The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 9 Light and Necromancer

The battle of Tianxu Forest can be said to be the largest battle since the operation of the game. As the planner of that battle, Lin Yuchen not only made a lot of money, but also full of confidence. It is inevitable that he has a feeling of looking at the heroes in the world as nothing.

Until the moment he saw the angel!

In the two sides of the battle, the arms used by one side turned out to be angels.

Looking at the three winged birds flying in the sky, Lin Yuchen's heart was infinite envy and hatred.

There are so many strong people in the world.

Due to the operator's many settings, players' progress in this game is not high. Top arms such as angels are still extremely rare at this time.

Lin Yuchen immediately called out the game introduction to find it. After comparison, he was finally a little relieved. Although the three angels seemed amazing, the level was the lowest among the angels. In this game, angels are divided into five levels, and the lowest level is the one in front of them. The name is the angel, which is followed by the archangel, the power angel, the holy angel, and the highest level is called the blazing angel.

Low-level angels have no spells, but they have a strong self-healing ability. Because of this ability, they have strong vitality. Unless they hit the effective part and the damage is large enough to kill, it is difficult to be killed. Moreover, they also have the ability to fly high, so at least at this stage, they are a strong character that is difficult to find opponents, and they are definitely the top of the game at this stage.

There are not many troops with angels. In addition to the three angels, there are 13 griffins.

It turned out to be a pure air force.

The griffin is a very difficult to raise in this game, and the reason is the food. Just like the actual Air Force fighters need to add expensive aviation gasoline, griffins must be raised with meat. Each griffin consumes ten units of meat and ten units of grain every day, which is simply an extra-large rice bucket.

Probably only rich people like Sen Shao can afford to raise hundreds of griffins. Generally, if players raise this guy, they will definitely beg for food.

Although they are one of the money-burning arms in this game, the benefits are also extremely high. After training, the air force can carry people to fly, with extremely high mobility and good attack power. If you can fight, you can't beat them. No matter how powerful the infantry is, they can't do anything about them.

There was a person on the back of each griffin. After observing with a telescope for a long time, Lin Yuchen saw that one of them was a player and the rest were priests.

The priest is the exclusive arm of the church in this game, and is also a rare versatile player in this game. He can attack, retreat and defend. He can not only release holy light bombs for long-range attacks, but also have a strong auxiliary effect. He blesses and prays to enhance the morale of the troops, and heals wounds of soldiers. Moreover, these followers of the god of Light are absolutely It is the last arm that the undead ghosts want to encounter. If there is a priest's assistance in the army, the troops that meet the undead will have a very high winning rate. They are the sworn enemies of the undead and the end of all the undead. Under their light power, all the undead will only have an ashes and smoke.

Obviously, this is an elite team from the Temple of Light. Although the number of people is small, it is absolutely strong. After seeing the situation clearly, Lin Yuchen couldn't help but feel endless sadness about the opponent who was fighting with them, because it was the undead troops from hell that were fighting against them at this time.

In this open space in the jungle, more than 200 skeleton archers and axes formed a formation to protect their two heroes in the middle, and dozens of ghosts flew around in the sky to contain the griffins and angels.

Although the number of their opponents is much higher than their opponents, their strength is not the same level as that of their opponents.

Skull soldiers pose little threat to angels and griffans at all. One is infantry and the other is the air force, and they can't reach them even if they want to fight. Although a skeleton archer can attack his opponent with a bow and arrow, on the one hand, the lethality of the back shot will be halved, and on the other hand, if he meets an angel, which can heal itself and has a priest-assisted treatment on the back of the griffin, it can't cause much damage at all.

The infantry on the ground can't help, and the situation in the air is also one-sided.

The griffin is far more lethal than the ghost, and the two sides are not of the same level. What's more, there is a priest on the back of the griffin. With the help of the priest's light and divine power, the griffin's lethality to the dead is even double.

These griffins shine with white and sacred brilliance all over their bodies. They bite their claws and flap their wings. Even if they fight less and more, they will not fall behind at all. Not to mention angels, they are born to be the nemesis of these ghosts. Before long, the dozens of ghosts in the sky were 'overd' by their opponents.

After solving the air force, the angels and griffins began to attack the skeleton army on the ground.

This is not a battle, but more like a massacre.

Whether it is an angel or a griffin, every dive attack can sweep down a large number of skeleton warriors. These bone shelves can't resist the griffin's wings and the angel's cross sword at all. They are either scattered or directly surpassed. Although they fought back with all their strength, they had no practical significance at all.

Before long, there was little left in the skeleton army, but the other party did not lose anything.

If Lin Yuchen wants to change this battle, he will never achieve such a result in the face of such a undead army. The ghost has no entity and ignores all physical damage. It is useless to shoot the arrow. Although the skeleton has a substance, it is empty all over. Unless it hits the skeleton and disperses its skeleton, the feather arrow passes through the hole and can not cause damage.

