The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 13 Reversal


As Lin Yuchen loosened the bow string, a loud noise also exploded.

With Lin Yuchen as the center, a sound wave exploded like a wave, and the surrounding angels and griffins were all within the impact range of this sound wave.

The power was unexpected. The surrounding griffins all fell from mid-air, and even the archangels staggered and stood unsteadily.

The whole attack disintegrated in an instant.

This is the biggest skill of this bow melee: roar. The loud noise generated by the vibration of the bow string forms an impact on the opponent. Once stimulated, this skill can have a fierce impact on the enemy's spirit, making the opponent fall into a dizzy state and lose combat effectiveness for a while.

This skill is simply the legendary 'Buddha lion roar'! However, it needs to consume 50 points of true energy.

Zheng is one of the warrior's abilities, and it is also an ability of the warrior to compete with mages in this game. Because there are no professional restrictions in this game, everyone can learn any ability, and everyone naturally has the settings of mana and true spirit. It is up to them to decide how to configure and where the players want to go.

True qi and mana are like two ways of energy. The difference is that true qi is relatively simple and can only be used to strengthen the attack and defense of warriors, while mana is more variable and can be transformed into various forms, such as ice, fire, water, darkness and light.

The use methods of the two attributes are also different. To launch the spell, you need to recite the spell. After the spell is finished, the spell is launched, and the corresponding consumption value can be deducted directly from the mana value. However, the activation of true qi requires saving time, time and speed to accumulate. The longer the accumulation time, the greater the player's real qi value, and the limit is true. The maximum value of the gas attribute; the speed determines the speed of the accumulation. This value is determined by the player's control attribute. The higher the control value, the faster the speed of accumulation.

To launch this skill, the true qi value needs to be accumulated to 50 points. With Lin Yuchen's current control, it is just more than a second, and he has been preparing for this blow for a long time, and 50 points of true qi has long been accumulated.

Whhh whether it can be turned over depends on this blow!

The result did not disappoint him! It even exceeded his expectations. All enemies are stunned!

At this opportunity, Lin Yuchen also launched his other card.

'The thorns are bound!'

This is a spell attached to the green vine armor.

The trees around suddenly seemed to come alive, and the branches rolled up like the tentacles of an octopus, entangling the swaying archangel.

This spell attached to the green vine armor, instantaneous, does not require any spells, requires 50 points of mana, the duration is one hour, and the cooling time is also one hour. Although it consumes a little more, its power is indeed extremely extraordinary. It is the best in wooden spells. You can ignore the opponent's arms, level, resistance, although It is not lethal, but it can stop working against it at the first time, even the archangel.

This spell is known as the strongest physical stop spell, which is why Lin Yuchen chose it as his equipment. His favorite thing is the feeling of fixing his opponent and then hitting the falling dog.

The archangel struggled hard, but to no avail. Soon, he was entangled like a flying insect in a cobweb.


With Lin Yuchen's order, it just dispersed, and the phantom shooters hidden in the jungle emerged from all corners again, and all the griffans suddenly fell into the intertwined arrow nets of the shooters.

The temple troops were in chaos, because they suddenly found that they had lost their command!

The Templars added blessings, sacred shields and sacred orders to the griffins, but did not add a shield to himself, perhaps because he felt that he did not have to fight in person, or because it was not powerful enough, or because he had some unique tricks.

This directly led to his demise.

Just as Lin Yuchen was chatting with Xiaohei, the 'guardian spirit' he had just released took his fourth team to use the cover of the jungle and quietly touched the vicinity of the Templar. Shortly after he launched the attack and the troops left him, they also launched an attack.

Sneak attack and sticking have always been what Lin Yuchen is best at.

Eleven powerful arrows in the first round turned the royal warbler into a hedgehog in an instant, and one vulture fell from the sky. Naturally, the royal vulture could not die anymore, and the Templar also fell dizzy. Not before he woke up, the second round of feather arrows had sent him out of the game.

The remaining griffins lost their command and suddenly had no rules. They subconsciously followed the command of the commander's life, and even forgot to take off from the range of the phantom. Although there were sacred shields and various gains, they could not resist the phantom shooter's many arrows, and it was not long before they were completely annihilated.

"It's so dangerous!" When the last griffin fell to the ground, the Black Knight looked surprised and shouted with admiration, "Yu... Boss Yu, it turned out that you left a hand, which made me worry for nothing. Boss Yu, you are really awesome. This battle is really wonderful. Such an elite team has been destroyed by you, M! ... Now you are rich!"

"Damn, two are dead!" Lin Yuchen was not happy at all.

