The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 30 Warring States Mercenary Regiment

The development of things is completely unexpected.

Early on Saturday morning, a video post appeared on the official forum of 'Brave Continent'. As soon as this post appeared, it immediately won a super high click rate and became one of the hottest posts of the day.

This is a video of a player taking a selfie. There are a total of three battles, all of which took place in the same place - the recently discovered 'Tianxu Forest' portal.

The results of the three battles were the same. All three player troops passing through the portal were ambushed, two of which were completely annihilated, and only one temple player barely escaped with a strong magic weapon.

It can be seen from the video that the portal near Tianxu Forest has become an ambush position. Thousands of troops surround the portal and occupy all the key points and strategic points of the passage. Within 100 meters centered on the portal, it is within the scope of attack of this unit.

The publisher of the video is an ID signed as the 'Warring States Mercenary Regiment', followed by a text description.

The mercenary regiment announced that from the evening of November 6, we have occupied the coordinates as (***. ***) portal. From today, all those who want to pass through the portal must obtain the permission of this mercenary regiment to pass. Otherwise, let's kill!

The attitude is very tough!

Within a few hours of the video's release, several unknown players who wanted to enter the Tianxu Forest through this portal to search for gold were buried in this ambush.

For a moment, public opinion was in an uproar!

The game's public news channel, voice channel, and the forum suddenly quarreled. Some cried after being killed, some condemned, some condemned, some were blocked by the channel for a long time, some supported the top post, and began to discuss how to break through the blockade of the Warring States Mercenary Regiment, which attracted everything. There were a large number of passers-by and divers who gathered around to watch the lively soy sauce.

The limelight of the 'Warring States Mercenary Corps' is better than the 'Lurkers of the Tianxu Forest' who have just created a war in Tianxu Forest and are being offered a reward on the mercenary union and the 'Nether Blood Order' issued by the Pope.

Players even temporarily forgot some secrets hidden in the Tianxu Forest for a while, and their attention was completely focused on the Warring States Mercenary Regiment.

But no matter how fierce the reaction is, no one dares to easily transmit their troops to Tianxu Forest. The portal, which should have been crowded and lively today, is quiet at this time, with only thousands of warring States mercenary troops waiting.

Portra is the best ambush point. With a width of five meters, it can only squeeze into ten people at most. No matter how powerful the troops are, people can only pass in rows when it comes to the portal. This kind of oil-fueling tactic of increasing troops one by one is absolutely a taboo for soldiers. Even people who have never fought can easily understand this truth.

People did not find this problem at this time, but no one dared to do so before. Everyone habitually believes that this is an official facility that can only be used for transmission. There are not many other ideas. Even if there are, they dare not try it easily. This Warring States Mercenary Regiment can be said to be the first person to eat crabs.

This crab can be said to eat a little amazingly, which shocked the whole brave continent.

In the video, as soon as the player's troops pass the portal, they are immediately subjected to a round of indiscriminately covered long-range attacks by hundreds of archers of the Warring States mercenary regiment, and then accurately attacked by the physics and magic of the combination of archers and mages. No matter how strong the defense is, the player will basically 'guard the spirit' in the first round without defense, and all the player's cards can be played out in the second round. Even if the two rounds of strikes survive, they are basically stunned, and the people of the Warring States basically found your weakness.

Moreover, there are several assassins and warriors with high military value ambushed next to the portal. As long as there is a flaw, they will immediately give it to you without hesitation. Such a front and back attack, open guns and hidden arrows, even if the immortals come, they will be stripped off.

In the three battles, the infantry of the Warring States basically did not move, and the opponent was solved by long range alone.

But some people also pointed out that the position of the infantry of the Warring States Mercenary Regiment is actually very ingenious. They not only guard the key road, but also compress the opponent's space. Fast arms do not have the acceleration distance needed to impact, and slow arms are basically targets. Although they did not move at all in the video, they played a strong oppressive role.

It was supposed to be a very lively Saturday, but most players were caught in a forum debate, greatly reducing the pressure on the operators' servers.

But as the debate deepened, players began to point the finger at the operators.

Operators will always take the blame! Who told you to collect other people's money!

Some people say that operators should not let players control strategic channels such as portals, some people accuse that the portal's transmission mode is too slow and unreasonable, some people think that the operation mode of portal is wrong, and it should be more fair with the official npc protection of the game, etc.

In this way, the development of things derailed from the original track to another track.

As the manipulator behind the whole game, Brother Fan knew the news early. The monitoring department found several wars at the Tianxu Forest Portal last night and reported the news to him as soon as possible.

Brother Fan is the kind of person who doesn't like to sit in the office and work step by step. He feels that this will constrain his imagination. Therefore, he was sitting in the highest cafe in the capital, overlooking the whole city.

