The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 94 Block

Lin Yuchen rode on the Scorpion-tailed lion and followed closely behind the Nether Knight.

And Tang Xianxian sat in front of him the most!

At this time, the two rode together and appeared in full view of the public and ran leisurely.

For various reasons, their relationship has been very unclear. Lin Yuchen wants to chase but dares not chase him. Tang Xianxian and commissar Wang are in the same compound. The two always seem to be separated by something, which leads to various rumors. But at this time, any gossip is superfluous, and the two of them have come together completely.

At that moment, Lin Yuchen was suddenly very grateful to Mr. Xie! No matter what the result of this matter is, at least he has won Tang Xianxian's heart.

At that moment, looking at Tang Xianxian leaning in his arms, Lin Yuchen suddenly hoped that this road could be longer. Originally, the reason why he sat in the back was just to protect Tang Xianxian and help her block the streamers behind him, but now, he finds that he is actually quite advantageous.

I don't know how political commissar Wang felt when he saw this scene!

A beautiful woman is in her arms, even if she is surrounded by a strong enemy!

Lin Yuchen was in a good spirit for a moment and felt that there was nothing better in life.

After the formation of the blood dragon flag was pierced, the morale of the entire praetorian guard was also pierced! Even such flag troops could not be stopped, and those scattered soldiers and Yong lost their courage. Therefore, almost all of them did not work hard and blocked them almost all the way, making Lin Yuchen's cavalry pass all the way, almost without much effort to rush through the level.

The gate has appeared in front of you! After a few hundred meters, they can rush out of the city and escape.

At this moment, a white holy light suddenly fell from the sky and hit the Nether Knight in front of him fiercely.

It has been rampaging all the time. The untouchable Nether Knight finally met his nemesis this time. Suddenly, the holy light hit them with black smoke all over their bodies. Almost all the knights pulled the reins, braked their mount fiercely, and began to try their best to avoid the sudden attack.

At this moment, a team of knights rushed out from the side and killed the Nether Knight fiercely.

"The people of the Temple of Light took action!"

"The cardinal, the light mage, and the priest have all gone out! Even the Templars are here! Shit, what a big battle!"

"How did they manage this!"

Onlookers are in an uproar again!

This sudden strong enemy is tantamount to pouring a basin of cold water on his head to Lin Yuchen, who was in a good spirits. By the time he woke up, the two sides had been hanged together!

"Damn! Why are the people in the temple here!" He couldn't help but be shocked, but he reacted and figured it all out.

The main hall of the Temple of Light is in the Partis Empire. Her location is in the southwest of the Partisdi du, which is surrounded by six waters, like a country in the country. Naturally, the state religion of the Patees Empire is also the god of light. The top and bottom of the Partis Empire call the Temple of Light inextricably linked. Almost every person in the palace was baptized by the temple when he was born. There is also a very important branch of the Temple of Light in the imperial capital. There are a large number of priests and bishops, and of course, the Templars in charge of the ministry.

Lin Yuchen and the Temple of Light are still quite related. He once had the 'Nether Blood Order' and was a wanted criminal of the Temple of Light. As a result, a world war broke out between the two sides, and he also became the benefactor of the ghost emperor, as two forces, so he He is also the number one enemy of the Temple of Light.

For a long time, even Lin Yuchen himself has ignored this point. He always thought that this matter had already passed, so when he was in the Partis Empire, he had never guarded against the Temple of Light. Previously, because he changed his name and changed his appearance, the Temple of Light never came to trouble him.

But recently, Lin Yuchen's identity has been gradually exposed, and his details have gradually been revealed. Now almost everyone knows that Tang Zhan is a jungle lurker. Therefore, the Temple of Light has long wanted to attack him, but he has been suffering from finding no chance.

And now, he has sent it to his door by himself. Not only did he come to the door, but also the Emperor of the Partis Empire, which took the doctrine of light as the state religion, openly released the Nether knight Ma Ta camp, which was simply a blasphemy to the Temple of Light. Therefore, almost all the people of the branch of the Temple of Light in the imperial capital were dispatched to attack Lin Yuchen with all their strength.

In the face of such a situation, Lin Yuchen knew that he could not save these ghost knights! With so many knights and mages and bishops, these 20 knights are no match for others. Moreover, it is obvious that the other party has been waiting for him here in a premeditated ambush for a long time. As soon as he came up, he did not give himself a chance to put away his troops at all. Such a trap is definitely trying to kill him to death.

