The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 101 Insidious

After hundreds of thousands of dragon cavalry entered the city, the whole war situation immediately changed.

In terms of combat strength, the Dragon Cavalry is definitely much higher than the Praetorian Guard. Every year, the Dragon Cavalry has to transfer several legions to the border for training. Therefore, they are all hundred soldiers who have been tested by blood and fire. They have experienced hundreds of battles and are not the same as the Imperial Guards who have been nestled in the imperial capital all day long.

And these soldiers acted completely in accordance with the order, acted decisively, only for the purpose, and by any means. It was just an order to control the imperial capital. These soldiers did not hesitate to raise their butcher knives. As long as they are still on the street, whether they are noisy, revenge-seeking, ulterior motives, or watching the hustle and bustle, soy sauce, ready to pick up leaks, all of them are all cut as a knife by the promiscuous party.

For a while, the whole emperor was killed into a river of blood.

Players who were still wandering on the street soon couldn't stand it. They ran into various buildings to take refuge. For a while, the shelters specially for players to take refuge were overcrowded.

The battle became more and more fierce. In the end, the players basically withdrew from the center of the dispute, and the imperial capital basically became the battlefield of the praetorian and the dragon cavalry!

In order to achieve the purpose of controlling the imperial capital, the Dragon Horse Army also showed no mercy to the Praetorian Guards. When they met, they also attacked without hesitation. At the beginning, the Praetorian Guards were caught off guard. In the end, the Praetorian Guard finally understood the intention of the Dragon Cavalry. They also organized to protect their territory with all their strength.

The original riot finally turned into a life-to-death political struggle. No matter who lost, the final result was that he would lose his reputation and never turn over! The king defeats the bandits, which is the case in ancient and modern times.

At this time, there is no way out for both sides. Now whoever stops is completely finished! Therefore, the forces of both sides can only do their best to organize their own people, decentralize tasks, and fight to the death.

The curtain of the battle for the first time has been completely opened!

If the Tianxu Alliance and Iron Wing Fort send troops to rescue Lin Yuchen, they will be involved at this time. No matter how many people they send, they will eventually be completely shredd in this whirlpool.

The senior officials of Tianxu Alliance and Iron Wing Fort all saw through this game, so they clenched their teeth and stayed still anyway. Such forbearance saved their strength and finally saved Lin Yuchen's life!

However, the Tianxu Alliance did nothing during this period. Just as Partisdi du started the war, an elite assault force of the Tianxu Alliance also suddenly appeared in the Great Wasteland. They quickly raided a small base of the Great Wasteland Alliance, slaughtered all the personnel in the base, and then pointed straight to the Great Wasteland Market!

This action was extremely hidden and completely beyond everyone's expectations. Since Pattis began to act, a large number of spy spies have lurked in the Xiangyu City, closely staring at every move of the Tianxu Alliance and reporting the movements of the Tianxu Alliance to all forces at any time.

But in this case, the Tianxu Alliance transferred an extremely elite assault force into the hinterland of the Great Wasteland without letting anyone find any signs of mobilization!

The Tianxu Alliance sent troops, but instead of rescuing its own high-level officials, it rushed into the back of the Great Wasteland Alliance and caught the Great Wasteland Alliance off guard.

It's too late to extract the troops from the main force to return to the rear, and it is difficult to determine how many troops to be transferred. With fewer people, not only can they not achieve the task of blocking, but they may also be swallowed by the other party. The commander of this commando is Zhu Hai and Wu Zixu. As we all know, Zhu Hai's force can blow up the jungle lurkers, and a jungle lurker can stir up the wind and rain in the Pattis Empire. What will happen if it were Zhu Hai's words? Wu Zixu is second only to Mr. Wei's wisdom in the Warring States Mercenary Regiment, and his spells are also first-class. Such a combination can never be stopped by just a few people! But if there are too many people, can their main force still stop the full attack of the extermination wolves?

The other party can unknowingly transfer a force to the wilderness. Will there be a second, a third, or even other troops ambushed somewhere?

One question after another was asked, but no one could find anyone to answer these questions. The Great Wasteland Alliance is completely in a dilemma.

The current situation seems to have no better than to withdraw troops.

But the whole plan was planned for so long, but in the end it returned to no success, and everyone was very unwilling. Everyone knows that after this withdrawal, the Great Wasteland Alliance will be subject to the attack of the annihilation Wolf Group and the Tianxu Alliance for a long time in the future. Once they open the channel, the life of the Great Wasteland Alliance will be even more difficult.

Once they mastered the channel, the Great Wasteland Alliance is bound to lose most of the business to the Longhan Empire. Moreover, the Tianxu Alliance will also easily expand its power to the Great Wasteland. At that time, their status of the First Alliance of the Great Wasteland will be in danger.

After a long discussion, the First Alliance of the Great Wasteland did not discuss a decent response plan. Everyone was waiting for new news, watching their advance bases being pulled out one by one, and watching the other party slowly approach the wilderness market. The only thing they can do now is to take the forward base The man withdrew, contracted in the wilderness fair, waited for the other party's final attack, and then bet on the situation of the Partis Empire.

They began to pray that the forces of Partis would increase the pressure on the jungle lurkers, so that the Tianxu Alliance would send troops to rescue their senior officials as soon as possible and reduce the pressure on this side. Or, the Fenyang army of the Longhan Empire can take the lead in fighting and pull hatred and pressure together.

But the results they waited for did not meet their wishes at all. Guo Da Shao's Fenyang army hesitated and refused to take the lead in the war anyway. On the side of the Partis Empire, the jungle lurker not only withstood waves of attacks with their tenacious will, but also were rescued at the last moment!

Originally, the jungle lurker was bound to die, but it was precisely because of the wonderful performance at the last moment that Mr. Xie had to change his mind and try his best to save his life.

Because he doesn't want to see Lin Yuchen become an immortal legend!

If the jungle lurker is killed at that moment, then he will become a myth, a myth that he gives up his life for his woman, leads a group of remnants to fight against strong enemies, and bravely guards them to the end. At that time, the players of the whole brave continent will regard him as a god, and his reputation will reach unmatched. The point.

Killing a person but making him stronger is obviously not a good investment.

So, Xie Wuyi flipped the plot at the last minute! It saved Lin Yuchen.

In this way, all Lin Yuchen's previous efforts were discounted. Although it is better to live than to die, sometimes it is better to die than to die.

After Lin Yuchen was rescued, based on Lin Yuchen's history of always liking the Yin people, many people began to think that this time it must be another bitter meat trick played by the Yin King. He provoked the riots of the whole Partis Empire, beat the praetorian guards, and then opened the gate and welcomed the dragon cavalry into the imperial capital.

Because the Dragon Horse Army also supports the little prince, and Lin Yuchen is also a mercenary under the Quinn family, this inference was soon established.

Some even think that this is a bitter plan carefully set up by him to snatch other people's girlfriends! The whole process is completely a show!

Lin Yuchen survived, but he is still the insidious king of many people! Even more sinister than before!