The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 66 Changes

Although the flat man is cool, it is also a very hard thing.

After more than a minute of 'thousands of ice', Xiaohei was so tired that he couldn't even lift his hand. He encountered a problem that he often encountered in this game, that is, his real person has exhausted and can't fight, but the virtual characters in the game still have two-thirds of their physical strength, and he can no longer control his virtual characters.

A shocking scene appeared again. The person who was beaten had nothing to do. The person who beat the person was so tired that he almost lay down.

Lin Yuchen said to him through a private chat, "I should have had enough. Solve it quickly!"

"I'm going to beat him to death! ...I'm going to beat him to death!" Although Xiaohei is almost out of breath, his mouth is still unrelenting. His appearance is really unconvinced.

"Let's solve it quickly. You still fart when you have no strength. You will be even more ashamed when he fights back. Damn, don't be ashamed. If it makes me lose money, I will kill you. Lin Yuchen said viciously.

Speaking of Qian Xiaohei, he immediately became serious again. He won but doubled. If he lost, there was nothing left. He hurriedly put down his grudge and reached out to the point of 'thousands of ice'.

The dark black hole!

The 'Thousands of Miles of Ice' was instantly paralyzed, and the physical strength, mana, spirit and life were all absorbed by the opponent, and the game control system also made a judgment in an instant.


"Fight with me, you are still far from it! Don't let me see you in the future, or I will hit you once until you completely disappear. Damn it! ..." Xiaohei cursed and put away his shield.

At this time, he was also satisfied, revenged, and made money. He kills two birds with one stone. For a while, he was satisfied and trembled when he walked.

But the person who has been abused by him has a completely different mood.

The 'thousands of frozen' lying on the ground tried to stand up, and his eyes looked angry.


Just as Xiaohei walked back proudly, he only heard a roar of 'thousands of frozen'. The guard medal on his body flashed, and a huge black shadow jumped out of thin air and rushed to Xiaohei who was walking back.

"The ogre!"

According to the rules of the comparison, although the 'thousand-mile frozen' at this time has been sucked away all the mana, spiritual power, vitality and physical strength by the little dark dark black hole, he must have hung up at this time, but because it was a duel under the control of the game, he did not hang up, and the game control center is still for him. He retains a little vitality to maintain his life, but other attribute values can only be slowly recovered by themselves.

Generally speaking, this kind of comparison is a gentleman's fight. Everyone will go their own way after winning or losing, but this 'thousands of ice' is obviously unbearable to accept such insults. Xiaohei beat him. Although there is no harm, it is more uncomfortable than killing him. Therefore, when the rules of the game no longer restrict the player's behavior, he is angry. The anger burst out.

At this time, his only means of attack is his 'guardian spirit'.

And his guardian spirit is a 'crazy cannibal'.

Among the five levels of ogres, the strongest is the "double-headed ogre", who have two abilities: 'rage' and 'bloodthirsty'. Rage ogre belongs to the third level. They have yellow skin, a height of more than three meters, an extremely cruel and bloody face, an extremely strong body, and white quality weapons, which can't do too much damage to them.

Because the use of the 'Nether Black Hole' must be in direct contact, at this time, Xiaohei and Qianli are extremely close to each other, and the two sides are only more than two meters away. As soon as this 'raging Ogre' appeared, it almost filled the space between the two people, and the unprepared little black was on the spot. I was so scared that I sat on the ground.

A thick mallet swung high and was about to hit Xiaohei's head.


Almost everyone shouted at the same time, but everyone had no time to react and could only watch the ogre's mallet hit Xiaohei.


When the mallet was halfway through, it was stopped by a huge figure that suddenly appeared.

The ogre abruptly hit this huge figure.

'Underfire Demon'!

The guardian rule saved Xiaohei's life, and the 'underworld demon' appeared in time and carried this must-kill blow for his master.

The ogre has always been known for its strength, and the huge mallet in their hands is an unparalleled heavy weapon, weighing dozens of catties but hundreds of catties. The underworld fire demon was also smashed by this time. The whole person was also unstable, shaking to one side, and almost fell down.

This 'fire demon' is also a creature with low IQ. After being smashed, he launched a counterattack without waiting for his master's order. However, Xiaohei has been scared and has lost the ability to think at this time.

The 'underworld demon' opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of underworld fire on the ogre.

Relatively speaking, the ogre has great power and high defense, but slow movement. Such troops are mainly used as heavy infantry. They are the most powerful when they form a formation defense or rush forward, but if they fight one-on-handed, in addition to being a meat shield, the real use is actually of little, and it is easy to be found flaws.

At this time, the two sides were almost face to face and could not dodge. Therefore, the ogre was sprayed by the underworld and immediately burned.

