The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 32 Uninvited Guest

Just as the two were hiding in the tunnel to fight monsters, a team of people entered the govian village.

This team has only 50 people in total. Although the number of people is small, it is quite tough. However, from the appearance, it seems that they have just experienced a battle, and many people have traces of fighting on their armor. Of course, this is also one of the characteristics of this game. In order to be more realistic, the equipment will wear out after each battle, and it must be repaired before it can be restored.

After entering the village, the team immediately dispersed and carefully searched every corner of the village, making the originally calm goblins village jump for a while.

After searching, a group of people gathered again.

"Fant leader! No abnormality was found.

"Fant leader! I asked everyone who could ask, but I didn't receive any tasks and no valuable information.

"Fant leader! I asked their village head. This village is called Qiongke Village. With a scale of more than 500 people, it does not belong to any force. It should be a natural village.


The regiment members began to report the information they collected one by one, and the regiment leader sat in the middle and listened carefully to the report.

This leader is actually a girl.

Bright eyes, bright teeth, black hair, cherry lips, long and well-proportioned figure, elegant and proud look, she has all the elements that beautiful women should have, and the samurai soft armor makes her beautiful with a rare heroism, so that every man has a strong desire to conquer when he sees her.

Unfortunately, most men are on the road to conquer her or become her loyal servants.

"Good! Camp and repair." After listening to the report, the order issued by the beautiful mercenary commander was concise and clear, with a huge aura and absolute royal sister temperament.

The order was issued, and a group of men actually went to work.

So far, there are not many girls playing this game, one because of the pass, and the other because of the completely different way of this holographic game and traditional games.

In traditional games, fighting monsters and killing people is just about clicking the mouse and pressing the keyboard. No matter how realistic the effect is, people are outside the screen, and most of them use a third perspective. Players are outside the situation and do not feel strongly about the experience of life and death.

But here, people enter the game environment, and all kinds of experiences are almost the same as reality. All the struggles and killings are very close to reality, with blood, pain, and even psychological fear and pressure are exactly the same. Even many boys are not used to it at the beginning, not to mention They are timid and weak girls.

Generally, it's okay for girls to click a little mouse to cut monsters. In this way, many girls will definitely be deterred from fighting and killing in the real world.

Therefore, most girls will choose a more elegant game in this game. After all, there are other professions to choose from in this game. In this way, there will naturally be fewer girls who go out to fight monsters, and naturally fewer mercenaries. Even if you fight, you will choose the profession of mage archer, which does not have to fight close to people.

But this beautiful mercenary regimental commander is actually a warrior who is not afraid of melee. Girls who play melee are definitely rare animals in the game. They can not only fight but also give orders among a group of men. They are definitely endangered species among rare animals.

Otherwise, how can martial arts novels say that there are three kinds of people in the world that are the most difficult to deal with - old people, monks and women.

After the camp, the mercenaries gathered together to rest.

"I've been busy for a few days and finally found a place to stay." A strong mercenary leaned against a big stone and breathed a long sigh of relief.

He is covered in armor, with a half-human-high square shield and an axe beside him. It seems that he should be a soldier with a shield axe.

"This jungle is really horrible. Damn, I fought seven or eight battles in less than three days, lost half of my troops, and I haven't slept soundly. Another mercenary player said.

The topic opened, and the mercenaries also talked.

"We've got it. I heard from a friend yesterday that their whole mercenary regiment walked into the swamp, and all of them were hit by the night. More than 200 people did not come out, and the whole army was destroyed.

"Fare! Did you ask them for the location of the map? Let's never walk over."

"It's coming. I said that such a high task reward is not so easy to get. Thousands of large troops are finished. How can a mercenary regiment of thousands of us complete such a task?

"Yesterday, the Temple of Light also issued a high task, alas! Why is it all Tianxu Forest? The more I think about it, the more I feel wrong. Such a high reward is definitely not a good thing. I heard that a master on the Temple of Light also fell here the day before yesterday. That guy led a whole team of air force and a seven-level arms angels as the backing, but it turned out to be finished. I have to say that this jungle is simply a place to swallow people, and it is dangerous everywhere. "Machine!"

"Before I came, I thought I had prepared enough, but when I came, I knew that it was not like that at all. If it continues to be consumed, our food will be exhausted. At that time, the task will not be completed, and you will starve to death in the jungle first.

"What should I do! Is it possible to go back like this? Do we still have to go back? If we go back the same way, I think our team will also fold here. MD! Thinking of those Xunlong, I have a headache. The speed is too fast, and it is specially attacked. After a long time, I didn't even touch any hair, but I lost a lot of troops and materials.

"I was going to wear a soft armor of Xunlong. Damn, I didn't expect this Xunlong to be so difficult to do. Even if it's fast, I still like to form groups. This game won't make people live.

