The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 63 Resentment

"Big boss, if we lose both games, we won't make money." Xiaohei said to Lin Yuchen without worry.

Lin Yuchen also felt that he had really lost his words just now. At that time, Zhu Hai restrained his momentum, loosened his body and mind, and immediately lost control.

But he had to pretend to be careless at this time and said, "It doesn't matter. Let go." Let them see how powerful we are. You work hard for me. According to the old rules, if you win, you will get half of it.

Under the huge ** of money, Xiaohei immediately raised his morale and began to equip himself with various weapons.

The first one is *, * this thing is not a bargain in this game. Probably in order to prevent this weapon from overflowing, the game designer set the price very high, each of which is more than 100 gold, and ordinary people really can't afford it. However, after these battles, Lin Yuchen still captured more than a dozen before and after.

However, although this thing is powerful, it is very difficult to wind, and the range is not far. In such a one-on-one challenge, there is generally only one chance to launch, and ordinary people will not use it until the last minute.

But now the two are also rich, so Xiaohei equipped himself with two at once.

Looking at the two* hanging on the little black buttocks, Lin Yuchen smiled and said, "You can simply take all the captured this time and kill him directly with *. Damn, I've never seen you so shameless, for close combat*."

This thing is really not technical. Any child can use it, and it has also been despised by some samurai spirit. If it is not a last resort, it will generally not be used, and this kind of fair duel occasion will not be used so cheeky.

" boss, if I can bring it, I will definitely bring it, but this thing has too much to increase the load, so two are enough." Xiaohei said with a salivary face, "Hey hey hey! This does not violate the rules. They don't let us use the guardian spirit, and there are no other restrictions, which is reasonable. I learned this from you. Is it by any means? As long as you can win.

"Damn! When will I teach you this? Lin Yuchen scolded.

Because the fierce name of the 'underfire demon' is too strong, it is not difficult to guess that they will use this arm as guardian spirits. Therefore, when Mr. Wei talked about the rules of one-on-one with them, the first thing is that he can't use guardian spirits, otherwise they don't have to fight this test at all. They can directly admit defeat. Level 7 creatures, now they don't No one dares to say that they can win.

Lin Yuchen said well about Zhu Hai's scene. Anyway, the two have reached a consensus in the momentum fight just now, that is, the comparison of force, and the rest is not used, while Xiaohei stipulates that the Yuanling cannot be used in this scene, and there is nothing else.

In such a comparison, Mr. Wei has a lot of advantages, because there are many people who can play and can choose from it, and there is no other choice here. Lin Yuchen needs to rest and adjust at this time because he has just played a game, so there is no one else but Xiaohei who is the first to play. .

Xiaohei carefully checked his equipment. He didn't know who he was facing, so now he could only do his best to bring all his good equipment.

Needless to say, his mana value has reached 1,400 points. It seems that he fought a lot in the last battle.

What surprised Lin Yuchen most was that this guy made a set of Xunlong clothes, armor, arm guards and boots for himself, all of which were top-made at no cost.

The arm pads on both hands are the same as Lin Yuchen's 'Dragon's claws', which can eject sharp thorns and add crown crystals. One is electrical damage and the other is poison damage.

The boots on the feet are designed to be the same as the agent shoes on TV. Sharp thorns can pop out at the tip of the foot. If you are accidentally kicked, it must be painful.

This guy has been practicing close combat with Lin Yuchen these days. Although his fighting ability is average, he has worked hard on weapons to make up for his congenital shortcomings.

Xiaohei still felt unstable and grabbed a few scrolls and stuffed them into the bag.

Lin Yuchen looked at it and shook his head. This guy seemed to want to kill people with money. Thinking about it, Xiaohei is still very likely to win this game. Except for Zhu Hai, the other three of the other opponents are mages. Mr. Wei will definitely not end up in person. If he does so in person, Xiaohei will definitely be far more auspicious. This guy's intelligence is far superior to Xiaohei. Even if Xiaohei is a treasure, it is difficult to beat him. Wu Zixu is also a mage, but he doesn't know what his strength is. However, Wu Zixu is a celebrity in the Warring States Period. He can withstand this name. He should not be a weak person. This time, he is more likely to go to war. Why hasn't the ice mage heard of it before? Did he join the Warring States recently?

After annihilating several mercenary regiments in a row, the mercenary regiments that entered Tianxu Forest have almost given up their mission, but they also could not evacuate because of the confrontation of the portal. Therefore, they all stayed in the station of war merit at this time. By the means of Mr. Wei, they will certainly not miss such an opportunity and will definitely merge and absorb. Collect some powerful mercenary regiments to increase their strength, otherwise they will not be short of food.

Looking at several people from the Warring States Mercenary Regiment who were surrounding and discussing tactics, Lin Yuchen felt more and more that he had met a powerful opponent.

Just now, Zhu Hai forced himself into a hurry with only momentum. Lin Yuchen felt that Zhu Hai was just testing and did not do his best. If he fought with all his strength, what he had to face was not the problem of winning and winning, but the question of how many moves he could take in his hands.

What is the beginning of Zhu Hai? How can he have such a strong strength? There are too many capable people in the world. Lin Yuchen sighed.

At this time, it was also discussed over there. To Lin Yuchen's surprise, it was the unknown ice mage who fought this time.

