The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 1 Encounter

"Tang Xianxian!"

A person's fate is very strange. No matter where he meets, what he meets, what he meets, and a small thing may change the future direction of his life.

When Lin Yuchen approached the 'Worland Market' for the first time, the first person he met was Tang Xianxian.

The so-called wilderness market is a large market located in the wilderness.

The wilderness is the most interesting place on the brave continent. It is known as the freest place in the whole brave continent. Here, there is no main city and no restrictions. Players can do whatever they want. In the whole brave continent, his setting is unique, and there is no place more free than here.

In the seven sovereign countries, although players are free, they are more or less controlled by sovereign regimes. For example, after the establishment of the castle, 15% of the tax must be paid to the Longhan Empire every year, and the system will automatically collect it. Of course, you can not hand it over, but the consequence of not handing it over is that the Longhan Empire will send troops to attack your castle until you are willing to hand it over.

In various sovereign countries, you have to pay money to set up stalls and pay taxes to do business. Powerful systems are everywhere, and you can't escape a penny that should be collected. Players are not easy to make some money, but they have to be taken away by the system. In the face of such regulations, they all curse, but there is nothing they can do.

But if it is in the wilderness, all this will be avoided. Set up any stall, and do as much business as you want. The system won't charge you a penny. Even if you want to be your own union here, the legion base camp is also free. In sovereign countries, you need to apply to buy land, and then buy or rent it, but in the wilderness, you don't want a penny. If you say it's yours, it's yours. Even if you are self-reliant here, no one cares about it.

In the wilderness, as long as you have enough ability, you have the final say! This is the favorite place of heroes from all walks of life, and it is also a paradise of freedom in people's hearts. When many people yearning for freedom find this happy land, all freedom-loving people flock to it.

But soon, people find that freedom is not as beautiful as they think. Freedom sometimes means chaos!

The unrestrained place is often the most chaotic place. In sovereign countries, although you have to collect money from setting up a stall, at least you can ensure that your stall will not be blown away, or you won't give money if you take things. However, this kind of thing is very common here. It only depends on who has a big fist and strength. If you grab it, you will rob it. If you have the guts, you can grab it back. If you don't have the ability, get out of it. If you want to be the king, it's okay, but first see if your fist is hard enough. Otherwise, in less than three days, I promise to let you cross the wilderness and become a new person after reincarnation.

The reason why the wilderness is free is that it is a no man's land. The reason why it becomes a no man's land is that his geographical location is too special.

Judging from the map published on the official website of the Brave Continent, the location of the Great Wasteland is just sandwiched between the four sovereign countries, which is a typical place of the four wars.

In the northeast, it is the grassland empire that is the best at plundering. Grassland iron riders come and go like the wind, which is most suitable for robbery. After fighting, they will have a headache no matter who meets them.

To the northwest is the same tough desert empire. These people in the barren desert also have a preference for robbery. People targeted by this race will never live a good life.

In the southwest of the wilderness is the relatively civilized Patis Empire, and in the east is the most powerful Longhan Empire. Although these two empires are not as barbaric as the previous two empires, they are sandwiched in the middle by the two major empires. No matter who reigns here, I'm afraid they can't sleep at night.

In addition, the Abelos Empire, far to the north, can also flow down the Sanro River across the Great Wasteland and transfer troops to the center of the Great Wasteland at any time.

It is such a special geographical environment, coupled with the fact that the whole wilderness is almost free of danger, so that no one dares to touch this place. In the history of the brave continent, no matter who occupies this land, it will be attacked from all directions. No matter how powerful the empire is, it can't stand it. Endless war, so it has become an uncontrolled wasteland.

As a result, it has become a paradise for the strong, the horse fleet of the grassland empire, the robbers of the desert empire, and the ubiquitous indigenous tribes, orc tribes, and ogre tribes. It is full of danger and opportunities everywhere.

The so-called heroes in troubled times, the more chaotic the era will be, and the more heroes will emerge. The same is true of the wilderness. It is the happy land of the people who lick blood with knives, the burial place of heroes and heroes, and the stage for strong people to become famous. Those who dare to mix here are all of them are strong characters on the brave continent.

Militally, this is a place of nothing, but in commerce, it is the most important commercial road on the brave continent. It is precisely because of his access that goods from all countries like to pass through here. This road is not only short, but also saves a lot of checkpoints and taxes. On the brave continent, the most profitable task is to escort the caravan through the wilderness. As long as you can walk here alive, you can earn hundreds of gold coins. There are even strong people here to round up all kinds of orcs, ogre to supplement their troops, and even to buy and sell. These arms are super powerful, and the price is naturally expensive, and many people even become rich as a result.

Today, the game Brave Continent has been online for nearly two years. During this period, the wilderness has experienced a new situation here after the initial migration to chaos and then a great evacuation. After a survival of the fittest, there is finally a new situation here.

The three powerful guilds stood out after a series of eliminations. After various contradictions and bloody battles, they all realized that they lost more. Therefore, they sat down together, signed a series of agreements, formed a 'Great Wasteland Alliance', and began to jointly develop the Great Wasteland. , face the enemies in the wilderness together.

This ' Wasteland Market' was jointly established by the Great Wasteland Alliance. It is located in the center of the Great Wasteland, close to the Sanro River. Similarly, there is also a portal here.

Lin Yuchen came here because he was tired of staying in the Tianxu Forest. The people of the Tianxu Alliance were all busy building the city, opening up wasteland and making money, and he was not online most of the time because he had to study for the exam. When it came to the winter vacation, when he finally had time to play this game online again, he found that he was basically Shang has been marginalized.