Phantom Archer has no level division and can only accumulate experience. As experience accumulates, the shooting will continue to deepen. According to the introduction of the game, when you accumulate to the top, the phantom archer can even hit the fast-moving target easily. These people in the Guards have experienced hundreds of battles. Lin Yuchen has been selected from thousands of his troops, each of whom is a treasure, one less than one dies. Even in the battle of booing Sen Shao the day before yesterday, the guards did not lose half a person. In today's situation, two people died. How can he not feel distressed?

Phantom's hand-to-hand combat ability is really poor. It prevents low blood, and the gain griffin can basically hang up as soon as it is caught. Fortunately, at the last moment, the griffin lost its command and the battle attack was chaotic. If the commander was still there, the loss would be more than that.

Anyway, it's finally done. Lin Yuchen comforted himself.

But soon he found that he had to face two problems, one was the archangel bound by thorns, and the other was the angel who had not yet woken up from Nock's curse.

"Big Yu, according to the rules of the game, these two angels are now your prisoners. You should take them up quickly and slowly surrender in the future. Once they succeed, they will become your subordinates." The Dark Rangers said aside.

Lin Yuchen, who knows the rules of the game, also knows this, but when he heard the Dark Rangers say this, he immediately took a deep look at the Dark Rangers.

"Big Yu! You fought this battle, so I won't move these things. I only have a small request. Can I get my equipment back? As if he understood the meaning in Lin Yuchen's eyes, the dark ranger said hurriedly.

The problem of distributing trophies after the war, no matter in which game, is a big problem. Players turn against each other for this, and it is absolutely not a rare thing to wave their knives.

So Xiaohei quickly expressed his attitude at this time. After all, if Lin Yuchen wants to kill him now, it is also a matter of raising his hand.

"Alle! Take it away." Lin Yuchen said cheerfully.

"Thank you so much! Boss Yu! Ouch! I didn't expect to get my equipment back, Boss Yu. Thank you so much this time. You not only helped me avenge me, but also asked me to get my equipment back. The Dark Rangers probably didn't expect Lin Yuchen to be so straightforward. He was extremely excited for a moment and immediately ran to his equipment and quickly re-equipped it.

Lin Yuchen walked to the angel at the end that was clicked by Noke and threw a 'commend' to him. Not long after, he got a response. The angel was willing to accept the collection and needed 3000 silver and 10 gems.

Seeing this response, Lin Yuchen's mood suddenly improved, and the troubles of losing two phantom shooters were swept away. After finishing Sen Shao's ticket, he could still take out this resource. It was obviously worth exchanging two phantom shooters for an angel.

After paying the corresponding resources, the angel officially joined Lin Yuchen's team.

With a good beginning, Lin Yuchen rushed to the archangel and lost a 'persuasion', hoping to continue to work hard...

"The archangel refuses to surrender!"

"Fuck! It's quite elegant." Lin Yuchen scolded, "Take it first, and I'll deal with you later."

In the past, he also captured some arms, but they were all relatively low-level. In the end, Lin Yuchen either let them be laborers or cut them directly. After all, raising soldiers requires money, and he does not need all the arms, but this time, this archangel is determined to win.

After losing a 'containment' order, the archangel was confiscated and stood tied aside.

"You cut off my knife. I won't let you go easily if this loss is not recovered from you." As Lin Yuchen spoke, he began to prepare to clean the battlefield.

After capturing the other party's arms, he can slowly surrender until he is willing to accept the collection.

When the Dark Rangers saw Lin Yuchen receiving an angel, they were naturally envious. He said, "Oh, angels are the adver of our necromancer. In this game, they will never accept our recruitment. Boss, with this angel, you are really like a tiger. Boss, which god do you believe in?

"Of course, it is a natural god. Otherwise, how can I fool around in this forest? Lin Yuchen cleaned up his mood and began to prepare to clean up the battlefield.

In this game, the setting of belief in gods has been added. There are different gods for players to believe in. For example, the Templars believe in the god of light, orc players believe in the god of beasts, and most of the mercenary players believe in the god of war.

and different environments will have different effects on players' beliefs and troops. For example, in the forest terrain, players who believe in natural gods and corresponding troops will get bonuses. For example, Lin Yuchen and his phantom shooters, various attributes in the forest will get a certain bonus, while other troops, such as the undead and dark demons, have no impact, no bonus or restraint, but if it is a desert, swamp troops There is a strong restraint.

And the undead and demons will be restrained during the day, and will be strengthened at night.

For every player who loves the game, the happiest thing in the game is to clean up the battlefield and pick up the booty, and Lin Yuchen is naturally no exception.

According to the settings of the game, every warrior will bring some money. The amount of money is random, but the higher the level, the larger the number. Players will get the money after using the collection. After the war, Lin Yuchen picked up a lot of gold coins. Although there are only a dozen people in the Temple of Light this time, they are all senior arms. Lin Yuchen also got seven gold coins and more than 100 silver coins. ( One gold coin is equal to 100 silver coins)

When throwing the collection technique on the griffin, you will get the claws and feathers of the griffin, as well as the head of the griffin. These are all alchemy materials. Lin Yuchen doesn't know what it is for. Anyway, it's right to put them away first.

