The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 78 Joint Strike

With such a delicate trap designed, the opponent will naturally not let go of the archangels responding in the sky.

At the moment when the trap was opened, there was a strong magic wave in the air at the same time. A giant bird full of red flames appeared in mid-air and rushed to the archangel who was about to come down from the air to rescue.

'Fire Phoenix'!

Fire Phoenix - fire-level eight-level warcraft, fire magic immunity, stunt - fire-breathing.

As soon as the fire phoenix appeared, it immediately spewed out a long fire chain and rolled into the archangel in the air.

Before such power, the archangel did not dare to deal with it. He vibrating his wings, quickly changed his direction and dodged with all his strength.

The fire phoenix that suddenly appeared is definitely the nemesis of the archangel. Its flying speed is no less than that of the archangel, and its rotation is also very flexible, and its fire chain is more than ten meters long, which is a medium-range attack. In the face of such an opponent, the archangel has no choice but to dodge desperately and has no power to fight back. Before long, it was driven out of the battlefield far away.

Lin Yuchen has always been quite proud of the geo-air coordination tactics, which was broken by his opponent, the golden helmet dwarf died, and the archangel was forced away.

But the Fire Phoenix did not chase the archangel!

Although its attack power is stronger, the archangel's speed and level are similar. If such an opponent dodge with all his strength, it will not be able to do it for a while. Therefore, after forcing the archangel away, Fire Phoenix immediately turned around and turned to Lin Yuchen on the ground.

This is its goal!

As long as Lin Yuchen is dealt with, nothing else is a problem.

At this time, Lin Yuchen faced four zombie warriors head-on.

Damn it!

Looking at the huge red flame in the sky rushing towards him, Lin Yuchen hurriedly patted the ghost blood order on his body, and a 'underworld fire demon' jumped out of thin air and met the fire phoenix that swooped over.

Although Lin Yuchen has five 'fire demons' in his hand, he doesn't want to expose his strength too early. The biggest difference between the game world and the real world is that there is no real 'dead man' here. In the real world, after killing a person, he will never speak again, but in the virtual world, the person who has just been killed by you will make the whole process public. Therefore, there is no secret in it.

Although at this time, he can completely release these fire demons and deal with their opponents with thunder, in this way, his strength has been figured out, and next time, there will be no evil move to use, which is obviously not in line with his 'Yin King' style.

In Lin Yuchen's tactical theory, the most important thing is not to open all his cards at once. His favorite tactic is to show weakness first, and then suddenly give you an unexpected surprise when the enemy is unprepared.

What's more, the opponent has not appeared at all now. I don't know what other tricks are waiting for him. In this case, he must leave a little reserve force for self-defense.

The underworld fire was against the fire. When the two senior arms collided fiercely, the whole sky was burned red. Both sides are creatures that can spit fire. The underworld fire of the demon is equal to the fire chain of the fire phoenix.

When the sky was dark, Lin Yuchen also encountered the most dangerous situation.

For him, the four zombie warriors are not terrible. Now he has achieved martial arts and his self-confidence has increased a lot, and the weapon in his hand is a light sword that specializes in defeating this undead creature. Therefore, when he faces four zombies, there is a leap instead. The mood of trying.

But the gun is easy to hide, and the dark arrow is difficult to prevent. The biggest danger to him is not the zombie warrior in front of him, but the bow and arrow hiding in the dark.

Just as he was preparing to fight against the zombies, the archer who had just shot the golden helmet dwarf shot again, and a feather arrow shot at his back.

Fortunately, Lin Yuchen was also on guard after seeing the dwarf being killed, and he had been careful about it for a long time.

After the battle with Zhu Hai, Lin Yuchen's biggest gain was that his body reacted faster than his brain. When the feather arrow hit it, his body twisted like a god at the critical moment and avoided the arrow.

At the same time, a red light shot out of the jungle on one side and penetrated the place where the feather arrow shot out.



In this short moment, only the parties knew that a sniper and counter-sniper attack were over.

Lin Yuchen's tactics and playing style can be said to be an alternative, especially in the use of the guardian spirit. Others like to put the 'guardian spirit' on his body and stay at the last moment to block the knife, but Lin Yuchen did the opposite. He always liked to release the 'guardian spirit' first to participate in the battle. After duel with the thunder dragon, he developed a new tactic, which is to hide them somewhere on the battlefield and use them to play. The visual sharing characteristics of home and guardian spirits give yourself one more perspective.

One of his two guardian spirits is now ambush at the mouth of the tunnel and monitors every move of the tunnel, so that he will know no matter who approaches or finds the tunnel, and the other guardian spirit is put into the jungle by him when he just entered the dwarf village. This is the reason why he didn't burst out the guardian spirit in the trap just now.

