The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 42 Brave Night Talk

"Hear everyone! Welcome to the talk show "Night of the Brave" officially founded by the holographic game "Brave Continent"! I'm the host of the program - Yalan!" In the video, a beautiful woman in professional clothes smiled and said to the camera.

"Today, we also invited senior game commentator 'Tianlong Sanbu' and game player 'Half Pack of White Sand' to discuss the latest trends and topics of the game Brave Contin. Hello, two!"

"Hone host!"

"Hor to the audience."


After the greeting, the host turned to the topic: "Both guests are old friends of our program! So I won't make more introductions and go straight to the topic. I think you must have watched the video officially released by the game today. I don't know how you two feel about this video.

After the two guests made concessions, the older Tianlong Sanbu said first, "For today's video, my biggest feeling is that this game is really a little strong in the setting of the dwarves, far beyond my original imagination."

The host said, "Oh! Then let's invite the "Tianlong Tripart" to talk about his feelings about the dwarves first.

'Tianlong Sanbu' is a man in his thirties. He nodded to the host and then said, "This is the first time I've seen a dwarf fight. In the past, when I looked at the dwarf rating settings released by game operators, I always thought that the combat effectiveness of dwarfs was basically similar to that of human warriors, or even a little lower. But today, I found that the actual situation was far from this. The combat effectiveness of dwarfs was actually much higher than that of human warriors. I think the two mercenary regiments must subconsciously have the same as my previous view, so they rushed to launch an attack on the dwarfs, but they didn't expect to encounter a hard nail in the end, which is believed to be unexpected by many people.

The host answered, "Yes!" Tianlong Sanbu felt that it was the lack of understanding of the dwarves that led to such an ending. In the more than a year since the operation of the game Land of Warriors, it can be said that this is the first time that dwarves have appeared on the stage of war. This appearance can be said to be very amazing! Now many players on the Internet have begun to inquire about how to recruit dwarves. Regarding this issue, I don't know what our senior player's 'half bag of white sand' will have.

Half bag of Baisha is a thin young man with glasses, looking like an otaku. He pushed his glasses and said, "I'm not too surprised about the problem of combat power setting. In many novels I have read, legends, dwarves are a relatively strong race. They are good at forging and are extremely powerful. Although they are a little shorter, their height does not represent strength. Therefore, it should be said that in my impression, his combat power has always been very strong, rather than the game designer deliberately set him to be stronger. Therefore, I am not surprised by the strength shown by the dwarves.

"Our game is called Brave Continent. In fact, many of the original settings evolved from the classic game Heroes Invincible. In the original game, the dwarf is actually just a second-level arm. Except for a little better resistance and defense, it is not as what we see now. So tough. I think this may be the reason that makes many players involuntarily have the illusion that dwarves are still relatively low-level arms, so they have not attracted much attention. Of course, this is also related to their failure to appear. Tianlong Sanbu's interface.

"Yeun! That's it. This is probably what ordinary people call inertial thinking. Therefore, I think the reason why the mercenary regiment lost this time is that it lost because it was too careless and did not fully understand its opponents, and it rushed to take action when the enemy's situation was unknown, which led to such a result. Half a bag of white sand said his judgment.

"I agree with what Baisha said. My personal feeling about this game is intelligence and supply. These two points are almost the key to determining every battle. The intelligence is unclear. It is best not to fight. If there is not enough supplies, and you can't fight. This almost subverted our team's understanding of traditional games. Although we also wanted to To understand the characteristics of the boss, you should also bring a lot of tonics, but this game pays special attention to these two points, and has almost achieved an extremely detailed level. Tonics, food, corresponding strategies and tactics, every detail is almost no different from reality. The three dragons sighed.

"Yes, yes! This is the biggest feature of this game, and many details have been made almost the same as reality. Not to mention anything else, let's talk about today's battle. I don't know if you have found it. When the two troops came into contact for the first time, the human infantry seemed to be stupid, as if they had forgotten how to fight at that time. Half a bag of white sand said with a smile.

