The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 51 Meeting

"Around the point to help! This is a typical round-point help! How could I not have thought of it! Careless, careless!" King Cobra sat in the council chamber of the castle and frowned. The other party hit his weakness twice in a row. Although it was not fatal, it also made him miserable.

" boss, what should we do now!" A man asked.

The Cobra King shook his head and didn't say anything. Obviously, he didn't think about what to do.

The whole situation was very unfavorable to him. A team ambushed outside was over, and another team did not dare to put it outside. After receiving the news of Zhongfu, he immediately transferred the team into the castle. If the 100-person team was still left outside to ambush, I'm afraid they would be the last one to be ambushed in the end. It's me.

"The second generation of the Iron-blooded Battalion has been pretending to be grandchildren, and hundreds of ordinary soldiers have been installed there. In fact, their strength is so strong! Dwarves, corpses and witches are all top combat arms, MD, and the sinister index is at least five stars! Go straight after our Cobra Mercenary Corps! Shit, we have always been the only ones who ambush others. When did they become others to ambush us? This revenge must be revenged!" Someone roared.

"Farm! Now that the initiative is not in our hands, how to report it! Under such circumstances, as long as our people go out, they will be ambushed. How to report it! How can we fight with them with their field strength!" Someone immediately retorted.

Cobra has always liked to dig traps. Although this has allowed them to achieve a good record, it has also led to a result. If they get used to fighting in an advantageous environment, the troops will often lose a sense of resilience and are unwilling to fight face to face with their opponents. Once they fall into a counter-trend environment, their combat ability will fight a lot. Discount, just like now that the initiative is controlled by the iron-blooded battalion, the whole mercenary regiment is suddenly at a loss.

"I have a question. With the strength of the three crazy people, they should not be rushed to their side to find that they were ambushed by their opponents. This team of people seemed to appear suddenly. Where were they ambushed before? Dwarves can dig tunnels to hide, where's the corpse! Where's the archer! How did they hide? Such a big goal will not be found at all. If so, the three of them really deserve bad luck. The three people were beaten without fighting back and were cut down. This level is really not like the combat effectiveness of the main master of our Cobra Mercenary Regiment. The speaker is the six-winged cobra, the deputy head of the Cobra Mercenary Regiment! He wears a pair of glasses and is gentle, but his name is extremely elegant.

"I don't think I can blame them! It makes us careless. I didn't expect the opponent to be so sinister. And this time, the opponent's ambush point is very clever, only more than ten kilometers away from the castle, just outside our sight, not far nor close, neither too far from the castle, and it's too late for us to rescue! And it's just on our way to go! Then there are dwarfs! This game has been online for so long, and it is the first time I have seen someone use it as a dwarf force, and it is so good. Use the dwarves' tunnel digging skills to ambush, damn it! This time we really met our opponents." The king of cobras sighed.

"They must have been observing us for a long time! The whole operation is completely a game. Some people are going to do tasks with great fanfare, which is actually attracting our attention, but the real strength has already secretly sneaked into us, observing our every move, and ready to take action at any time. These second generation of the army seem to be masters of special warfare!" The six-winged cobra also sighed.

" boss, we must make a choice as soon as possible. We don't have much time. In a few hours, the iron-blooded camp will come!"

"Don't think about it, let's just fight with them here. I don't believe that we have the advantage of the land, and with four crossbow cars, we will be afraid that they will not do it!"

"Yes! Fight with them! What the fuck! Let them know that our cobras are not easy to mess with!"

The council chamber was talkative for a while.

"What if they turn to attack Visburg! Then what should we do? The six-winged cobra said coldly.

"Isn't their mission to take down the Iron Wing Fort!" The person who was shouting the decisive battle was stunned, and someone said weakly.

"They said you also believed it. Isn't this another conspiracy!" The six-winged cobra is pressing step by step.

At this moment, a message came in a very timely manner as if it was cooperating with the six-winged cobra: the iron-blooded camp suddenly changed its direction and moved to the east of the iron-winged castle.

Bystanders may not see what the iron-blooded camp is doing. At most, they think it is a circuitous tact, but the Cobra Mercenary Corps is incomparable to this action, because the east of the Iron Wing Fort is Visburg.

The problem is there. If there are no troops here, Visburg will fall sooner or later. The best result of the whole situation is that the Cobra defended the Iron Wing Fort, lost its base camp, and the two sides changed positions. But with the strength and strategy shown by the other party, I'm afraid that the other party will not be complied with such a result.