Every time he looks at this busy city from this angle, he will feel that he is the god of this city.

Opposite him is his beautiful female assistant. At this time, she was staring at the plane computer in her hand and paying close attention to the development of the situation.

Brother Fan elegantly held the coffee cup, carefully tasted the drink made from top ingredients and top hand grinding, and felt the taste of it. The noise on the forum seemed to have nothing to do with him.

This assistant is absolutely assured that he graduated from a top university in Beijing and has super information induction and processing ability. After working under him for three years, she has known all his habits, will sort out the information, classify it, and then find out the information he needs most and pass it on to him.

"Brother Fan! I have contacted the Warring States Mercenary Regiment. Their purpose is very simple, which is to charge half of the official charge.

Brother Fan laughed happily when he heard the news. His handsome face and elegant smile made the young female assistant infatuated.

He took a look at his assistant, gently put down the cup, and said, "Xiaohe, I have a question to test you."

Xiao He's face turned slightly red, and he hurriedly restrained his mood. He lowered his head and whispered, "Brother Fan, tell me."

"The problem is that if a golden mountain is found on the other side of the river, what will you do?"

"Ye! ...If the river is not wide, swim there. If it is too wide, find a boat. Xiaohe tried his best to think about every possibility.

After listening to Xiaohe's answer, Brother Fan smiled cunningly and said, "This question was actually raised by a business wizard. He said that when Jinshan was found on the other side of the river, the most profitable business at this time was not to dig gold mines, but to buy a boat to ferry."

Xiao He's eyes lit up, showing a suddenly enlightened look: "Brother Fan, I understand!"

"Warring States Mercenary Regiment! Very good! Contact the Information Department immediately and ask them to give me a copy of the information of all the members of the Warring States Mercenary Regiment, the more detailed the better.

Xiao He's fingers flew on the flat computer like playing the piano, and in a moment, he sent out Brother Fan's instructions.

"Help me ask the monitoring department how many players are in the Tianxu Forest now, and how many people are moving in the direction of the Warring States Mercenary Regiment."


"Xiao He, do you think anyone can break through the blockade of the Warring States Mercenary Regiment?"

"Brother Fan, I don't understand this kind of war. But I think it's basically impossible if you must want to pass through the portal. Unless the attacking party's strength is ten times that of the Warring States, and the sea of tactics is used to fill them with their physical strength. Otherwise, it will be difficult!"

"Yes! It is basically impossible to go through the portal. However, the Warring States still has a weakness behind them. If it were me, I would now contact the players who are already in Tianxu Forest and join hands with them. Although the strength of the Warring States is strong, they can't deal with the two fronts at the same time with their current strength. As long as a gap is broken, the ambush will basically collapse. However, since they can think of the idea of the card portal, they should have solved the problem of their back.

"Brother Fan, what can I do?"

"Xiao He! Read the Warring States Policy when you have time, and you will understand that war does not all rely on force. Diplomacy, politics, and sometimes more than force can solve the problem.

Xiaohe nodded and swore to himself that he would go to the bookstore to buy a copy of "Warring States Policy" after work today.

"The information evaluation department has evaluated and predicted this matter before, and they think that players will consume at least 30% of themselves in the process of this treasure hunt. They didn't expect that someone would get stuck in the traffic artery unexpectedly. Haha! We still underestimate the wisdom and courage of players! Unexpectedly, it forced everyone to make it difficult for everyone to walk, and even we were implicated. But I like this. It's boring if everything is within our expectations. Brother Fan took a sip of coffee and continued to say, "The land of China is really a place where there will never be a shortage of talents."

"Brother Fan, how should we deal with it this time?"

"No hurry, let's wait until the information comes."

While talking, all the information and materials needed by Brother Fan have been sent to Xiaohe's flat computer.

According to the news from the monitoring department, there are about 80 players in the Tianxu Forest, all of whom are moving towards the depths of the forest, and no one is moving in the direction of the Warring States Mercenary Regiment. The list of the Warring States Mercenary Regiment, * information and data records of recent activities have also been sent. Brother Fan, do you want to have a look?

"Ser it!"

Brother Fan picked up his flat computer, and after a jingle, the information was displayed on his screen. He stopped talking and began to read without distracting.

After half a while, Brother Fan finally finished reading all the materials. He raised his head and said to Xiaohe, "Let the people of the Propaganda Department re-edit the videos of the Warring States, and the videos of the battles in the morning were also made quickly made into a collection to make them as wonderful as possible before dinner. It must be made out. I'm going to broadcast it in prime time tonight. Humph! Warring States Mercenary Regiment, since you want to be famous, I will help you.