The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 60 Sudden Visit

"Yeah! Hahaha..." The little black hair screamed miserably, and then there was a nearly crazy laugh. 50,000, in less than five minutes, how can he not teach him to live with his fingers all day and almost go crazy?

Lin Yuchen promised to share half of him, which is 25 thousand, which can be said to be the biggest money he has earned by playing games.

Xiaohei is trembling. Although he doesn't have much money, this is the largest number he has ever seen as a professional player.

25,000 is about to arrive, and he can't believe it's true. For the first time, he felt that making money from the game was a real and feasible thing.


"Bet handover! Players, please accept!"

Little Black trembled and clicked to receive. At that moment, he felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

"Oh! Why is it only 47,000!" The little black hair made a shocking shout.


"Why is it only 47,000!!!"


"Every time*, the system will draw a 5% commission!" A stiff mechanical voice replied.

"Damn! You shouted one, two or three and smoked two thousand and five, scolded the one next door. Why don't you rob * robbery? What's the difference between you and sucking blood? 5%, scolded the one next door! ..." Xiaohei burst away in an instant and cursed.

25,000 has been used for him for nearly two months. Since he became a professional player, his life has always been tight. The system has taken out 2,0005 at once, which is just like skinning him.

In fact, the 5% rule was set from the beginning of the game. One hundred yuan to draw five yuan is not much. Xiaohei himself has known it for a long time, but this bet is too big, and the accumulation is beyond his imagination.

While cursing, Xiaohei hurried out of the hiding place and ran to Lin Yuchen.

As the legendary 'Yin King', Lin Yuchen has always liked to kill behind his back. He rarely confronts others and uses himself to save others. Naturally, he is always on guard against others to plan him. Therefore, at any time, he will reserve a strange soldier in his hand for the first time. And no matter when, he will always take it seriously. Just like this time with the 'Fire Dancing Rose', he is still fully prepared to let Xiaohei take all his troops and occupy all the strategic places near the dwarf village for a precaution.

If he hadn't appeared this time, he would have been secretlydiao du, but this time, this task can only be left to Xiaohei. Now that the victory and defeat have been divided, Xiaohei also felt that the matter was over. Coupled with joy and anger, he forgot everything for a moment and ran out without authorization and shouted to Lin Yuchen.

Just when he saw Lin Yuchen and was about to express his dissatisfaction with the system to him, he found that there were not only Lin Yuchen and Fire Dance Rose on the field. Just as he left his post without authorization, several people suddenly appeared in the Goblin Village.

It's not good, careless! Xiaohei exclaimed in his heart. Lin Yuchen asked him to hide aside in order to be prepared for various situations. At this time, these people suddenly appeared in response to Lin Yuchen's previous guess, but now he ran out without authorization. Lin Yuchen still didn't know how to deal with him after that.

He couldn't help but be shocked at the thought of this. Lin Yuchen's decisive behavior has now established an image in his mind that those who obey me will die and those who oppose me will die. There are many benefits to listen to him. If you don't listen to him, the consequences will be hard to say.

He wanted to hide back, but most of the people on the court had already seen him. Xiaohei saw Lin Yuchen staring at him fiercely.

He hurriedly opened the command operation panel and mobilized his troops according to the previously set plan, while sighing that it was not unreasonable for this person to get along so well. If this action was destroyed in his own hands, I don't know how he would deal with him. He was a little scared when he remembered it.

"This should be your partner! Why don't you let him come over and have a chat? Only a player dressed in white said loudly.

When Lin Yuchen saw that Xiaohei had shown his face, he would look obscene again, so he simply waved to Xiaohei and let him go there.

Xiaohei walked over with a gritty face, but when he saw several people suddenly appeared, his already devastated heart was once again shocked:

"Ms. Wei!"

"Wu Zixu!"

"Zhu Hai!"


These people are the main forces of the Warring States. Now these people in the Warring States are famous in the Brave Continent. Their actions can almost be said to be 'offending the world'. They are now fighting against the whole brave continent on their own. Although many people hate him, many people admire him. He, all their information has long been intentionally or unintentionally transmitted to the Internet, and almost all the players recognize them, so Xiaohei recognized these three celebrities at a glance.

"Hehe! I don't know what this friend calls! How can you recognize us!" Mr. Wei, dressed in white, said.

"Who doesn't know you on the Internet now! After scolding the next door, you are so fierce that you dare to occupy the portal, and only you dare to do this in the whole brave continent. Fierce man!" Xiaohei praised, "You are all fierce people, and I admire the 'Dark Rangers'!"

"I'm flattered! You are the 'Dark Ranger'. It's a pleasure to meet you. Mr. Wei's words and manners have an aristocratic atmosphere and are very elegant.

"Ms. Wei, you have come so far away. You must have something to do!" Xiaohei was extremely curious. He was eager to know why they suddenly appeared here. At this time, he was hustle and asked.

"Ye! This time, I came here to talk to you about cooperation. Mr. Wei said lightly.