Mr. Wei came forward and said in a low voice, "Brother Lin, in order to show our sincerity, I will withdraw the sniper and assassin team now. Look!" After saying that, raise your hand and point.

Following the direction of his finger, Lin Yuchen can see a group of people rapidly withdrawing from the goblin village and disappearing into the jungle.

From the actions of these people, these assassin teams lurking in the ghost village are definitely elite soldiers. If you just start a war, the result will be unimaginable. The only thing they can do now is to win back the momentum in the game.

Mr. Wei continued: "This time we fought 'Thousands of Miles of Ice', an ice mage. Not long after he joined our mercenary regiment, he hasn't changed his name."

The practice in the Warring States Mercenary Regiment has to change to a Warring States name after joining. This ice mage actually fought instead of the Warring States when he was not recognized. Is it because Mr. Wei wants to see his real level, or his strength is so strong that Mr. Wei has absolute confidence in him?

Xiaohei's reaction was completely different from his. He only heard him say, "'Thousands of miles of ice', this name is very familiar."

Qianli Bingfeng said to Xiaohei: "Your name is 'Dark Ranger'. At that time, there was a deputy leader of the "Dark Knights" in "Demon God Fight" that same name. You won't be him, will you?

In the online game circle, professional players like to use a name, which is conducive to their popularity. In particular, some famous or already famous people will not easily change their IDs. After all, this name has a certain influence and appeal, so it is generally not easy to change. Even if they have to use other names, they are similar names.

"Hmm! Yes!" Xiaohei said proudly, "You have also played Demon Fighting!"

'Thousands of miles of ice' did not answer, but there was a look of disdain and contempt on his face. Although he didn't say anything, the expression was clearly saying 'It turned out to be you, you garbage'.

When Xiaohei saw it, his face suddenly turned cold and asked, "You are not the 'thousands of miles of ice' in the 'frozen magic realm', are you?"

"It's me." Thousands of miles of ice' said with a disdainful face.

"...I...fuck NM!" The little black, who has always been extremely thick and familiar with everyone, suddenly ran away and cursed.

Lin Yuchen didn't expect this reaction and turned his head and asked, "Xiaohei, what's going on!"

" boss, this is our feud. Damn, I swore that I was not at peace with the people of the 'frozen demon realm'. Xiaohei roared.

Differed from Xiaohei's fierce reaction, 'Thousands of Miles of Frozen' was a sneer on his face.

Mr. Wei also said strangely, "What's going on with the two brothers?"

"Hmm! A group of snakes, insects, mice and ants made some kind of 'Dark Knights' in "Demon God Fight" back then. How dare they grab equipment with us, and the dragonfly shake the tree, which is ridiculous. Thousands of miles of ice' said coldly.

It turned out that when "Demon Fighting" was extremely hot, Xiaohei's 'Dark Knights' and 'Ice Demon Realm' had done a task at the same time. The final reward of this task was a god-level treasure equipment. Because it could only be owned by one force in the end, the two sides fought for this treasure, and the result was 'Dark The Knights were lucky to get this treasure.

The two sides have formed a grudge against each other.

The two sides launched a several-month war. The 'Ice Demon Realm' was rich and popular. The 'Dark Knights' was finally defeated, and the divine treasure was finally blown up and changed owners.

'Thousands of Ice Seal' was also a member of the 'Ice Sealed Demon Realm', and his subordinates were in charge of hundreds of people. In those years, the most effective person to hunt down the 'Dark Knights' was his subordinates.

The worst time, Xiaohei was surrounded by more than a dozen people in the resurrection point for three days and nights, and fell 15 levels in a row, which was extremely miserable.

Under the series of fierce battles, the 'Dark Knights'' vitality was greatly damaged, and many people had to withdraw from the group, or even lost their original number, * and the new number was re-trained.

Later, the 'Dark Knights' was really forced to enter a semi-dissolution state. Most of the rest of the people turned underground. Although they did not dare to play their own names, they continued to resist tenaciously. The means also went to extremes, sneak attacks, assassinating and beating boring sticks, and used everything.

The hatred between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger, and even in the new game, it is still tit-for-tat.

However, due to the initial access restrictions, many famous unions and organizations in the game could not enter at the same time. Therefore, now, whether it is the 'Ice Demon Realm' or the 'Dark Knights' have not been formed, but many new organizations have made a name. . For example, the Warring States Mercenary Corps is now in full swing.

The operator of this game is very smart. He uses a pass to completely break up the forces in the previous traditional game intentionally or unintentionally.

After listening to Xiaohei's explanation, he stood up and said, "How many of you 'Dark Knights' can fucking get on the stage? What else can you do besides doing something like sneak attack and assassination?" This sentence seems to be satirizing the Dark Knights, but it is insinuated that even Lin Yuchen scolded it. This person obviously came for the task of the 'jungle lurker', but in the end he returned and didn't have a good impression of Lin Yuchen.

"Damn, what's so great about your 'frozen magic realm'? What else do you have besides relying on many people? You are still in "Demon Fight"! You can still be so arrogant, can't you? Wait a minute, I'll make you cry!" The little black scolded tit-for-tat.

"Good! Come on! Let's see who makes him cry."

The two cursed uncompliedly. Lin Yuchen couldn't help looking at Mr. Wei, but saw Mr. Wei shaking his head at him, saying that it was not arranged by himself, and he didn't expect this situation.