The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 8 March

At 7:30 a.m., the caravan left on time.

The first time he did such a task, Lin Yuchen also felt quite fresh. After breakfast early, he went online on time and set out with the team.

Dozens of mule carriages are lined up in a row, and the soldiers of the iron-blooded camp are lined up on both sides, forming a hundreds-meter-long queue. Roger's knights are divided into three strands, one in the front, one behind, and the rest guard Quinn's cart.

Under the arrangement of Lao K, everything is in order. Everyone has their own position and responsibility, scope of activities and authority. Everyone must take care of their own affairs, just like the division of labor.

The sudden scouts left an hour early, and they were responsible for exploring the way and warning. After the team set off, scout teams were also sent on the left and right sides to pay attention to the situation on both sides, and some people paid attention to the situation in the rear. Everything is done according to the standard of marching, and every detail is not careless.

The most surprising thing about the whole team was that the carriage was not loaded with goods, but women!

This time, Quinn brought back from the grassland. In addition to horses and goods, there are more than 60 young women, all of whom are beautiful grassland beauties. Now they are all sitting in carriages and ready to be transported to the Partis Empire*.

Women as commodities are by no means new if they are put in history. Even in today's society, there are still many women who sell themselves for money, so Lin Yuchen is not surprised. He is curious whether these women are virtual or really played by players.

Before, he also heard that many players bought female slaves. These female slaves have various skills, cooking, pharmaceuticals, sewing and farming, and even that, and they are extremely realistic. Before the laws and regulations kept up, the game operators played a side ball and took the lead in opening this function that made countless animals praise, which greatly met the needs of many people. It is said that many players even enjoy it, changing brides at night, being grooms every day, playing various ways, various exchanges, and countless Js were plotted. Kill.

So, there is a female slave business!

Seeing these women, Lin Yuchen thought of all Tang Xianxian.

Tang Xianxian is now not far away, riding on a horse and following the team slowly.

According to Lao K's regulations, no one is allowed to ride a horse except the scouts in the iron-blooded camp! Including Lin Yuchen.

This is for the purpose of saving horsepower. It is said that the same was true of the army in ancient times. Most of them did not ride horses when marched, so as to ensure that they had enough physical strength when fighting. Tang Xianxian is specially approved by Lao K, because she is a mage and her physical strength is not enough to keep up with the march of the army without riding a horse.

There are three girls in the whole iron-blooded camp. They have all obtained special approval like Tang Xianxian. They can take a carriage or ride a horse, while men all walk. Lao K is extremely strict with his subordinates and prohibits them. There is no mercy. Even Political Commissar Wang has no complaints and is at his mercy. All this gave Lin Yuchen a strange feeling. These people seemed to have come to participate in the military summer camp. Lao K is their instructors, and these people are the students. The only difference is that there are real knives that can't be experienced in the summer camp.

Looking at the shadow not far away, Lin Yuchen felt very satisfied. Although there was no communication, he felt that he was one step closer to her, at least now they are in the same boat.

He carried a knife, led the horse, and followed the team slowly.

According to the agreement, Quinn gave him two horses. After meeting Lao K yesterday, Lin Yuchen picked two horses in the stables temporarily set up by the camp.

These two horses sell well, tall, majestic, brightly colored, and at a speed of 120.

For mounts, their speed attribute values refer to the highest speed. 120 refers to 120 miles per hour, which is almost comparable to the lowest speed of a car on the highway. But it is not easy to reach this speed. First, it depends on the weight of the mount and the second is the knight's riding skills.

If the load is too heavy, the riding speed will definitely slow down. The rider's riding skills are not good, and the horses can't run fast either.

After picking horses yesterday, Lin Yuchen began to learn to ride horses. For this reason, he found Roger, worshipped him as his teacher, and asked him to teach him how to ride a horse.

Generally speaking, it depends on whether the master is willing to call or not. It may be that Lin Yuchen is brave, or out of consideration of the safety of the caravan, Roger teaches him and does not accept a penny!

The highest level of horse riding, of course, is the unity of man and horse.

But it's easy to say, but difficult to do!

When a horse runs, it has its own rhythm and ups and downs. It is not easy to get used to this kind of bump. Ordinary people have to toss around for a horse, let alone ride on a horse.

Roger can adjust his center of gravity at will, exert force at will, use bayonet and swords to make various moves, let the horse jump over various obstacles and perform various skills. After Lin Yuchen rode up, it was difficult to sit on the horse safely!

Fortunately, Lin Yuchen has practiced horse walking. He has enough waist strength, strong body control ability, adaptability and balance ability. In addition, he also has enough patience. After an afternoon of training, he has basically adapted to the rhythm and vibration of the horse and can jog on the horse steadily.

But if you want to fully play the speed of the horse, you still need more practice. If you want to fight on the horse like those ancient famous generals, you will naturally need more time.

If you want to hurry, you can't reach it. Many things can't be rushed, and you can only accumulate slowly. The kind of omnipotent thing that reads a secret book can only happen in yy novels. Just think about it when you have nothing to do, but you still need to be down-to-earth and step by step.