"Cooperation! What cooperation!" Little Black Strange Road. In his opinion, the two sides have always been fighting separately and seem to have nothing to cooperate with.

Mr. Wei did not answer, but looked at Lin Yuchen. It seems that he has long seen that Lin Yuchen is the person who is talking here.

Lin Yuchen said lightly, "Let's talk about it, we are brothers. My business is his business!"

"In that case, I'll tell you. This time we came here to form an alliance with you. In the future, our two families will be divided into Xu Forest. The forest is so big that no one can swallow it, so I think it's better for our two families to help each other and support each other and divide this place. Let's make money together in the future. Mr. Wei said.

"Okay!" Xiaohei shouted. It can be said that it is of great benefit for them to unite with such a strong mercenary. After shouting, he secretly said something wrong and hurriedly looked at Lin Yuchen.

Lin Yuchen didn't have any expression. He said lightly, "Okay! I don't know what your mercenary regiment wants to make an alliance.

"It's very simple. We guard the portal, and you are responsible for supporting us at critical times. Then let's develop this forest together. Mr. Wei said, "There are so many resources in this forest, such as arms, monsters, minerals, and any one, which can make us make a lot of money in this game. Therefore, this is a way to benefit together.

"Hmm! This doesn't sound difficult!" Lin Yuchen also showed an excited look after hearing this. He paused and said, "However, with your current strength, there are not many people who can touch you now. If someone really dares to touch you, his strength will definitely be extraordinary. Even with us, I'm afraid it won't help much."

"The first reason why we are allied with you is that you are behind us. Now many mercenaries have given up their missions and have withdrawn, and there are no people who can limit you. At this time, we don't want to make enemies anymore, so we must form an alliance with you." Mr. Wei said.

Lin Yuchen didn't say anything. Obviously, Mr. Wei still had the following.

Mr. Wei nodded slightly and then said, "The second reason is that we need your support. The next battle may be difficult, so we can't rely on ourselves, so we need an ally to help us.

As soon as Mr. Wei's voice fell, Lin Yuchen received it: "How can I help?"

In Lin Yuchen's heart, the timing of Mr. Wei's appearance was very clever, just after his duel with the fire dance rose. If he said that this had nothing to do with the 'fire dance rose', he would not believe it. If it hadn't been for the appointment of Fire Dancing Roses, he would have given up the gojid village and began to explore the underground world, and he would not have appeared here at all.

Lin Yuchen suddenly found that there seemed to be a force in the dark. Every time he wanted to leave the Goblin Village, he would pull him back. The last time it was the 'Fire Dancing Rose' mercenary Regiment, and this time it was the Warring States Period. It seemed that he would not allow him to leave the Goblin Village. At every critical moment, someone would appear and pull him back here.

This time, the purpose of the Warring States will certainly not be so simple. As soon as Mr. Wei came up, he said a lot of good words, and formed an alliance and divided the Tianxu Forest. How can it be such a simple thing. They have been fighting against the alliance of anti-war countries at the portal for a week now. This is the most tense time. Several main forces suddenly come here, and there must be an unspeakable purpose. Lin Yuchen thought to himself.

In the eyes of the 'Yin King', no one is a good person. Lin Yuchen can be said to have deeply grasped the essence of the sentence 'the heart of defense against others'.

The four of them sneaked in quietly. They didn't find the sentries around them at all, but they didn't know what method they used and how many people came. Thinking of this, Lin Yuchen couldn't help complaining about Xiaohei. This man appeared too early and was not dedicated at all, otherwise he could take more initiative.

Thinking of this, his heart moved, pretended to rub his hands, put his hands together, and secretly launched his own spiritual exploration.

This skill has now reached three levels and can explore all areas within 30 meters, and the spiritual wave is released like radiation with the formation of his gesture.

At this time, I heard Mr. Wei say, "Your troops are good at fighting guerrilla warfare and are familiar with the terrain here, so we need you to give us some support at critical times, such as helping us transfer strategy, harassing, delaying opponents, cracking down on the other party's logistical supplies, etc."

After his words, Lin Yuchen also completed his spiritual exploration, and all the movements within a 30-meter radius with him as the center were accurately grasped by him. This place has been added by the Warring States for a long time.

"Hehe! Mr. Wei, if you want to fight guerrilla, there are also many capable people under you. You can do this yourself. Why come to us again? Lin Yuchen said coldly, "If you can enter here, you must have already had a clear grasp of the terrain here." After saying that, he took a look at the fire dancing roses standing aside.

Since the fire dance rose was defeated by him, she has been quite depressed and completely lost her former confidence and pride. She has been standing aside silently, as if she has not recovered from the blow of the battle just now.

Mr. Wei seemed to have seen through Lin Yuchen's thoughts and smiled and said, "This matter has nothing to do with her. We did want to contact you through her help before, but recently you seem to have some problems to solve, so we found it ourselves."

Lin Yuchen nodded and accepted his statement and said in a low voice, "Let's say so. Let's go directly. Why should we cooperate with you? What's the benefits of cooperating with you!"