The flame of the 'underworld demon' is strongly corrosive. Whether it is magic equipment or physical equipment, it has no great defensive effect on it.' The ice-sealed ogre has no equipment at all. He is almost bare. At this time, he is lit like a candle.


The violent ogre shouted harshly. In an instant, he entered a state of rage. Driven by severe pain, he crazily waved the mallet in his hand and smashed around aimlessly.

If it is replaced by a smarter guardian spirit, he will definitely drag the dazed little black from the side of the violent ogre at this time, but the 'underworld demon' obviously does not have such a high IQ. Under the restrictions of the guardian rules, he can't dodge, so he stands there and protects the little black to block the ogre's mallet!

Bum! Bang! Bang!

The two sides are extremely close, and there is no space to dodge. They are completely close hand-to-hand combat. The only thing to fight is to see who is hard and who kills the opponent first.

"Get out of there. Damn, you want to be trampled to death, don't you?" Lin Yuchen roared in a private chat.

Both arms are huge and powerful arms, and are known for their strength. At this time, they are squeezed into such a narrow space in the middle. With a slight movement, even if the little black sitting on the ground is not killed, he may be trampled to death.

Under Lin Yuchen's roar, Xiaohei finally woke up. He shouted and crawled out.

Just when he was far away from the terror zone and finally got up, he saw the 'crazy cannibal' and his 'underworld demon' fall to the ground almost at the same time.

Compared by the two sides, although the level of 'underfire demon' is higher, stronger in both force and defense, in this case, he does not have any advantage at all. Although its tail and claws can easily break through the hard muscles of the 'raging ogre', the other party is not bad, the ogre's mallet. It's not an ordinary weapon. This kind of heavy weapon relies on heavy blows, and the general defense equipment is useless at all. Although the defense power of the 'underworld demon' is also very strong, in this case of hard attack, it is suddenly broken and unable to stand.

Xiaohei could see his state of guarding the Yuanling. He roared angrily and was about to pounce on the 'thousands of ice'.

But he immediately found that the 'thousands of miles of ice' was over.

When the two short soldiers met, the first reaction was Lin Yuchen and Zhu Hai, and their practices were completely different. Zhu Hai directly rushed to the 'raging ogre', while Lin Yuchen released his guardian spirit as soon as possible.

For Lin Yuchen, that kind of strong and pure power can't help him, so the goal is to control the 'thousand-mile ice seal' that protects the Yuanling. As long as he can kill the 'thousand-mile ice seal', the other party's guardian Yuanling will have no command, and it will naturally be much easier. Avoiding the real attack and evacuating the thief and arresting the king first, which is also Lin Yuchen's always fighting method.

Although the defense of 'Thousands of Miles of Ice' is good, the shooting technique of 'Phantom Shooter' is enough to kill it in seconds at such a close distance.

A feather arrow penetrated his weakest neck and sent it out of the game in an instant.

Zhu Hai is not like this. His way of solving the problem is more direct, stabbing a hal to the 'crazy ogre'.

It can be said that the 'raging ogre' finally died at the hands of Zhu Hai.

When everything settled, the spell in Wu Zixu's hand had just taken shape, and Mr. Wei did not seem to move, and there was no movement in the 'Fire Dance Rose'.

The whole process was only a dozen seconds, and Xiaohei walked on the edge of reincarnation. This sudden change made the relationship that had been eased suddenly become delicate again.

After the little black hurriedly put his 'guardian spirit' into the guard medal to recover from his injury, he looked at the three people opposite him. Although he could figure out the reason for this incident, he could not determine whether it was planned by Mr. Wei before.

Lin Yuchen can't do it either, so he also entered the combat state.


The hierarchy of ogre

Level 1, young ogre: juvenile ogre, although they are underage, their figure is comparable to that of a strong adult for human beings. In addition, they are stronger than ordinary people, so they can't be underrelittled. Of course, they are also the easiest to be tamed by humans.

Level 2, adult ogre: adult ogre, they have more than three meters tall, strong strength and strong defense. They are huge, ugly and greedy creatures. They like groups of predators of weak people and always rely on violence to solve problems.

Level 3, Rage Cannibal: Once they enter the rage state, they will lose their pain and attack their targets without scruples until they are killed.

Level 4, Ogre Leader: Ore Leader has a spell - 'bloodthirsty magic'. The arms supported by this spell will greatly enhance their attack power. Such spells are most useful when the two armies fight against each other. A group of ogre who have been awarded 'bloodthirsty' is definitely a nightmare for all troops.

Level 5, double-headed ogre: the top existence of ogre. Although the ogre's IQ is very low, he has two heads after all, so they are definitely the kings of ogre. Power, defense and force are the top existence of ogre. In addition, they also have both 'crazy' and 'bloodthirsty' Spells can help themselves and their troops. No one wants to meet such an opponent.