The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 83 One Knife

As an assassin, he will never stab a second knife if he can solve the problem with one knife. Therefore, this knife is a knife that the evil blade tried its best. He wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible, and then get out of this damn place as soon as possible. Therefore, he not only tried his best, but also used all the skills he could use.

In addition to the cover of smoke, he also used the image art.

Triple image!

Three identical people, three identical knives, divided into three different directions, and cut at the same target at the same time - Jing Ke!

The remnant image is a special martial art of a samurai. Once you learn this skill, players can distinguish a remnant image exactly like himself in the battle to assist the battle. This remnant image is also offensive, and with the improvement of the level, more remnants will be released, and the attack power will be enhanced, such as the evil blade. The warrior who separated two statues has reached at least level 10.

The only disadvantage of this skill is that once the image is attacked, it will disappear and is very impatient to fight, but this is enough. In this one-on-one situation, it is enough to achieve the effect of distracting the other party.

Three people, Jing Ke only has one knife. Facing the three portraits, as long as he chooses the wrong target, he will be doomed.

In the heart of the evil blade, in the face of such an attack, there is basically no better way for Jing Ke to avoid it. As long as he avoids it, he can leave here and get rid of this game. Now the situation is very clear. This is a situation. This jungle lurker doesn't know how to use to let a large group of masters to deal with himself.

But he didn't expect that Jing Ke not only did not dodge anything, but also rushed up fiercely and stabbed out with a tit-for-tat knife!

This knife is like a comet hitting the moon and a long rainbow through the sun.

When the evil blade is cut out, there are three changes in the moves, and the curvature of the blade is also very strange. The sword method of "evil knife spectrum" is a word "evil". Each move is unconventionally produced. Therefore, there are many changes in his moves, true and false, virtual and real, and extremely strange.

Jing Ke's move did not change at all. He stabbed out with a knife and got the shortest, fastest and most direct route. Facing the portrait of three colleagues who rushed towards him, he did not dodge and took the figure in the middle.

The two sides bumped into each other fiercely! The whole space seemed to shake, and then calmed down.

The evil blade was pierced with a knife!

Three knives in Jing Ke's body!

The evil blade is dead!

Jing Ke's injury!

At the moment Jing Ke took out the knife, the evil blade knew that it was over. At that moment, he felt a lot of things. It can be said that this moment has been the most touched by him in the past few decades of his life.

At that moment, Jing Ke's knife had only one purpose - to kill! And he wanted to force his opponent away and escape from here. At this moment, he was pure and more direct than himself.

At that moment, the evil blade only felt that the sky and earth were discolored, the sun and the moon were lightless, and the three armies were easy and unstoppable!

At that moment, he suddenly understood what the real assassin was.

The husband's thorn king's bureaucrat, the comet attacked the moon; Nie Zheng's thorn Han puppet, Baihong through the sun; if he wanted to leave the thorn to celebrate the taboo, the eagle hit the palace.

Real assassins will not design a way out for themselves, nor do they care about their lives. The highest level they pursue is to bloom everything at that moment.

Even if you are a powerful prince, an invincible overlord of the world, and a king who reigns over the world, you can only lower your noble head in the face of this outbreak at the cost of life.

When the evil blade saw this knife, it only felt that time had stopped and the whole world was empty. In heaven and earth, there was only the oncoming blade!

At that moment, it was the master of heaven and earth.

Jing Ke focused all his strength, spirit, skills, murderousness, and even everything in life on this blade. At this moment, his weapon is comparable to an artifact, and nothing can stop it.

What is a real assassin?

This is the real assassin!

The ancient assassins, even if they were outnumbered, even in the face of the absolute strong, had no fear and would never compromise. They hide in the nine heavens, dive under the nine abyss, quiet like an old monk, move like thunder and anger, sacrifice their bodies and forget themselves, and never stop until they reach their goals! Longtan Tiger Cave and the strict temples can't stop their murderous intentions.

What kind of courage is this?

Even the most selfless historians of the past dynasties have set aside independent chapters for them and praise them with the most gorgeous words.

Only those who inherit the brave people of ancient assassins can become real assassins. Courage makes them have no fear in the face of thousands of people. Courage makes them not hesitate even if they are stained with blood.

Only those who can put life and death aside can become real assassins. Those who design a way out for themselves without taking action will always be just a small fight and can't become a climate.

Only when you can tolerate, know how to endure, and endure until the end, can you become a real assassin. Before the best time appears, even if the sky and the earth cracks, your face will not change. This is the real forbearance.

So, the evil blade lost, but he was convinced.

The two top assassins in "Land of the Brave" use this way to determine the top and bottom.