This tactic is dangerous, because the player will die if he is not careful without protection, which requires the player to have a strong ability. But the greater the risk, the greater the gain. Just like this time, Lin Yuchen's involvement in danger received a great reward. While shooting an arrow, the other party also exposed his position, and was immediately hit by Lin Yuchen's guardian Yuanling.

The bow and arrow configured by Lin Yuchen's guardian Yuanling are a valuable 'flame roar'. Unless it is a top boss, no one can get an arrow from the phantom shooter.

The deadly sniper hidden in the dark was finally killed!

However, although Lin Yuchen narrowly dodged the sniper of feather arrows, he was seriously disturbed by the balance of mind and body, and fell into the siege of zombie warriors.


The first thing to kill was an axe, which was powerful, and Lin Yuchen was not ready at all. Although he barely blocked it with a knife, he was almost got out of his hand by a long knife, and his whole body was shaken and fell back repeatedly.

Within his adjustment, another knife chased and cut it.

Lin Yuchen couldn't even lift the knife at this time, so he had no choice but to raise his hand to block it.


This knife is right in his left arm - a dark thorn!

Lin Yuchen's arm guard is obviously not ordinary. In addition to being able to launch*, its defense is also very good. It can be said that it is a superior equipment that integrates attack and defense. This time, it is comparable to the opponent's knife. Fortunately, the opponent's weapon is also a knife. If it is replaced by the previous tomahawk, it will be difficult for Lin Yuchen to keep his arm.

At this time, the two zombie warriors arrived again, with swords and almost cut at Lin Yuchen in no particular order.

A single zombie warrior may not be Lin Yuchen's opponent, but when the four people work together, the situation is completely different. Obviously, these four zombie warriors are also trained and have a very tacit cooperation. The swords are used, axes and shields fly together. The attack is clearly layered, the rhythm is extremely fast, and there is almost no interval. He forced Lin Yuchen to a dead end.

At the critical moment, a little cold star shot from Lin Yuchen's scabbard, which hit an attacking zombie warrior.

The zombie warrior's body was suddenly covered with a layer of silver-white frost, and his movements suddenly slowed down.

'The freezing is slow!'

'Frost Meteor!'

Lin Yuchen launched his magic weapon again. With the support of the ice double-kill spell, he finally won a little delay for himself, made a glimmer of flaws in the attack that was already a final kill, and earned a glimmer of life for himself.

Between life and death, Lin Yuchen gave full play to his ability.

He did not retreat and suddenly exerted his strength under his feet. He bumped into the arms of the slowing zombie warrior and knocked the zombie over.

This broke the joint attack tactics of zombie warriors.

These four zombies attacked one after another without interruption. If he blindly retreated, he would be destroyed sooner or later, but this counterattack completely disrupted the opponent's joint attack skill, and Lin Yuchen finally took the initiative for himself.

The situation at this time is: Lin Yuchen and the zombies on the ground are entangled and reluctantly resist the opponent's attack. Xiaohei has no magic at all and can't help. He can only lie on the ground and dare not move. Carefully prevent the opponent's sneak attack. The fire demons in the air and the fire phoenix are also equal. A top creature is in a competition to breathe fire. You and I don't want to let it. The archangel is rush back. The little black 'underworld fire demon' is trapped by the cobwebs, and the other party's spider and Lin Yuchen's scorpion-tail lion are in a state of paralysis.

In terms of the situation, it can be said that the other party has the upper hand at this time, because no one has appeared so far, and only used spells and creatures to force Lin Yuchen to reach such a state. They are still hiding in the dark, occupying and again. I don't know how many killings are waiting for Lin Yuchen.

But no plan in the world is perfect, because all plans can't keep up with the changes in the environment. This time, the only thing missing from the other party's assassination trap is the little black 'Flame Golden Lion'.

The 'Flame Golden Lion' did not hurt it because it stood a little far away, whether it was lightning or a blade trap. When the spider was electroly injured by Lin Yuchen, it finally reacted, rushed over and sprayed a fire at the spider.

Spiders are most afraid of flames!

This 'Flame Golden Lion' can be said to be the nemesis of the spider. After the flame barbecue, although the spider still remains immortal with its tenacious vitality, it can't move at this time and can only be allowed to let the mermaid meat. The 'Flame Golden Lion' simply fell on it, bit it down fiercely, and completely closed it.

Under the command of Xiaohei, the 'Flame Golden Lion' immediately rushed to the zombie warrior to support the retreating Lin Yuchen.

Little Black's 'Flame Golden Lion' has become the key to turning the whole situation around at this moment!