"Yes! At first, I also thought it was strange how this could happen. But when I thought about it later, it was not surprising. On the contrary, this shows that the game is intelligent. Think about it, it's actually a very painful thing to fight with the dwarves, because you have to bend down... Let's try it ourselves and know... No matter what you do, it's actually a very painful thing, which makes people very unaccustomed and useless. This kind of thing is like meeting a left-handed person in a boxing match, which is also a difficult thing, because most people have a strong right hand, and you are also used to the left-handed block and right-handed attack mode. Now suddenly there is a completely opposite, which completely subverts your habit, then you will definitely have a kind of strength. The feeling of."' The Three Dragons said as they gestured.

"Yes! This game has achieved an extreme in terms of details, and it is also the most attractive part of this game. Half a bag of white sand sighed.

"Our guest's explanation is very reasonable. Now we can take a look at this video again." The host said with a smile.

The picture turned to play the video of the dwarf and the infantry of the mercenary regiment.

"Look! See? I don't think these mercenary soldiers are actually weak, at least not as weak as everyone says, but they are not used to this style of play at all. This kind of playing is a bit like the ground boxing in martial arts. The attack is all the next three ways, which makes you very uncomfortable. The sound of half a bag of white sand sounded outside the picture.

"Yes! Almost all of them messed up and didn't know how to fight. Ha ha! Now when describing this video on the Internet, it is said that it is like mowing grass. This dwarf is simply a lawn mower.

"Mowing is like this. Cut it from the bottom and the grass will fall down. He"

"You see, this mercenary almost simply sat on the ground fighting, but in this way, he didn't need any strength at all, and it was inconvenient to turn around and move. As a result, it was over."

"In the face of short opponents, they often occupy psychological advantages rather than physical advantages. High has the advantage of being high, and short has the characteristics of short. As long as you can give full play to your own characteristics, it basically can't be regarded as a weakness.


Three people commented while watching the video.

At the end of the video, the picture is transferred back to the studio.

The host smiled and said, "This time we will ask 'half a bag of white sand' to talk about his feelings."

Half-pack of white sand habitually pushed his glasses before saying, "I think the dwarves have three characteristics, flying axe, anti-demon, and a special method of cutting knees in close combat. Such arms can be said to be very comprehensive, near or far, and are the absolute nemesis of magicians. But the weakness is also obvious, that is, afraid of bows and arrows. We saw that this team of infantry was finally completely annihilated by archers. When they met the archer dwarf, they could not exert their strength. The flying axe had good lethality, but the range was not as far as that of bows and arrows. The dwarfs themselves were not fast, and it was easy to be fly kites. Therefore, such arms are more suitable for defending the city, street fighting, and close hand-to-hand combat. If it is offensive, it is a little worse. I think the biggest reason why the dwarf can win this battle in the end is that he defends, not attacks.

"Ye! Speed is the weakness of the dwarf. However, the last time we saw the dwarves using tunnels to fight back was also very beautiful. If it can assist the tunnel, the weakness of the dwarf may become an advantage." Tianlong Sanbu inserted a sentence.

"Oh! Yes, we also need to add the feature of digging tunnels. Half a bag of white sand added. Therefore, there are no absolutely useless arms, only useless players. As long as every arm is used well, it can play beautiful tactics. After saying that, he actually picked up the pen and wrote it on the paper in front of him.

"It's worthy of being a professional senior player, and he is very serious at any moment." Seeing half a bag of Baisha's serious appearance, the beautiful host smiled and said, "I don't know if you have thought of how to deal with the dwarves."

"Oh! Not yet. At this stage, I don't think there is any good way to deal with them except bows and arrows.

Tianlong said, "I just looked at the settings of the dwarves. In addition to fighting, the dwarves also have logistical functions, that is, they help you repair weapons. If there are drawings, they can also make weapons, which is also a very important attribute feature. It is also a headache for us to repair equipment after each battle. At least part of the resources have to be consumed. It can be said that there are dwarves in their own troops, which can reduce some of the logistical pressure.

The host said, "Listen to what you said, this dwarf still has many advantages on the whole."

"There are many advantages, but the requirements for supplies are also very high. They need ale and a certain amount of meat, otherwise they will lose morale and strength. Haha, if they are in the army, the logistical pressure is also quite great. I think everyone has a deep understanding of this. Many arms are actually recruited and can't afford to support it. Half a bag of white sand smiled.

Ha ha!

All three of them will laugh.

"Okay! It's advertising time again. Let's take a break. After the advertising, let's continue today's topic. The host smiled and said to the camera.