The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 119 Killing

Ye Yin is still confident in the strength of his team. According to his own estimate, even if this action is not successful, he can at least retreat completely. The ability of their thieves is to escape with speed, flexibility and latent behavior, which is naturally their strength.

But I didn't expect the reality to be so skinny.

They successfully crossed the whole line of defense, but they could not escape the consciousness of the last person. Originally, I thought that with the ability of the three of them, plus the three guardian spirits, to deal with this kind of three-on-one battle, even if the other party is the first master of the brave continent, even if he can't win, he can at least play a draw. At least he won't lose too miserably. Anyway, it should be no problem to escape.

But the real situation is often the worst result expected, sometimes even breaking through the bottom line, worse than the worst result.

'Ye Yin, Cherry Blossom, Famous Sword' The Thieves Group was defeated.

Just when he thought he had caught his opponent's weakness and breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Yuchen took action.

The reason why Lin Yuchen has been doing nothing before is not that he wants to delay the time, but because he is waiting for the best time.

Three opponents, plus three guardian spirits, are by no means so easy to deal with. These three people must have extraordinary ability and ability to dive to this place without being found. If their actions are slightly worse, they may be doomed by the other party's counterattack.

Lin Yuchen can live until now, in addition to his ability, because he respects his opponents enough, and he can absolutely take every battle seriously.

Condensing, calm and patiently waiting for the moment when the opponent appears to be flawed.

Ye Yinyi's release, he immediately took action! Although his archery has not been practiced, this ten-meter distance, such a large target, does not need too much aiming and calculation at all. As long as the other party does not dodge, he can basically shoot. With the lethality of flame roar, as long as it can be shot, this person will basically be useless.

So, what he wants is the other party's negligence. He has been observing the opponent's expression attentively. When Ye Yin was relaxed, he took action!

The flame roar is worthy of a first-class strong bow, and the speed of the feather arrow exceeds the speed of Ye Yinbao's guardian primary spirit. The red arrow penetrated Ye Yin in an instant, and the powerful lethality immediately killed him.

After the feather arrow passed through, his guardian spirit burst out.

Thieves are not good at defense, so Ye Yin's guardian spirit just made up for this weakness. His guardian spirit is a top shield axe warrior - shield axe iron guard.

The shield axe iron guard is already the top existence in the shield axe soldiers, and it is also the most defensive arm among the human warriors in this game. They are also first-class good at hand-to-hand combat. In terms of combat effectiveness, they can even be comparable to the seven or eight-level arms. It can be said that no one wants to fight with them on the ground anymore, because their defense is too horrible! Strong armor and thick shields are basically tickling them unless they are artifact-like weapons. Their only disadvantage is that the speed is too slow. With hundreds of pounds of heavy armor on their bodies, it is difficult to run fast, but if it is used as a meat shield, it is definitely a dream choice for everyone.

It is said that such arms have been sold to 100,000 on the market, and there is no price.

In this game, the upgrading of arms is an extremely difficult thing. When each arm is brushed out by the system, it has different attributes. These attribute values are random in the system, high and low, and the main factor that determines the upgrading of arms is intelligence.

The higher the intelligence of the arms, the higher the level that can be upgraded. According to the players' summary, if you want to rise to the highest level of the arms, the intelligence attribute value must reach at least 100 points. Moreover, the system also has a reference system when it comes to random arms attributes. For arms such as archers and sacrificial masters, which are thin but need skills, their intelligence will generally be higher. On the contrary, those who fight by strength and body, such as shield and axe soldiers will have lower intelligence, and the intelligence like 'underworld demons' are all on 50 points left. The right- hovering arms are basically four-developed, brain-damaged arms, and there is no possibility of upgrading at all.

Therefore, if you can get a shield axe soldier with 100 points of intelligence, the character index almost needs to be at the level of winning the first prize of the lottery. But don't think that you will win the lottery if you get a highly intelligent arm, and you will have no worries about food and clothing from then on, because this is just the beginning.

According to the setting of Brave Continent, every top warrior comes from the battlefield of blood and fire. Therefore, in order to become a top army, he must experience hundreds of battles and constantly experience little by little. This battle must not be sloppy at all. He must do it himself and must never play soy sauce. , and you can't hang up. Once you hang up, you will lose all your work.

Many players take full care of the soldiers with high intelligence and hope that they can continue to advance, but the more so, the slower the promotion will be. The previous way of relying on teaming to gain experience is absolutely not feasible here. Therefore, players came up with a way to use a pile of medicine. If you can't fill up the number in the battle, you can only use medicine to pile up, or send special cows to follow. This practice is definitely a way to burn money. However, even so, the success rate is still very low, because things on the battlefield change in an instant, and there are always times when it is not too late to breastfeed and rescue in time, so it is never easy to get a top arms. Intelligence, luck and money are indispensable. I don't know what means Ye Yin used to get a shield and axe bodyguard.