Although he can play with thousands of troops of Sen Shao, without the help of the Light Priest, he will rarely win when he encounters such a necromancer army. The best way is to go as far as he can.

But if the undead force meets a religious force that believes in light, it will be strongly restrained.

" boss, I surrendered! I won't do this task. Let me go." Seeing that his army had gone, one of the undead players shouted to his opponent.

Although this game is very similar to the classic game Heroes invincible, which is also a tactical strategy of leading troops to fight, one difference is that the player's own strength is also an important factor. In the battle, even if the player's strength is completely destroyed, as long as the player does not hang up, he can continue to play; even if the troops are full, as long as the player hangs up, the troops left behind will either collapse and escape because of the loss of command, or surrender and surrender. The best ending is just to continue to fight according to the player's orders before his death.

"Fccame, it's useless for you to say that now." The hero of the Temple of Light replied disdainfully. Admittedly, now that he has controlled the situation and is winning, his opponent's words mean nothing to him.

" boss, can you do me a favor? In order to take on this task, I have used up all my money. Now my army is gone, and the mission has failed. If you hang me up, I can't play any more. Now I'm exhausted, and I don't even have the money for resurrection. The necromancer player sighed and begged for mercy.

Only then did Lin Yuchen find that only one of the two Necromancers seems to be a player, but the other is motionless. It seems to be a mission-based NPC in the game. The profession of dressing up two people should be necromancers.

The hero of the Temple of Light should be a Templar. He was dressed in armor and held a cross sword in his hand. He sat on the griffin and looked at his opponent. After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, old rule, take out all the things on your body and unbind, disband the troops and give up the task."

Unbinding the equipment is a default surrender rule in this game.

Because it takes a certain amount of money and time to revive this game, players cherish their lives. So after a period of game, such a rule was gradually formed. The surrendering party can pay to redeem himself. If there is no money, he will give a discount to unbind the equipment set.

Binding this setting is a bit like the treasure dripping the owner in fantasy novels. In fact, it is of little real significance, and it is also one of the most criticized settings by players at this stage.

In this game, some equipment can be bound, but its function is to make it easier for players to use equipment, such as the Guardian Medal. After binding, it is an exclusive item. Even if others get it, they can't use it. However, due to the existence of resurrection mode and corpse mode, this setting has become a little useless.

Because it no longer bursts out or returns to the resurrection point with the player like the previous game, but in order to pursue the most realistic effect, so that the corpse mode in the game slowly decays into white bones like reality, so the player's equipment will also remain on the body. Therefore, binding this setting becomes very chicken. Ribs. Even if it is bound and the player hangs up, the equipment will still become the trophy of the winner.

Obviously, this is a gimmick deliberately made by the operator, because the biggest winner behind this setting is the operator. Binding requires a certain amount of money, and it is also necessary to change the owner to unbind. One after another, the final winner is the operator. Every time he recognizes the owner, it actually means that the player is searched by the operator once. Therefore, everyone believes that this is another clear evidence of game operators' unscrupulous means to accumulate wealth.

But smart players still find a little usefulness from this setting. According to the rules, it does not cost anything if the owner of the equipment unbinds by himself. Therefore, players find a way to surrender. When they surrender, they unbind the equipment and give it to their opponents to show their complete defeat, just like before. The general who surrendered on the battlefield presented his sword to his opponent.

The necromancer was also straightforward. Without saying a word, he disbanded the few remaining troops and threw his equipment on the ground. Anyway, this game is equipped with someone else's. This equipment can't be preserved in any way. It's better to get a chance for yourself not to hang up.

For many players, 'resurrection' is a difficult setting. Although the money for resurrection is not much, it has to be stopped for at least one day, which is the most unbearable for many professional players who are used to playing the game all day.

When the Templar saw his opponent drop his staff, mage robe, ring, hat and a series of other equipment, he nodded and said, "You can go."

The necromancer player looked at the people around him and seemed to be quite reluctant, but the situation was compelling and helpless. He sighed and turned away.

After watching his opponent walk out a few steps behind his back, the player of the Temple of Light suddenly raised his hand and saw an angel in the sky suddenly start and hold high the sword in his hand and rushed to the player.

The necromancer also reacted well. Hearing the wind behind his head, he looked back and was shocked. His instinctive fallen donkey rolled and dodged the angel's blow in great confusion.

"I X you XX, you are shameless! ..." The necromancer got up and cursed.

The Templar laughed and seemed to enjoy the process very much.

After the angel's first shot fell into the air, his wings spread, and the whole person rose into the air again. After adjusting his posture, he dived to the necromancer player again.

After the necromancer dodged the angel's first attack, he seemed to be a little weak in the face of another dive attack by the angel.

"X your mother!"

The necromancer reached out and patted the badge on his chest, and only heard a 'boom' sound, and a huge thing suddenly appeared in front of him.


The overwhelming blow of the angel Mount Tai was blocked by this huge thing.