The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 99 Shenjiang

Lin Yuchen has been able to live until now. In addition to his strong personal ability and strength, another reason, and the most important reason, is that Xie Wuyi did not kill him from beginning to end.

Most of the people responsible for blocking and chasing are the praetorian guards with low combat effectiveness and some mercenary regiments and scattered soldiers who took over the task at a high price. Xie Wuyi's several actions were extremely measured, but they only hit Lin Yuchen's reserve forces, and rarely directly attacked Lin Yuchen. That's why Lin Yuchen can live until now.

However, this is also the most important part of Xie Wuyi's overall plan. Only when Lin Yuchen is still alive can the plan continue to achieve the purpose of drawing the snake out of the hole, draw out the power of Tianxu Forest and Iron Wing Fort, and then gather and annihilate it in one fell swoop.

Later, it was found that the 'Basiba incident' affected not only the situation of the Partis Empire, but also the situation of the whole brave continent became delicate because of this incident.

As early as before the incident began, the Fenyang army of the Longhan Empire had begun to prepare for war. All the iron-blooded Fenyang players received a notice to be on standby, and all kinds of materials began to be transported. The troops were ready to go. The soldiers pointed directly at their biggest opponent in the capital - 'Jing Zhaolian'!

After receiving the news, Jingzhaolian also had to launch emergency measures and also entered a state of war. The two sides of the truce due to the intervention of the Tianxu Alliance actually entered a state of readiness because of the riot in a main city thousands of miles away, which made many players unclear.

The wilderness has also entered a state of war. For a long time, the Great Wasteland Alliance and the extermination Wolves have not dealt with much. The two sides are hostile to each other. Although there is continuous friction, they dare not easily start a war. It can be said that the Great Wasteland Alliance has always wanted to eat the annihilation of the wolves, but it has never found a suitable opportunity. Although the strength of the Great Wasteland Alliance is superior, the strength of its opponents is really not weak. If it has to attack hard, it will be a tragic end. Therefore, they have always endured not to do anything, hoping to wait for a better opportunity.

But when the Basiba incident broke out, the Great Wasteland Alliance suddenly followed. They suddenly sent several elite troops to quickly clean up the peripheral teams of the extermination wolves that often haunted near the Great Wasteland Market at a lightning speed.

Such an action is tantamount to a direct declaration of war on the extermination of wolves.

The response of the wolves was not slow. They quickly collected the troops and prepared for the battle.

At this stage, the well-sighted person who understands the situation can basically see that all the actions are aimed at one goal - the Tianxu Alliance!

Today's Tianxu Alliance is very popular, and after the establishment of Xiangyu City, their reputation has reached the top. But the tree is full of wind, coupled with his recent continuous movements, he can see them everywhere, and his tentacles are too long, so they have also attracted a large number of enemies.

Now, these people are going to cut off his outstretched tentacles!

Now Tianxu Alliance is facing a question: whether to save Lin Yuchen.

If they send troops to rescue, the people sent out are bound to be involved in the whirlpool of the Partis Empire. At that time, it is difficult to say whether they can get out.

Once the Tianxu Alliance sends troops, it's time for the Fenyang Army and the Great Wasteland Alliance to take action.

For a long time, the Fenyang Army has been unable to attack Jingzhaolian because of the containment of the Tianxu Alliance. At this time, if the Tianxu Alliance sent troops to rescue its senior officials, they will certainly have no time to take care of the Longhan Empire. With the current strength of the Tianxu Alliance, it is not easy to deal with the two-line battle at the same time. Even if he can cope with it, he will be disabled after fighting. At that time, the defense ability of the whole peaceful city will be greatly weakened.

The same is true for the Great Wasteland. The wolf group has just formed an alliance with the Tianxu Alliance recently. If the two sides are allowed to develop like this, the result will certainly be extremely unfavorable to the Great Wasteland Alliance. If the Great Wasteland Alliance doesn't want to fight anymore, it must be strangled before they grow up.

Once troops are sent, the Tianxu Alliance is facing the situation of three-line operations. Even if Mr. Wei is wisely seeking wisdom, he cannot deal with such a situation.

But if they don't send troops, Lin Yuchen can fight again, and he can't escape under such waves of attacks. The senior management of the Tianxu Alliance will be killed like this. I'm afraid that the reputation of the Tianxu Alliance will be seriously damaged.

But if troops are sent, the hard-won situation may be completely broken. At that time, the allies of Jing Zhaolian and the extermination of the wolves will all be wiped out by their opponents. The reputation of the Tianxu Alliance as an ally and backer will also be damaged. In the future, the Jianghu status of the Tianxu Alliance will no longer be so popular.

For a while, the leaders of the major forces on the brave continent all stared at the Tianxu Alliance and were waiting for their next move.

Most of the brave continent is tense, and the situation is very tense and imminent.

Lin Yuchen can't fight anymore!

They don't know how many more shocks they have resisted. Now, their biggest reliance, the mana of Amber Qinglong, has also been exhausted, and even the ruffian overlord has just been killed in the impact. Now there are less than five people left to breathe on the court.

Before, although there were few people, because the space of the city gate cave was relatively narrow, several of them could block this place side by side. The metal skin of Amber Qinglong gave them strong resistance, and the attack power of gold magic was also strong enough to make them resist it until now. But now, even if people are still alive, they can't stand up, and this battle is basically impossible to fight.

" boss, it's worth it in my life to fight such a battle with you. Malegobi, I have never been such a man!" Amber Qinglong collapsed on the ground and breathlessly.

After saying that, he suddenly burst into tears and cried!