In the Tianxu Alliance, now he is basically a free-eating role who only takes money and doesn't work. He can't help anything. Therefore, he soon got tired of it and looked for it on the Internet. He heard that the most lively place now is the wilderness market, so he set up a portal and sent it to The destination.

After the establishment of the wasteland market, it greatly met the needs of players. Just like the real duty-free zone, a large number of buyers and sellers soon gathered here, and caravans also stopped here one after another, and the supplies sent to various countries began to transit here. For a while, it became the most lively on the whole brave continent. In this place, the Great Wasteland Alliance has made a lot of money, which is more eye-catching than the city of Xiangtai under construction.

The whole market covers an area of about 1,000 mu of land, with the Sanluo River in the west and a highland in the north. The Great Wasteland Alliance is stationed there. There are defensive facilities such as observation towers, arrow towers and catapults on the high ground. It is good defense, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The south and east of the market are flat, and there is no danger to defend. Due to limited resources, the Great Wasteland Alliance simply made a wooden wall to simply encircle the market. Arrow towers and soldiers are set up on the wall, with a certain defense ability, which is more than enough to deal with ordinary scattered soldiers, but it absolutely can't withstand the strength of the army. Attack.

Every merchant who enters the market only needs to pay a certain fee to the Great Wasteland Alliance to trade freely. The Great Wasteland Alliance is responsible for the safety of trade to a certain extent. To a certain extent, it means that he can't absolutely guarantee the safety of trade. Many times, it is still needed here. Rely on your fist to solve the problem.

Lin Yuchen paid the entrance fee of 50 silver coins and walked into this lively and emerging place.

Now his pocket is full, and in the face of such a lively market, he suddenly has the idea of big purchases, but not long after he entered the market, he saw a girl head-on.

Because he was not psychologically prepared, he almost subconsciously shouted out the girl's name.

"Tang Xianxian!" When he shouted out the name, even he regretted it.

The girl was stunned when she heard Lin Yuchen's voice and stared straight at Lin Yuchen, her face full of surprise.

The purpose of many girls playing this game is to change the 50% of their appearance.

Tang Xianxian is no exception!

Girls are always dissatisfied with themselves. When facing the mirror, they always feel that their skin is not white enough, their eyes are not big enough, their noses are not straight enough, their eyelashes are not long enough, their faces are not beautiful enough, their body curves are not enough, etc.

Plastic surgery, it's dangerous and costs money; makeup, now it doesn't have that economic strength. Therefore, the game Brave Continent launched this function to modify their appearance by 50%, which greatly meets their psychological needs.

Therefore, every girl who plays this game can be described as 'all faceless'. Even if the biological mother comes, she may not recognize which daughter she is.

But the boy in front of him actually recognized it like this. When the boy said her name, Tang Xianxian was stunned. She had made great changes to her appearance. In her heart, she and Tang Xianxian here were two completely different people in reality. How did this man recognize himself?

But in Lin Yuchen's eyes, there is not much difference between Tang Xianxian and the real world.

The boys in the class once discussed an extremely boring question: that is, if tomorrow is the end of the world, whether it is soft or hard, which girl will you find to satisfy your long-cherished wish.

The person Lin Yuchen thought of at that time was Tang Xianxian.

Tang Xianxian is a girl in Class 2 next door. In the eyes of the boys, her appearance can barely rank in Class 2, but if it is put in the whole year, it can only be regarded as a middle-top posture. I can't help it. The goddesses in the liberal arts class are so excellent that all the eyes of all the animals are sucked over there. It is difficult for these girls in the science class to make their place.

Throughout the year, the animals stared at the window of the liberal arts class like flies staring at fat meat all day long, but Lin Yuchen was different. Although he also talked about those goddesses, his thoughts were all placed on a person in the next class.

It was a cold night in his first year of high school. Lin Yuchen was about to sneak home to play games. When he walked through the window of Class 2, he looked inside casually. When he looked at it, he had no purpose at all. He just looked at it naturally and casually, but he didn't expect that the scene he saw was firmly engraved in his memory like a brand.

At that glance, what he saw was Tang Xianxian!

Because of the cold, there were not many people coming to self-study at night in Class 2. At that time, Tang Xianxian was sitting not far from the window and bowing her head to do her homework.

In coastal cities, no one uses heating no matter how cold it is. At most, they wear more clothes. At night, fingers without any protection will suffer. When Lin Yuchen saw Tang Xianxian, she probably put down her pen and put her hands around her mouth because her hands were frozen and stiff!

Although it was just a very simple action, Lin Yuchen's heart was shocked at that time.

At that time, he only felt that the whole world had disappeared, and there was only one person in front of him!

This is the girl who is warming her hands in the classroom in winter!

From then on, Lin Yuchen really tasted the taste of secret love! He tried his best to learn about the girl's information from various channels. Every day after class, he stood in the corridor and waited for her figure to appear.

Because he looks at it from afar every time, Lin Yuchen has never looked carefully at Tang Xianxian's appearance, but is very familiar with the way she walks.

A person's appearance can be changed through makeup and plastic surgery, but her temperament and walking posture are the most difficult to change, especially the walking posture. The way a person walks is actually his most real identity, which can never be changed and is difficult to hide.

Lin Yuchen saw Tang Xianxian coming from afar. Although he didn't see her appearance clearly, he almost recognized her because he was very familiar with the way she walked, and shouted her name hundreds of times in his heart.

Seeing the other party staring at him, Lin Yuchen blushed and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and was about to leave, but he heard a low voice next to him shout, "Hold!"

Lin Yuchen subconsciously stopped.

"How did you recognize the fiber!" The voice continued.