The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 4 Equipment

Lin Yuchen is the first officially confirmed candidate among the twelve people in the Great Escape.

The news was announced five days before the game, and a 15-minute promotional video was released at the same time as the news. After the release of this news and promotional video, a ** was immediately set off on the Internet.

As early as when it was officially announced that the 'only' competition would be held, with the official momentum, many underground gambling houses and * companies also began to follow up. They offered a variety of candidate lists and odds. The first wave of gambling was who would become one of the 12 people who attracted worldwide attention.

In these candidates, Lin Yuchen is among them, but his odds are the lowest, that is to say, almost all gambling houses are optimistic about his selection. Therefore, when the official first announced Lin Yuchen's selection, there was little objection. It can be said that his selection is absolutely expected by the public!

What has become a hot topic is the official promotional video! This promotional video is completely Lin Yuchen's personal promotional video. From his initial jungle ambush, the rise of the Minghao Legion, to the later single fight against Zhu Hai, the blade of the dark night, the bow and arrow training camp, the horse stepping camp in the battle, and the long street bloody battle in the last eight Siba incident, Lin Yuchen once performed in the game. Under the design of professional directors, the most outstanding experiences and clips are presented in front of people's eyes one by one. The editing, special effects, pictures, soundtrack, and every detail of the film are made by world-class image production masters. The whole film has no urine spots and is ** everywhere. At the end of the film, Lin Yuchen stands at Pa The extremely lonely figure in the gate of Tis.

After this video was launched, it immediately caused a huge sensation! Because many videos are released for the first time, many people have known Lin Yuchen so comprehensively for the first time. Lin Yuchen, who has been silent for a year, has once again become the focus of the public.

Because the official of the Brave mainland has signed a cooperation agreement with most of the satellite TV in China, this video is also broadcast on national TV. Therefore, Lin Yuchen is not only a celebrity on the Brave mainland, but also the focus of heated discussion on the Internet, but also instantly became a well-known public figure. For a while, pink and black passers-by The three parties started a debate on the Internet, and their saliva almost flooded the Internet!

Immediately, several advertising companies and enterprises contacted him to sign a series of advertising and endorsement agreements with him, with a total amount of eight digits.

In the face of the huge **, Lin Yuchen rejected most of the advertisements on the grounds of preparing for war. It's not that he doesn't want to be famous or that he doesn't want money, but that he knows that once he takes the money, he will be kidnapped by these people, and they will have to do whatever they want to do. There is no freedom anymore.

For a person who reads the Tao Te Ching every day, freedom is absolutely more important than anything else.

However, there is a company that he can't get rid of anyway, which is Xiangyu Group.

At this time, people found the brilliance of Xiangyu Group. At the beginning, they spent a lot of money to sponsor the Tianxu Alliance to establish Xiangyu City. At that time, many people felt that this investment was a little worthless. Five million yuan of real money was enough to put a lot of advertisements on many satellite TV, but now it seems that this investment is officially too valuable. Not to mention the popularity of Tianxu Alliance, the current advertising value of Lin Yuchen is enough for Xiangyu Group to exceed its own investment in those years.

In the previous contract, Xiangyu Group has such a right. Everyone in the Tianxu Alliance, Xiangyu Group has the priority of advertising signing, and the people of the Tianxu Alliance also have corresponding obligations. They must make corresponding contributions to Xiangyu Group.

And this is the time when Lin Yuchen makes corresponding contributions. He took 400,000 yuan, and now he must sign this contract. Similarly, Xiangyu Group has also begun to harvest the fruits of the seeds planted that year. They are ready to invest in Lin Yuchen to fully speak for themselves.

Lin Yuchen was also too lazy to think about it. He directly designated Mr. Wei as his plenipotentiary and asked him to negotiate with the people of Xiangyu Group and concentrate on preparing for the war.

In addition to a series of gossips about Lin Yuchen's character, experience, history, etc., people are more concerned about this famous jungle lurker, what kind of equipment and tactics the Yin King will fight.