No matter how reluctant he was, he had to be cruel and completely abandon this group of ghost knights. In the face of the besieged Nether Knight, he did not dare to fight. As soon as he patted his Scorpion tail lion, he saw that the Scorpion lion spread its wings and began to prepare to take off.

The scorpion tail lion's load capacity is not high, and its physical strength is not good. This creature itself is very bulky, so it is not used for riding and fighting. It can barely fly dozens of kilometers with a person on board. If it encounters air combat, this creature will be killed by fast creatures. Now it is more difficult to ride two people.

Lin Yuchen has been letting it run instead of flying. The reason is to keep it strong. When it reaches the city wall, it will jump over and escape.

But in this case, he had to advance the plan.

Just as the Scorpion-tailed lion began to leave the ground, he heard a scream:


With this order, countless people suddenly appeared from the roofs on both sides of the street. Almost all kinds of magic and arrows came to Lin Yuchen, who was taking off.


At that moment, Lin Yuchen raised his speed, strength and reaction to the extreme. He grabbed Tang Xianxian's waist with one hand, opened the black prison dragon shield with the other hand, and jumped up from the back of the Scorpion-tailed lion with Tang Xianxian. In this sky of feather arrows and magic, a very beautiful jump in the air and jumped out of the attack with shield protecting the two people. Scope.

Wan! OK!

Both the reaction and posture were very beautiful, which suddenly won the admiration and applause of all the onlookers!

But this jump is good, and the landing is not good!


Lin Yuchen rolled horizontally, and finally put his back to the ground, and his whole body was dizzy.

If he is alone, he will definitely be able to land smoothly this time, but now there is one more Tang Xianxian, which is the limit he can do.


At this time, the Scorpion-tail Lion also hit the ground with a bang. Lin Yuchen and others escaped the must-kill blow. The Scorpion-tail Lion was not so lucky. Almost all the attacks hit it and took its life in an instant. Lin Yuchen's tool to escape is completely ruined.

"TMD is a good hand! In close combat!" The commander of the other party first gave a thumbs-up, and then issued a new order again.

A group of melee players with various weapons surged up from all directions.

When they killed, Lin Yuchen was still lying on the ground and did not recover from his dizziness at all.


At this critical moment, a tall creature with eight steel knives and a snake's tail suddenly appeared beside Lin Yuchen and split the two people rushing to the front into two sections.

The eight knives of the eight-armed Naga are unfolded at the same time, and one man is the gate, and ten thousand people can't open it.

At the same time, only a crisp spell sounded!

The earth shook, and two big earthy-yellow men emerged from under the ground, also protecting Lin Yuchen's left and right.

Earth element!

As soon as these two earth elements appeared, it seemed that a copper wall and iron wall had been built around Lin Yuchen, which made people marvel again.

"Another hard stubble! Attack the earth element with all your strength!"

For a while, all the magic turned to the earth elements protecting Lin Yuchen.

There are earth elements, plus Lin Yuchen's shield. If they don't take the lead in solving these two earth bumps, they can't solve Lin Yuchen at all.

I only saw two earth elements standing there in a daze, under all the attacks, and did not dodge.

In the brave continent, the earth element, a magical creature, is basically designed for meat shields. They are not afraid of fire, electricity, water, and ice has no effect on them. They are the most defensive of all elemental creatures. Whether it is physical defense or magic defense, they can make all players who attack them cry. Flowing face.

Therefore, after a hard blow, these two earth elements still stood there, as if nothing had happened. All the players who participated in the attack couldn't help but be stunned.

At this moment, Lin Yuchen woke up.

The release of the dizziness state is generally determined by the player's physical and mental strength. The higher the values, the faster the release speed. Lin Yuchen's two values are very high, so he quickly wakes up.

When he woke up, he found that he was still holding Tang Xianxian. Tang Xianxian lay on him, and the shield covered her body.

The position of the two was very ambiguous. Lin Yuchen was pressed under Tang Xianxian, and his heart couldn't help but ripple. However, at this time, the situation was urgent, and he didn't have time to think much about it. He hurriedly supported his right hand to the ground and supported both of them with his strong waist and arm strength. Then he let go of Tang Xianxian and pretended to know nothing, "Fortunately you! Otherwise, I will definitely hang up this time!"

Because both of them were lying on their backs before, he can't see Tang Xianxian's expression now, so he feels okay, but Tang Xianxian has already blushed.

Just when the two were ambiguous, the battle outside also changed dramatically.

The magicians and archers who ambushed the other party suddenly fell one after another, and another horse suddenly appeared behind them and began to ambush them.