After being quiet for a long time, the Cobra King finally opened his mouth and only heard him say slowly, "This battle is not easy to fight. Let's talk to them! Ask Xiao Huihui to contact them!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole council chamber suddenly exploded, and the cobra mercenary group was turbulent.

peace talks! How to talk! In this case, the peace talks basically admit defeat directly! Because they have almost no advantages to talk about.

Facing the comments of his teammates, the Cobra King said, "If you have a better way, tell me now. If not, then talk about it!" In addition, I can't think of a better way. We have been running our base camp for so long. If we lose it like this, all our previous efforts will be wasted! Besides, our purpose this time is to rob, not to occupy. If it is delayed for too long, the Quinn family will send new reinforcements sooner or later, and our situation will be more difficult. Do you have it?"

"We can think of the Orvis family for help and ask them to send reinforcements to help us!" Someone suggested.

"At this time, it is the ** period of seizing the throne, and every action may have huge consequences, so no one dares to do it first. The Orvis family will only help us when they lose Fort! But it will take at least three or four days to go, and we don't have that much time! Three or four days, they have already flattened us!" The six-winged cobra explained.

For a moment, everyone calmed down!

"The peace talks are just a delaying plan. Since we can take down this castle, we can take him down again!" The problem is that we need time and replenish our troops! Buffer is needed! As long as we recover from this breath, this hatred will be revenged sooner or later!" The Cobra King comforted his subordinates.

"Big boss, what if they don't agree to the peace talks!" The six-winged cobra asked worriedly.

"I don't think so! If this battle is really fought, I'm afraid that the final result will not be easy for anyone. Although their strength is strong and the situation is very favorable, we at least occupy the advantage of the land. Coupled with the crossbow car, I think they can also guess that we have such a weapon in our hands. This is our opportunity, as long as we set up a dead net. They also have to think about the consequences. King Cobra analyzed confidently.

When everyone heard it, they felt it made sense. The final result of the death of both sides may be a tragic victory for one side, and in the end, it may be benefited by the players who are watching, which no one wants to see.

The order was quickly issued. Soon, on the other side of the battlefield, a player who had been following the iron-blood camp suddenly accelerated to catch up with the iron-blood camp and shouted to talk to the boss of the iron-blood camp.

Soon, the leaders of the two sides established contact.

Since the war, negotiations have become very popular. The win-win approach between the Tianxu Alliance and Fenyang Army has made players realize that fighting is not the only way to solve the problem. Although the cost of death in the game is very small, everyone has a lot of reasons not to die at this time. The most typical example is the blood-colored Beidou, the boss of the original blood star. He After hanging up once, the whole team is gone. It can be said that everyone cherishes their lives very much now. Since they can solve problems in a gentler way, why do they have to work hard?

Therefore, the peace talks have made many teams and forces to solve the problem. Many people in the real world shout that they want to fight this and that all day long, and they can't wait to repair all the enemies in China. When they come here, they dare not shout, negotiate, preserve their strength, and wait for the opportunity.

I have to say that this is also the result that Lin Yuchen hopes to see.

When ambushed the opponent's rescue team, he did not release all his strength. Originally, he wanted to retain part of his strength and surprise the opponent when attacking the city. But when he found that the other party had such a strong war machine, he didn't want to fight. Such a crossbow can't even resist the bear man and heavy infantry, let alone others!

Besides, the other party's troops are all magicians with rich practical experience! Previously, he was able to quickly destroy the 100-person team because he successfully used fast attack and raid to suppress the magician's ability. In the close raid, the magician was easily suppressed by the fast attack because of their own limitations. They dare not recite spells casually. Because they are afraid of counterattack, they can only rely on equipment, so the effect is not Not big. But if it is a close position battle or offensive and defensive battle, and magicians have enough time to cast spells, their role will become important!

For the iron-blood camp, the magicians are their shortcomings, which will put them at a disadvantage in the method of fighting. Even if they have strong arms, if they attack the castle, the final result will probably be a tragic victory.

So, when he heard that the other party wanted to negotiate, he immediately raised his hand in favor.

The new commander of the Iron Blood Camp also agreed to peace talks.

As a new official, he urgently needs a victory to boost morale and accumulate more popularity and prestige for himself. However, everyone knows that the future of the Iron and Blood Camp is uncertain. They do not have siege equipment, nor do they have enough cannon fodder and troops. Everything is supported by Lin Yuchen. Everyone understands that this battle cannot be tough. If this battle is forced, I'm afraid that the iron-blooded camp will be completely disabled in the end. My brother became disabled after being in the army for a day, so do I still have the face to live?

Therefore, when the other party proposed peace talks, he discussed with several chief officials, and after referring to the information collected by Lin Yuchen, he felt that the negotiation was a solution.

So, a negotiation began.