And the first thing Lin Yuchen is preparing now is equipment.

Lin Yuchen's choice this time to 'stop'!

This is also a last choice. The previous 'cold light soul' fought for hours in the Ba Siba incident, and I don't know how many people were cut, and the wear and tear was also extremely serious. However, after Patis took the battle, this knife was included in the Weapon Spectrum by players and ranked 13th! Become the top weapon worshipped by countless players.

Originally, this knife could still be used for the dwarf master to repair, but after saving them, the dragon cavalry had been grinding and constantly getting close to him, and Lin Yuchen was busy with Tang Xianxian at that time. When he was anxious, he gave the 'cold light cut the soul' to Zhan Wushuang as a souvenir.

So, the 'cold light' that shined brilliantly in the Ba Siba incident changed its owner and became the unparalleled collection of the major of the Third Legion of the Dragon Horse Army! It is said that Zhan Wushuang has treasured this knife for auction at the right time.

However, although 'zhi ding' does not have the true spirit skill of cold light, it has an extremely good magic attack power. This gave him a certain suddenness and concealment. It can be said that this is the first good knife he has and the least known knife. Most people don't know the performance of this knife, so when he chooses this knife, he will definitely surprise all his opponents. Everyone will guard against his sword spirit, but he gives him a magic, which is very in line with the character of his yin king.

Moreover, after adding the 'eight-way urgent thunder' cloud thunder crystal from the scabbard from the ghost wolf, the magic was also more lethal. Therefore, Lin Yuchen was not worried about the power of the knife at all.

The second piece of equipment selected by Lin Yuchen is 'Flame Roar'.

'Flame Roar' was one of the top weapons he got in his early days, but this weapon is also unknown. In most people's perception, 'flame roar' is just a more lethal bow, and little is known about its additional functions.

As the king of Yin, Lin Yuchen must also need a weapon that can be used for long-range sniping. Lin Yuchen recently learned shooting and sniper tactics from Yang Youji. Although he can't make great progress in archery, with his current ability, fixed targets within 100 meters can basically hit him, and his ability to lurk is also stronger. Therefore, this bow Lin Yuchen will definitely bring it.

The short knife is still a blood-drinking blade!

The two-handed armguards are still the dragon's claws and dark thorns! These two arms are weapons that grew up with him, and they are also his most familiar weapons. Lin Yuchen has long regarded them as part of his arms. I don't know how many difficulties these two arms have helped him overcome. They have already become his biggest support and the last line of defense. Lin Yuchen can't imagine that he doesn't have this. What will happen to the two arms?

In terms of armor, the body is still green rattan armor. Although this set of armor is not defensive, it has an instant spell that is difficult to cut off - thorn bondage! Lin Yuchen used this spell to trap his current strongest arms - the archangel. In addition, the venue of this competition is an isolated island full of dense forests, so this set of green vine armor is the most suitable equipment for that kind of environment.

There is also a set of armor, which is a new Xunlong armor that has just been customized.

In the brave continent, it is allowed to wear multiple sets of armor. As long as players can wear as many sets as they want, even if you want to wear a zongzi, as long as you can bear the corresponding load.

Brave Continent is a balanced game. The stronger the protection ability, the greater the load, and the more mobility is lost. Many bloody bull players in the game have worn multiple sets of armor to complete the task, but their results often become a target, unable to escape or fight back, which basically plays a role in attracting the opponent's firepower.

Lin Yuchen takes a fast and flexible route, so Xunlongjia is the most cost-effective choice. The weight of Xunlongjia is not high, and it will not affect his speed and mobility too much. The physical defense and magic defense are also good. Coupled with the efforts of the dwarves master, this set of Xunlongjia is extremely plagiarized in both appearance and practicality. Lin Yuchen's earliest Xunlongjia has been cut down in the Ba Siba incident. Today, this set of Xunlongjia It is completely upgraded. In addition to stronger defense, a defensive magic array has been added.