Therefore, Lin Yuchen is not in a hurry, just like now he has not taken the initiative to find an opportunity to get close to Tang Xianxian. There will always be a chance along this way. There is no need to be anxious for a moment. If Lao K and others can see their real purpose, I'm afraid they will be beaten to death by these people immediately.

Such a huge team does not move fast, so Lin Yuchen walks easily and can pick up his knife from time to time.

He tied the bow, arrow and supplies to the two horses, but the long knife of more than 30 catties was held in his hand. It was not that he wanted to show off his strength, but that he had to familiarize himself with the weapon as soon as possible.

'Cold light' is several times heavier than his 'stop' knife. Although Lin Yuchen is stronger than before, he can't adapt to the weight of this knife at once. He must take the knife with him, get familiar with him, and keep communicating with him like a friend. Only when the knife becomes a part of him, like an arm and a finger, can fully exert the power of the knife.

The reason why 'cold light' can buy more than 1,000 yuan is that in addition to its dark gold quality, it has eight true qi skills, which are divided into six types of step battles and four types of horse battles.

Step Battle Type 6: Cold Moon! Evil moon! Back to the wind! Dragon Eater! Chasing the wind! Split horse!

Ma Zhan Six: Dragon Kiss! Chasing the wind! Cuns! Cold light!

Among them, the dragon eats! Chasing the wind! Both types can be used in both step battles and horse battles.

Each type has conditions for launching. In the step battle, the 'cold moon' is the simplest. It only needs to be cut straight, and the speed of the knife meets the requirements. At this time, the knife light is like the same curved cold moon, hence the name. The function of consuming 10 points of true qi is to enhance the lethality of the knife.

The strongest step-by-step battle is the 'split horse'. This move is generally used on the battlefield. In the face of the charging cavalry head-on, the war horse in a knife is split. This type is extremely lethal, but it also consumes a lot of true qi, requiring a total of 60 points of true qi.

The strongest in the six-style horse battle is 'cold light', and this knife can show its power by this name. However, to launch this move, the horse must reach a speed of 100. The knife must be combined, and the sword waved a cold light and enchanted the soul. This is the move to take the head of * from millions of troops.

While marching, Lin Yuchen kept repeating these eight moves in his mind, practicing twice from time to time.

A long knife is more difficult to practice than a short knife, because a long knife often requires two-handed knives without the auxiliary balance of the other hand, so the requirements for pace and balance are extremely high. With a slight difference, the whole knife posture will immediately deform, and even people will be knocked down by their own knives. Therefore, each formula must be trained repeatedly. In addition, there must be a hypothetical enemy in his mind, even creating various environments, different environments, different enemies, how to deal with it and how to apply their moves.

Lin Yuchen walked all the way and practiced all the way, and gradually immersed himself in it. The six steps slowly formed in his mind in this repeated thinking and training. The more he practiced, the more proficient he became, and even united.

If these six types are connected and become six consecutive strikes, the Iron Man can also be split into scum. Try it with Zhu Hai some other day to see if he can stop it. Lin Yuchen learned something and was so excited that he subconsciously looked at Tang Xianxian.

I don't want Tang Xianxian to be looking at him.

This look-off made both of them embarrassed. Lin Yuchen smiled because he had something in his heart. This time, he seemed to smile with Tang Xianxian.

Since Lin Yuchen joined the caravan, Tang Xianxian has been paying attention to him. The man shouted his name in the market, arousing all her curiosity. How did he recognize himself? In her impression, she didn't know this person at all. What's more coincidentally, he even joined their caravan and won the recognition of Lao K.

Only these people know how difficult it is to get the recognition of Lao K. Lao K is a master in the active army. This time, he purely obeys someone's orders and takes a vacation to train them, the second generation of the army, and experience what's going on in actual combat. In this mission, she is purely involved in the fun, and Commissar Wang and others are the main targets of training.

But I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I have to say that this person has left a deep impression on her. Calling out her real name, she punched Political Commissar Wang and defeated the three people. In the face of Lao K, she was not timid and did not fall behind. Although Political Commissar Wang's group of people did not care about such strength, they were all admired in their hearts. You should know that these people don't even dare to gasp in front of Lao K. A cough can scare them, let alone confront him like this.

A woman's feeling is sensitive. Tang Xianxian has a feeling in her heart that this person came for her. Along the way, Tang Xianxian can feel that he is paying attention to himself. This is a wonderful feeling, a pure girl's intuition, but every time she can't help turning her head, she just sees him playing with that Knife.

Men have nothing to pay attention to except fighting. By the way, there are also those female slaves. Since the caravan bought this group of female slaves, these people's eyes have become ambiguous, and they have gathered together secretly all day to whisper something. But he doesn't seem to pay much attention to those female slaves! I don't know if it's installed! Men just love to pretend!

Tang Xianxian thought about it and couldn't help but be a little distracted until Lin Yuchen looked at her.

has been discovered!

For a moment, Tang Xianxian couldn't wait to hide her face and escape! This is so humiliating!