The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 121 Attack and Defense

In all arms, skeletons can be said to be the best cannon fodder. They are the cheapest. They don't have to eat, and they are not afraid of death. They only obey orders, are not affected by morale, and they can be constantly resurrected. It is definitely a necessary arm for a tough battle.

This is exactly one of these advantages, so there are many players playing undead in this game. This time, the 'Blood Stars' mobilized a total of 20,000 skeletons and more than 200 undead players. These people undoubtedly became the main force of this attack.

Although the Warring States occupied the land, the whole position was set up to be impeccable. There was only a five-person wide channel in front of the bloody stars, and there were all kinds of arrow towers, turrets, falling stones, cutters, and the roads were all traps and organs, but they still couldn't stop the skeleton army from surging up like a tide.

The style of 'bloody stars' is very simple, just one word - 'fill in'.

No matter what trap you are, how you defend, I will fill it with skeletons. Skulls are the best shields, scavengers and earth fillings. In the face of traps, organs, arrow towers, and magic forts, they fill them all the way.

This is completely a way of fighting for consumption, using troops to consume the other party's materials, physical strength, and strength, and then push forward little by little.

The two sides fight in a narrow channel, and an inch of land will be fought.


Another arrow tower was broken! The morale of the bloody stars was greatly boosted, and a player commanding on the front line roared and rushed forward with people and horses.

In such a war, there is no need to replenish blood at all. Everyone can only rush forward desperately and go home to wait for resurrection. There is no second way to choose. Therefore, every player who commands on the front line holds the consciousness of death!

The purpose of many people playing this game is to experience the feeling of rushing on the battlefield and realize their heroic dreams.

The reason why the land is difficult to attack is that in addition to the narrow passage, there are many curves. It is these curves that make the continuous attack of blood-colored stars much worse.

As long as the Warring States set up a few arrow towers at the corner, they can interrupt the attack sequence of the bloody stars. The people in front of him gradually became lonely, and then they were surrounded and eaten one by one.

But there is nothing we can do. The military order is like a mountain. According to the order issued by the guild, the retreaters die, deprive all equipment, and immediately kick out of the guild. For those who advance, the guild compensates for all losses and rewards them according to the combat situation.

With the financial resources of Mr. Guo, everyone will move forward bravely and fight to the death.

In front are cannon fodder skeletons, and in the middle are all shield soldiers. They folded the shields tightly and protect the commander tightly. Behind them are archers and magicians who attack long-rangely. Three pairs of people and horses support each other and cooperate tacitly.

After this hour of fighting, the Warring States also began to show fatigue, and the power of blocking became much weaker.

The player with a man and horse against the opponent's arrows, magic, smoothly rushed through a curve and rushed forward desperately. At this time, his team has become the front of the whole attack, and the whole channel has been opened to more than half.

"Kill!" Seeing that the victory was in hand, the player was extremely excited. Mr. Guo promised that the first reward to enter the rising land was 100,000 knives, real gold and silver, and cashed on the spot. Now this opportunity has been placed in front of him.

In this way, it broke through more than ten meters, but it heard a rumbling sound, and countless falling stones fell down on the head, just in the middle of the team, not only cutting off the whole team, but also blocking the passage!


A group of infantry suddenly turned out from the front and rushed to the forward team that had cut off the back road.

"Cut them to death!"

The player knows that he has fallen into the trap of the other party, and there is no way out except to fight to the death. So he waved the steel knife in his hand and led the army to rush to the enemy.


"Damn! It's really insidious! Cut off all the roads with falling stones! Our previous efforts were in vain! My XNM's Warring States Mercenary Regiment!" The bloody star president 'Blood Big Dipper' shouted. The tragedy of the war was far beyond his imagination. In less than an hour, his troops had lost nearly 10,000 people, and many skeletons were still recalled by soul summoning to fight, otherwise the sacrifice would be greater. Now the other party has come down with a rolling stone, which not only cuts his troops into several pieces, but also blocks the road. Now all the people who attack have become turtles in the urn that can be slaughtered by others.

"Sent all power arms immediately and eliminate obstacles immediately!" Mr. Guo decisively gave an order.

"We still have to fight!" One of the four vice presidents of the bloody stars - 'Angry Snow Tiger' was shocked.

"Fight! Of course, keep playing! Estimate how long it will take to eliminate the problem!" Guo Da Shao ignored the surprise of the 'angry snow tiger' and said to his staff.