"I think if you really want to kill Xunlong, you have to use a large army to hunt."

"According to the setting of this game, thousands of troops will not take the initiative to attack at all."

"The more people in the jungle, the more troublesome it is. It is difficult to supply, and the march is not fast. If it is scattered, it is easy to be defeated by each other. Otherwise, no legion will die so miserably. I don't think there should be many people in the jungle, but they must be elite. In this way, the action is flexible and the combat strength is enough to protect itself. The kind that brings thousands of people in is basically looking for death.

"Leader, let's just occupy this village. In the future, we will use this village as a base. The village is surrounded by monsters. It is not easy for anyone to come in. It is simply our natural barrier and protective layer. After we settle down, we will slowly find a way to deal with these monsters. At that time, even if we don't do this task, the money sold by these monsters alone will be enough for us to make a lot of money. A wooden mage said.

"Yes!' The romantic ghost makes sense!" The proposal of this wooden mage was approved by many people on the spot.

"Fant leader, let's do it. Insable to have a long night dream. If you meet other mercenary regiments to find here, the situation is hard to say.

The mercenaries suddenly forgot their fatigue and were full of fighting spirit.

When the mercenaries were talking, the royal sister-level mercenary regiment leader never opened his mouth to participate in the discussion. Her samurai armor is filled with a layer of red light, which is due to the magical attributes of fire. This made her very conspicuous among a group of mercenaries, like a fiery red rose independent of the grass, delicate but full of thorns.

But after listening to his subordinate's advice, the head of the royal sister squeezed his lips, and the soft side of the woman showed a negative effect at this critical moment.

In this game, when facing villages and towns, such buildings and ethnic settlements, players can choose to 'occupy, plunder, slaughter and enslave'.

No matter which command, it means a cruel battle. Although it is just a game, looking at this calm and peaceful village, the girl actually hesitated.

Several mercenaries looked at each other in consters, and everyone knew that being able to fight here was equivalent to an extra chance to survive in this jungle, but at this time, the regimental commander could not do it because of his soft heart.

The fighters were fleeting, but none of these people showed impatience.

They followed the leader and let her drive, obviously not to create a sky and dominate in this game.

"Mouran, if you can't bear it, or you can go further and come back when we're done!" The shield and axe warrior said.



Although she is a royal sister, her cold and arrogant temperament does not mean that she is cold-blooded and ruthless. Looking at the weak gosman, the royal sister's love is overflowing and actually stops her team members from acting.


"I just don't think it's appropriate. As for why, I don't know." The royal sister's face turned red. She bit her lip and then said, "I know this decision is stupid, but I can't do such a thing. If you think I'm not worth following, then I will resign and disband the 'Fire Dancing Rose Mercenary Regiment'. But if you recognize me as the leader, you will obey my orders. In the end, the royal sister's anger leaked out, and a group of men disarmed and surrendered again.

Men conquer the world with strength, while women conquer the world with men.

The conversation continued again, and no one talked about the occupation of the gobiscus village.

"The regimental commander, the Warring States Mercenary Regiment has occupied the portal. I couldn't figure out why they were so kind. They not only robbed us for the task, but also helped us guard this road and prevent more people from coming in to grab this task with us. I didn't expect that they had this idea. Damn Mr. Wei is really treacherous. Someone broke the silence.

"I didn't think of this at that time, but I just felt that this covenant was really beneficial to us. As long as we didn't hit him behind his back, he would help us guard the portal and prevent others from coming in and share with us. After it was completed, the requirements were not high, as long as half. Now it seems that they are beneficial, but we can't advance and retreat. This Mr. Wei is really smart." The beautiful leader looked chagrined.

A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. Whether she is angry or angry, there is a special amorous feelings between a smile, a happy and angry. A group of men feel that it is worth dying in the jungle for her.

"I think Mr. Wei's plan is more than that. I heard that he and other mercenary regiments who have entered the jungle earlier have signed such an alliance. Now it seems that he simply regards us as his striker to help him explore the way on the map. We all underestimated the danger of the jungle. No matter who died, it was just to help them open the map of the jungle. Even if they finally completed the task, it was probably the end of the crossbow. But they fight more and more. The 'Wu Zixu' in their group is playing with the dead. Every fight, a soul vocation can make them many more people. At that time, I think half of them will never satisfy their appetite. A mercenary who looks like a mage.



For a while, the mercenaries scolded everywhere and the crowd was turbulent.

"Let's just turn back now and come behind him."

"No! The Warring States is a conspiracy, and we can only blame ourselves for not counting. Besides, I don't know how many people will be lost when I turn back now. There are still a few that can be moved when I get there, hey! Forget it, this matter can't be mentioned again. Let's take a break and stay on duty. Let's think about what we can do in the evening. The beautiful mercenary commander once again set the tone for the action.