The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 97 jin jin

Dark imprisonment: Dark top magic, this magic can be said to be an upgraded version of the dark bondage. The person who has won this magic is completely imprisoned by darkness. He is surrounded by endless concepts of darkness, space, time and direction. He not only can't move, but also cut off all connections with the outside world!

It can be said that the person imprisoned in the dark is basically a vegetable. He has no feeling, can't move, and doesn't know what's going on outside. He basically has no other role except to be alive.

At first glance, this magic seems to be very useless, because it does not cause harm, and it does not seem to have much effect except confinement. However, there is no useless magic on the brave continent, only useless players, and every magic has its place and environment. The biggest advantage of this magic is that it can imprison the target in one place and can never move until the magic disappears. Generally speaking, such magic is used to imprison strong creatures. Once imprisoned, players can easily plan the next step, surrender or take the opportunity to kill them.

So when a team fights monsters, they will find a person who can use this kind of top-level restricted magic, just to get more benefits.

And now, Tang Xianxian has actually won such magic!

Just as Lin Yuchen and the ruffian mercenary regiment arrived at the city gate, they had a big scuffle with the guard guarding the gate.

Because this is the last line of defense of the praetorian guards, the strongest defense laid by the praetorian guards here. Although the whole emperor is in a mess now, all strategic points are still in the hands of the Guards. The four gates of the imperial capital are all stationed with a large number of elite soldiers of the imperial guard, and most of the people who had collapsed before are also concentrated here. It can be said that there are many soldiers here, and there is no way back, so the imperial guard guard here can only fight desperately, so no matter what force dares to make trouble in this area.

But Lin Yuchen and the others bumped into it, and the two sides fought fiercely here, killing the sky and the earth!

In order to grab the gate, Lin Yuchen threw all his last trump card, the five-headed underworld demon, into the battle. They flew to the top of the city wall, madly slaughtered the archers stationed on it, quickly controlled the commanding heights, and then repelled the air force sent by the Guard and the Temple of Light - a griffin coalition composed of 30 griffins and knights, firmly controlling the commanding heights over the gate and creating a good battle on the ground. The environment.

The undead wizards also went out and sprayed the poison gas crazily at the risk of being close, killing and hurting their opponents.

The dwarves, Naga, earth elements, and Lin Yuchen's troops that could fight in close combat were all thrown in, and he played almost all the cards in his hand!

In this case, the ruffian mercenary regiment still paid the biggest casualties since they joined the battle. When they captured the city gate, they could still move less than ten, and this is because when they were attacking, some unknown people kept joining the battle group to help, otherwise they don't know if they could stay. Some people.

Lin Yuchen was also exhausted. After repeated killings, whether it was he or the troops he received, as long as he was still alive, his physical strength was basically exhausted.

But it's finally down!

"Open the door!" The rest of the people began to work together to open the door, ready to break through this last obstacle.

At this moment, the change suddenly emerged!

A thick black fog suddenly covered Tang Xianxian's body!

When Tang Xianxian was covered by thick fog, Lin Yuchen lost all contact with her.

Along the way, the two walked side by side by side. Although it was only a few hours before and after, it seemed that Lin Yuchen had experienced a lifetime. The two fought together, experienced together, and suffered everything together, and even reached the point of intimacy. It seemed that the other party knew it was one eye. God, with one action, the other party can understand what he wants to say.

Along the way, he tried his best to protect her and resist all the attacks for her without causing any harm. She also tried her best to help him to gain, shield and heal him. The two of them supported each other and became an indispensable part of each other.

Therefore, when the thick fog covered Tang Xianxian, Lin Yuchen felt that he also seemed to have lost the most precious thing in his life. The person he guarded all the way was actually gone at the last moment! At that moment, his heart was empty, as if he had lost its meaning. Even if he had experienced a hundred battles, at that time, he was also like a fool, shouting Tang Xianxian's name crazily at the thick fog, and his hands kept scratching in the thick fog, as if to pull her out of the thick fog.

But all this is useless!

The dark confinement cut off all contact between the imprisoned and the outside world, and even all the contact information provided in the game was cut off at the same time. At this time, the virtual Tang Xianxian had no feeling and could not move, let alone what happened to the outside world. It's like there has never been this person.

If Tang Xianxian hangs up, as long as Lin Yuchen can still contact her, he can still accept this result. After all, it is not terrible to hang up in the game. Lin Yuchen can even bring her back to life on the spot. But it is in this way that cuts off all contact and makes people more anxious. He doesn't know what Tang Xianxian is going through, whether she has suffered, whether she is injured, whether she is afraid, whether she is panicked, and the so-called concern is chaotic. It is precisely this worry that makes him at a loss and doesn't know why.

At this time, another group of enemies attacked.

"Big Yu! Stop shouting, the enemy is coming up. Let's go quickly!" The ruffian overlord grabbed Lin Yuchen's shoulder and roared.

At this time, the gate has been opened by others, the road is ahead, the victory is in front of us, and the rest of the people are ready to escape.

Lin Yuchen woke up a little at the roar of the ruffian overlord. He looked at the thick fog in front of him, then looked at the attacking enemy, and shook his head blankly and said, "I can't go! You go first!"

