You are quite familiar with this game!"

"I will study the various settings of this game as soon as I have time. This is called being prepared. Prepare and do your homework first. When you get the pass in the future, you will get twice the result with half the effort!"

Lin Yuchen listened thoughtfully. Although this tofu usually looks like he is talking and doesn't seem to be in good shape, but as his deskmate, Lin Yuchen knows that this person's learning ability is absolutely not bad, and his results in each test are good, and he is in the top ten in the class. It seems that his strengths are here. He is well prepared and seems to be absent-minded, but in fact, he is secretly working hard.

The one who can enter Minghao is really not mediocre.

So he asked, " boss, what do you think to listen to me so that I can be prepared."

"I don't have any experience! One thing I feel is that this game is too good at making money and requires money for everything. Although the surface cost of living is not high, it pays according to the food consumption of the population every day. According to the current price, I calculated that the minimum consumption for a single person is only 45 cents per month, which is really too cheap. But this is just an appearance, because you can't do nothing when you enter the game, so operators specially attack this, recruitment, equipment, logistics, energy magic crystals, safety shields, safe houses, there is nothing free, and it costs so much to die once. Otherwise, you really can't afford to play without money!"

"Hholographic games, it is also very expensive for people to operate and maintain such a large amount of data. What's more, there are 72 hours of free experience after getting the pass.

"That's not the case either. Fortunately, what I hate most is the setting that is not offline, which is simply set up to make money. After going online, unless you hang up, you will always be online. Not to mention that we people who want to go to class can't stand it, even professional players can't stand it. People always have to eat and sleep. They can't sit in front of the computer and stare at their roles all day and do nothing. Now it is said that the most important thing to play this game is not to find the top equipment and learn the most powerful spells and moves, but to find an absolutely safe place to hide yourself. Otherwise, no matter how good the equipment is, it will be useless. They can kill you when you go offline. I think the operator did this just to sell safe houses and safety covers. Fuck!"

"I think this is true, exactly the same as reality. People have to eat, sleep and rest. There are times when they are relaxed. Anyway, everyone is the same, and no one can run away. Otherwise, like yesterday's battle, he did a lot of votes and then ran offline. They will never find you and won't let anyone play. How can you let Sen Shao revenge!"

"Yes! If I get the pass in the future, I will definitely play Assassin. Specially wait for people to do it when they can't control it offline, hahaha!"

"Now this assassin is the hottest. But if everyone plays Assassin, the game will be ruined. Everyone hid in case everyone else got away. The game turned into hide-and-seek and played a fart.

"Isn't there no career limit? Anyway, you can learn anything you want. You must learn assassin skills when you have time.

"Oh! By the way! I heard that there are money-free strategies and money-making strategies on the Internet. Haven't you seen it all day?" Lin Yuchen changed the topic slightly.

"Of course I saw it! How could I let this go!"

"How do you feel!"

"I dare not say, I can't comment without practical operation. But I feel a little like I'm writing a YY novel! It's really not to spend money to take the 'civil servant' exam. The setting of civil servants is too fucking awesome. I feel that this is the biggest selling point of this game. It actually makes players become official players in the game, and they are paid monthly salaries and equipment. It's great. However, the access conditions are too high. A lot of exams are comparable to the real civil service exams.

"Hey, it's nothing to suffer a little if you can play games for free. If there is a chance, I want to take the exam.

"You can't say that. What is the spirit of playing games? Isn't it just freedom? Damn, I just want to play a game, but I'm controlled everywhere. I check in every day, train as required, and do whatever you want. What's the difference from reality? In reality, this is not enough, and you have to go to the game to suffer. Have you ever heard of 'death without freedom'? I didn't expect this person to be a cynic.

"That's right! Tofu, with the talent of your top ten outstanding heroes in Quanyuan City, not to mention spending money in this game, even if you make money, you will definitely get it!" Lin Yuchen quickly changed the topic.

"Of course! It's a pity that I can't get the pass now! My talent is nowhere to be used! With a one-to-one exchange ratio, I will earn 18,000 yuan a day, hey! ...God is jealous of talents! ...Heroes are useless!" Tofu is brazen.

"I've never seen such a thick-skinned face! 18,000, I don't think you have to study so hard for the college entrance examination. They may not earn more than you from the world's top universities!" Lin Yuchen said.



While speaking, the morning reading ends and the first class begins.

Lin Yuchen's breakfast is usually eaten after the first class. Sometimes he buys it on the way to class, and sometimes he eats it in the canteen.

His day is almost like this, free but self-disciplined, but not monotonous.

Today, he was going to go to the canteen to buy some soy milk steamed buns to fill his stomach. When he walked through the next shift, Lin Yuchen looked inside from the window, and Sen Shao's seat was suddenly empty.