After these three years of development, the various systems of the Brave Continent have begun to mature, and there are naturally new defense methods for the most popular magic attacks in the game today.

This kind of defensive magic array is now using the most popular magic on the mainland to absorb magic array! This magic array allows players to absorb magic energy when attacked by magic. This magic array is generally engraved on defense equipment. It consists of a magic array and an obsidian dedicated to storing negative energy!

The quality of the magic array and the magic fit of the equipment materials determine the ability to absorb negative energy, while obsidian determines the size of absorbing negative energy.

Obsidian is a gem that can absorb negative energy. In this game, magic is actually a kind of energy. When this energy has a negative effect, obsidian is a gem that can absorb this energy. When the game officially released this gem, it became one of the magic stones that players dream of.

Obsidian has a capacity limit. The larger the capacity, the more negative energy it can absorb. Nowadays, the capacity of obsidian on the market is generally about 100, but as a senior member of the Tianxu Alliance, Lin Yuchen, one of the most famous celebrities on the brave continent, of course, cannot use such shabby equipment. He equips his armor with obsidian with a capacity of 300 points. With the current strength of the Tianxu Alliance, this little thing can still be taken out.

Similarly, the magic array engraved on the armor is also the work of the top magician, with a total absorption capacity of 70%! That is to say, when a magic with a lethality of 100 hits Lin Yuchen, the final damage it causes is only 30 points, and 30 points is basically not even a minor injury to Lin Yuchen's vitality.

Boots are also offensive and defensive dual-purpose shoes made of Xunlong leather, which not only have hidden dark thorns made of Xunlong claws, but also produce fire magic damage, which is also very lethal.

The jewelry is also a 'bull belt' that increases strength and physical strength. The medal is still a fearless medal and a fear medal. The ring is still a top ring with a 'black prison dragon shield'. Originally, a martial arts person like Lin Yuchen doesn't like to wear a lot of things on his hands, because it will affect the flexibility and touch of his fingers. Press According to Lin Yuchen's idea, he is not focused on magic anyway, so the ring is useless to him at all, so he must not bring it if he can. The Black Prison Dragon Shield is a must-have, and the rest are basically eliminated directly.

However, this time he still brought an extra ring, because this ring was specially bought for him by Tang Xianxian.

Although Tang Xianxian quarreled with Lin Yuchen, she still thought about her boyfriend. Although she went shopping to revenge on Lin Yuchen, she still paid great attention to the equipment suitable for Lin Yuchen. Her efforts paid off. During the two days wandering on the street, she finally helped Lin Yuchen buy a look It's quite suitable for his equipment!

The Ring of Heat!

After the ring is activated, the wearer's fist is immediately equipped with a strong flame lethality. Once hit by the wearer's fist, it will not only withstand the physical blow, but also the flame killing caused by the ring.

Generally speaking, such equipment is also a very good equipment. Generally speaking, the owner will not sell it easily, but there are several settings for this ring that many people are deterred.

First, although this flame killing also consumes mana, it cannot shoot out to attack the opponent remotely like other magic. This magic acts on the wearer's fist, and the wearer must directly touch the opponent with his fist to cause damage, that is to say, this ring is actually a melee weapon.

Second, the lethality generated by the ring is related to the speed and strength of the player's punching. The faster the player's attack and speed, the greater the physical damage caused, and the greater the magic lethality generated by the ring. That is to say, if this ring is placed in the hands of a player who can't fight in close combat, it is basically useless. chu.

This is the reason why the seller sold this ring. This equipment is basically a chicken rib in the hands of people who can't fight. Magic can be learned by reciting a spell, but melee fighting can't be learned in a day or two. After discovering this equipment, Tang Xianxian made full use of her status and reputation. Du, I bought it at a price that is not too expensive.

The people who harm the country call this ring the 'ring of love'!

Of course, Lin Yuchen has to bring such equipment, and it must be brought!