The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 68 Tavern

The pub, one of the most common buildings in the city, is a place where people gather, rest and consume. It is also a window for mercenaries to exchange messages, accept tasks, and hire people. This is a place for adventurers to rest, a holy place for drunks to gather, and the best place for the brave to spread their glorious deeds. It is also a place for boring people to kill time.

After safely sending the materials to the imperial capital, the group decided to rest for one night on the imperial capital road and go back tomorrow.

That night, Lin Yuchen and his party came to the 'Hero & Honor' pub, the largest pub in the imperial capital.

'Hero & Honor' pub, known as the Double H Tavern in the emperor, is the favorite place for Patis players to go when they have nothing to do, because it not only sells the best wine of the Patis Empire, but also one of the release places for the mercenary union tasks. Therefore, there are often all kinds of mercenaries, magicians and adventurers gathered here. Since ancient times, there have been beautiful women in places where heroes are haunted, so this is also a gathering place for beautiful women in the Partis Empire.

There are enough reasons to attract people here, including wine, heroes and beauties. Lin Yuchen heard about the prestige of Double H Hotel from nowhere, so he decided to open his eyes with everyone.

This is Lin Yuchen's first time to come to such a place. When he walked into the pub, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

It is worthy of being the premier pub in the imperial capital. The whole pub covers at least three basketball courts, which are divided into two floors. The pattern and decoration can be described as dreamy. In the wide space, there are antique sculptures, and the golden dome spewed out clouds from time to time, making the whole The architecture is a little ethereal in its gorgeousness and wealth with a little fantasy, which makes everyone who comes in think that they have come to an incredible fantasy.

Even the waiters who serve the guests are extremely exquisite elves with butterfly wings on their backs. When they shake their beautiful wings and fly up and down to deliver drinks and food to the guests, they add a little fantasy to this fantasy, and they also become an extremely unique and beautiful scenery in this tavern.

No matter who walks in for the first time, he will be firmly attracted by the gorgeous decoration and fantasy of the pub. Naturally, Lin Yuchen, a local steamed bun that has never seen much in the world, is no exception. When he first walked in, he was completely conquered and stood at the door for a long time.

"Wow! So beautiful!" Those who have seen the world's "disaster to the country and the people" can't help but express their sincere admiration.

"Is this a pub? Shit! It's a fairyland on earth!" The hammer shouted.

"Hmm! It's really good. Especially those elves, if they have this kind of service in the real world, they will definitely make money!" The calmest of several people should be goats. After all, they come from rich families and have seen many places in the market, so the reaction is the least intense.

He pointed to the front and said, "It's just how can there be such a large space here! It looks like a waste. Is it for performance?"

The strange pattern of the pub is that there is a circular open space with a diameter of about ten meters in the center. This makes people feel empty as soon as they walk in, and all the seats are placed around this open space. There are private rooms, elegant seats, and ordinary tables and chairs, but all seats are facing the central open space. It's like a arena in ancient Rome, so it's easy to guess that this design is for performance.

"It's also true! You will know in a minute!" Obviously, Liang Zhan, who was not patronize for the first time, said. He stepped forward and whispered to Lin Yuchen, " boss, I'll give you a preventive shot first. The things here are expensive!"

"It doesn't matter!" Lin Yuchen answered carelessly, and then turned to the crowd and shouted, "Everyone, it's rare for everyone to have time to sit together, so it's my treat today! Let's eat and drink! Haha!" With that, he waved his hand quite arrogantly and looked like an upstart. Now his pockets are rich. Naturally, he will not be afraid of this scene, but he has really experienced the feeling of an upstart.

"The first round is mine!" The goat also said carelessly. As soon as I heard this, I knew that I was a regular customer who was proficient in it.

In the brave continent, drinking can also experience the same taste and effect as the real world. What's more interesting is that drinking in the virtual world will also be drunk but will not hurt the body. Drunk people will not vomit and will not have a headache the next day. Therefore, many good wine people in the real world prefer to drink here after experiencing the benefits of the virtual world.

Some people even do nothing after arriving at the brave continent, just drinking everywhere, because there are more wonderful scenes, ancient, modern, mythical, legendary, dreamy and realistic. When people are in it, it is more interesting to drink wine. Of course, there are more varieties of wine here, red and white. Some famous wines are only known, and some are even unheard of, which greatly satisfies the desires of all kinds of good wine.

A few people, led by a beautiful elf, came to a table on the second floor, sat down, ordered wine and dishes, and began to enjoy it.

Liang Zhan's words are really not wrong. The first round of consumption is actually close to 200 gold coins.

"Damn it! If you eat so many virtual things, you will only get 200!" The hammer was quite surprised. On the brave continent, drinking can be regarded as the most useless consumption. If you eat it, you will not be full, and you will not add any attributes. Generally, players will not consume easily. With this money, it's better to save money to buy equipment and food supplies. If you spend it indiscriminately, you will definitely be regarded as a loser.

But there are always people who have different ideas. In this pub, there are still many people who come here to consume every day. It seems that the more upscale the place, the more it can arouse people's desire to consume. The same is true for the virtual world. They just wanted to find a box, which shows how prosperous the business of this pub is.

