The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 72 Intelligence

"Sir Wei, this is 100,000 units of grain and fodder. Confirm it, so that we can clear the money and goods." Xiaohei pointed to several high piles of grain and grass in the open space.

Mr. Wei took a look, waved his hand, asked Wu Zixu, who came with him to command the skeleton army to carry, and then said to Lin Yuchen, "Can we talk about the alliance now?"

"Okay, let's talk about it." Lin Yuchen said.

This time, he decided to learn from the lessons of the last alliance with the Fire Dance Rose and sign a more serious and detailed agreement with the Warring States. The last alliance, because there was no written agreement, the two sides are still fighting. While saying that the other party violated the agreement, he said that he was shameless and even fought with his comrades-in-arms. Although 'Fire Dancing Rose' didn't say anything and Lin Yuchen didn't bother to defend it, it was always boring, so we must not repeat the same mistake this time.

I didn't expect Mr. Wei to be more serious than them.

He opened the communication and sent a draft agreement to the mailbox of the two people. When they opened the agreement, they were shocked on the spot.

The whole agreement is 53 pages long, with hundreds of details, including the areas and responsibilities defended by both sides, how the two sides fulfill their responsibilities and obligations, how to share resource information, how to deal with it under various situations, how to distribute income, and how to punish and reward measures, each of which is clear and rigorous. Incomparable.

One of these two people is a high school student with insufficient social experience, and the other is an otaku who hides at home and plays games every day. He also has little social experience, so when they see this agreement, they are indescribably surprised.

"This is a draft agreement. You can take a look first. If there is any problem, let's talk about it in person." Mr. Wei said.

"Ms. Wei, it's just an alliance. Do you want to be so detailed?" Xiaohei opened his mouth wide and said in surprise.

"It's better to be more detailed, so that everyone has a basis for doing things and actions, so as not to quarrel and shirk each other's responsibilities in the future." Mr. Wei looked at Lin Yuchen and said.

Lin Yuchen saw from his eyes that he should know what had happened between himself and the 'Fire Dancing Rose' mercenary regiment. This man couldn't hide anything from him, so he nodded and said, "It makes sense. It's better to be more detailed. Let's talk about it first to save a lot of trouble in the future."

After saying that, he took a deep breath and began to read the agreement carefully.

"Sunzi Wei, what is the sharing method of this shared map?" Lin Yuchen looked at a few and soon found a question.

According to the details of the agreement, both parties must explore Tianxu Forest together, and then unconditionally share the results of their exploration with each other. It seems that there is no problem, but it seems to be very unfair to Lin Yuchen. He has been here for more than a year, and his understanding of Tianxu Forest must be far superior. After others, if he shares it like this, his advantage will be gone. Obviously, he will suffer a lot.

"This is out of the need for defense and development. Everyone shares the maps they have explored, which is conducive to the mobilization of soldiers and resource development." Mr. Wei explained.

"Ms. Wei, this doesn't seem to be fair." Xiaohei said, "Our boss is so familiar with this place. It's not a loss for us to share it this time."

Xiaohei speaks bluntly, and there is no need to talk about negotiation skills and psychological strategies. However, his words said what Lin Yuchen thought in his heart.

"Hmm! Well, after the two battles in the dwarf village, the mercenary regiments entering the Tianxu forest were scared by you, so most of them have retreated to us now, and we have bought the map of their march from them. In addition, we have been constantly exploring recently, so we have now mastered it. Some maps may not be as good as what you have, but we think so. Since it is an alliance, everyone can admit it so that they can be seamlessly connected. The future situation must be very complicated. We can't affect the overall situation because of our small interests, and this is our division of our respective defensive areas. The basis of the domain, so I don't think there is a problem of losing or not. Mr. Wei said.

What Mr. Wei said seemed to be a little reasonable. Both of them nodded coincidentally.

Lin Yuchen thought to himself: This time, he unconsciously helped the Warring States. After the mercenary regiment withdrew, the Warring States Mercenary Regiment not only took the opportunity to recruit a lot of scattered soldiers and expand its strength, but also got a lot of information they needed.

Using money to buy maps, this trick is really business-minded. It doesn't cost a single soldier, but it costs a little money to get what others have bought with their lives. It's really worth it. For mercenaries, as long as the price is right, there will definitely be a deal. They have gone all the way to Tianxu Forest to fight hard and lose soldiers. They always have to get some benefits before going back. Selling the map after exploration is definitely the most affordable.

These mercenary regiments worked hard for a few days, but finally made wedding clothes for others.

The more Lin Yuchen thought about it, the more he felt that Mr. Wei was not simple. They won more easily and more beautiful than himself. If you die by yourself, you may not earn enough for a fraction of others.

He thought about these problems and was absent-minded about the agreement. Mr. Wei was so calculating that if any landmine was planted in this agreement*, he could see whether he could see it, even if he could see it, what method should be used to guard against him.

What to do!

At this moment, Xiaohei only shouted, "Mr. Wei, there is also 'intelligence sharing'. You are too professional."

