The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 47 Battle Knife

The 'Jungle Lurk' was finally found, but after the video of several battles was released, almost all the mercenaries gave up all their fantasies about him.

Under such combat power, those who still insist on completing this task are no longer heroic, but seem a little stupid. In the whole environment, the situation is very unfavorable to the mercenaries who came from afar. In the past, they could still use the advantage of more people to kill their opponents with wheels, but now the Warring States Mercenary Regiment is stuck in the portal, and the advantage of the number of people has disappeared, and even their own supplies have become a problem. This battle can't be fought at all.

Mercenaries are all profit-seeking. Although they are brave and adventurous, it does not mean that they are willing to come and die in vain. Things that are far higher than interests obviously violate their original intention. Therefore, the mercenaries in the jungle finally recognized the situation, gave up the last effort and persistence, and began to prepare for their own future.

Therefore, no one attacked Lin Yuchen and others, and naturally the desperate battle did not happen. Tianxu Forest, which has always been bustling and unrelenting, finally ushered in a rare calm.

Lin Yuchen also finished all the subjects and can finally calm down to consider many problems in the game.

That night, when he finished everything according to his schedule as usual and went online again, he didn't see anyone in the village. When he checked the location, the fire dancing rose was hunting, and Xiaohei didn't know what to do in the dwarf village.

No one pays attention to him! Lin Yuchen suddenly found that his boss was a little miserable now.

Fortunately, Lin Yuchen has been living in this jungle for more than a year and has long been used to loneliness, so it doesn't matter in the face of such a situation. He thought about it carefully and suddenly found that whether it was the Fire Dancing Rose Mercenary Regiment or Xiaohei, there can be a generation gap between him and them. In their eyes, he was just one. Children who play games, but they are all adults. They have jobs and pursuits. It's not easy for them to command these people.

Even Xiaohei is obviously far away from himself. The former boss and the boss, but after discovering his real age, the situation immediately changed. If he hadn't had the ghost blood order in his hand, he would have remembered to have a few more 'fire demons', and might have found an excuse to slip away.

In traditional games, obviously there will be no such problem. No one will know your appearance, gender, age, figure. Even if you are a dog, no one will care too much, but this holographic game is different. It is almost another real world. Although it is a virtual world, it is still the real world. A replica of.

Just as Lin Yuchen stood in the goblin village and thought about what he should do next, the dwarf master came to him, and something was handed to him.


Master Dwarf handed him a knife in the scabbard.

He had previously sent the captured angel cross sword to the Dwarf Village to modify the style, and now it has finally been completed.

When Lin Yuchen saw the knife for the first time, he had a feeling that 'this is the weapon I want'. He almost grabbed the knife from the hand of his lover's master. That mood was like when he was a child and finally got his long-awaited toy.

"Dear strong man, this knife was specially made for you to thank you for your help to the Dwarves Village." Master Dwarf said.

"Haha! Good knife. The shape is good." Lin Yuchen held the knife in his hands and admired its exquisite shape.

"This knife is modified from your angel cross sword, and it is all forged according to your requirements. The scabbard is specially designed by me. It is made of the skin and bone of Xunlong, and its toughness has also reached golden quality. Many parts of the scabbard have been decorated with Xunlong's teeth. In addition to blocking, it can also be used as weapons in times of crisis. At the same time, according to your ideas, design it as an extended knife handle that can be connected with the knife handle. You can give it a try."

Lin Yuchen heard the words and pulled the knife out of the sheath and inserted the handle into the scabbard. He only heard a click. The two were connected, and the whole knife immediately turned into a long-handled battle knife.

"Beautiful, exactly the same as I thought." Lin Yuchen looked at the uniquely designed sword in his hand and praised it, "I have wanted such a knife for a long time. I don't take advantage of that cross sword at all. Haha, this kind of knife has only been seen in movies. I didn't expect to experience such a real here."

He held the knife in his hand and tried to wave it a few times. Sure enough, the light and heavy styles were very useful.

Because this knife was modified with the angel's cross sword, it could not change the curvature of the Tai knife, and finally it could only be made into a single-edged straight knife. Although it lost the arc that was conducive to slashing, the hard straight line on its knife also made it look powerful. Under the superb attainments of the dwarf master, the knife exuded a fierce murderous atmosphere all over its body.

Lin Yuchen is very satisfied with the shape of this knife. In the past, he has seen some previous books and movies of Tang, and knows that most of the knives at that time were straight blades. He has always wanted to have such a sword. At this time, his long-cherished wish has come true, and he naturally loves it.

"This straight blade is one meter long, 80 centimeters long, and 30 centimeters long. After the knife and scabbard are connected, it reaches 1.7 meters. Because it was originally an angel's weapon, it has its own light attributes. I inlaid the angel heart you sent before in the calyx to further strengthen his light attributes and increase 200% damage to deal with the undead and dark systems. Master Dwarf said.