The priest can get fragments of the priest's robe. It is said that after getting the drawings, he can find a tailor to make a new 'priest robe'.

Lin Yuchen not only got the cross swords of the two angels, but also collected the angel's feathers and angel hearts. If these are used on equipment, they can enhance the damage to the undead and resist dark magic.

The quality of the angel's cross sword is better than his knife. Lin Yuchen's knife is the most common white sharp quality, and the angel cross sword is the perfect quality in blue. There are five qualities in each quality of equipment in this game, which are cracked, rusty, ordinary, sharp and perfect. Generally speaking, the quality cannot be changed, but the appearance can be improved in the workshop. Of course, this is also one of the channels for game operators to make money.

Moreover, as a weapon of the top arms in the game, this angel's cross sword also has extremely high light attributes, and its magic fit is far superior to other weapons.

The suitability of magic determines the compatibility of equipment with magic. The more suitable the material, the easier it is to integrate with magic, and players can add more advanced magic arrays to it. This attribute determines the magic resistance and magic attack ability of the equipment. Generally speaking, in order not to let the player's weapons be too rebellious and lose the fairness of the game, toughness and magic fit are two extremes that are irreconcable. The higher the toughness, the lower the magic fit, and vice versa.

If the tenacity and magic fit reach the maximum at the same time, then it is definitely a one-of-a-a-art artifact. However, this kind of thing has always existed in legends.

After playing with the cross sword for a while, Lin Yuchen felt very uncomfortable. For him, this Western cross sword is difficult to adapt to, whether it is the center of gravity, style, proportion and usage, or it is too refreshing to use.

This style of weapon is really not available. Later, take it to the short workshop to change it. Lin Yuchen said secretly in his heart. In this game, the design freedom of weapons and equipment is very high, and all the equipment can be transformed into your favorite style.

"Black Cavalry, let's each take these two swords." Lin Yuchen felt that he could win this battle mainly because the Dark Rangers consumed a lot of mana, so he felt that he should give some compensation to the other side.

"Big Yu, you'd better keep the sword. I don't use the sword. I'll use the stick." The dark ranger shook the staff in his hand.

Lin Yuchen still lost his sword and said, "Then you can sell it. This time you have lost so much, this thing can probably be sold for some money to compensate."

"Big Yu, you are so kind!" The dark rangers were overjoyed and put away their cross sword without hesitation. This cross sword has its own strong bright attributes and is an excellent weapon to restrain darkness and the undead. It can definitely sell it at a good price on the market.

The two walked together in the direction of the fallen Knights Templar. Lin Yuchen suddenly asked, "You don't need weapons. What should you do in close combat?"

"Big Yu, I'm a necromancer! Necromancer is not in close combat. Isn't there a 'guardian spirit' in close combat? Boss, what's your profession? I think you use a knife and a bow. Are you an archer or a samurai? By the way, it seems that you also used magic just now!"

"Uh! I'm... Samurai. Spells are equipped with their own equipment. Lin Yuchen hesitated for a moment before saying.

Speaking of this profession, Lin Yuchen's heart began to surging again. In fact, he did not have an exact profession. He carried a bow because the bow was really good and had a ring of possession, and his guardian spirit was a phantom shooter, so the bow was very useful, even when he was possessed, and he used a knife, It is for another reason.

In the dark years at the beginning of the game, he found a secret at the critical moment of life and death, that is, the holographic technology of this game is very unique, which can basically bring everything in reality into the game. Expressions, actions, habits, temperaments, and even abilities are just like moving the whole person into it. Come to the game. If not, he might have died long ago.

Although more than ten years of martial arts training has taken a wild road, it has made him a natural samurai in the game. He accumulated his fighting experience little by little in battles, and applied his body and skills more and more skillfully.


"Big Yu, this boy's sword is the best." While he was distracted, the voice of the dark ranger pulled him back to the present tense.

Lin Yuchen took over the sword handed over by the black cavalry. The quality is white. Although the toughness is not high, it comes with a pretty good instant magic - 'Holy Order'. Effect: The acceleration, morale and lethal power of team members within the skill range consume ten points of mana per minute, and are exclusive equipment for players of the Temple of Light.

"This thing consumes a lot of magic power." Lin Yuchen said. No wonder he didn't add spells to himself, but just wanted to retain his power to maintain this spell.

"I thought his level was so high that he could use the 'Holy Order', which turned out to be his own weapon. Pooh! Shameless. You also have today, haha, this is the shameless end..." The Dark Ranger scolded and kicked the body of the Templar.

"Black cavalry, you are not so disgusting and want to whip the body, are you?"