"About an hour." A young man calculated it and finally came to a conclusion.

"An hour! People must have died in an hour, and they still have enough time to re-establish their defense. It's really a good method. It seems that they have finally made a unique move!" Mr. Guo praised.

"Damn! If they re-range, that doesn't mean we have to start from scratch and fight again. Talking about a vice president of the bloody stars - 'Invincible Green Dragon'

"Damn, I didn't agree with this kind of play from the beginning. If this kind of play continues, we will definitely be disabled! Now, I have filled in so many people, but there is no result at all. Even the other side of the portal has been attacked, fuck!" The furious snow tiger complained and whispered.

"Okay, stop it!" Bloody Beidou stopped his deputy, and then turned to Master Guo and asked, "Mr. Guo, shall we redeploy it?"

"There is no time! Now that time is running out, we can only continue to attack. Do you want to watch your people be slaughtered like this? Guo Dashao stopped for a moment and then said, "What's more, we stopped at this time, and our previous efforts were abandoned. Isn't that what the other party wants to see?"

"Damn! Then fight!" Bloody Beidou's helpless way. Although he is also full of anger, I have to say that this is the best way now.

The cooperation between the two sides was very good at the beginning. One contributed money and the other contributed. As soon as the rich second generation took action, they paid 500,000 yuan to the guild as funds, which suddenly lifted everyone's enthusiasm. Under the call of money, the guild suddenly gathered a large number of troops, and everyone rushed to the rising place with excitement.

But in the next few days, things will not be so good. First of all, there are great differences between the two sides on the battle plan. The "Blood Big Dipper" advocates stepping into a battalion, or waiting for the siege equipment to be built before attacking, while Mr. Guo hopes that the troops will attack with all its strength to determine the victory or defeat in one battle, and strive to defeat the opponent in a short time.

Under Mr. Guo's money offensive, everyone quickly passed Mr. Guo's proposal. In the following days, the bloody Beidou gradually found that his control over the guild was getting weaker and weaker. Guo Dashao bribed many people to support him with sugar-coated shells. He not only personally arranged the whole battle plan, but also vaguely took over the command of the troops. As soon as the battle began, he simply took over and directly commanded all the battles.

The original bloody star high-level officials were vaguely excluded by his team and became spectators of the whole battle.

In the face of such a situation, the 'bloody Big Dipper' can only endure for the time being. For him, Guo Dashao is now his gold owner. What do these professional players want to play games? Isn't it just for money? This time they all got a lot of benefits, so they all lost their voices. Even the bloody Big Dipper was unwilling to clash with them, and he secretly thought about how to scratch the loser after the war. So at this time, he can only be arrogant for a while.

But seeing the war like this, he couldn't help but worry. After all, it was all his people who died. If he continued to fight like this, I'm afraid that the bloody stars would be dragged down, so he reminded: "Mr. Guo, there are more and more players around now. If we continue to fight like this, the damage will be too heavy. By the way, if these people take advantage of the fire, it will be difficult to say.

At this time, the periphery of the battlefield has surrounded many players who come to watch the battle. They are a large number. If someone coaxes together, I don't know what will happen. There are 100,000 people's equipment and supplies here. Who doesn't want to find a chance to get a piece of the pie?

"So we move faster! As long as we can solve the battle in a short time, they can't organize even if they want to rob!" Mr. Guo was unmoved.

"What about the portal!"

"Temporarily give up! All the people guard the base camp. As long as they don't lose their base camp, they can't make any big waves. Even if they declare the occupation, it will take three days for the system to admit it. They only need three days, and I only need a few hours. As long as we pull out our hands, they will have no play!" Mr. Guo looks confident.

At this moment, one of Mr. Guo's staff came up and said to him, "Ye Yin and the others have failed!"

"Is it a jungle lurk!"


Mr. Guo nodded and said without any expression, "It doesn't matter. We didn't expect them to win. Now we can basically judge the strength of this 'jungle lurker', and he is indeed still in it!"

At this time, Uncle Le came up and said, "I think this is probably their last move. As long as they eliminate obstacles, basically they don't have any new tricks. However, we can't let them re-defend like this, otherwise they will struggle to death and our next attack will be very difficult. Find a way to interfere with them!"

"I thought about it, now I only use remote snipers! However, I have looked through the information, and we have very few such arms! Only five or six can reach an attack distance of more than 500 meters!" Mr. Guo was quite helpless.

"One of me!"

A crisp girl suddenly came out more and more.