Lin Yuchen was also secretly shocked when he saw it. If this guy took a step forward quickly, it would not be so easy for him to get it.

The whole battle was at a critical point, so as soon as Lin Yuchen moved, everyone moved.

The most violent reaction was the girl named Sakura.

I only heard her scolding, and a series of spells followed.

One leaf is blind! Falling leaves are flying! Thorns are entangled!

Three spells attack Lin Yuchen almost at the same time!

Wooden spells are the weakest in the whole spell system, generally dominated by milk, so there are not many people who are willing to learn this series of spells. The three spells performed by Sakura are all disturbing spells. As soon as the fallen leaves came out, countless leaves fell on Lin Yuchen's head in an instant. These leaves disturbed him one after another, seriously disturbing his sight. At the same time, several thorns grew under his feet, tightly entangling his feet, which was 'thorns'!

And 'one leaf blind' can prevent the person who has won the spell from seeing the caster.

As soon as these three spells came out, Lin Yuchen was seriously disturbed, his vision was blocked, his feet were entangled, and he could not see the cherry blossoms casting spells on him.

The wood is less lethal, but it doesn't mean that Sakura has no lethality. As soon as these interference spells are taken, her killer mace is also released.

A small creature suddenly appeared and rushed to Lin Yuchen like lightning.

Lightning demon!

The guardian spirit of cherry blossoms. Level 5 Warcraft, highly poisonous, extremely fast, good at sneak attack.

Sakura is also a unique girl. She does not regard the guardian spirit as a life-saving creature like ordinary people, but as the best attack weapon. Every woman who walks in the world is not an ordinary woman, otherwise they can't survive at all.

Sakura is extremely angry today!

As a girl, she has great confidence in her figure and appearance. Generally, when a man meets such a beautiful woman, she will almost ask for dating, seduce, take her away, and even enslave her. The reason why she became one of the three giants of this band of thieves is that no one can stop her** Her dress and figure have long become her best weapon. When all men see her, they can't help looking at her and even run over to hook up. No matter how cruel the man is, they can't take action against him. These are very beneficial to her actions, and she rarely fails.

But just now, her best weapon failed. After being recognized, she pretended to be cute and even pretended to be barbaric, trying her best. In the past, as long as a man had been stunned by her, but the jungle lurker did not. She only glanced at it from beginning to end, and her eyes were still ridiculed, which hurt her and made her unable to find it. When it comes to any sense of existence, if I hadn't seen my boss being locked by the other party, I would have beaten this pervert.

Dead pervert! No wonder those who are funny on the Internet say that Xiaohei are a pair of friends. It seems that this statement is true. Dead glass!

Sakura is extremely angry, and her big kill move is her. She has been preparing for these moves for a long time and has been waiting for the moment to do it.

Women need to have a sense of existence. Look at her, she's a hooligan. If you don't look at her, she's a pervert. This is their logic.

Similarly, as soon as Lin Yuchen took action, the famous sword over there also moved, and he wanted to draw a knife.

But before the knife came out of its sheath, it heard a collapsing bow in the distance, and a dark shadow shot out of the woods beside him and rushed towards him with thunder.

As the three giants of the thief group, the famous sword was not mediocre. He felt the danger at the first time and burst out his guardian spirit.

Many people on the Internet have studied the tactics of jungle lurkers. One of them is that this person likes to ambush an archer beside himself and give it to you when he is unprepared. The effect of this tactic is extremely good, and even the 'Night Blade' has suffered such a loss. The reason why the three of them are unwilling to release the guardian spirit at the beginning is actually on guard against this move.


The feather arrow shot on the guardian spirit of the famous sword, making a crisp sound.

Bronze Warrior!

The guardian spirit of the famous sword is actually the bronze warrior of the puppet clan.

The puppet clan is famous for being good at making various puppets. They can make various puppets with various materials to assist in fighting. This kind of bronze warrior is one of them.

Bronze warriors are wrapped in bronze, which is very hard and has strong defense, and they are not afraid of spells, so they are also excellent meat shields, but the disadvantage is that they are too slow.

The feather arrow shot on the bronze warrior and was immediately bounced away, leaving only a white mark, which could not hurt him at all.

Although the phantom shooter was not successful, it successfully stopped the attack of the famous sword. Relieved the pressure of Lin Yuchen.

But it's just a relief. What Lin Yuchen has to face is the crazy counterattack of the woman he ignored, as well as Ye Yin's shield and iron guard.

It is worthy of being a highly intelligent arms. Although his master has been dead, he did not cause chaos because of this. Instead, he picked up his weapon and rushed to Lin Yuchen.