The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 79 Six Blades

The boss of Dark Night Blade felt that he had kicked the iron plate this time, and it may even be that he kicked directly on the blade instead of the iron plate.

The 'Night Blade', which is praised by players as the king of assassins, actually has only six people in the core.

Leader Evil Blade: Responsible for action planning and control of the overall situation. He is the most comprehensive assassin in the team and the reserve team of the whole team. He can be competent in any position in the team, replace anyone in the team at any time, and cooperate perfectly with the people in the team. In the team, his nickname is actually 'Super The sixth person of the class. Guardian Yuanling: a poisonous two-legged flying dragon.

Magician's Blade: He is proficient in magic and is the source of magic in the team. He is mainly responsible for magic tasks. Guardian Yuanling: Zombie Warrior.

Metamorphosis Master's Trick Blade: He is good at metamorphosis and can become any form, whether it is a creature or a dead object, almost fake. In the team, his nickname is 'Monkey Sun'. Guardian spirit: hidden spider.

Phantom Master Magic Blade: He is a master of illusion, false, true and false, and sometimes it is difficult for even his teammates to recognize. His guardian spirit is also his killing move, which ordinary people can't see.

Trap expert: He is a master of making and using traps. His favorite thing is to design and make various traps, and then lay it out in person to watch his opponent being strangled by his own trap. Guardian Yuanling: Zombie Warrior. And he himself is a bow and arrow sniper, and the top shooter with first-class traps is definitely a first-class match.

Hidden Blade: The most difficult person to find in the Blade of Dark Night, because he is best at being invisible. As long as he doesn't want to be seen, no one can find him. Guardian Yuanling: chameleon - lizard, the best invisible animal in the world.

These six people constitute the core action team of the Blade of Night. After the Blade of the Night became famous, many people wanted to join the mercenary regiment for a while and received a large number of application letters every day, but all the time, the eldest evil blade has always adhered to the spirit of lack rather than abuse, and never randomly stuffed people into the team. In his opinion, the profession of killer is a very demanding profession. Mind, intelligence, patience, ability, cooperation, discipline and tacit understanding are indispensable. It is by no means that anyone can be a killer after watching a few killer movies.

Like this operation, they have been preparing for nearly a week. Since this Monday, they have been monitoring Lin Yuchen and Xiaohei's every move, constantly collecting their information, habits, arms information, strength, Lin Yuchen's raid on the Fire Dance Rose Mercenary Regiment, single-on-one with Fire Dance Rose, gambling with the Warring States, cooperation and alliance.

The whole action is also set accordingly.

Before, Xiaohei made a summoning gate in the dwarf village, and they inferred that the two would come here to summon again. After each summoning, Xiaohei's mana will be emptied, which is their best opportunity.

So, in the past few days, they have been hiding in the dwarf village, setting traps, repeatedly deduce the whole process of action, and patiently waiting for the arrival of the two.

The only surprise is that the two people came a little earlier than they expected. Originally, according to the calculation of the evil blade, they must have been busy cooperating with the Warring States in the past two days. Unexpectedly, these two people came here to summon in order to enhance their strength.

After thinking again and again, the evil blade felt that the opportunity could not be missed. Although it was still in a hurry, it could achieve a sudden effect. The assassination is not strength, but suddenness. As long as it is sudden enough, no matter how strong the opponent is, he can definitely kill with one blow, so he issued an order to act.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the opponent, Ji Convenience had lost two guardian spirits - the hidden spider and the elf shooter, but the other party only fell down a golden helmet dwarf.

Originally, the plan was thought to be foolproof, but it did not achieve the expected effect. Two traps did not cause substantial casualties to the opponent. The two people are well equipped and react quickly. In this case, they are not only not chaotic at all, but also have the ability to fight back, which is a situation they have never encountered before.

In the past, the opponent had long been panicked, in a hurry, and waiting to be killed.

This king of hell really lives up to his reputation!

Not only is he far stronger than they expected, but also seems to be on guard against something all the time. He can even arrange snipers in the jungle, and his 'elf shooter' was blown up. Thinking of this, the evil blade was painful. The 'elf shooter' was so rare. They also spent a lot of energy to get one, but they didn't expect it to be gone.

Moreover, the situation is still developing in a direction that is unfavorable to its own side. The archangel is detouring, and the flame golden lion is about to be killed. Even the underworld demon covered by the cobweb is about to break free from the shackles. Once these three creatures enter the battle, the whole operation will be completely failed.