"You can rest assured with your bar! I don't want you to pay!" The goat curled his lips.

Lin Yuchen took a sip of the unknown name of the wine in the glass, but his eyes kept turning around, as if he were looking for something.

"Big Boss! Looking for a beautiful woman!" Liang Zhan and asked inappropriately.

"Oh! So that's why you came here for this purpose. I'll tell Xiao Tang now!" The people who harmed the country caught their tail and immediately stepped on it.

"The hammer is also looking at it!" Lin Yuchen quickly turned his eyes away.

"He dares!" The people who harmed the country stared at the hammer. He stared at the hammer like a primary school student who made a mistake and quickly waved his hand and said, "I didn't!"

"Haha! People say that there are only three things when they come to the pub: fight and watch beautiful women take over the task! We can't take over the task. I don't know if this one will fight or not. We can't even see beautiful women!" The goat joked.

"Do you want me to tell Xiaoxue to clean you up later!" A road that harms the country and the people.

"Guys, the lesson is profound! Today's incident made me understand a truth, that is, if you come to the pub for a drink in the future, remember not to bring girls!" Xiaobao shook his head. This person usually doesn't seem to talk much, but he is also slippery after another occasion.

"Haha!" Everyone laughed, and even Amber Qinglong, who had been very restrained, couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere began to warm up.

Unconsciously, the first round of wine was finished, and the atmosphere reached a peak. Everyone called them brothers, almost regardless of you and me.

"Everyone! Do you know what this open space in the middle is for? Liang Zhan also let go at this time and pointed to the open space in the middle and asked loudly.

"That's still a question. It must be used for performance! There must be all kinds of performances in such a big pub! Haha!" The goat smiled quite ambiguously.

"Incorrect answer! Is there any other answer? No! ...Then it's up to me to reveal the answer! Let me tell you, this space is for duels!" Liang Zhan said proudly.

"Duel!" The hammer said strangely.

"Yes! It's a duel! Didn't the goat say that he would fight and watch the beautiful woman take over the task just now? Haha! This place is specially used for fighting! Look, the pillars surrounding are all engraved with magic arrays, which can produce magic shields. Even if they are bombarded with top magic, they will not have any impact on the outside! Haha! Awesome! That's why the consumption here is so expensive! Because there are fights here almost every day! Many people even came here to fight. All those who come here to spend money can watch it for free. It's still early now. I believe it won't be long before the fight starts!"

In various literary and film works, pubs are also a high incidence of fighting, and the same is true on the brave continent. When heroes from all walks of life converge, there are inevitable that there will be various contradictions. The kindness and resentment that occur in the pub will never be much less than outside.

"Haha! OK! Fight! Hurry up and call another round. Let's wait for a good time today. We must watch one before we go back!" The goat shouted loudly.

When it comes to fighting, several militants are all excited, and the mountains and seas are screaming to see the fight.

"I said, bosses, don't get drunk. In such a place, we don't know who the protagonist of the fight is. Maybe it will be our turn later!" Lin Yuchen said with a smile.

"Wow! You are a pettingy man! Don't you want to pay the bill?" Just now, the first round of wine money was bought by the goat, and now it's Lin Yuchen's turn to pay. He seems to want to escape from the order. The goat is very unhappy.

"What are you afraid of! Soldiers come to block the water and cover the earth! Who have we been afraid of in the fight? Even if you are drunk, you can still do it!" The hammer doesn't care.

"Hmm! If you get drunk, I will kick you to the end!" The people who misreate the country twisted the ears of the hammer and said fiercely.


"I don't care! The more drunk I am, the more I can play it! A bit of wine and a fist is describing me!" After a round of wine, even the cannon became speechless.

"Big boss, you said you wanted a treat just now! I'm going to order it! I haven't had a good drink for a long time, and I'm dying!" Liang Zhan looks like an alcoholic.

"Damn! A bunch of drunkards!" Lin Yuchen sighed.

"Hey! It's rare and strange. I know that you can't drink from the way you drink. If you are in the army. Which one can't drink! You haven't seen them drinking! All of them are filled directly with white wine! Haha!" The goat laughed loudly.

The hammer and the cannon nodded.

"I mean, there is such a beautiful woman here, which is harmful to the country and the people. Someone will definitely come to chat up, find faults, and provoke. At that time, someone will come forward! If we are all drunk, then we won't suffer!" Lin Yuchen drank a few cups and became bold.

"Who dares! I'm killing him!" The hammer said angrily.

This song is very happy to bring disaster to the country and the people! It is no longer to stop them from drinking.

After ordering the wine, Lin Yuchen suddenly pointed to a seat downstairs and said, "I think they have been staring at us for a long time. It seems that they really want to find fault!"

Several people listened and all looked in the direction pointed by Lin Yuchen, but they heard Liang Zhan suddenly bang.

"How about it! Do you know each other?" Lin Yuchen asked faintly.

"Hmm! More than knowing each other! Bastard! They ambushed me!" Liang Zhan said angrily.

"That's good! Just take the opportunity to solve it!" After Lin Yuchen finished speaking, he took the bow and arrow put aside, and without hesitation, he bent his bow and arrow to aim there.