"Damn! If you don't leave now, there will be no chance." The ruffian overlord said urgently. After fighting for so long, seeing that victory was right in front of him, this man didn't leave.

For him, no matter what magic Tang Xianxian is, the worst result is just dead. So many people have died. One more, one less. As long as they can run away, they have won this battle. From then on, the ruffian mercenary mercenary regiment has become famous all over the world. In the future, anyone will shout about them. A hero, but this man actually lost his chain at this last moment. Does he want to die here?

"I can't leave. If I leave now, I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life! You go first! You have helped me a lot today. Thank you very much. In the future, if you go to Tianxu Forest to find me, you will never treat you badly!" After all, Lin Yuchen's psychological quality is stronger than that of ordinary people. At this time, he has basically woken up and said with a firm face.

"Malegobi's! When we help you, you just want to pay off! Shit! If I had known, I wouldn't have helped you. Well, help people to the end and send the Buddha to the west. You are very angry with me. He is a good man. Today, I will fight with you to the end!" The ruffian overlord also said with a sigh.

"Brothers, if you want to leave now, leave quickly. This boy's wife has been lost, and I want to stay with him here! Haha!" The ruffian shouted to his few subordinates left.

Then he turned his head and said to Lin Yuchen, "Big Yu, you can treat me to a wedding wine when you do things in the future!"

"Haha! Sure, but you have to wait for a few years!" Lin Yuchen was also relaxed at this time. Anyway, things have come to this point, and he doesn't worry about anything anymore. At worst, he will hang up with Tang Xianxian, and he will naturally be able to contact her when he goes offline.

This is the first time he has wanted to hang up after playing this game for so long.

"And me!" I want to drink too!" ......

At this time, the rest of the ruffian mercenary regiment also came over, and several people shouted.

"Good! When this is over, I will charter a pub in Xiangyu City, and the brothers will go for a drink together!" Lin Yuchen looked at these people who didn't know him but had been fighting side by side until the end, and his heart suddenly became proud.

Whether in the virtual or real world, being able to get help from strangers can make people happy. Lin Yuchen felt that today was a happy day. On this day, he got Tang Xianxian's feelings and the help of strangers. At that moment, although he faced the biggest dilemma since the game, he still felt very happy.

The enemies attacked this time include the praetorian guards and all kinds of players. After apite mercenary regiment and Lin Yuchen's strong melee ability, they did not rush up at once, but began to line up about 50 meters away from them to find their respective favorable positions and attack points.

"Archers are ready!" The commander of the Guard began to command and mobilize the archers.

Lin Yuchen stood in front of the thick fog, the shield in his hand unfolded at the same time, and the others also looked for bunkers.


With the commander's order, the dense feather arrows flew to Lin Yuchen and others like flying locusts. As long as there was a little gap, feather arrows would shoot in, teaching people to avoid it.

Lin Yuchen held his shield. He didn't know whether such a feather arrow would shoot Tang Xianxian wrapped in thick fog, so he did not dare to move and covered the feather arrow as hard as he could. From time to time, there were angry scolding and screams being shot by the feather arrow from time to time.

"Shoot at will!" After the first round of bows and arrows, the commander shouted.

Random shooting allows archers to shoot according to their own judgment, which gives archers a strong room to play. They are free to correct their previous errors, so the arrows shot naturally are more accurate.

Round after round of feather arrows shot at the remaining people, and several of them were suppressed by their opponents like targets.

If it had been before, they would have rushed to fight long ago, but after a bloody battle, they didn't have much physical strength and no magic reserves. Basically, they have reached the point where the lamp has dried up, and they don't even have the power to add a shield for themselves. Therefore, the only thing they can do is to consume and wait for the right. When the arrows of the hand are also consumed.

Even Lin Yuchen was hit by several arrows. After all, the Black Prison Dragon Shield can't achieve full protection, and he still has to take care of Tang Xianxian behind him, so he just barely supports it.

"Bow and arrow suppression! Infantry advance!" The commander shouted again.

The commander was very excited because he found that he had picked up a big bargain. This culprit who disturbed the imperial capital killed so many people and finally fell into his own hands. It seems that he has no strength and will not be able to resist for a long time. As long as he can complete this task, the credit this time will definitely not run away. Besides, with so much good equipment on the jungle lurker, most of them must have fallen into their own hands in the end. At that time, their strength will definitely increase greatly, and promotion and wealth are just around the corner.

His infantry began to attack forward as a scattered line. Under the suppression of the archers, none of Lin Yuchen dared to show up.

The situation has reached the last moment. Because of Tang Xianxian's trapped, Lin Yuchen's failure made all the onlookers sigh.

"Hey! It seems that this jungle lurker is not as flower-hearted as the legend! Otherwise, I won't give up the opportunity to escape for her!"

"The hero's end is a failure! Oh, what a pity!"

"These ruffians are really righteous, and they even stayed with him at the last moment! What a group of good men!"

"The things are gathered by the class, and people are divided by groups! "What kind of person is naturally with who?"

"Hey! How I wish the trapped person was me! If such a man is willing to protect me until the end, I will be willing to be his mistress!" It's usually girls who say such things.