The evil blade can have today's achievements by no means because of good luck or other factors. In the game, there are many people who are lucky and flexible, but there are not many people who can have such achievements as the evil blade. His greatest advantage is that he is modest and can summarize. After every battle, he will think about where he is. It is not good enough, where there are mistakes, which ones need to be made up for, and which ones need to be paid attention to in the future. It is precisely because of this that the 'Night Blade' has such a loud reputation as it is now.

After thinking about it, the evil blade figured out where he had lost. At first, he was mainly responsible for planning and layout. Although he was full of tricks, he was not as pure and dedicated as Jing Ke. In this short-term situation, he had no chance of winning at all.

" boss, it's too fast. I don't have time to aim!" The blade shouted at him in the communication channel. In this knife-cut confrontation, he had no chance at all. He held his bow and arrow and stared there. Before he could aim, the two sides had won or lost.

"It's not your fault. Forget it. You should retreat. Be careful not to leak your deeds!" Evil blade.

After saying that, he sent another message to Jing Ke: "Jing Ke! That knife is awesome! I'm convinced!"

"Concession!" Jing Ke is a person who doesn't like to talk too much and replied briefly.

"Jing Ke, can I ask you a question?" The evil blade asked carefully.

"Say it! As long as I can say it."

"How did you find me? I really hope there are no flaws. I can't figure out this question. I hope you can tell me the answer. The evil blade looks like asking for advice with an open mind.

"Intuition, add a little reasoning!" Jing Ke's answer is very simple.

"Can you tell me more about it?" Evil Blade really wants to know what happened to him. He is a person who must think about it clearly. If this problem is not solved, he will definitely not be able to sleep today, so he asked directly.

"According to my judgment, this action must be hosted by a person, and this person's position must need an excellent perspective to see the overall situation. And only the point where you hide meets the requirements. If it were me, I would definitely choose there. So, I looked for it!" Seeing that the other party was so refreshing, Jing Ke no longer concealed it and explained it in detail.

"So that's it. I thought I made some mistakes!" Evil blade.


Jing Ke did not respond.

"Jing Ke! Where did you learn your knife!"


"A very fierce knife method, and only you can use such a knife method."


Jing Ke did not respond again.

"There is another question, how do you see my real body from the three statues?"


"Oh! " The evil blade sighed. People like Jing Ke are the real killers. No one can stop them. There are really many talents in the Warring States Period.

This can only happen in the game. The two opponents actually chatted after you died. Although the evil blade was talking, he saw his shortcomings and the advantages of his opponents. This battle benefited him a lot.

"Jing Ke, if you don't want to hang out in the Warring States in the future, come to me. As long as you want to come, I will always have your place here. The evil blade is serious.

This time, Jing Ke only returned a smiling face.

The evil blade still wanted to talk a few words, but at this time he heard the shouts of his teammates.

"Big boss, it's not good, we are surrounded. I can't go!"

" boss, I'm overshadowed! Fuck! Second kill!"

" boss, this time we were calculated. Damn, this king of Yinren. Unexpectedly, the United Warring States came because of us!"

" boss, we lost a lot this time."


Since it takes at least a day to re-enter after the game is hung up, the few people who were hung up can only watch their teammates fall into the siege and finally be killed one by one.

Finally, all the dust settled, and the six members of the Dark Blade core group were destroyed. The magic blade failed in the fight with Wu Zixu and was strangled by the opponent's advanced magic. The blade was killed by one move when retreating, and even the opponent could not be seen clearly. The strength of the assassin team in the Warring States was also extraordinary; and complicated Three of the five people on the periphery were also found, and all of them were sent out of the game.

The means of the Warring States Period were very fierce. They surrounded the whole battlefield with heavy troops, and then sent a reconnaissance team composed of masters to search every hidden point and march route. After losing the two conditions of concealment and suddenness, the assassin had no power to fight back against such a strong opponent. Only two people escaped this sweep of the Warring States with good luck and equipment.

It is definitely a headache for the Warring States and the jungle lurkers to join hands.

"No! We are all wrong. This time, the people who overshadow us are not 'jungle lurkers', but the Warring States Period. Damn it! This Mr. Wei!" The evil blade said lightly.

"Brothers, don't be afraid! Although we lost this time, everything has just begun. Next time, as long as the portal is opened again, we can definitely take revenge. The evil blade encouraged his brother: "Everyone is tired these days. Take this opportunity to have a good rest, refresh yourself, and then let's do another big!"

The morale, which was originally very low, suddenly rose again.

Indeed, this time their opponent is not the 'jungle lurker', but Mr. Wei.