The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 19 Breaking the Game

Lin Yuchen waved the archangel's cross sword and cut off the skull giant's head with a sword.

The little black tears beside him flowed.

But these are tears of happiness. Because Lin Yuchen gave him three bottles of mana recovery potion and a ring in addition to the magic book, which of course also got from Nock.

The ring is called the 'Guardian Ring', which can instantly send three dark shields, which is the one Nock used to protect himself before, and it is also one of the few treasures on Nock's body.

Little Black held the ring as if it would fly away at any time. He saw the power of this thing with his own eyes, and even Lin Yuchen's bow and arrow could not be broken. Compared with the weak and anaemic mage, holding such a treasure in his hand is almost equivalent to being invincible. Anyway, his guardian Yuanling is also disabled at this time. It is definitely worth it.

Lin Yuchen also wants to keep this treasure, but he has no magic power and won't have any spells. Second, he can't use it even if he has it, because this ring needs the magic power of dark or undead attributes to be effective.

For some reason, Lin Yuchen is very repulsive to the darkness and the undead system. Although he does not reject others to learn, he will never learn these two spells.

What's more, he has always had a unique theory that if a person gets too many benefits in a day, his luck will be much worse.' The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency. For a person who has read the Tao Te Ching for more than ten years, he knows a little about the truth that misfortune depends on blessings. Even in the virtual world of games, the reason is the same. Unless you are the protagonist of YY novels, there has never been lucky people all the way to the end. People are always high and low, with ups and downs.

In addition, now that he has an artifact such as the 'Nether Blood Order' in his hand, he is a little uncomfortable with treasures at the level of the Guardian Ring. What's more, he still asks for Xiaohei now, so he simply gives this ring to Xiaohei. He can not only buy personal favors, buy people's hearts, but also change his luck, and kill many birds with one stone. Get it.

At this time, Xiaohei had agreed to Lin Yuchen's exchange conditions. Under the strong attraction of the 'guardian ring', he not only handed over his guardian spirit, but also forcibly recited the undead magic recorded on Nock's notebook - the dead sacrifice.

Then drink a bottle of mana recovery potion to fill up the mana.

After everything was ready, Lin Yuchen raised his sword and cut off the big head of the dying skeleton giant.

Although the master can't kill his guardian spirit, there is no limit on others. After Lin Yuchen killed Xiaohei's guardian Yuanling, with Xiaohei's spell, a strong spirit of death was pulled out of the body by Xiaohei from the skeleton giant and then melted into the central void of the bone arch.


With a earth-shocking tiger roar! The saber-toothed tiger that had been stuck in the middle broke through the void and jumped into Lin Yuchen's eyes.

The saber-toothed tiger is seven or eight meters long, and its dark muscles look extremely ferocious. It is ready to attack Lin Yuchen, but looking at the token in Lin Yuchen's hand, it seems to be quite afraid. Lin Yuchen did not dare to be careless. He waved the token in his hand and read the spell recorded on the token. After a flash of light, the saber-toothed tiger was included in the token.

The circle behind the token is used to recognize the owner with blood. Originally, the owner of this token was Nock, but as soon as Nock died, the token was ownerless. After Lin Yuchen dripped his blood into it, he became the new owner of the token and could control the token at will.

"Big Yu, this saber-toothed tiger is so cool. Be a mount for me." Little Black said with audacity.

"No, I still have to study this thing. But I promise you that I will give you that monster as a guardian spirit after research.

"What a short oil! Boss Yu, you are so handsome! From now on, I will follow you. In the future, I will cut whoever you ask me to cut. If I go to the knife mountain and go to the oil pot, I will frown. I will be my grandson..." Xiaohei began to play his endless nonsense again.

"Don't be numb, let's go. It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. My scout has found that someone is coming here.

The two packed up their things and quickly left the place of right and wrong.

This journey is also a secret path found by Lin Yuchen.

"Big Boss Yu, I suddenly feel that you are a little too smart! How did you know that Nock was going to count us? How could such a powerful person as Knock die in your hands! There are so many things, how can you find clues and solve this bureau at once? If it were me, I don't know how many times I would have hung up. This game can't be saved and read. Once you die, there will be nothing left. Xiaohei's mouth seemed to be idle. If he didn't speak, he would suffocate himself to death. As soon as the two went on the road, he opened the topic.

"What clever is this. It's just that I have more experience. In fact, many things seem complicated, but after thinking about it, I think it's nothing. Since it's a game, no matter what task it is, the designer will naturally design some unexpected endings in order to make us happy, just like that Nock, who suddenly changed from NPC to boss. I used to I have experienced several times, so I have some experience. It seems unexpected, but if you look carefully, you can find many flaws. Lin Yuchen said proudly.

He said proudly, but secretly said that he was lucky. If it hadn't been for the skeleton giant Xiaohei, he might have seen the undead by now.

For him, in fact, people don't care whether they are smart or not. It's all forced by the environment. Just like those children born in war-tight areas who can shoot and kill people before they are tall, and children born in rich cities can't take care of themselves after college life, they are all created by the environment.

The sinister jungle taught him not to give up vigilance at any time and be ready to fight anytime and anywhere.

Such an environment has made Lin Yuchen maintain a clear consciousness no matter what the situation is. No matter what happens, he will think about the causal relationship.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with his father, who has let him read scriptures and practice boxing since he was a child, constantly cultivating his independent personality.