When Lin Yuchen sent the knife for modification, because he happened to have an 'angel heart' on hand, in order to strengthen the bright attributes of the knife, he also left it to the dwarf master and asked him to set it on the knife.

"Wow! Adding 200% of the undead damage can basically be regarded as the necromancer. After learning the attributes of this knife, Lin Yuchen remembered Xiaohei, who specializes in playing with the dead. He didn't know if this knife could break his shield.

"In addition, I have added three holes to the handle of this knife. You can inlay gems at will to increase the power of this knife." The dwarf master said again.

As soon as Lin Yuchen pressed the mechanism on the scabbard, the knife and scabbard were separated again. Lin Yuchen looked at the knife handle and found that there were three holes that could be inlaid.

Weapons with holes are very rare equipment at this stage. Each hole means that it requires top craftsmen and countless money. Similarly, it also means getting an open way to increase the power of equipment. You are free to design the final direction of weapons.

"And..." The dwarf master said again.

"And..." Lin Yuchen exclaimed. Such a weapon is already the best equipment at this stage, and the dwarf master has not finished all of it.

"Hmm! In order to thank you for your selfless help to the dwarf village, I designed this scabbard as a staff, but we dwarfs can't do magic, so I can't help you engrave magic arrays, but I also opened five holes in the scabbard. You only need to inlai the corresponding gems, and this scabbard can become a magic weapon, so that you can have magic attacks and Melee capability.

"Hahaha..." Lin Yuchen was in a good mood and laughed wildly.

With both magic and melee abilities, he has become the legendary magic martial arts double practice.

He knew that this knife was actually a prize given to him by the game after a series of wars in recent days, and was a reward for the game's performance at this stage.

"I really made money this time." Lin Yuchen happily held a knife and even forgot to say goodbye to the dwarf master. He turned his head and ran to the tunnel, rushed into his treasure house and began to turn over the cabinet.

Lin Yuchen's treasure house is another secret place in the tunnel. No one knows that all his high-end harvests over the past year are hidden here, most of which are all kinds of gems. Some things fell when fighting monsters, but more of them were recently captured by him from the Minghao Legion of Sen Shao.

In this game, setting gems is also a technical job, and you can't add anything you want. Just like Lin Yuchen's knife, the blade is light-based. When adding gems, it can only be a legal gemstone that is compatible with the light-based, so that it can take its power further. On the contrary, if it is added with mutually restrained legal gemstones, it will not only have any effect, but also destroy the original power of this knife.

Lin Yuchen took out all the gems he had captured in these battles, put them in front of them, and began to think about how to arrange the hole of this knife. Once the gems are inlaid, if they are removed again, they will damage the equipment, so they must be well arranged. This is also the reason why many people prefer to leave the holes empty all the time because they have not been satisfied with the gems after punching, rather than casually making up the number.

According to the setting of the game, fire, ice, water, electricity are compatible with the light system. Naturally, darkness, undead, poison system. Although other systems are not compatible, there are compatibility restrictions, such as soil system, soil cannot spread light, and natural compatibility is not high.

The first gem he picked up was a diamond. The function of the diamond is to increase the toughness of the equipment. This diamond was captured from the war dragon or iron-blooded mercenaries. This kind of thing could not be used by the mage of Xiaohei, so it was given to Lin Yuchen.

This diamond is also a very rare perfect appearance. Generally, there are five types of gemstones, which are gemstone fragments, cracked gemstones, defective gemstones, gemstones, and perfect gemstones. The better the appearance of gems, the better the bonus effect on the equipment. There is a synthesis ratio between the various phases, and every five secondary gemstones can synthesize higher gemstones.

After Lin Yuchen added this top perfect diamond, the grade of the whole knife directly jumped to the dark gold quality and reached the highest toughness. Lin Yuchen is very satisfied with his decision. This guy is really top equipment now.

The second piece is the rune of level 7 inflammation. This rune stone is a special stone that can have a magic array. It can gather its own spiritual power in nature and add corresponding lethal attributes to the equipment. The highest level is level 10. This seven-level fire rune adds fire lethality and 70 points of flame damage, which is a good thing captured by Lin Yuchen from Sen Shao.

The third piece is the rune of eight-level electricity, plus 80 points of electrical damage, which is also a good thing recently captured.

After adding three gems, this knife becomes a dark gold quality, with 200% bright attributes, 70 points of flame killing, and 80 points of lightning killing.

Next is the scabbard!