All the humiliations he suffered before came out with his tears at this time! At that moment, he found that he was no longer the steamed bun of the past, but a man with flesh and blood. And his tears are no longer the tears of grievance and helplessness when he hid in the quilt after being bullied and secretly cried in no one's corner, but the tears of a man who said goodbye to the past and washed away his shame.

At that moment, Amber Qinglong stood up! In the near future, the name of Magneto will resound throughout the brave continent.

Lin Yuchen looked at Amber Green Dragon and was silent. He has no strength to be moved!

At this moment, what he wants to know most is who imprisoned Tang Xianxian here. This person can use such powerful magic that it is absolutely not difficult to kill himself. But after this man used the dark confinement, he did not appear. Several successive shocks were all shrimp soldiers and crab generals. There were not many masters. If they didn't kill themselves, what on earth were they waiting for?

"Brothers, come on, they have no strength and no power. Whoever kills the jungle lurker today will have all his equipment! Brothers, the chance to get rich is in front of you, and there will be no temple after this village. Go on!"

"Let's go! Otherwise, when the urban management comes, there will be no share of us!"

"No matter who kills the jungle lurker today, he can become famous all over the world from now on! Malegobi's, give it all to me!"

"Archer, archer, is there any archer? Shoot some arrows first!"


Another group of people gathered around, and these people obviously came to pick up the leaks. They have been watching for a long time, and now they know that the opportunity is ripe. But even if they knew that Lin Yuchen and others were already at the end of the crossbow, they were still very hesitant. These people's combat effectiveness was so strong that only a few people actually repelled several waves of attacks in a row. Such a desperate fight could not be described in words, and also left them with an extremely profound deterrent. Power, so no one dared to come up for a while, only dared to shout slogans from afar to strengthen themselves.

Lin Yuchen took a look at these people, and everyone closed their mouths for a moment.

At this time, even Lin Yuchen's eyes are full of unparalleled momentum!

After looking at these people, he looked at his brother and comrades-in-arms lying next to him. Suddenly, he stood up with a knife and said loudly with his last strength:

"Walking by the river, full of resentment to whom?"

After reading the first sentence, his strength seemed to return, and his voice became louder.

"Blood and tears are blowing, and the lonely city is in a lonely city. I hope you can save your eyes and make all the bloody battle of the soldiers!"

Make the remnants of the bloody battle! How much like the environment he is in now!

He accidentally read these words from a novel. He doesn't remember the name. It seems to be a Yuan song. At that time, he just felt that it was well written, so he memorized them by the way. At this time, he suddenly felt the meaning of this song. At that moment, he felt the sadness in the words, which slowly appeared in his chest.

"I don't say a word every day, so the country is sad, but who knows that there is an empty fieving after the song. The rain and clouds change, the cold waves roll in the east, and everything is empty!"

When he read everything, he suddenly felt that everything was empty, and all the victory or defeat were not important. At that moment, the enemies in front of him and the comrades-in-arms around him were all empty.

"With Fangqiu Lanxuan, together with him, the sound is far away from the sea and the sky!"

Because there was an official live broadcast, at that moment, countless people heard Lin Yuchen reading these words in a loud voice. Although these words sound messy and do not conform to the rhythm of poetry, they are very suitable for the situation at that time.

At this time, at the gate of the city, the corpses were everywhere, bleeding into rivers. Lin Yuchen, who was bruised, stood on this bloody battlefield. In front of him was a group of ready-moving enemies. Behind him was a tall and empty gate. Next to him lay his comrades who had fought side by side with him. At this time, they were either hung up or couldn't stand up with all their strength.

Lin Yuchen at that moment looked extremely lonely and sad!

From beginning to end, they did not have any reinforcements, and completely relied on a few remnants to fight in the Jedi. They exhausted their last trace of strength and shot out the last moment of bullets. Now, they are facing the sad situation of 'the song and leaving the empty bar'.

Everything pays empty smoke! Everything is coming to an end.

The generous sad song of Lin Yuchen's hero's end has become the saddest scene in the whole Ba Siba incident. Even many years later, many people can't help but feel sad when they see this scene.

The brave mainland officials regarded this scene as one of the most shocking scenes since the game was launched, and spread it as a promotional video of the game for a period of time!

I don't know how many people couldn't help bursting into tears at that moment! At that time, many people thought that if only I could stand beside him at this moment.

"It's Shenjiang!" Xie Wuyi muttered.

"Although I don't know poetry, what he said just now really made me feel sad! Hey! It's really the end of the hero!"

"Chenjiang" is a play. This play is to mourn the famous general Shi Kefa. In that year, Shi Kefa fought a bloody battle with the Qing soldiers in Yangzhou, and finally defeated and was captured. The Qing army failed to persuade him to surrender, so he had to kill him. Because his resistance was too fierce, the Qing army suffered a lot of casualties. After killing Yangzhou, he slaughtered the city for ten days, which was the famous 'Ten Days of Yangzhou'!"

"Ha! I can't see that this person is still a little literary, but he even knows this! I don't even know who Shi Kefa is.

"But he reads a little differently, maybe mixed with other poems. But it's also very interesting!" Mr. Xie nodded and said, "After this battle, it's difficult for this man not to be a god! Originally, he gave the impression that he was brave and capable of fighting, but after reading this word, he was a god! It can be said that no matter who goes up and kills him now, it will make him an immortal legend!"

"Just like Shi Kefa!" Mr. Xie paused and added.

"Then let's not let him die!" The person who had been talking to Mr. Xie smiled and said, "Because the Dragon Horse Army has arrived!"