"Since you want to play, you should play professionally. Otherwise, you might as well spend time and energy elsewhere, so as not to waste time." Mr. Wei said solemnly.

Lin Yuchen's eyes also lit up when he heard this, and Mr. Wei's words obviously came to his heart. The fact that this Warring States Mercenary Corps can have such a great record has an absolute relationship with their serious treatment of this game. They regard this game as a career, not a leisure entertainment. They want to create a world here, instead of making small trouble to get some benefits.

"Ms. Wei, this article mainly depends on you. There are only two of us and no information at all." Little gangster.

"That's not necessarily. In fact, the so-called intelligence is not just on the battlefield, including various resource data, arms strength data, opponent's personality, equipment situation, etc., just like you used to know 'thousands of miles of ice', then you can know what you know Some things tell us that let us know this person better, so as not to get infernal it. Mr. Wei said.

There are many people who play Infernal Affairs in various guilds, which also often occur in previous games. Some guild organizations have even collapsed because of this. Since then, they have been depressed. The Warring States Mercenary Corps is expanding at this time, and obviously do not want to embark on such a road.

"Oh! I didn't expect you to think so much, Mr. Wei, I really admire you!" Little gangster.

"Hehe! Only when you are rewarded and know your enemy can you win a hundred battles. Mr. Wei said.

Lin Yuchen couldn't help but pay more respect for the Warring States Mercenary Corps.

"Ms. Wei, I dare not say anything else, but if you are a former 'frozen demon realm', you'd better not recruit them. Damn, those people are famous for their profits and forget their righteousness. They are all shameless garbage goods. They have never done anything good in the game." Little Black said generously.

"Well, we have also dealt with the matter of 'thousands of miles of ice', and he doesn't want to stay in our regiment anymore. So, don't worry, you won't see this person again." Mr. Wei said.

"That's good!" Little gangster. He has been estranged from the 'frozen demon realm' and can no longer identify with these people.

"Speaking of intelligence, I have one thing I must tell you now that most of the mercenary regiments that entered the Tianxu Forest before have either been evacuated or have perished, but we still have no news of them." Mr. Wei said.

Lin Yuchenqi said, "What does this have to do with us?"

"Yes!" Mr. Wei said in a low voice, "It's very relevant! Because we infer that this mercenary regiment still hasn't given up its mission and is still looking for opportunities to annihilate you here.

As soon as he said this, the two opened their eyes wide at the same time.

"How did you know in such detail, Mr. Wei!" Lin Yuchen said in surprise. The news that some mercenaries wanted to kill them to complete the task was not surprising, but how Mr. Wei mastered Rui's accurate information.

"Hmm! This allows me to sell it first, and I will tell you slowly when I have a chance. What I want to tell you is that we have special people who specialize in online forums, public channels and other channels to find and sort out all kinds of information. According to what we have, there is still a mercenary regiment still in the jungle, and it should be a complete team. If so, they should be in you. Nearby, we are waiting for the opportunity to launch an attack on you. However, it does not rule out the possibility that they want to attack us, because they may be one of the means arranged by the League of Warring States to deal with us. Mr. Wei said.

Intelligence system! Although this Mr. Wei is extremely simple, Lin Yuchen can already infer that this Mr. Wei has established his own intelligence system to collect all kinds of intelligence data. After judgment and processing, it has become his own useful information.

What the hell are these people's heads? How can they think so far? Lin Yuchen couldn't help but feel a feeling of looking up to the mountain. Mr. Wei in front of him seemed to be an insurmountable mountain, and he could never look at it.

"Sunzi Wei, are you playing games or engaging in an underground party to prepare for a coup?" Xiaohei's heart was also extremely shocked.

"Hehe! Nothing, radishes and vegetables have their own preferences. Some people like to fight and kill, some people like to manage logistics, and some people like to collect information. We are just doing our best. Mr. Wei said with a smile.

After being stunned for a long time, Lin Yuchen said, "Mr. Wei, what information do you have about this mercenary?"

"Since it is information sharing, we will first show some sincerity and give you all this information as a reference for future actions." Mr. Wei nodded and said, "According to the information we have, this mercenary is all composed of assassins. It is the seventh-ranked 'Night Blade' mercenary regiment on the soul of war list, and is the best at assassination and ambush."

"Blade of the Night!!" Hearing the name, Xiaohei couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

"Yes! It's the 'Blade of Dark Night'. They should be the first mercenary regiment to enter the Tianxu jungle, one step earlier than us. Because they are all assassins, they act very quickly. The reason why we infer that they did not perish is that the assassins are good at hiding, so the environment of Tianxu Forest is not a threat to them. Even if you encounter advanced warcraft, you can avoid it if you can't beat it. I may have gone in the wrong direction, so I didn't find you. Now your coordinates have been exposed, and now they are willing to be nearby, so please be careful. Mr. Wei said.

"Is this 'Night Blade' very powerful?" Lin Yuchen asked. For a long time, he played with himself and rarely asked how others were doing. Now he suddenly heard a seemingly fierce name and couldn't help asking strangely.

"It's not very powerful, it's quite powerful." Xiaohei said with a worried face.