The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 75 Borrowing troops

These three people are Ye Yin, Sakura and the famous sword thief.

After being ambushed, Lin Yuchen thought about it and didn't come up with any good idea, so he sent a letter to Xiaohei to borrow soldiers. Now he is surrounded by a strong enemy, and it is difficult for him to be independent. He can only borrow troops and ask for help.

After some discussion, three people finally came.

The famous sword took the initiative to ask for it. Since he came to Tianxu Forest, his knife skills have improved a lot. The reason is that Lin Yuchen often practiced with him, so that he could find the feeling of using a knife in the practice, so he has always called Master Lin Yuchen. Although Lin Yuchen never recognized it, he insisted on calling it that, but he called too much. It becomes a code name, which is meaningless.

He is a knife idiot and only likes to play with knives. He doesn't like other things. Lin Yuchen has been out for more than a month. He has no one to practice knives. He is depressed. As soon as he heard that he asked for help, he decided to come here on the spot without saying a word.

When he moved, Ye Yin also decided to come over. The reason why he thought of it was that he was a little tired of staying in Tianxu Forest. They were thieves. Tianxu Forest was too simple to give full play to their abilities. As soon as he heard that Lin Yuchen was doing well in the Partis Empire, he was also moved at that time. The environment of big cities was most suitable for them, so he also wanted to Ask Patis to help Lin Yuchen.

Both of them are here, and Sakura naturally can't come. The three of them are a team. Although Sakura doesn't like Lin Yuchen, it's boring for her to leave Ye Yin and Mingjian. The three of them have cooperated for so long and have a tacit understanding. They can't break up the band of thieves because of this, although he is a princess in Tianxu Forest. General treatment, but it's not interesting to be praised for a long time, so she also came.

Originally, people like 'Dark Demon King' also wanted to come and join the fun, but Lin Yuchen refused. If these people came, they would not have to do anything.

As a former top group of thieves, they quickly found the target that Lin Yuchen needed and successfully tracked it. Lin Yuchen also followed this layout, and a battle began.

"It's a pity that they still escaped!" Ye Yin sighed.

According to the original plan, he is the biggest killing move in this game, because he has the 'invisible ring'.

Ye Yin's kung fu is basically based on the 'invisible ring'. He is a miscellaneous player. He learns a little about everything, magic, martial arts, killer skills, thief skills, and everything. As a result, he is not good at anything. There are many such players in the brave continent, and most of them can only fill the gaps in the team. But because of the "invisible ring", Ye Yin's little tricks have become ten thousand gold oil, which can be used at any time, so he has become the leader of the famous band of thieves.

Just now, he killed Tianzang, the water magician, in a stealth state. If the Tianmo Killer Group continues to fight, all five people will be finished, but the Tianmo Killer Group is not a fuel-efficient lamp. They are all old birds who have experienced a lot of battles. As soon as they see the situation is not right, they immediately withdrew from the battle, so that Lin Yuchen's carefully arranged killing situation could not achieve the expected purpose, but only destroyed two of them. .

"Forget it, this is already very good. If these people were easy to do, I don't know how many times they would have been killed. Lin Yuchen shook his head.

"It's not good at all! This time my bronze warrior is finished. I don't know how much it will cost to fix it again!" Ming Jian said, "Master, you have to give me your unique skill this time!" Otherwise, you will be responsible for this loss!"

Bronze warrior is not a creature, but a mechanical puppet, so it can be repaired, but it will cost a lot of money to find a special alchemist.

"Tect your fart! I don't have any tricks." Lin Yuchen refused!

"Otherwise you give me that one!" The sword showed his little tail.

"Damn!" Lin Yuchen scolded angrily, but as soon as his eyes turned, he continued, "If you can recover him, I will give her to you!"

"Wow! You might as well not say that! Even you can't beat it. When can I subdue this big guy!" Ming Jian said with a disappointed face.

"Don't think about your virtue of running every time you can't beat it! Have you heard of a saying: The scars on the back are a disgrace to the swordsman? Just now, you exposed your back to your opponent, so that you can not only see the opponent's movements, but also hit your heart a lot! You can't practice resilience like this!" Lin Yuchen pretended to be a master.

"Master, I will definitely watch One Piece when I go back!" The answer of the famous sword makes people speechless.

"Haha! Tang Zhan, are we brothers?" At this moment, another malicious person came over and said affectionately on Lin Yuchen's shoulder.

Lin Yuchen opened his hand on his shoulder and said, "I know what's wrong with your face. Say it this time!"

"Haha! Sure enough. Then I'll say it directly and give me your other side!" The hammer salivated his face.

"Wow! You are all here to fight local tycoons, aren't you? Do you have any brothers like you?" Lin Yuchen said with an indignant face.

"Is it your brother who is looking for you to know? You boy has angels, bear men and heavy infantry, all of which are such strong arms, and there is no shortage of such a Naga. As for me, I don't even have the guardian spirit now. Do you have the heart to look at your brother like this!" Hammer said shamelessly, "This time, when our buddy heard that you were going to deliver the goods, he ran over to help you without hesitation. For this reason, he didn't even hesitate to offend Commissa Wang's group of birds. Our brother didn't have anything to say. Now he just wants a creature you don't need to protect you. Besides, my wife just saved it. You twice!" The hammer said and took a look at the people who harmed the country. Today, he drank a little too much and even called out the name 'my wife'. However, the people who are harming the country are talking to Sakura at this time and don't hear what the hammer said.