It seems that the intelligence is still not accurate enough. I have never seen the 'jungle lurker' spells. I always thought that he can't do any spells. Even if he can, it's be small spells. Unexpectedly, this time, it's all very high-level spells. One lightning scrapped the spider, and another ice spell limited a zombie. The four zombie joint attack tactics were abrupt and disrupted. Originally, according to their deduction, these four zombie warriors were enough to compete with the jungle lurkers, which has given a high evaluation of his martial arts. Zombie warriors are undead and difficult to be killed. Each of them has a force value has reached more than 200, plus Even if he can't kill him, at least he can be firmly restrained. But I didn't expect to waste one as soon as I had a hand-to-hand.

The evil blade gritted its teeth and issued a new order.


A red and green dragon jumped from the jungle and went straight to the archangel!

At the same time, a stone on the battlefield suddenly bounced up and hit the flame golden lion fiercely, knocking the flame golden lion on the ground and turning a fight!

Giant lizard!

The suddenly moving stone is not a stone at all, but a camouscripted giant lizard.

The lizard is the best at changing color. It is hidden in the pile of stones, and the color and environment become exactly the same. After being disguised as a master, no one can recognize it. This ambush was originally reserved for the jungle lurker. As long as he moves in this direction, he will definitely be swallowed by the giant lizard. The greatest ability of the giant lizard is 543 points of strength and poisonous teeth that can make people's limbs stiff. As long as the jungle lurker retreats in that direction, it will kill him.

But this jungle lurker seems to have a certain premonition that he doesn't go here. Such a fatal blow can only be used on the 'Flame Golden Lion' in the end.


The evil blade couldn't help sighing secretly. If this action is successful, the price offered to them by Sen Shao is 50,000 yuan, plus 50,000 from the mercenary union, a total of 100,000 yuan. This is still the price of the first kill. In the future, Sen Shao will give an extra 5,000 until the cumulative amount reaches 100,000.

Killing people in the game for the first time is the most rare, but as long as you succeed once, the next step will be simple, because according to the setting of the game, the people killed will become weaker and weaker, the attribute points will decline, and the equipment will be gone. Therefore, as long as this time it is successful, the next 100,000 will be a matter of action. If you can get the legendary Nether Blood Order, you can add another 100,000 this time. This is also the first time they have done such a high reward task. For this reason, they took out all their strength, and even took out the 'Fire Phoenix' summoning card, laying out the strongest game in their history.

But such a wonderful layout has been broken again.

However, with the addition of these two creatures, the situation was finally pulled back. Although the two-legged flying dragon is not as good as the archangel, it is enough to pester the opponent, and the giant lizard on the ground is higher in level and stronger than the flame golden lion. It is only a matter of time to kill this flame golden lion.

At the same time, Lin Yuchen also stepped into another trap they had preset, and suddenly grew a few vines on the ground, which wrapped his feet.

The feet are the foundation of a person's balance. The hands are two doors and one root under his feet. No matter who is practicing martial arts well, his feet are caught, and they can't exert their strength. As soon as the trap started, Lin Yuchen suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground with a bang.

Lin Yuchen's hard-earned advantage was lost again. At this time, he had gradually got rid of the passive situation. In the face of four zombie warriors, he was able to have a good deal with each other. Unexpectedly, such a sudden change occurred. Seeing that three zombie warriors had caught up closely, Lin Yuchen shouted, knife The scabbard pointed again, and a series of fireballs swept at the other three zombie warriors who were rushing towards him.

The first spell in close combat: Lianzhu Fireball!

Although the zombie warrior is not afraid of death, he has a natural fear of fire and light. Therefore, although this series of fireballs did not cause much damage to them, it also made them pause.

Taking advantage of this slow time, Lin Yuchen hurriedly began to cut the thorns and vines under his feet.

When it was difficult to distinguish on the field, another anti-sniper battle in the jungle also unfolded at the same time.

Lin Yuchen knows all about sniper tactics from the movie. The biggest understanding is that he has to change places with a shot. He can't stay in one place for too long, otherwise he will be killed sooner or later.

So, after his phantom shooter successfully sniped his opponent, he immediately began to shift. This tactic is obviously very correct, because two people have already targeted it.

Trap master's blade! The hidden blade of the invisible man!

In addition to being good at traps, Blade is also a sniper. Now, he is nervously searching for the opponent who has just killed his guardian spirit. Originally, he and the elf shooter could form a double sniper tactic, but he didn't expect that the opponent's tactic would be broken at the beginning. In terms of shooting, he is definitely far less than the elf archer, so he had been waiting for the opportunity just now, but he didn't expect that with this hesitation, the elf archer would be over.

Now, he is even more afraid to take action easily. Now his new task is to cooperate with the invisible man to find and kill this sniper. He must not let such instability exist in this battlefield and destroy their good deeds again.

For the sudden appearance of this sniper, the blade feels very bad. What on earth is this? In his heart, there is a big problem here. He even feels that this is likely to be a bureau, a bureau aimed at them.