" boss, what's the flaw!" Xiaohei asked reluctantly.

"It's very simple! This summoning gate requires the spirit of the dead to complete the summoning, and the reason why the saber-toothed tiger is stuck in the end is obviously that the spirit of the dead is not enough. He called us over when he needed the spirit of the dead most. Did he want to invite us to dinner? Obviously, his motivation is impure!" For a moment, Lin Yuchen seemed to be possessed by 'Conan'.

"Big Yu, I'm starting to worship you." Xiaohei almost slapped Lin Yuchen in the sky.

" Besides, he summoned so many monsters, and his strength has long surpassed us for a long time. At that time, I was thinking that his strength had far exceeded ours. Why did he ask us to go there? Obviously, he wanted us to be cannon fodder."

" boss, I have another question. Since this old boy has so many monsters in his hand, why didn't he release it at that time? Damn, as long as we released one casually at that time, we both have to resurrect today." Now the word 'two brothers' is getting smoother and smoother.

"I don't know about this. At first, I thought that he was forced by my archer to have no time to release, but later after reading the notes, it didn't seem to be so. I think there must be a reason. If you have to find one, I think this boy's mana is not enough to control these monsters. Go back and take a closer look!"

" boss, I think you are really insidious... Well, you are so calculating. Everyone lets you calculate. The Templar just now was also confused by you and finished it. If he is smarter and doesn't take the initiative to attack, you can't help him at all, and so is this knock. He thought he would have won, and he walked over defenselessly to let you shoot an arrow. Hey! Boss Yu, as your follower, I began to be afraid that I would be counted by you at any time. Xiaohei looked at Lin Yuchen with a frightened look.

"You should be afraid to get out of here as soon as possible! I'm going to terminate the contract now. I don't want someone like you who is in the way. Lin Yuchen said.

"Don't! Boss, I mean I should learn from you how to calculate people. This little black is really thick and black.

"What is this called a calculation? To put it, the truth is that I was tricked by him, okay? Damn, he gave me the 'Fear Medal', which is not a task reward at all, but a trap. Later, I learned that this medal was recognized by blood. If it were not its owner, the person wearing the medal could not use it at all, but his original owner could still control it. Once it was activated, the wearer would fall into fear. As soon as the fight started, I wanted to go first... Uh-huh! I avoided it first, but I didn't expect this boy to start first. A spiritual shock fixed me there, and I couldn't leave even if I wanted to. Lin Yuchen originally wanted to say that he escaped, but later he felt that it was too faceless to say so, so he changed it to 'avoid'.

"What happened later!"

"Later... I finally had a big life, and I was finally active at the critical moment. I escaped the old boy's curse. Damn, this time it's really a big life. Lin Yuchen was still a little afraid when he remembered, but he couldn't figure out the reason. It seemed that Nock was also unbelievable just now. As a result, he lost his advantage and opportunity and was successfully counterattacked by Lin Yuchen.

What the hell is going on! And why can't the 'Medal of Fear' suddenly be taken down! Lin Yuchen also has no idea about this issue.

"This is called the endless road, boss. It seems that you can not only fight, but also have good luck. I'm right with you. I'll follow you in the future! No matter where the earth is, I am your eternal follower. Xiaohei looked flattered.

"I think you are thinking about that monster as a 'guardian spirit'!" Lin Yuchen said angrily.

"Hey! Boss Yu, you can't keep your word, otherwise you won't be a man!"

"Hmm! I think you are afraid that if you leave me now, you will be destroyed immediately. Now you have no soldiers or generals, and even the 'guardian spirit' is finished. Anyone can take you off eight pieces. If you don't follow me, you can't keep those hard-won things. I feel more or less safe with me. Anyway, I can't kill my followers casually. Lin Yuchen seems to have fallen in love with the way of talking to this little black, and it's a little uncomfortable not to say a few words to him.

"Big boss, don't say it so clearly! Give your brother some face." Xiaohei said with a laugh.

"Alle! As long as you keep your mouth shut and don't talk about me!" What Lin Yuchen is most afraid of now is that someone will release his information, so that his whereabouts will be exposed, and it will be much less difficult for the mercenaries to find him.

"Good! I swear to the dead! If I reveal your affairs, I will go to see the dead!"

"Get out!"

"Haha! Boss Yu, I can't see that your kung fu is not bad! That old boy was beaten by you to lose his temper at all, alas! What the mage is most afraid of is archers and melee. You can actually know both. You are simply a mage's nemesis! If it were me, I would have no chance at all.

"In fact, it's not that exaggerated. No matter what game it is, no matter what kind of game it is, no matter how difficult it is, the people who design the game will leave a way to survive for the players. Otherwise, there will be a dead end everywhere. What's the meaning of this game? Who is willing to continue playing the game? Just like this Nock, although he seems to be very strong and can trample us to death at any time, this is a paper tiger. At that time, there was not much power left because of the activation of the summoning door, and those monsters could not be summoned for some reason. The way to life of this game is here. As long as he was not scared, he turned around and ran up. With the courage to fight to the end, this game is basically won. Lin Yuchen began to think about the review, which is one of the reasons why he can survive and grow in this jungle.

"......, Boss Yu, you are so awesome! ......”