"Damn! Haven't I given her a complete set of water equipment!" Lin Yuchen defended separately.

In an understanding of harm to the country and the people, in order to prevent her from taking the opportunity to blackmail him by saving him, Lin Yuchen gave all the whole set of equipment of Tianzang to the 'dest to the country and the people' as soon as he came in. This made the fierce woman very happy and finally did not come to his trouble again.

Tianwei's equipment has also been divided by others. In short, there are all the people who came to help this time, and now there is only this eight-armed Naga left. Of course, this is also the most mouth-watering goal.

In the brave continent, people have become more and more able to understand the importance of close combat. Unfortunately, close combat is more difficult to learn than magic. Ordinary people can fight at most. When they encounter such a level of close combat in the brave continent, the ability to beat bricks on the street is useless. Therefore, samurai are also becoming more and more popular. The existence of this high force value is definitely a hot item among the hot goods. If there is such a creature as a guardian spirit, close combat will definitely have an absolute advantage!

Ye Yin has a top shield, axe and iron guard. Although he is also very fond of Naga, he can't have both fish and bear paws, so he didn't say that Sakura likes small animals, so she doesn't want it. The famous sword hammer is basically dependent, and so are goats and cannons. Although they know that they can't grab them, they still Keep chasing.

"I solemnly declare here that no one wants to hit this Naga's idea. This is what I want to give to my girlfriend." Lin Yuchen gritted his teeth and cut off everyone's thoughts in one sentence.

"I value sex more than friends! I want to break up with you!" The hammer said angrily.

"Master, when did you have a girlfriend? So you ran out for women. Haha! Big news! I want to release this news immediately!" When Mingjian heard about this for the first time, he was immediately excited and began to release information everywhere.

This is definitely explosive news for the whole Tianxu Alliance. Because in various gossips before, some people even said that the jungle lurker and Xiaohei were a pair of friends. Although they all denied it, this statement was still widely spread. There was nothing they could do. Who once said in a very famous movie: Every man has a broken back mountain in his heart, because of the popularity of the movie. And it has become a classic line. Now as long as you are a man and don't have a girlfriend around you, you can become a good friend. Lin Yuchen and both don't have a girlfriend. In this era, it's not a good thing that they are still virgin without a girlfriend at this age.

For a while, Lin Yuchen didn't know whether he should be proud or shy. In short, he felt strange. Tang Xianxian hasn't promised him yet. If she spread it everywhere, I don't know if it will arouse her disgust.

Thinking about it, the famous sword over there said, "Master, what does the master look like? Send a photo to have a look. Otherwise, everyone will say that there is no picture and no truth, and then they will say that I will be confused!"

"Get out of here!" Lin Yuchen roared impatiently.

"Master, you don't have to do this. We just take a look, not to rob you..." The famous sword is a little confused. He usually looks heartless. He never goes through his brain when he speaks and does things, and only when he picks up the knife can his brain be used.

"Do you believe me or not!" Lin Yuchen was finally annoyed by the question. Tang Xianxian is his weakness. He accidentally spilled the beans just now. Now he can't make up for it, so he can only hold on.

"Okay, I'm afraid of you. Let's not talk about it." The famous sword still looks careless: "Why don't you bring it out for us to have a look, so that I can worship our teacher!"

Lin Yuchen collapsed in an instant.

At this time, Liang Zhan, who had been drinking for a long time, leaned over and whispered in Lin Yuchen's ear, " boss, I finally remembered who they were!"

"Which of them! Who are they?" Lin Yuchen's brain was still short-circuited, and he couldn't understand the meaning of Liang Zhan's words at all.

"They! That's them!" Liang Zhan made a pouted to the famous sword.

"Oh! Who are they?" Lin Yuchen laughed.

"They used to be a famous band of thieves! Ye Yin's famous sword. As soon as I heard this name, I was a little familiar with it. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally remembered that they are quite a famous trio in the thief group! Otherwise, it wouldn't be so powerful! Boss, they are really your former friends!" Liang Zhan said with a puzzled face.

Since it had been discussed before, the three people did not disclose Lin Yuchen's true identity, and Political Commissar Wang also blocked the news, so the hammers were still kept in the dark. Up to now, no one knows that Tang Zhan was a former jungle lurker.

"Of course! Is this still fake?" Lin Yuchen said carelessly.

" boss, but I heard that they have joined the Tianxu Alliance now. Is it possible that you have something to do with the Tianxu Alliance!" Liang Zhan said hesitantly.

"It's a little bit, I know some people. This time I specially asked them to help us. Otherwise, with the strength of the two of us, how can we get the five stars? Lin Yuchen said.

In order to make Tianmo five stars hooked, Lin Yuchen did it seamlessly, and even Liang Zhan didn't know the whole plan until the start of the fight. Tianmo Five Star was born as a killer, and a flaw would make them suspicious, so Lin Yuchen had to do so.

"Big Boss! There is yours. Even friends are so strong. Haha! The Five Stars of Heaven and Demons really found the wrong person!" Liang Zhan said excitedly.