If you don't have any mana, this first gem must be a magic crystal. In the game, the maximum storage of magic crystal is 1,000 points, which is equivalent to the mana value of a top magician. The official price is 10,000 yuan. In order to balance the game, the official limits the production of this gem. It is said that a total of 50 yuan has been set in the whole game. Some are placed in the wild waiting for lucky players to pick up, and some are sold by the official from time to time.

Lin Yuchen groped from the treasure house for a long time and took out a 500-point high-capacity magic crystal. It has a full capacity of 400 points more than the piece he gave to Xiaohei before.

Lin Yuchen proudly took the gem in his hand and threw it a few times and began to think. Although this gem has a capacity of 500 points, it has no power at this time. This crystal was captured from Sen Shao's hand. At that time, the battle was so fierce that most of the captured magic crystals had exhausted their magic crystals, and only a few fruits were left. That's why he took the 100-point crystal. If he wanted to supplement his mana, he had to ask a magician for help, but 500 Even Xiaohei will have to fill the mana for a few days. Besides, if he sees this thing, is it possible to return to his own hands? There are shops in the main city that specialize in helping people with power, as long as they pay the corresponding money, but now the portal is blocked and I can't go at all.

What to do!

Lin Yuchen thought about it, but there was no good way but to put down this gem for the time being.

The second gem he chose was a fire cloud crystal.

The biggest function of the fire cloud crystal is to be able to fuse the fire magic array. Just engrave the magic array on it, and you can issue corresponding spells. This fire cloud crystal was captured by Lin Yuchen from Sen Shao, and there was already a high-level fireball engraved on it.

Engraving magic array is a superb technical work, which must be completed by a magic alchemist. Therefore, its fee is also very high. The game official has a special agency to help players engrave various formations, which is another way for game operators to absorb players' blood and sweat. Lin Yuchen inquired about carving such a magic array, at least 800 gold, which is 800 yuan in real currency. Many people may not be able to afford to play even if they get gems. Probably only such a large man as Sen Shao can make this kind of treasure.

This fire cloud crystal was found in Sen Shao's backpack, and he may not have been satisfied with the weapon inlay, so he put it in the backpack, which turned out to be cheaper than Lin Yuchen.

Similarly, Lin Yuchen has been cherishing this fire cloud crystal when he got it, waiting to find a good weapon to use, and now it is finally useful.

'Lianzhu Fireball' is a submachine gun in fire magic. With the improvement of the level, the more fireballs fired, the greater the lethality. Advanced Lianzhu fireball can send ten fireballs in a row, each with a lethality of 15 points. Although this spell is average lethality, it is good. The suppression effect, if it comes in the war, a series of companies will definitely seize the opportunity for themselves. Moreover, the mana consumption is not large, 30 points of mana is consumed each time, and the intermediate cooling time is not long, 15 seconds.

Lin Yuchen chose a piece of ice crystal jade, which is also a rare ice recyclable gem. Lin Yuchen, a gemstone, was cut from the staff of an ice magician in the War Dragon and the Iron-blooded Mercenary Regiment. The magician didn't know whether he was too rich or encountered some adventure. Unexpectedly, he got such a good piece of ice crystal jade, which was actually engraved with two magic arrays, which was higher than the one less than Sen, an intermediate level. The freezing slowness and a high-grade 'frost meteor'.

The intermediate 'frozen slow' can slow down the opponent's speed twice. 'Frost Meteor' is an ice attack magic that emits a frost ball. Because its flying speed is very fast, it is called a meteor, and it is also extremely difficult to guard against. The person in the magic immediately suffered serious frost damage, which not only hurts lives, but also physical strength, although However, it is not fatal, but it is a very rare double injury spell.

'Freezing Slow' consumes 25 points of mana, the cooling time is 30 seconds, the frost meteor is 40 points, the lethality is 60 points, and the physical consumption is consumed at a speed of 3 points per second, and the maintenance time is 20 seconds. Cooldown time is three minutes.

The fourth gem is a Thunderbolt bead, which can fire advanced lightning, consume 60 points of mana, 100 points of lethality, and 15 seconds of intermediate cooling time. The magic of lightning is the big nemesis of metal armor. Lightning will quickly spread all over the body along the armor. Even if the person who is hit is not killed, the whole body will be paralyzed. This advanced lightning can maintain a minute of paralysis time, which is also a powerful electric magic weapon.

These are the only gems in Lin Yuchen's treasure house worthy of this scabbard and staff. Lin Yuchen kept the last one empty and is ready to find a group-injured magic gem in the future. Future battles will often encounter the situation of group battles. If they are all single injuries, it is a little difficult to adapt to that scene.

After installing the gems, Lin Yuchen began to imagine that when he drew his knife, his scabbard suddenly pointed, and a series of spells gushed out, and his opponent disappeared.

Now, what he wants most is to find a few people to let him try the power of this knife.